The Relic of Lost Arch

The Relic of Lost Arch
The Relic of Lost Arch
You are a bird, and you are also a treasure hunter with plenty of past experience, proven by your relics collected and sold to others.

However, you seem to have run out of treasures to find, as no rumors of "powerful relics" have been going around from other fellow treasure hunters and people who have come to buy your relics for considerably large quantities of money.

Maybe you should let the requests sit around for a while, and see if anything pops up. Alas, nothing does for a few months.

Maybe it's time to throw in the towel. You should probably go write about your previous adventures, and save the rest of your remaining money to move somewhere else.

Sitting in your office, you started remembering the challenges you've overcome. You've climbed a mountain that thrown numerous brutal snowstorms at your body, and you have managed to survive storms in the middle of the ocean, just on a rowboat. Your body and feathers has taken a lot of abuse. Yeah, you should give it a break and clock out of this job.

Before you packed up to leave, you look at your email inbox on the monitor, to see if there is anything else to do. There is a email with the name "I've got a new relic for you to hunt" from a unknown address.

Interested, you open the email. The screen presents text, accompanied with a image of some kind of map. You recognize it as a nautical chart, with a red circle on it.

"Go here. Its deep, but once you find a big temple, go inside it. Good luck - LostArch"

LostArch...? It seems a opening has presented itself. There's no way you can let this go. You're going to do this for the challenge, not the money. For the good old times.

You're still in the office. Your supplies are still here, and you should probably get ready to leave.

However, you have time to spare. Just enough to reply to let them know you're going after this.

What should you say before you get ready to leave?

box's new adventure:
[Image: vVzI9Xm.png]
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RE: The Relic of Lost Arch
Let's not throw caution to the wind, here. Surely there are some relics you've kept for yourself - what are they?

Tell them you're on your way, but that you're wary of being deceived.
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[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: The Relic of Lost Arch
>Hmm, seems a lil short.
>how about we search up this LostArch guy on the interwebs, huh?
RE: The Relic of Lost Arch
>Leave a crude graffiti tag on the company fridge.
RE: The Relic of Lost Arch
Justice Watch Wrote: »Let's not throw caution to the wind, here. Surely there are some relics you've kept for yourself - what are they?

There's a torn banner, with a red background, and some kind of symbol on it. It's the banner you found in Arelton, the city of all history.

You also have a glass orb that can somehow peer into the future to their death. You found this in the Acitella Peaks, just off the plains of Acitella.

Those are the only notable ones, however. The rest look like boring, uninteresting ones. Except for the one that can turn from a katana to a whip. That one was cool.

Myeth Wrote: »>how about we search up this LostArch guy on the interwebs, huh?

Maybe you should research LostArch, before you do anything else. Searching it up, there's nothing on it, except one site.

You go to the site. You're presented with a text and a image of a temple.

"Welcome to Lost Arch, the old temple devoted to the blade."

There's contact details. However, its useless to you since you have been contacted. You wouldn't want to contact a different email without knowing its another person.

Justice Watch Wrote: »Tell them you're on your way, but that you're wary of being deceived.

You type in this: "I'm getting this thing. I'll tell you when I get it."

You grab your adventure pack, and you exit the room. You're presented with a hall that extends to the right to a elevator. To the left, not so much.

This hall has numerous doors on the sides. This is the office floor.
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[Image: vVzI9Xm.png]
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RE: The Relic of Lost Arch
Well. Is there anyone you work with who might want in on this? Maybe a rival you need to be wary of? It would be good to check in on them before you go.
RE: The Relic of Lost Arch
Yes. Who else has received this email?
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[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: The Relic of Lost Arch
Justice Watch Wrote:Who else has received this email?

Before you do anything, you check your extra-durable phone. Opening the email, being somewhat tech savvy, you check if anyone else has received this email.

Seems like no one else has. That's odd. That means rivals are out of the picture.

Dragon Fogel Wrote:Is there anyone you work with who might want in on this? Maybe a rival you need to be wary of? It would be good to check in on them before you go.

You usually go alone of adventures like this, but this time, you should probably bring a friend. Bringing a friend when you're not sure the relic exists is a nice backup in case you ever mess up, and almost die.

There's Zachary, the fish-scientist guy. Some people say that he came from a lab, some people say he was blessed with magic. Nobody however really knows where he's come from.

Zachary showed you Amber, the weird... dog that fell from the sky. He claims that Amber came from another universe, as well as another person that's a gray cat, but that story is for another time he says.

He owns the relic of the "Glass Hat", a literal hat made out of glass. The hat can materialize anything Amber can imagine. Oh, and you've heard it can talk to the user. He's been almost caught by numerous police departments, and a bounty hunter.

However, these guys live in Decadon City, in the Acitella plains. They don't usually come to Port Rezno, which is just off the city of Rezno City.

You also have Sparky and Flux, a duo that can't be separated, regardless of what you do. Sparky has electrical powers, so you might need hi- Wait a second, electricity doesn't mix well with water. He's out of the mix.

Then you have Flux, a past-time mouse. Past-time mice are more accustomed to their ancestors, who are more in-tune with magic than modern, taller mice. He uses magnetic magic, with metal tonfas.

He uses them as boomerangs almost, but only at close to medium range. Otherwise, they're normal tonfas.

They live in Rezno City, which means they're pretty close. That's good.

Rezno City is just half an hour away from Port Rezno. You can pick them up if you needed to.

You'd also need to contact a friend of yours who works on the docks for a boat, Wesly. Wesly is also a fish, but you do know his backstory. He's been granted magic that lets him breath on air, and stand on two legs. Only one of the few that can stand on land, for the matter of fact.

Well, who to contact first?
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[Image: vVzI9Xm.png]
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RE: The Relic of Lost Arch
Give Amber a call, and then Wesly.
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[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: The Relic of Lost Arch
Magnets are helpful. Let's shoot Flux a message, too (though the guy's often busy).
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RE: The Relic of Lost Arch
kilozombie Wrote:Magnets are helpful. Let's shoot Flux a message, too (though the guy's often busy).

Yeah, magnets are helpful. Trying to call Flux, all you get is a answering machine.

Lets try texting him. Sending a text that says "can you come to Port Rezno?" is simple, as you hit the "send" button.

A moment later, you receive a response. "what for?"
"relic hunting"
"well you're gonna have to bring sparky"
...Oh yeah, they can't be separated. Lets come back to him.

Justice Watch Wrote:Give Amber a call, and then Wesly.

You never asked for Amber's number. Its on your phone for whatever reason.

Calling him, he picks up after a short time. "Hello?" Amber asks.

You respond, asking him to come to Port Rezno, while informing him of a relic.
"Well, I'm already in Port Rezno. Another relic also sounds interesting. I'm in. Where to?"

You inform him to come to the docks, since you were going to call Wesly.

"Sure." He hangs up after that.

Time to call Wesly. You try calling the boat dealer he works at, since its 10 AM. He also picks up the phone, only after a bit of constant ringing.
"Hello, Port Rezno Boat Dealer here, I'm Wesly."

Glad to know its Wesly. You tell him if you can get a boat for relic hunting.

"O-Oh, didn't know it was you Dusty. Sorry about that. Yeah, I can give you a boat. On the house."
You also ask him if he wants to come with you.

"For a relic? ...Maybe. We'll see when you get there." One more thing to add, you describe that a white dog with a glass hat is coming with you.

"Oh, you mean Amber? Alright then, you might need a bigger boat if you're going to hold multiple people. I'll tell the details later. See you there." Wesly hangs up.

Maybe you should go text Sparky and Flux once you get to the dock. Otherwise, you should get going.

Going down the stairs and exiting the building, you are presented with a bright sunny day, with the warmth shining onto you. It smells like sea water, since the docks are just down a hill. The waters look calm today, which is good. You don't wanna get swept into the ocean during a storm. Clouds aren't disrupting the sun's comforting warmth either. That's a good thing.

You also have options before you have to go to the dock. Now is your chance to grab anything else you want to bring during this treasure hunt.
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[Image: vVzI9Xm.png]
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RE: The Relic of Lost Arch
Well, you should at least tell Flux there's going to be a lot of water. They'll either turn it down on that basis or figure something out for Sparky.

Can't hurt to ask, anyways.
RE: The Relic of Lost Arch
Dragon Fogel Wrote:Well, you should at least tell Flux there's going to be a lot of water.

Texting Flux, you warn him that there's going to be tons of water.
"well, sparky is fine around water unless he has his electric sword out, so we can come. what time and what place?"
You tell him that they should meet up at the docks as soon as possible.
"alright then, catch you there"

Well, that's good to know that you have a established party at this point. You have other people to rely on, in case anything bad happens to one of your friends, or you.

Checking the time, its now 11AM. You should probably get going now.

However, before you started leaving for the docks, you feel a sudden hunger wash over you, and it's annoying you. You should go eat, and have a coffee, as from past experiences, this kind of stuff is tiring. Very tiring.
box's new adventure:
[Image: vVzI9Xm.png]
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RE: The Relic of Lost Arch
Grab your huge coffee thermos, a big handful of chocolate-covered coffee beans, a couple of scones, and a few spare caffeine pills in case your constant tiredness starts to be a problem.
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
RE: The Relic of Lost Arch
Stock up on protein-filled snacks, also. Maybe meet up and have lunch with the crew before you head out.
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[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: The Relic of Lost Arch
kilozombie Wrote:Grab your huge coffee thermos, a big handful of chocolate-covered coffee beans, a couple of scones, and a few spare caffeine pills in case your constant tiredness starts to be a problem.

You have a chocolate bar which you can melt for more energy somewhere, but no coffee beans. ...maybe you can fly to your house real quick and grab some, if you even have any. Maybe the office has some, but you doubt that. You still have your thermos though.

Caffeine pills are essential to any adventurer's pack. If you don't have a coffee or something to wake you up during a treasure hunt, its proven that more accidents happen while tired... at least in cars. Treasure hunting is basically the same thing. You don't wanna die to exhaustion, since it can lead into way worse problems.

Scones are nice to have. You can strike off two things to do at once, since the coffee store sells scones and provides coffee. The store is right beside you to your left, and the hill is to your right which leads to the docks.

Entering the store, you don't see much of a line. The left line has nobody in it, which you deduct to be better to be in the shorter line, since you have less time to wait for. You are greeted by a dog with a apron on, and a hat, with the name "Storen's Coffee" on them. "Hi, welcome to Storen's Coffee. What could I do for ya'?" He says with a static, friendly wave. Asking for a fill up of your thermos, you hand him it and he gives you a thumbs up.

A few moments later, he hands you back the coffee filled thermos. You also buy some scones before you leave, handing the smooth plastic bills you have.

Exiting the building, you're yet again greeted with the brilliant sun.

Justice Watch Wrote:Stock up on protein-filled snacks, also. Maybe meet up and have lunch with the crew before you head out.

You already have plenty of protein bars, which is good. You got them for free from a worker at the office.

You're also meeting up at the docks, but there's plenty of time to setup before you go. This is the best chance to get anything else before you leave with your treasure hunting party.

However, you're still hungry. Those scones might stave off that hunger for a bit, so you eat a couple.
box's new adventure:
[Image: vVzI9Xm.png]
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RE: The Relic of Lost Arch
Well, you have nothing else to do for the meantime. Time to head to the docks.

You have the advantage of taking flight, as you jump up and fly up into the sky. The air is fresher up here than down in the streets, which is nice after being in a bunch of buildings for most of your time. Heading to the docks, the smell of fresh water gets stronger.

Being up here is exhilarating, as its a refreshing experience for you. Your wings have been dusty for too long, and you finally get to shake it off. Except your arms are your wings. So that's a thing to keep in mind, don't hold anything while flying.

Flying over most of the buildings are nice as well, since it reminds you how small this community is, but it still has a big personality.

It only takes a few minutes to get anywhere you need to go, since birds are superior in transportation.

After a bit, you see the docks below you, as well as the boat dealership. That's where Wesly resides when he's working.

With a audible thunk noise when you landed on the wooden docks, you're right beside the boat dealership. Through the window, you can see his fishy presence.

Opening the door, a friendly bell rings, knowing anyone who works here that someone has entered the building.

"Hey, hows it going? I thought you were going to bring someone else here." He asks. You explain that you're early.

"Ah, ok. Well, I'll give them time then. Any more?"

You tell them there's also a duo coming. "Ok then, four people..." He's looking down at some paper work, writing some stuff down. He finally finishes and clicks his pen.

"Ok, I've got a boat checked out for you for 4 people. On the house." He hands you the piece of paper that he just finished filling out.

On the paper tells you which dock the boat is in. "Well, you wanna check out your boat now Dusty? Or later? I can talk, I've got time."

Well, you're not sure what the boat looks like. Maybe you should check out the boat first.
box's new adventure:
[Image: vVzI9Xm.png]
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RE: The Relic of Lost Arch
Talk while you head to the boat.
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