Sack Boogies Chat Shack

Sack Boogies Chat Shack
Sack Boogies Chat Shack
Sack Boogies is an adventure about catching Sack Boogies, illustrated using MS Paint.

This thread is for talking with me or with others about the plot, setting, writing, "art" or whatever!
RE: The Sack Boogies Chat Hole
Are we able to generate potential Boogies for submission?
RE: The Sack Boogies Chat Hole
Definitely! Coming up with relevant puns/portmanteaus is more difficult than I'd predicted.
RE: The Sack Boogies Chat Hole
I'll continue to revive old memes! Next on my docket is to "Lick the darkness."

I didn't expect the Dennisward suggestion to actually be used, by-the-by, but another character to interact with is pretty neat. So I'm glad I suggested it.
RE: The Sack Boogies Chat Hole
I was going to say something about arson and ingestion, but remembered that Bingo already ate some eggs, so we're halfway there.
RE: The Sack Boogies Chat Hole
Sack boogies is transcendental.

I don't have anything else to say you're just making gold over here.
RE: The Sack Boogies Chat Hole
Thank you, Vie!

(06-13-2018, 09:54 AM)btp Wrote: »Are we able to generate potential Boogies for submission?
I've been trying to think of good transformations lately...

Maybe something like
Larvellum -> Pupyrus -> Cantvas

And if we ever need a bird-primate hybrid, I'm covered.
Falkong -> Kestrelopithicus -> Neanderthawk -> Bubo Sapiens
RE: Sack Boogies Chat Shack
Well if we are thinking evolutionary lines here’s a Flambert surrounded by Embernies.
[Image: 5t6Sh9A.jpg]

I also really like Bardvaark but I haven’t settled on a design.
RE: Sack Boogies Chat Shack
Is the next stage in their evolution Infermit?
RE: Sack Boogies Chat Shack
[Image: 2Ce0WyZ.png]

Stappler and Walldorf.
RE: Sack Boogies Chat Shack
I have an idea!


oh, and void-types, wHY not

[Image: PBxWmBw.png]
[Image: Fu2tbmz.png] owo whats this???
RE: Sack Boogies Chat Shack
FLATO -> FAWNSINK -> BENNISON (deer-plates)
CLUCKOO ->TIDEBORD (clock-birds)
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Sack Boogies Chat Shack
[Image: phygXOH.png]

RE: Sack Boogies Chat Shack
Sometimes I fear what you're capable of doing, Thriggle.
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: Sack Boogies Chat Shack
(06-18-2018, 02:33 AM)thriggle Wrote: »Of course, 39 also stood out because the kid refused to wear any clothing besides a hat (and occasionally a cape).

I really love the implication that any time we see a character without explicitly drawn clothes, it's not because the clothes are just not drawn, it's because they're butt naked.

Poor Dennis.
RE: Sack Boogies Chat Shack
Heheh, I wasn't sure if anybody would catch that
RE: Sack Boogies Chat Shack
Is Bingo going to wear clothes one day? Probally not. Honestly our trust cap save us more than once, tho.
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: Sack Boogies Chat Shack
About the PLATELETS evolving into a BOWLDOZER, but being unable to catch a BOWLDOZER even if it is subdued, how does that work out? Would it just permanently not be in the sack if the PLATELET evolved after Dennis catches it?
RE: Sack Boogies Chat Shack
The transformed bowldozer would already be bound to the Boogie Sack, so it would willingly umbrificate to allow it to fit into the sack. A subdued one on the other hand wouldn't resist being put into the sack, but simply wouldn't fit.

For example, Dennis's annoisy transformed from a smaller Sack Boogie, but it'd be too big for her to catch in the wild.

There might be specialty Boogie Sacks out there for catching large Sack Boogies, but they're not too common. Most Boogie Sacks were created many generations ago using techniques since lost to time, though there are those who actively pursue the New Science and attempt recreate them.
RE: Sack Boogies Chat Shack
I put this together about a week ago, but I figure I should share it here too.

This adventure was a fun romp and 2018 eagle-talk recordings really enjoyed hyping it up!
RE: Sack Boogies Chat Shack
Oh my goodness
RE: Sack Boogies Chat Shack
If you ever wanted to play your own version of Sack Boogies, I created a scenario for it in AI Dungeon: