Don't open the door

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Don't open the door
Don't open the door
You're in a room.
There is a door with a sign on it that reads "DON'T OPEN THE DOOR".

What do you do ?
RE: Don't open the door

The sign.

Either that, or look around the room and see what else is in here. One of the two.
RE: Don't open the door
(08-21-2017, 02:30 PM)Dis_Aster Wrote: »Open...

The sign.

Either that, or look around the room and see what else is in here. One of the two.

You look at the sign but fail to understand how to open it, because it's just a piece of paper taped to the door, so you decide to look around you instead.

The room is completely empty. There is nothing here beside you, the door, and four perfectly white walls. When you look up you see a couple fluorescent lamps that are too high for you to reach. You can't seem to find the light switch anywhere though.
RE: Don't open the door
Flip the sign over!
RE: Don't open the door
>Don't open the door ! ... go all kool aid man and burst through a wall instead. Oh yeah !
RE: Don't open the door
>Maybe just... Check the doorknob, you know, see if its locked, see if you even could open the door... Thats harmless enough, yeah?
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Don't open the door
Smurfton Wrote:Flip the sign over!
You try to flip the sign over but since it is just a piece of paper taped to the door you end up ripping it in half. There is nothing on the other side of the sign, but at least you now have half a paper page with "OPEN THE DOOR" on it. The "DON'T" is still taped on the wooden door. You carefully fold the paper and put it in your pocket.

smuchmuch Wrote:>Don't open the door ! ... go all kool aid man and burst through a wall instead. Oh yeah !
You're not sure who the kool aid man is but you're pretty sure you can't burst through a wall. Still, you decide to try to bang on each of the walls just to check they are all solid. After a few minutes of banging on each wall, you reach the conclusion that they are all pretty solid.

Arcanuse Wrote:>Maybe just... Check the doorknob, you know, see if its locked, see if you even could open the door... Thats harmless enough, yeah?

All there is left to check here is the door. It's a normal brown wooden door with a round metal doorknob. You can't see the hinges so it probably opens on the outside. You don't see any keyhole either, nor anything to lock the door. Either it's always open or the lock is on the other side of the door. You put your hand on the doorknob.
It is warm to the touch, and oddly enough you feel it is vibrating a little. You can hear a slight buzzing sound coming from the door. You try turning the doorknob and don't feel any resistance. The door is unlocked. You could open it anytime. You just need to pull.

You let go of the knob, and the buzzing sound stops.
RE: Don't open the door
You checked how solid the walls are... but what about the floor?
RE: Don't open the door
Dragon Fogel Wrote:You checked how solid the walls are... but what about the floor?

You look down an check the floor. There is nothing special about it, it looks like solid concrete. It's probably even sturdier than the walls.

But as you look down, you realise you don't actually have shoes. You've been barefoot the entire time. Why don't you have your shoes ?
And then, you start to wonder : how did you even get here ..?
And who are you ?

You're starting to freak out a little.
RE: Don't open the door
> Check your person for anything you could throw at the lights.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: Don't open the door
> Try to figure out what you are. After all, you might not even be human, given the weirdness of this situation.
RE: Don't open the door
Heyoceama Wrote:> Check your person for anything you could throw at the lights.

You check your clothes and pocket but find nothing to throw at the light. You're wearing a plain white shirt and grey pants, and your pockets are empty except for the piece of paper you took earlier... You decide to remove your shirt and roll it into a ball before throwing at the lights.
You succesfully hit one of the luminescent tube. It falls on the ground and breaks into pieces. You're still barefoot, there are sharp pieces of glass everywhere on the floor, and the room is now only half as bright as before. You could try to break the remaining light but you're not sure you want to be in a room that's completely dark.

Then, as you're putting your shirt back on, you notice something. There is something written on your chest.


You rub it with your hand but the number won't go away. You think it might be a tattoo. All this is getting really weird.

CeruleanSky Wrote:> Try to figure out what you are. After all, you might not even be human, given the weirdness of this situation.

You sit on the floor and try to remember who you are. You think you're human, you've seen your body and it looked pretty human to you, and you've got no idea what else you could be. However, you fail to remember your name or anything else about you. You feel tears welling up in your eyes.

You really want to get out of here.
RE: Don't open the door
> Is there anything else in the room aside from yourself and the light? Is there any other door besides the one with the sign on it?
RE: Don't open the door
The One Guy Wrote:> Is there anything else in the room aside from yourself and the light? Is there any other door besides the one with the sign on it?

Once again you look around the room, but can't find anything else. There is only the remaining light on the ceiling and the door here. You look at the door again.

It's just a normal regular wooden door.

There was indeed a sign that said not to open it, but that doesn't mean something bad will happen if you do.
For all you know, this could just be a closet or something...

You're getting more and more curious about what's behind this door.
RE: Don't open the door
>Try sliding the piece of paper that you ripped off the door underneath the door halfway and then pull it back out. Also, if nothing happens, try knocking on the door.
RE: Don't open the door
CeruleanSky Wrote:>Try sliding the piece of paper that you ripped off the door underneath the door halfway and then pull it back out. Also, if nothing happens, try knocking on the door.

You go closer to the door and pull the piece of paper you took earlier from your pocket. As you crouch to try and slide it underneath the door, you realise you can't do it, because there is no space between the floor and the door.

You're a bit disappointed, but there is nothing you can do about it. You put the paper back in your pocket and stand up. Then you knock on the door.
You hear the sound of your knocks echoing behind the door for almost a minute, before fading out.
Suddenly, you hear a very loud bang behind the door that makes the whole room shake, and you fall down on your ass.

What the fuck was that ?
RE: Don't open the door
>Grab a shard of glass on the ground using the shirt and get as far from the door as you can without being cornered. If something comes barreling through that door, you don't wanna be trapped between it and the wall.
RE: Don't open the door
Does the doorknob have a lock?
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Don't open the door
CeruleanSky Wrote:>Grab a shard of glass on the ground using the shirt and get as far from the door as you can without being cornered. If something comes barreling through that door, you don't wanna be trapped between it and the wall.

You quickly use your shirt to grab the biggest shard of glass you can find, then run to one of the corner of the room opposite to the door. You hold the glass fragment in front of you and face the door, waiting for whatever is trying to come through it.

FlanDab Wrote:Does the doorknob have a lock?

You wish you could lock the door, but as you noticed before there is no way to lock it. If something wants to go through that door, there is no way you can stop it.

Your body starts to shake with fear, and your throat feels dry. There is cold sweat running down your back. You brace yourself, waiting for the moment the door bursts open, but nothing happens. The door stays closed.

Maybe the thing on the other side left ?
RE: Don't open the door
>Try calling out to... anyone or anything that could hear you really.
RE: Don't open the door
> As quietly as possible, slowly move towards the door, knock again, and then quickly move back to the corner.
RE: Don't open the door
smuchmuch Wrote:>Try calling out to... anyone or anything that could hear you really.
You decide to try calling for help. You yell as loud as you can :

"Hey, is there anyone that can hear me ? Hello ? I'm trapped in a room ! HELP !"

Your voice echoes against the walls, but only silence answers you. You're starting to feel very lonely.

CeruleanSky Wrote:> As quietly as possible, slowly move towards the door, knock again, and then quickly move back to the corner.

You slowly get closer to the door, and decide to knock again. You knock once, then run back to your corner of the room while brandishing the shard of glass in front of you.

"Hello ? Is someone there ?" asks a voice on the other side of the door. You think it's a girl's voice.

At first the surprise of hearing somebody startles you, but then you quickly feel better. It feels like it's been forever since somebody talked to you. For the first time since you've awaken in this room, you're smiling.
RE: Don't open the door
> Answer the voice, but still remain cautious. It is possible that we are dealing with something that can mimic a human's voice.
RE: Don't open the door
just open the goddamn door already jesus it isn't that hard
RE: Don't open the door
At least tape up the paper saying OPEN THE DOOR and take down the DON'T.