everyone who replies to this thread gets a hand drawn crayon drawing

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everyone who replies to this thread gets a hand drawn crayon drawing
everyone who replies to this thread gets a hand drawn crayon drawing
except btp


[Image: crayon%201.png]

[Image: crayon%202.png]

[Image: crayon%203.png]

[Image: crayon%204.png]

kaynato (best so far):
[Image: crayon%205.png]

[Image: crayon%206.png]

[Image: crayon%207.png]

Now I remember why I always preferred colored pencils in kindergarten. It's really fucking difficult to get crayons to do what you want.
RE: everyone who replies to this thread gets a hand drawn crayon drawing
I'm guessing this is your drag race thread, don't forget to link it in the rules thread.
RE: everyone who replies to this thread gets a hand drawn crayon drawing
(08-13-2016, 07:28 PM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »I'm guessing this is your drag race thread, don't forget to link it in the rules thread.

[Image: crayon%201.png]
RE: everyone who replies to this thread gets a hand drawn crayon drawing
Very cool drawing!

HOWEVER, seeing how someone wants to make sure the rules are enforced, it seems fair to point out that, according to the rules of the drag race, you're not allowed to post in here unless in direct response to a post I've made.

I think you're gonna have to hold all of those crafty crayon posts until Tuesday!
RE: everyone who replies to this thread gets a hand drawn crayon drawing
my gut says the proper punishment for breaking the very, very simple rules is instant forfeiture because the only officially-sanctioned method of enforcement is another drag race and we don't want an infinite regress. however, in the name of fun, i will simply disqualify that one post from the final count and allow the competition to resume — this time.

(i might suggest you private message people's drawings to them from here on out)
RE: everyone who replies to this thread gets a hand drawn crayon drawing
I would love a picture, maybe you could edit it into the OP?
RE: everyone who replies to this thread gets a hand drawn crayon drawing
Have the good fun, a52, I cheer you onward.
RE: everyone who replies to this thread gets a hand drawn crayon drawing
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RE: everyone who replies to this thread gets a hand drawn crayon drawing
a powerful challenge
RE: everyone who replies to this thread gets a hand drawn crayon drawing
(08-13-2016, 11:47 PM)btp Wrote: »Very cool drawing!

HOWEVER, seeing how someone wants to make sure the rules are enforced, it seems fair to point out that, according to the rules of the drag race, you're not allowed to post in here unless in direct response to a post I've made.

I think you're gonna have to hold all of those crafty crayon posts until Tuesday!

Well, maybe. Look at the top of the thread.
RE: everyone who replies to this thread gets a hand drawn crayon drawing
All very lovely!! Thank you for your contribution to the community, a52 :)
RE: everyone who replies to this thread gets a hand drawn crayon drawing
RE: everyone who replies to this thread gets a hand drawn crayon drawing
Aviator, and wonderful job :>
RE: everyone who replies to this thread gets a hand drawn crayon drawing
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RE: everyone who replies to this thread gets a hand drawn crayon drawing
What the heck I'll bite
RE: everyone who replies to this thread gets a hand drawn crayon drawing
i am hungry.

[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: everyone who replies to this thread gets a hand drawn crayon drawing
(08-16-2016, 10:55 AM)Sruixan Wrote: »...so we're missing Lust, Pride and Greed, right? We need to figure out how to pass just one of these... which means we need to start shitposting wildly again. Obviously.

(08-16-2016, 10:56 AM)Sruixan Wrote: »[Image: NZEYC8P.jpg]

(08-16-2016, 12:24 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »$u$
RE: everyone who replies to this thread gets a hand drawn crayon drawing
import os

going = True

print "Hello!"

    print "Enter ONE to enter the first screen."
    print "Enter TWO to enter the second screen."
    print "Enter THREE to end program."
    getScreen = raw_input()
    if getScreen == "ONE":
        os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear')
        print "Welcome to screen ONE!"
    elif getScreen == "TWO":
        os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear')
        print "Welcome to screen TWO!"
    elif getScreen == "THREE":
        going = False
        os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear')
        print "Welcome to the WRONG INPUT screen!"
RE: everyone who replies to this thread gets a hand drawn crayon drawing
nice drawings, nice puns, nice bait
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: everyone who replies to this thread gets a hand drawn crayon drawing
me n e x t