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RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (42/67)
still don't like fake activation
still vote nottles

our boon should be to vote to resurrect one player per day :3
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (42/67)
ohhh crap i edited
truley awful
/me sobs
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (42/67)
What kind of murderfia would this be if people didn't stay murdered?

/me looks at zombrel

/me wonders if zombrel is contagious

/me wonders if zombrel was bitten in the night or something
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (42/67)
Ding! That's my vote for the boon. We need zombies. Let's make zombies a thing.
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (42/67)
I'll tell you this: No one could have visited whimsy, I made sure of that. So she must have visited someone else. Whoever she visited is obviously not owning up. Therefore zombies are Bad News for all of us.
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (42/67)

Pinary takes the rap retort like the SWAGGEST OF PLAYERS, uncharacteristically quiet as some irreverent plebs get distracted by a phone booth - even when time itself stops and starts. He raises a single fist into the air, the other at his temple to raise his shutter shades.

His thumb jabs out like a switchblade knife, steady as the horizon with which it seems to align.

He grins. Thumbs up to the one who rose to his challenge, for it has been met with style and aplomb. The spirit of the Callout Playa has been put to rest.

Sruixan has won the RAP BATTLE, and may now privately request a personal BOON from the Moderator. He also earns immunity to all negative night and day actions until the start of D3.

And then Pinary is summarily executed by forces unknown, reality screeching as though it were stabbed right through the Playa's stage.

Pinary has CONCEDED.

Pinary was Fighting Trousers, by Professor Elemental. A sentient piece of music and as such found in Songfia, he could challenge a player in-thread to a RAP BATTLE. The winner would be promised riches, but the loser would suffer a grisly fate befitting the TRUE GRIT that was rap battles.

He was a TOWN CALLOUT PLAYER and would win when all enemies of the town were eliminated.

Day continues as usual.
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (42/67)
I think the takeaway from this is that I should not be allowed to do things
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)

Schazer Wrote:I kinda forgot I was running a game guys


Vote Schazer
[Image: sig.gif]
(04-11-2014, 12:35 AM)Schazer Wrote: »pffft dingle your pringles more like hop on your popcorn
(06-03-2014, 03:10 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »DON'T EDIT POSTS YOU'LL GET MODKILLED wait a minute.
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
But if Schazer dies, we are all doomed!
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
Lynching the Mod is a permissible boon, if a (exact Lynch+Soft lynch) majority of the lynch mob agrees to it.

Lynching the Mod is not recommended; for further details, please consult Sruixan.

With 41 alive, it takes 21 to lynch, 11 to soft lynch, and 31 to Lynch the Mod.

遊びは終わりだ! (3) - Anacreon, Pick Yer Poison, seastormjt
Boogeyman (1) - Btp
btp (2) - No Lynch, Akumu
GeneX (1) - SounlyParanoid
granolaman (2) -Sruixan, Not The Author
No Lynch (1) - Seedy
Not The Author (3) - Granolaman, Elize, Crowstone, TehPilot, BetterWargles
Palamedes (2) - Airey, Epamynondas
seastormjt (5) - GeneX, Whoosh!, Cyber95, Luneix
TehPilot (3) - Palamedes, Coldblooded, Agentblue
No Lynch (1) - Mathgirl277
Schazer (1) - 遊びは終わりだ!

Abstaining: Anomaly, BestTeaMaker, Bigro, Boogeyman, Chwoka, deadcrystal, Doodley, Fragowump, Leafsw0rd, Malkytop, Mehgamehn, Mr. Arsenic Nog, myw, Piester, ProfessorLizzrd, Seawyrm

Arguing over a week-old potato

Airey (1) - Airey
Crowstone (1) - Crowstone
deadcrystal (1) - Deadcrystal
Mehgamehn (1) - Not The Author
Sruixan (1) - SoundlyParanoid
TehPilot (13) - Granolaman, Sruixan, Mathgirl, Whoosh!, ProfessorLizzard, Cyber95, Akumu, Epamynondas, Coldblooded, Palamedes, Mehgamehn, Luneix, Elize

Abstaining: 遊びは終わりだ!, Agentblue, Anacreon, Anomaly, BestTeaMaker, Bigro, Boogeyman, btp, Chwoka, Doodley, Fragowump, GeneX, Leafsw0rd, Luneix, Malkytop, Mr. Arsenic Nog, myw, No Lynch, Piester, Pick Yer Poison, Seawyrm, Seastormjt, Seedy, TehPilot, witterBeetles
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
[Image: sig.gif]
(04-11-2014, 12:35 AM)Schazer Wrote: »pffft dingle your pringles more like hop on your popcorn
(06-03-2014, 03:10 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »DON'T EDIT POSTS YOU'LL GET MODKILLED wait a minute.
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
We won't be able to lynch her today and she knows it. No Lynch's vote's frozen, we've got 3 people stuck in night mode, and between 6-10 inactive players. Even if everyone agreed to it, we wouldn't get the numbers today. Save lynching the mod for tomorrow when it's easier.

(0 posts today: Anomaly, BestTeaMaker, Doodley, Nog, piester, Seawyrm)
(1 posts today: Leafsw0rd, deadcrystal, btp, Chwoka)

(Incidentally, I also advise killing the above players tonight for those of you with night kills)

Also Agen for the love of God, Whimbrel's dead. Schazer was referencing a song when she did those votals. Click the link for more information.
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
we are NOT lynching the mod, the end of trainwreck was fun and all but I hardly wish to repeat it

hmm, we have a softlynch? if not, we should ask for one. ooh, or deadline votes...

oh also the dartshooting thing was gr9 as far as I can tell. I can't guarantee the nature of future darts but right now I think the shooter is a cool pal who we should not try and kill
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)

(04-10-2013, 05:08 AM)Schazer Wrote: »Lynching the Mod is not recommended; for further details, please consult Sruixan.

Well yes, I suppose I probably am the world's foremost expert on moderator deposition (and also what happens when you take over afterwards), so I can certainly admonish going for it, especially given what happened in the former linked example, the spiritual precursor to this game. If you guys feel silly enough to see it through, however, then I'm hardly in a position to stop you. Just make sure you've got someone willing to prise the reins out of her cold, dead hands (that isn't wheat because he scares me right now and I'm bloomin' invincible).

Anyways, back to the business of being awesome. We've got a boon, I've got a boon, boons are coming out of the walls. I do like Agen's suggestion, for the record; I personally am tempted to do something silly with mine, a stance that surprises absolutely nobody. I'll give it some thought...

(Vote: Not The Author because hnrgh)

(oh and Greg would like to know if anyone is interested in seeing his holiday snaps; he'll likely just throw a slideshow at you later regardless but he's being a polite little spud, bless him)
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
(ha I just sat down an decrypted all the garbled flavour from Extreme Trainwreck D7)

(past me is always a crafty, obscure-reference obsessed bugger regardless of the reference timeframes involved)

(also gogdammit I really wish I'd wrestled control back from Kíeros in that brief window where I had the chance but noooooo I went and watched Wimbledon instead)

(remind me to host a clusterfuck at some point after May 15th)
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
I want to see Greg do stuff.

Also the boon should be letting Malky talk during the day
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
Potato: Schazer

[Image: c48AoKl.png?1]
I make game: site | itch
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (42/67)

Sweet sound equipent for the rave and hypothetical future rap battles, please.

Also I have had enough of this impostor, Vote Wheat. You better start being in the game some more so that you have a chance at defending yourself because I am coming for you.
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
I thought wheat was dead, 'cause he kept posting in spoilers. Is that just his thing?
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
He is allegedly (and twice modconfirmed or something) Not In This Game.

a.k.a. inkblot
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
I can go for Vote: Not The Author I guess, better some lynch then no lynch. They even keep trying to get us to kill each other!

Palamedes Wrote:Of course, it could just as easily be a joke of their part. Unfortunately, I would dearly like for a lynch to actually go through, and people seem to need a gentle push to actually get around to it. Hopefully that will do.
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
Aw, Greg was hoping for a bigger audience. It's been awfully quiet in here today; I do hope the protracted day doesn't do a number on our determination and drive... nevertheless, here we go:

On Saturday, the weather was absolutely gorgeous, so I took the opportunity to snap some photos of some lovely local gardens. Greg simply loves a good adventure, so I smuggled him out in my jacket's inside pocket brought him with me so he could explore the grounds and maybe pretend he was having a jolly fine romp through a jungle. I didn't get many pictures of Greg because I had to be quite covert so as not to bemuse my parents kept getting distracted by the beautiful flowers and landscapes, but he's gone through and found six photos that he think came out really well - he's very excited to share them with you!


dear lord what am I doing/have I done
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
Ya know Sruix, God Save The Queen and all that, but you could make a potatoquest vid. That's be pretty rad.
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
Everyone's just getting a little exhausted. Pines is dead, the phone booth is scaring everyone away, the virus is momentarily contained...

We just need to hurry up and hit the soft lynch on nottles, then wipe out a few less talkative peoples tonight so we can prepare for tomorrow's next big disaster.
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
Oh my god greg is the best

Schazer I want the boon to be something relating to greg, I still want day-talking malky more, sorry greg