Eagle Time

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+---- Thread: MURDERFIA: WOOP ZOOP IT'S CLOBBERING TIME (/showthread.php?tid=412)


Ok so this is the mafia game I was going to run on MSPAF before shit hit the fan. I am now running it here. This is... Trog Demands Blood! MURDER Trog Demands Blood!.

A mafia game where I make a great big list of all the killing roles from all the closed-setup games on the MSPA Forums, then dish them out without rhyme or reason and watch the sparks fly.
  • There will probably be SK's.
  • There will probably be multiple scum teams.
  • There will probably be independent agents of destruction.
  • There may or may not be a town.
  • All players will be a role which had a killing ability in the game it originally featured.
  • This will be an unmitigated, goddamn disaster, and if you take it too seriously I may have to hurt you.
  • Mechanics may be fast and loose.
  • Balance will bhahahahahahahahahahha
  • This is a good game even if you haven't played mafia before because it is not real mafia. It is lots of yelling and screaming and property damage and not enough trying to figure out who the good guys are. There are no good guys.
  • No observerchat. You've seen these roles before.

The rules are the usual:
  • Don't be a jerk.
  • play to win (or play to lose hilariously)
  • Don't take Shit Too Seriously.
  • Don't take Shit Too Personally.
  • Moderator's word is law.
  • Don't talk about the game outside the game.
  • If you need advice about the game (either mafia in general or this game in particular), there are two appropriate people to ask: Me, or Wheat (who has been established five times over as Not Being In This Game). Anyone else risks breaking the previous rule.
  • Keep up with your quicktopic; it's my main port of call for contacting you.
  • Please respect requests for silence, both from fellow players declaring day activations and from the moderator when she can't sort things out in the next five minutes.
  • Please please please do not talk about the game outside the game!
  • Have fun! Leave a beautiful trainwreck behind you.

    The beautiful corpses:
    1. 0_o - Liver Failure, OBLITERATED D1
    2. 遊びは終わりだ! - Uguu Von Kawaii, SHOT D2
    3. AgentBlue
    4. Airey
    5. Akumu
    6. Amosmyn - Charles Montegarde, MODKILLED D2
    7. Anacreon - Timothy Brighters, Lynched N2
    8. Anomaly
    9. btp
    10. Beru - Supersonic, MODKILLED D2
    11. BestTeaMaker
    12. Bigro
    13. Boogeyman - Disgruntled Protector, beat himself to death with a phone booth D2
    14. Cat - MetaNiall, killed N1
    15. Chwoka
    16. Crowstone
    17. Cyber95
    18. Dalmationer - MetaWheat, killed N1
    19. deadCrystal
    20. Doodley
    21. Dragon Fogel - No Children, GUNNED DOWN N1
    22. Coldblooded
    23. Drakenforge - All the Ninjas, Killed N1
    24. Ed - RomSpec Thread, Killed N1
    25. Elize
    26. Epamynondas
    27. Fragowump
    28. Garuru - Dr. Steak, CROOKSECUTED N1
    29. GeneX
    30. gnauga - Right Behind You, SHOTGUNNED N1
    31. Granolaman
    32. Infinity - Dr Edwin Bola, SMOTHERED WITH LOVE D1
    33. Ixcaliber - Satellite, CAME CRASHING DOWN N1
    34. Jacquerel - Foster Erlenbush, Killed N1
    35. Leafsw0rd
    36. LegendaryQ - MetaSolaris, POISON DART'D D1
    37. Luneix
    38. Malkytop
    39. Mathgirl277
    40. Mehga
    41. Mirdini - Multiple-Duckman, MURDERED D1
    42. Mooglegirl - Velvet Berentez, BLUDGEONED N1
    43. Mr. Arsenic Nog
    44. myw
    45. No Lynch
    46. NTA - Brand New Day, POTATO'd D2
    47. Palamedes
    48. Paradoxgamer - Reed Richards, DEVOURED N1
    49. Paranoia - Clumsy Hitman, BRITALISED D2
    50. Pick Yer Poison
    51. Piester - Lolsock, DART'd D2
    52. Pinary - Fighting Trousers, CONCEDED D2
    53. ProfessorLizzard
    54. Purple Walrus - Secret Agent Ninja Carpenter Breakdancing Giraffe, DART'd N1
    55. Red709 FUCK ROULETTE, Profane SK - Apocalypse'd D1
    56. seastormjt
    57. Seawyrm
    58. Seedy
    59. SleepingOrange - Romart Thread, Lynched D1
    60. Solaris - IGNANOO, NECKSNAPPED D2
    61. Sruixan
    62. TehPilot - Amanda Smith, Lynched D2
    63. Vortor - Gojira, SCALPED N1
    64. Batterwaffles
    65. ...wait, this is an inkblot? What's an inkblot doing on the playerlist?
    66. Whimbrel - Ruy Avila Tejada, DEATH RAY'D D2
    67. Whoosh!
    68. Yewchung Willard Poppins, GANGBASHED APPARENTLY N1

The action replay: (flips, notable guest posts, maybe other stuff later)
Day 1 begin - LIVERS - Tactless Missile - Liver failure failure - Deadly embraces - Day 1 end
Night 1 begin - Night 1 end

Day 2 begin - Phonetato decreebooth - Ignanolonger - (attempted) GRAVESLAM - Modkills - The Whim Fandango - Para's mal(a)diction - RAP BATTLE COMMENCE - Repartee time - This blow(dart)s - Do a victory rap - The MASTERMIND - Not-death of the Not-author - Can't keep a good man down - Day 2 end
Night 2 begin - Night 2 end

RE: MURDERFIA: THE REDEADENING (23/????, Signups open!) - No Lynch - 03-11-2013

Could you sign me up please? I mean... if it's OK. I haven't done this in a while because last time I played it ended pretty badly, but you guys seem pretty cool so it might be different this time.

...I hope.

RE: MURDERFIA: THE REDEADENING (23/????, Signups open!) - ProfessorLizzard - 03-11-2013

I think I promised to sign up for this? In the name of the great space walrus.

RE: MURDERFIA: THE REDEADENING (23/????, Signups open!) - anacreon - 03-11-2013

A clusterfuck? coin me in

RE: MURDERFIA: THE REDEADENING (35/????, Signups open!) - Akumu - 03-12-2013

Okay I'll join this crazy thing

RE: MURDERFIA: THE REDEADENING (23/????, Signups open!) - beruru - 03-12-2013

(03-11-2013, 10:28 AM)No Lynch Wrote: »Could you sign me up please? I mean... if it's OK. I haven't done this in a while because last time I played it ended pretty badly, but you guys seem pretty cool so it might be different this time.

...I hope.

what is this username doing being not me
you want an avatar little buddy?

RE: MURDERFIA: THE REDEADENING (39/????, Signups open!) - Schazer - 03-12-2013

Ok we are close to 40 players and that is fantastic.

I was gunning for 50 though so plenty more time to drag your friends in - this is more a mass-confirmation to anyone who sent me a PM and didn't hear back from me.

RE: MURDERFIA: THE REDEADENING (43/????, Signups open!) - Mooglegirl - 03-12-2013

This is AmberIce, by the way, I'm still not really sure why I decided to go with something different over on MSPAF but I switched back to my usual name here. XP

RE: MURDERFIA: THE REDEADENING (43/????, Signups open!) - amosmyn - 03-13-2013

Sheesh this is big let me in.

RE: MURDERFIA: THE REDEADENING (45/????, Signups open!) - Rivenforge - 03-13-2013

I can do the death thing if needed

RE: MURDERFIA: THE REDEADENING (47/????, Signups open!) - Romythered - 03-13-2013

Schazer I'll throw my hat in
I'd bug you on IRC but you're not on IRC right now

RE: MURDERFIA: THE REDEADENING (49/????, Signups open!) - Pick Yer Poison - 03-13-2013

fuck yes

RE: MURDERFIA: LAST CALL FOR SIGNUPS (50/????) - Schazer - 03-13-2013

And with Pick Yer Poison, we've got 50 players! Well done every(still-breathing)body.

I'll start the godawful process of finalising the list of roles, making quicktopics for people who will need them, and writing up role PMs.

I can still accept players right up until I start the game proper, so don't be shy! There's no better way to get to know someone than by leaving a knife in their back. It's a great icebreaker.

RE: MURDERFIA: LAST CALL FOR SIGNUPS (51/????) - Infrared - 03-13-2013

Alright i'll join this mess.

RE: MURDERFIA: LAST CALL FOR SIGNUPS (51/????) - Kitet - 03-13-2013

i might have joined if i knew what mafia games even were
then again you dont want me in your games, i turn everything into butt-staring contests

RE: MURDERFIA: LAST CALL FOR SIGNUPS (51/????) - Infrared - 03-13-2013

I've asked several times what they were and i never understood, but for some reason i read the wikipedia page and i got the gist of it almost immediately.

I don't know how it works in forum form but it mustn't be complicated

RE: MURDERFIA: LAST CALL FOR SIGNUPS (53/????) - anacreon - 03-14-2013

Jesus christ that list is huge. The question is how many people are gonna die d1 and n1.

RE: MURDERFIA: LAST CALL FOR SIGNUPS (53/????) - Palamedes - 03-14-2013

Obviously this is Bombfia mkII anacreon, don't act suprised.

RE: MURDERFIA: LAST CALL FOR SIGNUPS (53/????) - Schazer - 03-14-2013

It's Bombfia meets Shank a Bitch meets All Stars.

On which note: 62 roles on my List.

We can either find another ten players, or I'm gonna have to trim the boring ones off my list.

I'm still not done looking for roles what the hell is wrong with me

RE: MURDERFIA: LAST CALL FOR SIGNUPS (53/????) - Mooglegirl - 03-14-2013

I say trim the boring ones, I wanna get this thing started. :D

RE: MURDERFIA: THE REDEADENING (23/????, Signups open!) - No Lynch - 03-14-2013

(03-12-2013, 03:52 AM)beruru Wrote: »whoaaa
what is this username doing being not me
you want an avatar little buddy?

Well, I mean, if it's not too much trouble... uh, thanks?

RE: MURDERFIA: LAST CALL FOR SIGNUPS (53/????) - Palamedes - 03-14-2013

I say 62 roles aren't enough Schaz. Honestly I don't know how you think any of us (besides Mooglegirl apparently) are going to be satisfied with such a miniscule number.

If you can't get enough people to fit a more suitable number of roles then just give people multiples.


RE: MURDERFIA: LAST CALL FOR SIGNUPS (53/????) - Solaris - 03-14-2013

no multiples is good yes
lets see how many times i can get daykilled by the same person

on that note it is going to be fucking amazing when you all kill me and im metawheat again

RE: MURDERFIA: LAST CALL FOR SIGNUPS (53/????) - Mooglegirl - 03-14-2013

Pala Wrote:I say 62 roles aren't enough Schaz. Honestly I don't know how you think any of us (besides Mooglegirl apparently) are going to be satisfied with such a miniscule number.
Think about it this way: less roles means more concentrated insanity.

RE: MURDERFIA: LAST CALL FOR SIGNUPS (53/????) - Palamedes - 03-14-2013

Yes maybe but more roles is more general insanity.

And more roles but with the same amount of people instead getting multiple roles is extra concentrated insanity do you not see like Solaris does.