Three-Word Story

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Three-Word Story
RE: Three-Word Story
local police tribe
RE: Three-Word Story
was paying attention.
RE: Three-Word Story
"The true villain
RE: Three-Word Story
was the friends
RE: Three-Word Story
we made along
RE: Three-Word Story
the road to
RE: Three-Word Story
Rome. Now, as
RE: Three-Word Story
Rome wasn't built
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, and is fictional,
RE: Three-Word Story
we should have
RE: Three-Word Story
instead went to
RE: Three-Word Story
Babylon by candlelight,
RE: Three-Word Story
" the speaker concluded.
RE: Three-Word Story
Whoever that was.
RE: Three-Word Story
Probably, it was
RE: Three-Word Story
the speaker behind
RE: Three-Word Story
the left wing
RE: Three-Word Story
American Communist Party
RE: Three-Word Story
of Guinea Bissau.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Three-Word Story
This is incoherent
RE: Three-Word Story
unless you know
RE: Three-Word Story
about the history
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Three-Word Story
of Guinea Bissau.
RE: Three-Word Story
Unfortunately, you don't.
RE: Three-Word Story
You fucking suck