Cards Against Hawkspace

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Cards Against Hawkspace
RE: Cards Against Hawkspace
posting the alphabet


now i know _____

RE: Cards Against Hawkspace
(05-28-2016, 12:07 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »posting the alphabet


now i know _____


All of the above are Sruix Approved! Especially suffering.
RE: Cards Against Hawkspace
______ Shouldn't be a meme

This is test _____. End of message.

Learning so much about ______

Your post almost passed but you forgot _____

Hiding under a desk

the obligatory blank post



Actually knowing what we're doing

Screaming into the endless void

Cold old memes

glitter text

The board of suffering




Posting memes
RE: Cards Against Hawkspace
If at first you don't succeed, try ______

This guy smells the corn

Thirt Squencher

posting the entire alphabet again


Sruixan's bullshit tolerance

liveblogging two hours of ambient porn

God bless the Post Making Contest

reading the entire thread from start to finish

Yeeeeeaaa boooiii still got it! 3
RE: Cards Against Hawkspace
The letter b 3008 times
RE: Cards Against Hawkspace
'(0 w0)'
RE: Cards Against Hawkspace
__________ for moderator of Hawkspace.

We can talk about anything in Hawkspace, except for ____________.

__________ could kick your scrawny ass.

Wheat's new thread "________." teaches us all a little bit about _________.

The real ___________ are the friends we made along the way.

This year's special guest at Eagle-con is ___________.

If Neo New Trollslum is _________ then Gen Chat must be _________.

Do we really need a dedicated subforum for ____________?

Stop posting _________! You're making it lose all meaning!!!

Nobody got my _________ reference. I blame __________.

A post a day keeps Reyweld at __________.

I hit CTRL+V and posted __________.

My hawkroost baby is just _______ fused with _________.

I dropped my Tim Allen photo in __________! Oh noooooo!

We can't have tribal challenges anymore! ________ ruined it for everyone!

Don't feel bad! You have so many great things going for you! Like ...____________

Red Lobster
Typing quirks
A completely genuine and unironic tribute to Homestuck
Them political elections
Something more exciting than chwoka's dick
Ed Helms' sexually magnetic stare
Tim Allen's dumbass face
A precious adorable lovable egg baby.
Wheat crossing DEATH GORGE on a dirt bike.
Grand Battle Babies
A Groundhog Day loop
all the fucks I give
the magic of timezones
Self-imposed sleep deprivation
An inhuman abomination comprised of Loather and Sai
Getting mad at puzzles
Being wrong on the internet
A literal joysplosion
RE: Cards Against Hawkspace
Treating the Post Making Contest like the _____ thread
RE: Cards Against Hawkspace
Sruixan's latest puzzle requires in-depth knowledge of "_________", "________", and "________".
RE: Cards Against Hawkspace
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RE: Cards Against Hawkspace
Like this?
RE: Cards Against Hawkspace
Fucking Julian
RE: Cards Against Hawkspace
Fucking Julian
RE: Cards Against Hawkspace
I've hosted a game, if people are interested

( )
RE: Cards Against Hawkspace
whats the password
RE: Cards Against Hawkspace
RE: Cards Against Hawkspace
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RE: Cards Against Hawkspace
Just realized a couple of obvious black cards we don't have:

"Passes rule 2 due to _____"
"Fails rule 5 due to ______"

Or if either of those is represented on the white cards, replace with rule 4.

And a white card suggestion:
"a scream longer than sixteen characters"
RE: Cards Against Hawkspace
[Image: essential-subforums.png]

All of these clearly need to be implemented as soon as possible.
RE: Cards Against Hawkspace
Oh man, we need subforums for all of those things
RE: Cards Against Hawkspace
Trol Shrekstlevania 2. ft bigro counting from 1 to infinity while shrek is arm-wrestling people in castles
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Cards Against Hawkspace
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RE: Cards Against Hawkspace
for the Postmake Pack:

The worst alphabet
Judging too fast
A technicality

and i feel like 'Regret' is already a card but if not it should be
RE: Cards Against Hawkspace

sruix draws a ___
RE: Cards Against Hawkspace
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