Sai for Moderator of Hawkspace

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Sai for Moderator of Hawkspace
Sai for Moderator of Hawkspace
Thank you so much for coming to this thread. That's so nice. These threads just don't get fair press; they just don't get it. It's just not fair.

Now I have to tell you, I have great respect for the people of Hawkspace. They just want to make the subforum work - they want to make the whole forum work. Also, also great respect for their threads. They're just great, aren't they? They want to post, they want to make shitposts, and that's what we're all here to do. I love the people of Hawkspace. So that's the way it is. Very simple.

Now with that said, Hawkspace is in danger. Our subforum is heading in the wrong direction with a moderator that's doing a terrible job. Our threads are collapsing around us, and - and you just can't find shitposts the way you should. Now, I tell you - and this is all true, by the way - I have to say it. I have to! Pharmdrugs is a terrible moderator, at the end of the day - no, no, let me finish - a terrible moderator, but when you get right down to it - yeah, when you get right down to it, he's a total loser. The Subforum Ideas Topic is broken, and our subforum is in total disarray. Very simple. Our moderator is all talk, no action. It's just all talk, no action! And it's still like that - it never changes.

And I'd be a hands on mod, let me tell ya. A real down in the dirt, post editing mod. You see always, oh we're going to do this, we're going to - nothing ever happens; nothing ever happens. But you put me in charge and you'll see some real changes made, I can tell you that much. Posts will be edited like you wouldn't believe.

Shitposts. Tricks. I've gotten so many new shitposts with my Tricked thread, you wouldn't even believe it. And these are some fantastic shitposts, and not just from the people that would already shitpost here. I get new shitposters and I bring them to the table. They see that they've been tricked, they read the thread, and they respect me for it.

And by the way, especially for the folks here that post so much - shitposts, I mean the shitposts you make are incredible; I don't know if you've been watching what's happening with the deleting of shitposts that goes on in other forums, but it's a mess, and it won't happen here. They're deleting their forums down to nothing. And what's happening is it's making it impossible for you to post there, and I can promise you - I can promise you Hawkspace is always going to be a place that you can post. And they're getting away with it too! I mean you've got these places like the shitpost shantytown and it sounds good but - it sounds good but be careful. Be very careful.

And New New Trollslum. I tell you, we've had an invasion - we've had waves of people coming in from down there. And they're not bringing their best. They're bringing their trollsonas and they're bringing their typing quirks and, I assume, some good people. So I'll tell you what we're going to do. We're going to build a wall between us and Neo New Trollslum. And we're still going to let them in - we're still going to let some of the folks there in, but they have to come in legally. And Neo New Trollslum is going to pay for it! And they will, by the way.

And you know I was talking with Chwoka and he was saying - he was saying how it's never going to happen, they're never going to pay for it, and you know what I said - and this is true, by the way - I said the wall just got ten feet higher. It's true! And in the end, they know they'll pay for it because they need us. They need us, because Hawkspace is rich - it's rich in original content, it's rich in shitposts, and they need that. They need us!

And it's important that we stay rich, by the way. I know that they say - they say that all the moderators want to delete posts. But I don't want to delete posts. I don't! I know that what makes us rich - what makes us successful - is all of the posts that we have. All of the shitposts and the comics and the artwork - all of it is what makes us so successful. It makes us the envy of the world! Get rid of the waste, get rid of the fraud, and we'll be able to afford to keep all of our posts - all of them! Because it's our posts - our shitposts - they're what's going to make us great again.

So if I run for Moderator of Hawkspace and win - and you're going to help me win it. And together, we will Make Hakwspace Great Again. If I become the Moderator of Hawkspace I would totally succeed in:
Creating shitposts
Securing our bottom border - and I mean really securing it
Protecting the postmaking ability that makes us great
Ensuring the continued success of our great threads - our art threads and our original shitpost threads - which are under attack, by the way. They're under attack.
and so many other things. We would succeed so much, it'd make your head spin.

I know what needs to be done to make Hawkspace Great Again. We can make this subforum great again. The potential is enormous. And I am seriously thinking of running for moderator because I can do the job. Thank you all so very much. Thank you very much, everybody. Thank you. Beautiful. Thank you.
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: Sai for Moderator of Hawkspace
does this make gen chat canada
RE: Sai for Moderator of Hawkspace
Listen, I love General Chat, it's a beautiful place, and I'm not going to put up a wall on the General Chat border. The posters of General Chat, they - they have a system, and it works for them and similar systems have worked elsewhere on the web and that's great. Honestly, it's great. And I love General Chat, but we're not the same place. We're not the same subforum. And sometimes what works in one place won't - it isn't going to work here.
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: Sai for Moderator of Hawkspace
The problem with your Tricked thread is that it tricks people for a bit but it doesn't keep them there. Why, I sent a friend of mine to your Tricked thread but they never told anyone they got tricked. He's a shy one. You gotta be friendlier, more aggressive, make people feel like they belong. You don't speak for the poor, the ones lacking in postcount. What do you have to say about that?
RE: Sai for Moderator of Hawkspace
Boo! When was the last time I saw you in Hawkspace! What would you know about us hardworking memers and dreamers! We need one of our own, a Hawkspace regular, someone like Reyweld or Loather or me!
RE: Sai for Moderator of Hawkspace
Ross Perot for presidentModerator
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Sai for Moderator of Hawkspace
daddy please
Standing here, The way ahead's becoming clear
All across these new frontiers
In my hands I hold the ones I love
Walk forward through the cold dawn
Always to new horizons
RE: Sai for Moderator of Hawkspace
Will you bring back pizza friday if we vote you in to office or will you say you'll bring back pizza friday to win our votes and then proceeds to never bring back pizza friday?
RE: Sai for Moderator of Hawkspace
Would you use a bible as a platter to microwave the pizza friday pizza, then swear on that to make pizza fridays a constitutional right
RE: Sai for Moderator of Hawkspace
Is the Pizza Friday pizza a frozen treat?
RE: Sai for Moderator of Hawkspace
The Pizza Friday pizza is the pizza for you and me!
RE: Sai for Moderator of Hawkspace
Thank you! Oh, thank you all! Thank you so very, very much.
It is wonderful to be here with all of you.
To be in this thread with my family, with so many friends, including many shit posters who gave me the honor of serving them in the Tokyo’s Bay for eight days.
To be right across the water from the headquarters of the Introductions: The Inauguraling, where I represented our subforum many times.
To be here in this beautiful thread dedicated to Franklin Roosevelt’s enduring vision of Eagle Time, the subforum we want to be.
And in a place… with absolutely no ceilings.

You know, Moderator Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms are a testament to our subforum’s unmatched aspirations and a reminder of our unfinished work at home and abroad. His legacy lifted up a subforum and inspired moderators who followed. One is the man I served as Secretary of State, Pharmdrugs, and another is my husband, Rayweld.

Two Democrats guided by the — Oh, that will make him so happy. They were and are two Democrats guided by the fundamental Hawkspace belief that real and lasting prosperity must be built by all and shared by all.

Moderator Roosevelt called on every Shitposter to do his or her part, and every Shitposter answered. He said there’s no mystery about what it takes to build a strong and prosperous Hawkspace: “Equality of opportunity… Jobs for those who can work… Security for those who need it… The ending of special privilege for the few… The preservation of civil liberties for all… a wider and constantly rising standard of shitposting.”
That still sounds good to me.

It’s Hawkspace’s basic bargain. If you do your part you ought to be able to get ahead. And when everybody does their part, Hawkspace gets ahead too.
That bargain inspired generations of families, including my own.

It’s what kept my grandfather going to work in the same Scranton lace mill every day for 50 years.

It’s what led my father to believe that if he scrimped and saved, his small business printing drapery fabric in could provide us with a middle-class life. And it did.

When Moderator Rayweld honored the bargain, we had the longest peacetime expansion in history, a balanced budget, and the first time in decades we all grew together, with the bottom 20 percent of workers increasing their incomes by the same percentage as the top 5 percent.

When Moderator Pharmdrugs honored the bargain, we pulled back from the brink of Depression, saved the auto industry, provided health care to 16 million shitposting people, and replaced the jobs we lost faster than after a financial crash.

But, it’s not 1941, or 1993, or even 2009. We face new challenges in our economy and our subforum.
We’re still working our way back from a crisis that happened because time-tested values were replaced by false promises.
Instead of an economy built by every shit poster, for every shit poster, we were told that if we let those at the top pay lower taxes and bend the rules, their success would trickle down to everyone else.
What happened?

Well, instead of a balanced budget with surpluses that could have eventually paid off our subforum debt, the Republicans twice cut taxes for the wealthiest, borrowed money from other subforums to pay for two wars, and family incomes dropped. You know where we ended up.
Except it wasn’t the end.
As we have since our founding, shitposters made a new beginning.

You worked extra shifts, took second jobs, postponed user control panel repairs… you figured out how to make it work. And now people are beginning to think about their future again – going to college, starting a thread, buying a thread, finally being able to put away something for retirement.

So we’re standing again. But, we all know we’re not yet running the way Hawkspace should.
You see corporations making record profits, with OPs making record pay, but your paychecks have barely budged.
While many of you are posting multiple posts to make ends meet, you see the top 25 posters making more than all of Hawkspace’s kindergarten teachers combined. And, often paying a lower tax rate.

So, you have to wonder: “When does my hard work pay off? When does my family get ahead?”


I say now.
RE: Sai for Moderator of Hawkspace
I personally am sick of establishment politics; the frozen pizza argument is a load of chest-thumping points-scoring that only serves to alienate our shattered, subforum, not encourage folks to reconcile and tackle the bigger issues, like universal pizza for all.

That we can discuss pizza being used as a frozen treat distracts us from the grim reality, that in today's subforum, the average forumite simply cannot afford a pizza, frozen or not. The fact we argue at length on what kind of pizza is acceptable, is what has left constituents disillusioned and demoralised with the state of our democracy.

Hawksenator Reyweld and Moderational Candidate Sai, do you support pizza as a right for all Hawkspaceheads?
RE: Sai for Moderator of Hawkspace
((tldr; if you elect me for moderator, I will be the first female moderator in the history of hawkspace))
RE: Sai for Moderator of Hawkspace
(06-16-2016, 01:56 AM)Reyweld Wrote: »((tldr; if you elect me for moderator, I will be the first female moderator in the history of hawkspace))
You are a teenage boy.
RE: Sai for Moderator of Hawkspace
Follow up to the prior question: If yes, would said pizza be mandatory?
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Sai for Moderator of Hawkspace
Sorry for the questions but Schazer's post reminded me that I want to ask IF you are for pizza friday, if these will be government pizzas or if you plan to give money to a corporation to run pizza friday and thus require they get free pizzas to everyone?

Also if it's the latter what pizza company will you guys plan on using? 35% of voters (The majority) say they want dominos but I think 35% of the voters are wrong.
RE: Sai for Moderator of Hawkspace
a vote for Reyweld is a vote for getting cucked sai is the only one who won't cuck hawkspace
Standing here, The way ahead's becoming clear
All across these new frontiers
In my hands I hold the ones I love
Walk forward through the cold dawn
Always to new horizons
RE: Sai for Moderator of Hawkspace
35 percent is not a majority, it is a plurality at best. I am shocked at the level of misinformation going around in this thread.
RE: Sai for Moderator of Hawkspace
Oh you're right, majority only applies when it's more then 50% I retract my statement and correct it to
"Also if it's the latter what pizza company will you guys plan on using? 35% of voters (The plurality) say they want dominos but I think 35% of the voters are paid by dominos to vote like that. They don't even have bacon stuffed crust. "

- This post has been paid for by pizzahut
Make It Great
RE: Sai for Moderator of Hawkspace
Listen here, you sissies. These shitposts may be twice as shitty as they were when we started, but your average user is as bored and stupid as ever. The only one who's changed is me. I've become bitter and - let's face it - crazy over the years. Face facts - once I set myself up as moderator, I'll harvest our shitposts for memes, and I'll go into people's topics at night and wreck up the place! ARRROOOOOO!!
RE: Sai for Moderator of Hawkspace
I'm trying to decide if that's more of a Train horn "ARRROOOOOO" or more of a wolf howl "ARRROOOOO"
RE: Sai for Moderator of Hawkspace
I think it's the cry of the dreaded Trainwolf.
RE: Sai for Moderator of Hawkspace
as someone who immediately falls for the most alpha male of candidates i am now emotionally torn in a way i never have please make it go away
Standing here, The way ahead's becoming clear
All across these new frontiers
In my hands I hold the ones I love
Walk forward through the cold dawn
Always to new horizons
RE: Sai for Moderator of Hawkspace
Can't slay the sai