Of Ash and Dark Places...

Of Ash and Dark Places...
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
>Move on to another room.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You look at the bones... they look oddly... enticing... like you should just kinda... chew on them. BLECH no that's a horrible idea! Who would do something like that! You put the bones back into the suitcase. You Go back out to the hall, one room down 3 to go there is, room 202, the stairs, and the unmarked room left. you also note the groaning noise still has not shut up, in fact, you think has gotten louder.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
>It's just doing it for attention, decide to ignore the groaning noise and go check the unmarked room.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
groan back
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You muse the idea of groaning back like a military dude would but decide to just ignore this guy. I mean who groans this much anyway? Someone who wants attention, and you will not cave and give him your prestigious time of day.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You consider resorting to summoning an Eldritch Abomination to escape the situation but they would want WAY WAY more than what you could possible offer now, soul withheld you arn't parting with that sucker.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
Didn't you say you would not par with your soul... Part, yes that's what you said, you most definitely said part heck look back now that ALWAYS SAID "PARTING" right? uhh where were you? oh yea. You refuse to sell your soul for any reason.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
Go in the direction of the groan you're ignoring while continuing to pointedly ignore it.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You walk to a hole in the ceiling that's about 10-13 feet across and 6-7 feet wide, looking up into it you don't see much how ever there most certainly is something up there. It stops groaning as you approach and begins making a lower, deeper, growl.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
The growl stops for a full minute. Replacing it was a disgusting, wet, grinding sound- kinda like gears but made of thawed out chicken.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
NOW groan, someone's gotta pick up the slack
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You groan as load as you start, it stops grinding and groans back what a meaningful conversation. You don't like that so you spit onto it again, but it dodges out of the way.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You think yelling at it would work much better, you shout "Hey would you please stop FUCKING GROANING SO LOUDLY." it was not quite effective. A looming shadowy figure leans over the hole and launches a mass of a faintly glowing green bile at you. The bile splatters onto you dealing 2 damage leaving you at 16/18 HP, you roll to resist poison rolling a... 18 you resisted the poison.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
Unfortunately you cannot the creature is above on a second floor
(11-13-2017, 05:09 AM)Lordkilljoy177 Wrote: »You walk to a hole in the ceiling that's about 10-13 feet across and 6-7 feet wide, looking up into it you don't see much how ever there most certainly is something up there. It stops groaning as you approach and begins making a lower, deeper, growl.
So kicking it in the testies won't work, mostly because you can't reach them... maybe if you can get some kinda ranged weapon but you don't know where you would get one.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You chuck a bone as hard as you an at it... You rolled a 15 and strike it dealing... geez 2 damage, the creature gives off a deep meaty laugh and launches another volley of bile at you narrowly missing you. The bile burns a hole in the carpet next to you.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
>Where the sword fails, words prevail. Declare your undying love for this creature.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
the pen is mightier than the sword. write a sonnet about your undying love for this creature
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You Attempt to write a sonnet to persuade this lovely article to your side, however, you realize you don't have a writing utensil and get very upset about this. You then look for a shoe to throw at it, unfortunately you are only wearing your boxers and a dusty old suit... Wait, you throw a fist full of dust at it. That fails miserably and now you have gotten the dust everywhere... GEH... you just breathed it in. You roll to resist puking you failed with 6... god now there's puke AND dust everywhere.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
Throw yourself at thd figure while devouring the puke in order to recover lost moisture and sustenance
"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."

[Image: 2kGzPON.png]

RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
First of all no way your eating the puke- god it looks like blood with the dust mixed in- second, the jumping idea might just work! You jump as high as you can and grab onto the edge of the hole and pull your self up. Looking down on you is a massive wall of flesh, the creature looks slightly congealed and leeks with a disgusting pus and emits a odor which makes that vomit from below smell like flowers. The creature swings a tentacle like arm onto your body cracking a rib and dealing 6 dmg. you now have 10/18 HP
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
roll a higher number this time
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
This time you get straight to business you reach for you knife and... shit. you look down into the hole-there it is the knife is with the remainder of your shit... of course... No problem, you jump down the hole grab your knife and do a back flip up again rolling a... Natural 20. as you flip through the air you embed the knife into the monsters skull dealing 5 dmg to it.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
that's more like it! now roll a critical failure, or if you're failing at failing, stab yourself on purpose
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
humm well you'd rather not fail so you just decide to swing your knife again, you succeed in missing though! you rolled a 6. The creature, though being fucking massive, agilely dodges your swing and whips at you with it's arm-tentacles but misses you, well jeez your both worthless aren't you.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
Bite the creature while clawing it with your nails, attempt to hold it and aim for the eyes
"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."

[Image: 2kGzPON.png]
