Eagle Time
Of Ash and Dark Places... - Printable Version

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Of Ash and Dark Places... - Lordkilljoy177 - 11-05-2017

Hello World! this Adventure game thing is a first for me so uhh... please be understanding!

So some notes: there will be stats and checks so watch out! i will occasionally post a re-cap if need be. I will say what every check is and what is rolled for every roll that occurs. As of the creation of the adventure i do not have a good way to provide visuals but i would like to start now anyway,as just doing this is making me nervous, however i do plan on getting something in the future so hopefully this goes well right!this is an experiment on my part so please give feedback!

Hey! i mentioned stats before but i recently finished working it all out so i will add Morgan's, and other important things stats here. yes there was a few rolls before now but i hadn't quite got every thing down yet.

Morgan Le Graye
HP 10
AC 10

|You awaken sprawled out on a cold tiled floor. Your body aches as you force yourself to your feet. You are in a pitch black room but that is not important now- who are you?|

RE: Of Ash and Dark Places... - typeandkey - 11-05-2017

>Your name is Morgan Le Graye. You went to a drinking party last night, so waking up on a cold floor is normal. You can only hope your drunken rampage wasn't so severe that the police are after you. Again.

RE: Of Ash and Dark Places... - Lordkilljoy177 - 11-05-2017

Ah yes it's all flooding back to you, although as your eyes adjust to the darkness of the room you begin to realize you have no clue where you are! you are currently in a run down apartment with no lights save what pours in from a shattered door. There is also; a bed with a suitcase resting on it, a rusted old oven, and a broken bottle of liquor.

RE: Of Ash and Dark Places... - FlanDab - 11-05-2017

>Equip suitcase. Open if curious.

RE: Of Ash and Dark Places... - Lordkilljoy177 - 11-05-2017

You hastily grab the suitcase and jump as it's contents fly onto the floor! now laying on the ground is; a wallet, several suits, a dairy, a lighter, several smaller articles you can't see in the dark, and an oversized knife.

RE: Of Ash and Dark Places... - FlanDab - 11-05-2017

>Put items back into the suitcase. Use lighter as lightsource if necessary.
>Feel the oversized knife. Careful to not get cut.

RE: Of Ash and Dark Places... - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 11-05-2017

set the diary on fire, for use as a light source, for reading the diary. ironically create the titular ash while eliminating the darkness of the place

RE: Of Ash and Dark Places... - Lordkilljoy177 - 11-05-2017

You pick up the knife and examine it. the weapon is dulled at the tip, but mostly sharp along the blade, you then place the rest of your new-found belongings,except for the diary and lighter you have plans for those, into you suitcase.The dry pages of the diary burn hot and fast leaving nothing but the books burning bindings left before you can so much as open the book! a DEX check is rolled... a 14. you just manage to prevent burning you self with you new unwieldy torch... However you can see now, and god this apartment is prettier in the dark! the entire place is filled with piles of sandlike ash which seems to come from every corner and crack. the ash it's self, not just it's quantity, is odd too. the powder is ash in texture and appearance except for the fact is partially refracts light into deep hues of red bathing the room in blood red light.

RE: Of Ash and Dark Places... - FlanDab - 11-05-2017

We could have read the diary first, you know. We should have used a suit instead.

>Check the wallet for any IDs.
>Identify currency. Most money has faces and images minted or printed along with the number that announces its value.

RE: Of Ash and Dark Places... - Lordkilljoy177 - 11-05-2017

The wallet is... not yours? weird. this for some George Rosemund. the money is American and totals up to $650 cash. Why the hell is this guy carrying so much cash anyway?

RE: Of Ash and Dark Places... - FlanDab - 11-05-2017

>What does the room smell like? Does it smell like rotting or burned?
>Describe what you are like. What are you wearing? What are you? And what's in your pockets if your garments has any?

RE: Of Ash and Dark Places... - Lordkilljoy177 - 11-05-2017

The smell? Well now that you think about it is smells like a campfire just happened and may still be happening, although there is no smoke. As previously mentioned you where at a party before and your not going to lie you may have had a bit to much to drink... you are currently wearing a roughed up T-Shirt and soiled underwear.

RE: Of Ash and Dark Places... - FlanDab - 11-05-2017

>Check under the mattress and bed frame. Punch mattress to see if there's nothing stuffed in it.

RE: Of Ash and Dark Places... - Lordkilljoy177 - 11-05-2017

You decide to examine the bed a bit. after a solid 5 minutes you find... dust mostly. After testing the bed it is barely above wood to sleep on but other than that there is no tampering you can perceive. unfortunately now your Diary-Torch has been burnt out.

RE: Of Ash and Dark Places... - FlanDab - 11-05-2017

>Inspect rusty oven.
>Use a suit as a dust mask and dig under the ash piles. There may be interesting stuff in it.

RE: Of Ash and Dark Places... - Lordkilljoy177 - 11-05-2017

The oven is mostly empty, however crammed in the very back is a very very dusty loaf of bread- home-baked and fresh! An hour ago. you cover your mouth using a suit and being tearing through the ash for a bit until you dig up a ring of keys with 2 keys and a pen light.

RE: Of Ash and Dark Places... - FlanDab - 11-05-2017

>Use pen light as light source.
>Inspect keys.
>Inspect loaf bread. Try to squeeze loaf bread to see if something is stuffed inside.
>Is the loaf in a pan? If it does, check for any information.

RE: Of Ash and Dark Places... - Lordkilljoy177 - 11-05-2017

You flick on the feeble light and continue to look around. there are two keys, one labeled 204 another with a green band wrapped around it. squeezing out the bread results in very dusty fingers and crushed bread, the bread was in an unmarked tin with a few scorch marks.

RE: Of Ash and Dark Places... - FlanDab - 11-05-2017

>Keep the tin. Put it in the suitcase.
>I think we've examined this room enough. Venture out the shattered door.
>Maybe wrap the crushed bread in a suit and keep it.

RE: Of Ash and Dark Places... - Lordkilljoy177 - 11-05-2017

your suitcase is almost full now. you walk into a almost empty hall with one door to your left, two directly to your right, and one across the the hall to the right.

RE: Of Ash and Dark Places... - FlanDab - 11-05-2017

>Inspect doors. Do the doors have any identification like numbers? What kind of doorknobs do they have?
>Examine hallway floors and walls.
>Look up.

RE: Of Ash and Dark Places... - Lordkilljoy177 - 11-05-2017

You examine the hall ,the doors have numbers- your room was 203, to your left there is 204, to your right 202, and a door with Stairs labeled. there is one unlabeled door. The door knobs are designed with a built in lock. the rest of the hall is dimly lit with nearly burnt out emergency lights. Naturally there is a large amount of dust clogging up everything, there is a clogged window- choked with dust and grime. Towards the left side of the hall the ceiling has large holes, you hear a low groan coming from the upper level.

RE: Of Ash and Dark Places... - FlanDab - 11-05-2017

>Examine walls. Identify material. Wood, metal, or concrete? Hollow or solid? Wallpapered or painted? Rotting/crumbling or still safe?
>Examine floor. I assume it's tiled just like the room, or is it carpeted?
>What are you? You didn't mention it. You're presumably a human, but if you're somehow a dragon or wolfman without us knowing, that would be totally rad.

RE: Of Ash and Dark Places... - typeandkey - 11-05-2017

>Tell whoever's groaning upstairs to just deal with it. Things are tough all around.

RE: Of Ash and Dark Places... - Lordkilljoy177 - 11-05-2017

You look examine your surroundings a bit more thoroughly. The walls are plaster with cheap looking wallpaper pealing at the edges and ceiling. There is a thick dusty carpet covering most of the floor with patches of it torn away to reveal the concrete floor. You then further examine yourself- to see if anything changed while you where out. You are just you Morgan Le Graye a perfectly normal human, 19 years, kinda
vigorous, very lucky. You then shout at the moaning thing to shut up whatever it's dealing with can't be THAT bad, can it?