The 2am thread

The 2am thread
RE: The 2am thread
Every so often it sounds like my sister is jumpig around her room, and her music (in her headphones) is so loud i can hear it the next room over with closed doors

Idk what shes doing in there but she needs to stop

Also vaguely annoyed because if i dare to step audibly my stepdad gives me hell but no response for her even though shes always super loud

Probably because it isn't worth the fight
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: The 2am thread
Looks like in resorting to picking my skin till i pass out

[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: The 2am thread
i keep switching between being really excited about stuff and really pained/stressed and its just more and more signs that my current way of life is completely unsustainable so i should try to have as much fun as i can
Standing here, The way ahead's becoming clear
All across these new frontiers
In my hands I hold the ones I love
Walk forward through the cold dawn
Always to new horizons
RE: The 2am thread
i want to kiss, a lot, all the time, and thinking about that makes me happy

thinking about other things is bad hah ha lol
Standing here, The way ahead's becoming clear
All across these new frontiers
In my hands I hold the ones I love
Walk forward through the cold dawn
Always to new horizons
RE: The 2am thread
ivee spiraled so down so muchso long i feel so flimsy and i dontknow what i am
Standing here, The way ahead's becoming clear
All across these new frontiers
In my hands I hold the ones I love
Walk forward through the cold dawn
Always to new horizons
RE: The 2am thread
i dont know what i am or what issues i have in a true and real manner and its an ignorance i chose and i dontknow if i should continue with it or what and i wish that hywel wasnt gone forhours because of shitty time zone shit
Standing here, The way ahead's becoming clear
All across these new frontiers
In my hands I hold the ones I love
Walk forward through the cold dawn
Always to new horizons
RE: The 2am thread
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RE: The 2am thread
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RE: The 2am thread
i've spent the last several hours reading homestuck in an attempt to finish rereading before 4/13. why am i doing this. i thought i was over this.
RE: The 2am thread
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RE: The 2am thread
i regret not paying attention in 8th grade math because it's biting me in the ass now and it's suffering time as i try to finish assignments on 2am the day they're due,
RE: The 2am thread
Okay Sai, I'm posting here.

I hope you're happy.
RE: The 2am thread
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RE: The 2am thread
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RE: The 2am thread
Nobody is in my store and it's locked up and I can't get in. A janitor and I have been cooling our heels in the parking lot for a half hour now. Sucks
RE: The 2am thread
i want to burn so bad
Standing here, The way ahead's becoming clear
All across these new frontiers
In my hands I hold the ones I love
Walk forward through the cold dawn
Always to new horizons
RE: The 2am thread
hoo boy i have class tomorrow and my brain doesn't know how to sleep when i need to
RE: The 2am thread
I'm drawing and I should be asleep, especially since I have class tomorrow. But dammit, my entire weekend was wasted, and I want to make sure i did SOME thing. Aaargh.
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: The 2am thread
When the hell did it become 2am again? I have so much work to do on my portfolio and i still don't have a dialogue for my last animation and I need it blocked in by thursday. arghhhhh
RE: The 2am thread
I meant to post in this thread yesterday, but forgot.

Someone upstairs is playing the flute. They are clearly drunk.

...that's Saturday night in Oxford for you, everybody.
RE: The 2am thread
I should be in bed. But I also had an emotional breakthrough today and I want to talk and talk and talk.

I think I'll go to bed; better not to make a habit.
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: The 2am thread
There is a consistent, loud knocking coming from the top floor and it hasn't stopped for an hour and a half. It sounds like someone hammering a nail to the floor really, really slowly.
RE: The 2am thread
oh wait shit 2am thread

I am currently trawling the internet's various caches to try and establish the quirk of my one and only posted fantroll, which I think is very nearly six years old, and I wouldn't have wanted to do this/remembered it even existed had it not been for Hawkspace After Dark.

So thanks, I guess?
RE: The 2am thread
ive been really sick the past few days because i was so exhausted after a week-long chem test and i was really hoping to go to school tomorrow. looks like that's no longer happening.
RE: The 2am thread
the funny thing is is i can't go tp school bexause i syated up to late and i stayerd up so late because i was worrying about goinv to school

fuck typinh properly