
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Thank you! The correct use of that code is like this:

RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
It might be prudent to put an image limit on posts. Because one question from someone followed by me pasting an image an effective total of 1598 times later until running into the character limit, well...
[Image: uplZgHm.png]
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Are you seriously going to use your own behaviour as an example for why we should baby-proof the forum?
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Sorry, I should have made it clear; that was only in the post-preview for a thread, because I know better than to make a however long post that would have been. Someone was curious as to the image limit on Eagle Time, but when I tried to see how many for them, that's when I found out that it didn't exist. I'm more concerned that someone might not have the sense to restrain from posting a hundreds-of-images long post.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
if someone doesnt have the sense not to post a billion images then thats a mild inconvenience for a while and then it goes away like, the postmaking contest thread has had a few obnoxious and utterly un-navigable posts and we havent banned the formatting that made it possible. maybe someday eagle time might need an image limit but right now i think everyones pretty On Level enough that it would be a bit superfluous like, if someone really wanted to, they could do the same damage with one, fifty, a hundred, or a billion images
Standing here, The way ahead's becoming clear
All across these new frontiers
In my hands I hold the ones I love
Walk forward through the cold dawn
Always to new horizons
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Nobody is going to post three million images by accident, and if someone intentionally wants to be an ass via the medium of images they can be perfectly annoying just by posting a single one that is very large.
There's no real way to implement an image limit that would prevent "abuse" (which currently exists only on a theoretical level) which doesn't get in the way of people using this forum for creative projects like games or adventures, so the solution is to socially discourage this behaviour rather than mechanically prevent it.
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
The [bg]/[background] tag doesn't seem to work on text that is aligned, unless the [bg] tag is within the [align] tag.



RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Regarding invisible pages and pages with no posts, I think it's because the database is confused by how many replies there are. (it thinks there are fewer posts in the former, and more posts in the latter)

With some research, there might be a recount option that admins can use. Has this possibility been explored?

Unless we want the forums to retain this quirk/bug for legacy purposes which I totally understand too.
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
So, several times today, the site's been tossing up an "Error 503 - Service Unavailable" page.

Is the sheer size of the Post Making Contest causing problems or is this just unrelated?
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Oh good it's not just me.
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
I think we could save a lot of memory and streamline the forum if we took all the personal information fields on our profiles and replaced everyone's bio and signature with this post

We could use the extra bits and bytes to make a subforum nested in Neo New Trollspace After Dark that's just 24 threads where we update each other on how gay and tired we are
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Yes, yes, good.
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
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RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
(05-22-2016, 08:30 PM)a52 Wrote: »Have the banner link to the forum index, so I don't have to click on the tiny forum index button.

I figured out how to do this, as well as fix the text under the banner!
I also rehosted the banner image for the Hawkspace/Buzzard Bee theme so now it's on the forum proper.

Also also I added a new theme, by which I mean a theme Wheat made years ago

E: (29/3)
Added three new emotes (It's Larry! Thank You, Please You are now Cobalt Ootkins and you are kinkshaming your crew ) and made the Posting section of the Help Pages a slightly-less-useless resource. Now includes a page with all of the emotes, their text shortcuts, and in some cases a link to provide precious precious context.
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!It's Larry!
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
4/20 Suspiciously Vegetation-Free Updates:

- Noticed when moving a thread we had the old BBCode default thread icon for it, so I've scratched together some matching art for it.

- I also changed the little Unread Posts icons visible on the front page for subforums because that antialiased round nonsense was way overdue to go. I realise the gray-and-white was quite hard to read on darker forum skins, so I'm happy to change it back/find a compromise if it bugs too many people.

- Similarly, I altered the three assets which make up the bars on poll results. I tried to get a nice stipple effect with our basic palette but it turns out the forum just stretches out the middle bit

- Finally, some new emotes. Thanks Gime and Gen for hooking me up with those もしも~し

4/28: Changed a few lines in our Welcome Newcomers sticky to make sure it's up-to-date with our #brand and #holdings 左電話自称霊能力者 霊幻新隆右電話
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs+Changelog
Would editing a list into an OP of an existing stickied thread, editing the thread title so you can tell at a glance there's an index there, and updating the list as needed be acceptable?

E: I'm thinking This thread cuz it feels right for it to be in the discussion subforum, but we could also make a regular non-stickied thread in Discussion Town for Completed adventures in general?
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs+Changelog
sea had swallowed all. A lazy curtain of dust was wafting out to sea
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs+Changelog
i personally love the disembodied eagle-head
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs+Changelog
It might be fun to have a banner contest. There are lots of ways to change the Eagle-Time Eagle besides just a floating head. Again, this is more of a "could-be-fun" than a "needs improvement."
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs+Changelog
So some years back, I made a list of threads affected by the off-by-one error. Schazer said it might be fixable now.

It seems the latest update magically fixed a few of these, including this very thread, but most are still showing the discrepancy. So I'm going through and checking again. Haven't gone through Forum Games or Adventures yet.

These lists are currently not organized in any particularly sensible way - I just modified the old lists, and I have no idea what I was doing with those.

RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs+Changelog
Finished checking the Forum Games threads, everything there that had the problem still does, except there was one thread I couldn't find.

RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs+Changelog
[Image: lophPuG.png]

This is happening
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs+Changelog
i could change the hotlink to a HUGE image i think
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]