Text Adventure Fighting Tournament!

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Text Adventure Fighting Tournament!
RE: Text Adventure Fighting Tournament!
A large tongue steps up to a podium and starts making noises. This is rather disturbing, but just as the audience starts thinking about getting up and leaving, subtitles appear in front of the podium in very large letters.



There's some mumbling in the tech booth, and the subtitles switch to lower case. A nondescript person walks onto the stage, looking a little worried.

"First we have, well, someone. There doesn't seem to be a name or any identifying information on their entry form. Nonetheless, I'm sure you'll all be able to keep track of this individual as they progress through the tournament."

The second entrant walks on. The audience seems disturbed by his rather glaring head wound, but he doesn't seem particularly bothered by it.

"And here we have Samuel Larbawitz. He's dead, I think. Wait, are you allowed to be in a duel to the death if you're already dead? I guess we can figure that out later. Let's move on."

A robot walks onto the stage, looking confused.

"Our third entrant is Machine Intelligence Y8152, who I am informed has had its consciousness transferred into a 'ROBONAUT' humaniform drone for the purposes of the contest."

The next entrant is a young girl carrying a camera and a baseball bat.

"And here we have Madeline Beaufort, who is just starting to develop her latent magical abilities. It will be interesting to see if she gains a better use of her talents in the process of fighting for her life."

A man and woman walk onto the stage together next, both wielding guns. They look annoyed.

"Anne... and Johnny? Are we allowed to have multiple people as a single entrant? Apparently we are. Well, these two are hardened criminals and may possibly have access to time travel. This is sounding like something of an unbalanced entry to me, but what do I know, I just make the announcements."

Next is a dark-skinned woman who looks about twenty-seven, with blue paint on her nose.

"And here we have Princess Mary Vindictus, a woman caught in a neverending struggle between order and chaos. At least that's what my notes say about her. Also she's dead at the moment? I guess that's allowed, too. Who else do we have?"

A disheveled young woman steps out next. She looks like she wasn't expecting all these people.

"This is Elise Jackson. Apparently she's very good at convincing people to do things for her. Does that include losing to her in combat? We'll find out!"

The next contestant is wearing a trenchcoat. As they walk across the stage, there's a sound like hundreds of wings flapping.

"Our next entrant is... a number of birds wearing a trenchcoat, evidently. I am starting to wonder if there are any restrictions on entrants whatsoever."

As the birds awkwardly shuffle to their place, a rather commanding woman takes the stage. She seems more than a little annoyed with the whole situation.

"Next we have Director Marilyn Queens, who I am told is the leader of a superpowered resistance unit. She has the power to recall past events taking place in the area she's in, even if she wasn't there at the time. We'll see how well that serves her here."

The next entrant is a shifty-looking character. He's holding a cell phone, which is on fire. In fact, his whole arm is on fire.

"And this is... hmm. According to the entry form, he's a world-renowned criminal. That doesn't really explain why his arm is on fire, though. Perhaps this relates to his fighting technique."

The next entrant is a very serious-looking man in a trenchcoat. He seems to be judging everyone else as he walks on.

"This is Nick Edict, an operative for the Council's Law Enforcement Division. His loyalty to the Council is not in question, even if he's prone to ignoring their actual directives and regulations. I don't know what this Council is, though. Nobody tells me anything, I'm just a tongue... oh, sorry! Next contestant."

A one-armed youth in what looks to be water-protective armor walks on next, looking more than a little afraid of the other contestants.

"This is Marshall, the newest recruit to the Bogknights. The Bogknights apparently live in a swamp and fight Marshguards, but Marshall's too new to do much fighting so far. Hmm, this contest may not be a good fit for that. Anyhow, according to the entry form, Marshall throws a mean boomerang, even with one arm. So maybe this will still be interesting?"

As Marshall sits down, a winged woman walks across the stage.

"And here we have Auleoris. It seems she's a Mimic Mage - that is, she can learn to use spells cast on her. She can also combine learned spells into stronger ones? Well, we don't seem to have a lot of mages here from what I can see, but hopefully she's already got some spells to work with. I don't know, I'm just a magical tongue."

As Aureolis takes her place, a rather boring-looking man walks on. Something seems a little off about one of his eyes, but otherwise he's not very remarkable.

"And here we have Nick Parsons, who... hmm. It seems he's immune to persuasive verbal commands. The entry form doesn't seem to mention any other abilities, though."

As Nick takes his place, a red-haired youth with a very prominent black eye and a cheap trenchcoat walks in.

"Here we have Alexus Silk, a private investigator who evidently doesn't have any 'sparker' powers, no matter what the rumors say. I don't know why that's on the entry form, but I suppose that's relevant information. It looks like Alexus got into a fight before coming here, too."

As Alexus walks to the back, a disheveled peasant carrying a turnip walks on, looking confused.

"And our final contestant is Pete the Peasant, tasked with teaching children about the alphabet. Which he only knows up to... K, it seems? No doubt this will be a valuable skill for combat."

Pete takes his place and Tonguewizard dives into a giant glass of water before leaping back out.

"Those are the sixteen entrants in this amazing contest. We will soon announce the first battle, just as soon as the audience votes on it."

That's your cue! Make a vote for up to two contestants you'd like to see fight. The two contestants with the most votes will fight each other. I plan to close the first round of voting on July 10th.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Text Adventure Fighting Tournament! - by Dragon Fogel - 07-04-2016, 03:43 AM
RE: Text Adventure Fighting Tournament! - by btp - 08-20-2016, 06:17 AM