Context and no things

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Context and no things
Context and no things
Here is a thread where you can provide context for something, but you're not allowed to explain what you're providing context for.
RE: Context and no things
It was because he ate the last muffin.
RE: Context and no things
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RE: Context and no things
I can't believe I just watched that I knew everyone was going to die and my tears would be stolen but I still watched it.
RE: Context and no things
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RE: Context and no things
it's rick and morty except morty is a real piece of shit.
RE: Context and no things
It was his sled.
RE: Context and no things
A zombie fell from the sky and killed several people, a gray langur, and at least 3 dogs.
RE: Context and no things
"We were sending snaps and he was at a ball and i was downloading wow."
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Context and no things
It's from a liveblog of my deaths in Undertale. You all know the line from before explaining why I think that will happen.

Granted, I could have put that line here, but then it would be a thing with context, so I can't.
RE: Context and no things
I really need you to bring me that jump drive
RE: Context and no things
Blame Sai
RE: Context and no things
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RE: Context and no things

Blame Sai.
RE: Context and no things
this man has never had a good day in his life. literally, because he got aged-up from being a baby. he's never had the opportunity to have a good day
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: Context and no things
He was one of those kids that you can't decide if they're stoned or just incredibly stupid.
RE: Context and no things
Okay I hear what you're saying, but like the very first lines of the song says that it was "summertime in northern Michigan", so why are these kids from fuckin' Mackinaw singing Sweet Home Alabama all summer long? Not being a part of Alabama is basically Michigan's one saving grace. Furthermore,
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RE: Context and no things
It seems like absurdist ~aesthetic~ horseshit but behind its fractal-glitter veneer it actually holds up alright as an allegory for WWI?
RE: Context and no things
See, the joke is we were actually talking about birds.
RE: Context and no things
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RE: Context and no things
  • good
  • pure
  • kinky
RE: Context and no things
Because that was what he'd done yesterday.
RE: Context and no things
just call me Mitochondria because I'm the POWERHOUSE OF THIS CELL
RE: Context and no things
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