fortuna new poster intro thread

fortuna new poster intro thread
fortuna new poster intro thread
Originally posted by a deleted user

Here's a intro thread to say who you are on other forums, or on the various skype chats. This thread's a wading pool. (there's an intro thread on another part of the forum if you're feeling bold)  Optionally, post a robot to go with your post.

Here's a link to the Fortuna discord room

e:Oh since moving all the "robots for newfolks" to here was mentioned in the other thread you can either post a robot for others, or get robots here
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
Alright, I'll byte. This is Michael, and ARK Angel class robot. Specialties of this class are manipulation/tractor beams and silently judging. Michael is a high end model that will move worlds to answer prayers.

[Image: 6nyses.png]
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
Well some may know me. I'm hichico. I post...sometimes. Created the klannecs. And another race to be announced.

Here's a bunch of robutts


If that didn't work, can't tell, mobile.
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
Jesus that's a big picture.

Also hi. I'm Agen. I'm cool I guess???? ._. I never was on the old forums much. Now I'm here. Do join us on IRC and our wonderful shenaniganery there.

[Image: robutt.png]

My robutt doesn't know he's a robutt.
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
Or something. Hey, Gime asked...

So, if you couldn't guess, I'm Kieros on MSPA, and also here so yeah. Also, I can't draw for anything, so here's an ASCII robot.
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
fuck it's ascii athena
well I still need to art my robosonas, but for now I am both Pan and Mercury
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
Heya, I'm Fellow. I'm curiousFellow on the MSPA forums, but for some reason I am not quite so curious here. I signed up earlier but I didn't want to post untill I finished my avatar(who is PoseidonXApollo).

As for the robot I'm going to post: It took some internal debate, but I've settled on showing HeliosXNike. HeliosXNike is a good ship because it has a bar.
[Image: Helike_zpsehpysc5n.png]
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
My name is exactly as it was. I am... Not quite sure why I'm here.

My robot is neither fictional nor an image.
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
Hi I'm gime. If you want to see my robots you can just fish around in this little bin over here. It's where I keep all of them.

[Image: 5uXKuS2.png]
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
Hello, I'm nonexistentPumpkin! You may know me as the guy who created the Delphiks. And the Angels. And the Kuppas. Or perhaps you know me as the kind of guy who makes stuff like TH1S:
Either way, all you really need to know is I'm a huge nerd.

[Image: if8KyY3.png]
Here's my robot, E.M.A. She's from my own forum adventure, M.P.A.S.!
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
It's me, your best friend: Apollo!

I had abstained from any introductions prior because I had wanted to think of something to do with my optional robot, because who wouldn't like extra robots?
And then Pumpkin made their post, and I had a brilliant thought.

Though specifically not a robot, but an AI - and also one with no body which means I don't have to draw a dang thing - please feel free to say hi to 1NE-9 from my adventure Re: Nothing But Reckoning. They live in a security surveillance system.
Is this a shameless plug? Well, yes. And where better to go than Robot Central to advertise some good old robots?
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
Hello, I'm DS Piron

Was planning on drawing Menu, but ultimately that fell through, so here's the first ever Menu thing instead.
[Image: Menu.png], I think this is almost a decade old...
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
sup everyone its bird B)
looks like this is a bird forum for birds..... seems like i'll fit right in

don't have a robot but check out this newt
[Image: tumblr_nza4ri7Ptd1rrbe6oo1_500.jpg]
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
Hello!! I'm Splendid! SplendidlyDull on the forums. But everyone just calls me Hermes so that's what I picked for the Fortuna forum. I'm a cartoonist/fanartist whose life was ruined by Fortuna. Here is a picture of me which doubles as a holiday greeting:
And since counting that as my robot would be pretty much cheating for me, here is a picture of Nike:
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
I find it really amusing that your version of Nike doesn't have feet.
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
Nike doesn't need feet to kick butt!!
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
(12-24-2015, 06:29 AM)Hermes Wrote: »Nike doesn't need feet to kick butt!!
Yeah, but she can't wear shoes.
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
(12-24-2015, 05:42 PM)Fellow Wrote: »Yeah, but she can't wear shoes.
Oh... Oh my god I just got it XD that is very amusing indeed!
(12-25-2015, 03:20 AM)Wheat Wrote: »Are you splendid hermes? hi hermes your expressions are great and very expressive
Hello yes that's me! Thank you! I'm glad you are enjoying the arts!
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
Greetings all. This is Heyoceama. Not really sure what more there is to say about that. As for my robot the one I'm posting is invisible. Just take my word for it.
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
I'm TacosNPie and I'm TacosNPie from MSPA! My icon can be depicted in any way you want. I also have a rabbit robot. Boop boop beep.

RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
Hello, I am a52. My true identity on MSPA remains a myserty, only knowable to those with brains.
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
Hey, I'm awkwardcarapace and I'm relatively new to the forum and Fortuna the adventure itself.

RE: fortuna new poster intro thread
hey, uh, I hope it isn't too late to do this! It is I, GrimBarkBeast from the mspa forums! Or at least my name was something like that. Glad to see everyone, hope I don't annoy you too much with my shenanigans.
have a robot.
(sorry the art is really old)
(i'll draw you all a better robot later if thats a thing i can do)
RE: fortuna new poster intro thread Here is my obligatory stolen robot, which is not fictional nor an image. This is a response to The Flower King, when they impersonated Boston Dynamics, and posted Spot, so now I have posted Atlas, the best robot to ever emulate Big Hero Six's semi-protagonist, Baymax, when trying to retrieve a box.(skip to 1:22 for the juicy details)