One Night Werewolf - DAY ‽

One Night Werewolf - DAY ‽
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
It's called Garuru very well could be a liar (I'm more inclined to believe Gnauga over SeaWyrm, and Garuru is backing up the latter soooo...)
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Im going with a doppel!minion, minion, slorange!wolf and wolf.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
(05-23-2014, 01:59 PM)icanhasdonut Wrote: »Not sure why you're goin off one of 3 seer ccs instead of unccd troublemaker

Because I doppeled SeaWyrm. So he's another certain role to me, barring role swapping. Also, I don't believe Gnauga's claim, so Troublemaker is still an uncertain claim to me.
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RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
doppel!minion confirmed
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
1. i was literally second claim, it was slorange then me
2. If i was minion or scum how would i know which roles aren't in
3. and why would i claim troublemaker of all things?
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Not saying I don't believe you. I'd just rather go with something that I'm 100% sure in, than something I'm 95% sure in. I'll go after Slorange if other people also do, at endgame.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
"i believe you but i'm going to ignore it"
please tell
did you doppel seer from wyrm?
if so what did you do with it?
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Yes I did, and I checked Schazer, who was a werewolf.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
But the problem is you and wyrm could be lying
like there's really not a situation in which i'm lying
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Alright, yeah you have a point. I'm not very likely to convince people Schazer is scum with all the cc's. vote: Slorange.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
I'm inclined to believe Gnauga's seer claim too, which would make Seawyrm the real Minion, Schazer the Tanner(again?) and Garuru the dopple!tanner?


Vote: Slorange
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Vote: End Day

Wee that was a lot of fun we don't have nearly enough logic puzzles floating around here.

Slorange (Mason->Wolf)
Donut (Troublemaker)
Fogel (Insomniac->Robber)
Granola (Robber->Insomniac)
Chwoka (Wolf->Mason)
Pala (Drunk-> Hunter/Wolf/Mason)
Gnauga (Seer-->Pile!Hunter/Wolf)

Seawyrm (Seer-->Chow!Minion) False. Minion. Saw Chow as Wolf, attempted to clear them.
Garuru (Dopple->Seer-->Schazer!wolf) False. Doppled Schazer as Tanner. Tanner's share wincon(?)
Schazer (Seer) False. Tanner. Fed up with this bullshit.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
vote end day
Garuru could've doppled seawyrm and gotten minion, saw chwoka(because doppel happens first), and done that.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Um, okay?

Vote: Slorange

I can see which way the wind is blowing.
At least we can all agree that Gnauga's full of it and probably tanner. I mean, seriously, this game has enough seers already.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
And then just accidentally threw a double-fake seer check precisely at the tanner halfway through claims?

I know it's semantics at this point, but I'd put money on my series of events.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Might as well.

Vote: End Day
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
sure. vote: end day
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
(05-23-2014, 04:35 PM)Granolaman Wrote: »And then just accidentally threw a double-fake seer check precisely at the tanner halfway through claims?

I don't follow.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
I'm completely lost now, let me try to work out something.

First off, we're assuming Slorange's mason claim is true. Second, we're assuming Chwoka is werewolf and not minion. According to Gnauga there's only one wolf but a drunk might have picked it up... yeah, I'm confused here.

What's confirmed to me is that I was Insomniac and I woke up a Robber. I can back up Granola's claim.

We have three people claiming Seer. The most logical chain of events is that one is the real Seer, one is a Tanner, and one is werewolf-aligned. Since the last could be a Minion, it's not in our interest to vote any of them.

We have one person claiming Doppelganger. What we can't be sure on is who they copied or what role they had. Their claim is "I copied SeaWyrm who was Seer", and if this is true then Chwoka was a minion. But Chwoka is claiming former wolf.

Let's play a game of "how many people could be lying".

Slorange: Claims to be the only Mason.
Donut: Claims to be Troublemaker who swapped Slorange and Chwoka.
Schazer: Claims to be Seer, hasn't actually said anything else. Could be claiming a check on Donut, but hasn't done so.
SeaWyrm: Claims to be Seer who checked Chwoka and found him to be a minion.
Granola: Claims to be Robber who stole Insomniac from me. (Backed up by me.)
Chwoka: Claims to have been Wolf. Hasn't mentioned a partner.
Gnauga: Claims to have been Seer who checked unused cards and found Wolf and Hunter.
Palamedes: Apparently drunk who says he picked up Hunter based on Gnauga's check... wait a minute!

Pala could be a drunk-turned-wolf claiming to be drunk-turned-hunter. If he's a wolf and we lynch him, we win; if he's hunter, we get a second shot. The only scenario where he's not our best lynch is one where Gnauga is lying.

Vote: Palamedes.

Now I still need to work out if Slorange is the best chance for that second shot. Not entirely convinced yet.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Garuru claimed he Doppled Seawyrm to get Seer and then used it to determine that Schazer was a Wolf.

Universe A: Garuru copied Seawyrm the Minion, claimed to copy Seawyrm the Seer (knowing it was a bad claim), and randomly chose to condemn Schazer the Tanner (who would've stolen his wincon).

Universe B: Garuru copied Schazer the Tanner, claimed to copy Seawyrm the Seer (thinking it was a true claim), and chose to condemn Schazer (who shares his wincon).
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Fogel: Slorange is 100% wolf. If we lynch Pala we get 33% wolf (win), 33% hunter (win), or 33% mason (lose).
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Also Pala doesn't know what his new role is he's just hoping for hunter at this point.

(Woo Triple Post!)
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
There's one question that hasn't been answered. Chwoka, did you have a partner? If so, who?
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Okay, vote aside, let me get back to logic-ing this out.

Slorange: Claims Mason, no partner
Donut: Claims Troublemaker who switched Slorange and Chwoka
SeaWyrm: Claims Seer who checked Chwoka and found him to be minion
Schazer: Claims Seer, no direct claim on target
Garuru: Claims Doppelganger, claims copy on SeaWyrm who was Seer, claims to have checked Schazer and found her as a wolf
Gnauga: Claims Seer who checked unused cards 2 and 3 and found them to be Hunter and Werewolf
Palamedes: Claims drunk who (according to Gnauga) picked Hunter card
Granola: Claims Robber who robbed me and found Insomniac
Chwoka: Claims to have been wolf, hasn't named a partner (but Gnauga's check suggests there might have been only one)
Me: Claims Insomniac who woke up as a Robber

Okay, that's everyone.

With three claimed Seers, at most one of them is telling the truth. So let's try this out.

-Schazer: I don't think she is, due to not doing anything other than voting and only claiming Seer after Garuru's check. If her vote on Donut was based on a Seer check, then we'd need SeaWyrm, Gnauga, Donut, Chwoka, and Garuru to all be lying. That would require two wolves, a tanner, a minion, and an antitown doppelganger. On top of that, it would require Troublemaker to be unused, though Donut could have taken a gamble on that lie.
So it's slightly possible but would require a lot of things to line up. Let's look at the other two.
-SeaWyrm: If this is true, well, Chwoka was minion and now Slorange is and we're going to lose. Chwoka's countered this, and I can't see why he would lie about that unless he doesn't quite believe he's lost his antitown alignment... unless he was minion and knew Slorange was a wolf. Then voting Slorange would be a win.
We can't just vote Schazer in this case, though, because Garuru might still be an antitown doppelganger who copied a wolf and went for Schazer arbitrarily: in this scenario, she's probably tanner.
People who would have to be lying in this scenario: Slorange, Chwoka, possibly Garuru, Gnauga, Schazer.
-Gnauga: In this scenario, Pala's a drunk who either became a hunter or a wolf lying about being a hunter. SeaWyrm's a wolf or minion? Garuru definitely copied someone anti-town. Schazer's probably tanner. Chwoka should be telling the truth unless he was confused. You know what, this really does seem to make the most sense.

Okay, yeah, I say we lynch Pala and if he's actually hunter he shoots Slorange. The scenarios where Gnauga is lying are a lot more complicated and seem less likely.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Granola, actually I was kind of making an assumption from how he worded it that Pala got told the number of the card he picked, Gnauga gave numbers.

Pala, can you confirm that? Or better yet, cyber, can you confirm that's how drunk works? (And Seer, for that matter.)