Mafia: The Last Resort [EPILOGUE: THE END]

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Mafia: The Last Resort [EPILOGUE: THE END]
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Slorange: What is the point of Voting Fogel at this moment, when we have a busted scum? There is no possibility that we are lynching Fogel instead of the scum busdriver at all.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Pinary Wrote:Going to win anyway? How do you figure?
(not actually a day activation)

ProfessorLizzard Wrote:Slorange: What is the point of Voting Fogel at this moment, when we have a busted scum? There is no possibility that we are lynching Fogel instead of the scum busdriver at all.
He's not trying to lynch Fogel! He's trying to fill his bit of the prophecy, the bit that says that Slorange will be voting for Fogel at day end. It's a nice gesutre, I guess, despite it being, you know, completely and utterly useless on account of me not shifting my vote whether you like it or not...

...unless you guys unvote me. Then I'd me more than happy to budge...

Oh, and wheat? Keep up the good work, mate... I'm liking some of 'em plans you're airing...
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
ProfessorLizzard Wrote:Slorange: What is the point of Voting Fogel at this moment, when we have a busted scum? There is no possibility that we are lynching Fogel instead of the scum busdriver at all.

I'm not totally through with my reread and thought-formulation, but as I understood it my part in the prophecy was to vote for Fogel. I was hoping that someone more up on current events might be able to figure a way around Sruixan's prophecyjacking or something; at the very least, I wanted to do my part for what it was worth. Sruixan is already past softlynch, and I doubt there's any Jinxes in this game, so I'm not particularly worried about a mislynch with my vote on Fogel.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Ah. My mistake, I forgot that part.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Frankly Sruix if the scum were really that confident of winning they'd just overturn the lynch now wouldn't they.

But I don't see any mass lynch wagons showing up on Pines.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Deadline was 27th 7PM GTM + 24 hours. I think it is over now. Whoosh, did the day end?
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Yeah, stop posting while I get stuff sorted.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [N4: The Devil's In The Details]
Sruixan will be lynched.

Sruixan - (5) -
Drakenforge, Pinary, ProfessorLizzard, Wheat, Sanzh
Pinary â?? (4) - Mirdini, Woffles, Dragon Fogel, Sruixan
Dragon Fogel â?? (1) - SleepingOrange

7/9 conditions have been met.

"Not bad, I must say."

A bolt of lightning crashes into being, rending the carpet by the doorway. Everyone staggers, falls, or clutches their heads, their minds lost in the visual and auditory overload for a moment.

When everyone recovers, they see him. A blurry, dark silhouette, impossible to fully see and yet all too real, judging by his confident strides towards Pinary. Everyone else but Sruixan shies away, retreating to the edges of the room. Pinary is the picture of terror, but Sruixan stares coolly at the stranger, a cocksure smile touching his lips. Either he knows what's going on, or, more likely, he longer cares.

"But not good enough," adds the silhouette as he approaches still closer.

Suddenly he darts forward, and with a gleam of metal Sruixan's blood splashes across the carpet. His body crashes to the floor, a ridiculous grin plastered to his face as he dies. The silhouette observes the trickle of blood down his throat for a moment, wiping the blood off a curiously well-define knife as if lost in thought.

And then he turns to Pinary.

"Seven out of nine. Two transgressions from what we agreed. How shall I reward you?"

"Agreed? I never-"

"I shall reward you with a chance."

The shadow leans forward, and whispers something to Pinary. A look of deep concern and a whisper is returned.

And then, quick as a blink, Pinary crumples to the floor as the shadow disperses into nothing. A quick check shows him to have no pulse...

Sruixan was David Roosevelt, an Agent of Chaos. His influence allowed him to twist locations and space as he pleased. At night he would use this ability to swap the locations of two people, so as to confuse those who wished to help or harm them. Perhaps quite naturally, he didn't believe himself to be cursed but was more than happy with the luxury offered by the Last Resort. Indeed, he found no problem at all with killing those who might argue against his permanent stay, and as such was a member of the Mafia. He was the Busdriver.

Pinary was Bernard Grey. You think. None of the guests are able to find any solid information on the dead man, and even a thorough search of his room reveals nothing of his motives within the hotel. A wardrobe of clothes is the only indication of a personality, and all of the items within are quite bland. With nothing to go on, you are able to ascertain neither his alignment nor his role.

The Night has started, and will end on 2 November 8PM GMT.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [N4: The Devil's In The Details]
soundlyParanoid has replaced Whimbrel.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D5: Fire and Water]
The sun rises, and so does the body count.

Again the guests realise the person to die via process of elimination, and so the morbid walk to their room begins.

When they open the door, however, an immense amount of water bursts out and slams everyone backwards. After an entire room full of water has emptied itself, the braver ones rise and enter the room. The waterlogged corpse is exactly who they expect it to be.

Wheat was Victor Fischer. The plodding pace of both the town and the murderers frustrated him immensely, and he was determined to simply solve the issue by prodding his nose in where it wasn't wanted. This entailed visiting rooms of guests, one each night, and looking at what was there. His hyper nature (possibly something to do with the copious amounts of black coffee he used to replace sleep) also enabled him the possibility of completing a random action if he sacrificed his ability to flavour cop. Judging from all this, you would say he was Town aligned.

If not for the still-raw tattoo of a four pointed star on his shoulder. Looking around his room, it becomes increasingly obvious that Wheat...

...was a third party Cult Member.

There are several reactions to this revelation, and none of them are good. The realisation that others have broken away from the Town to form weaker sub-groups is a bitter one, and by the time everyone has assembled to speak no one is in a good mood.

The overall feelings of the group are then worsened.

Something has appeared in the centre of the room overnight. Inscribed into the floor is an overwrought triangle formed of swirls and twisting lines. At one point a sun is drawn, at the next and crescent moon, and the third point is marked by a mixture of the two. On each celestial symbol is a fat candle: one red, one black, one white. A box of matches lies a little away, a small note attached: 'One each.'

No one admits to assembling the occult array. Nonetheless, it is there. Something may have to be done about it.

With 9 alive it takes 5 to lynch and 3 to soft lynch. Deadline is 18 November 7PM GMT.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D5: Fire and Water]


Just what we needed.

Let's review: It's been four days and four nights. We've had one scum drop and one cultist drop.

Given the current numbers, we could very well be faced with a choice between a cult win and a scum win. Where do we even start?
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D5: Fire and Water]
Well shit.

I'm still pretty sure Times is scum, but urgh I have no idea who else would be scum or cult. I remember Wheat was sort of accusing Woffs of being a cult leader, which is probably not the case given that he flipped cult. I'm a little bit suspicious about Fogel but I don't have anything to really back up said suspicions and no way of really learning anything so I'm not really going to go any further along that tangent.

Vote: TimeothyHour

(It's probably fairly obvious who I wagered would get lynched)
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D5: Fire and Water]
And then I got locked in incredible agony.

So yesterday didn't Fogel said he has some sort of psionic blocker powers?
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D5: Fire and Water]
I said I'm a quack (revealed when Tea dropped doctor on D1), I had a vague hunch I might secretly be a blocker until Malky turned out to be town blocker, and then I thought I probably didn't actually do anything.

Wheat pushed on that yesterday, but we don't know if he was cult at the time.

It's been so long that I've forgotten who I picked to visit last night, I'll go and double-check that. I think I was testing my roleblock theory and visited Sanzh again? But I kind of recall thinking of visiting Slorange again, in case he was driven with PL the night before and I ended up blocking him. (Weird as that would be as a scumdriving choice, and I still find "town roleblocker and town doctor who's secretly a roleblocker" to be a bit unlikely.)
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D5: Fire and Water]
Just conjecture, but it's noted that the cult scar is still raw. It's possible that he got visited by both the cult and mafia in the same night, presumably? I feel like some of the things he said shouldn't be immediately discarded in light of his death.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D5: Fire and Water]
Sanzh Wrote:Just conjecture, but it's noted that the cult scar is still raw. It's possible that he got visited by both the cult and mafia in the same night, presumably? I feel like some of the things he said shouldn't be immediately discarded in light of his death.

It takes awhile for tattoos to heal regardless, so it's more likely that he was a recruit rather than the CL.

Also nice bout of defeatism from fogel there.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D5: Fire and Water]
There are nine of us left.

We've had one scum drop and this is the first sign we've had of a cult.

So there could plausibly be three scum and four cult for all we know, which would leave two town. (Three if Pinary's not staying dead, his post-prophecy flavor sort of implies he might come back.)

That's a worst-case scenario, yes, but it's a pretty dang bad worst-case scenario. So pardon me for being worried about it.

Anyways, I double-checked; I visited Sanzh again last night. And only one kill once again.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D5: Fire and Water]
To be honest Fogel I'm not really buying your roleblocker power hypothesis and insinuations that I'm a serial killer, but I don't really have a single piece of wholly solid evidence to prove my case. I will say that it seems to be ignoring other possible factors-- I don't think anyone has flipped vig and it's possible something got in the way of a vigkill (I have no idea as to what, but I'm just trying to forward alternate possibilities I guess). Additionally, if the situation is as desperate as you say it is, shouldn't we be lynching on better evidence than what you've brought forward? The case for lynching me has been what Sruix said, Times' argument (which pretty obviously doesn't sit right with me), and your roleblocker hypothesis. Sruix flipped scum, Times is inconsistent with a couple other claims (including yours), so there's just what you're saying to support me being a serial killer.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D5: Fire and Water]
Furthermore, if it is as bad as you insinuate, Fogel, should we not be looking to kill a mafioso or cultist today? Preferably a mafioso?
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D5: Fire and Water]
Also if Dini checked Times and Sanzh and both check 'related' and Sanzh is a third party then... what if Times if a cultist or cult leader or something?

Also Wheat defended Times quite a bit yesterday, maybe times is a cult inforole and leader? Although we can say he just opposed Sruix's deflection because he was sure Sruix was scum.

Also although looks like we didn't start with everyone as a third party, we are on our way aaaah ; -;
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D5: Fire and Water]
Also Sanzh you have claimed gamblerwarlock or something if I recall correctly. Who were you lynch targets, then?
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D5: Fire and Water]
Alright let's lay the cards on the table.

Wheatthins Wrote:"Mirdini, you horsefucker," Victor said.

I'm a cult member. I'm not the cult leader. Which makes me the perfect cult envoy. Town probably can't win at this point, at least one more player WILL be culted and then there's probably just 1-2 town left and scum who're 2-3 players or so.

Before (when I was first checked by 'laris) I was still town as can be, then I got culted, raged some more because typing quirks AND cults jeeeez.

Now for the fun, Wheat and I did some calculations and infosharing last night aaaaand:

It's extremely probable that Timeothy is scum.

Sanzh is almost certainly our Serial Killer

Fogel's a roleblocker. We've already had a town blocker drop. He's almost certainly the scum roleblocker who's been blocking the SK (thankfully, or I guess not-thankfully since scum are at 3 players and poised to win and the SK GASP might've offed one of them thus the blocks).

Paranoia's probably town due to my check between him and Fogel as pinning them being completely unrelated (the aforementioned simple no).

T3 scumcandidate is one of the rest of the players who we can address on later days with more info.



Vote: Dragon Fogel
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D5: Fire and Water]
EBWOP: In case it isn't obvious that's the first post wheat made in cultchat.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D5: Fire and Water]

Vote: DragonFogel
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D5: Fire and Water]
But if he is blocking the SK then who is blocking meeeeee