Mafia: The Last Resort [EPILOGUE: THE END]

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Mafia: The Last Resort [EPILOGUE: THE END]
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Unvote for the sake of prophecy, then.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
I couldn't remember who was roleblocked N1 offhand. I'm pretty sure I mentioned wanting to take a look at whoever it was, I just hadn't checked at the time and wasn't sure where I'd find it.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
No Wheat, I'm not a roleblocker. Heck, I invite you to rolecop me tonight if you're so sure of your scenarios.

Unfortunately the mafia killed my night action last night, the buggers. I masoned myself with Sol after I figured him out from the Visionary posts. I was chatting with him part of night two and most of yesterday. He was going to check one of Wheat, MrGuy or Whimbrel last night but he died.

And that's me all done for the nights. If I could get the forums to actually respond when I get on here I'll still do my usual thing.

So for you Pinary, technically speaking

How would deaths have changed this prediction
Did you recieve it just as day started, so Whoosh would know who is dead and leave them out
Because otherwise that prediction could kill you by having a dead persons name present.

Also how does a tarot card kill you
This smells fishy. And I don't mean Wheat when I say that.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Hurfffff that Malkylynch why did it go through you just lynched a roleblocker just for being a roleblocker ;-;

Kinda my fault for not being around though bleh.

ANYWAY I'm not allowed to refer to my last night's check targets HOWEVER

I know I'm at least reasonably sane because I checked Wojj against Pharms on n2 and got the result that they were "inextricably linked".

And guess what hey I'm not going to refer to who I checked last night but the RESULTS were a simple "no".

Which means my n1 result on Times and g0m (now Sanzh) was something. Which means they're connected "in a way" so I'm hrming over that.

Pretty damn sure Times and guy are scum. From Solaris' copresults we can see that Sruix is even more certainly scum though so yeah he's today's lynch.

Forge why're you doubting Pines he had a nightchat-creator and prophecy makes sense for the card he pulled (so Vote: Pinary for prophecy).
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Oh guy flipped town whoops I should not skip daystarts.

Still really don't like Times and by extension Sanzh though :I :I
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Drakenforge Wrote:I masoned myself with Sol after I figured him out from the Visionary posts.

We just had a town tempmasoner drop.

I highly doubt you're town if that's what you're claiming to be as well.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Mirdini I'm not quite sure where my relationship with Times is coming from, care to enlighten me? All I have coming into this is my role information and the QT for the N2 night-chat, and while I haven't gone in-depth into the night-chat results my role information didn't indicate anything regarding Times. I wouldn't regard what you're saying as suspicious, I'm just sort of genuinely curious (and I'd be more than willing to elucidate on my own role if it'd help assuage things).
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Ah, Insane? That explains it then.

Vote: Sruix
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Sruixan - (3) - Drakenforge, Pinary, ProfessorLizzard
Mirdini – (1) – Whimbrel
Pinary – (1) - Mirdini

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch and 4 to soft lynch. Deadline is 27 October 7PM GMT.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
First, Vote: Pinary

Second, HOS WHEAT because seriously that malkylynch. That's not even regarding alignment anymore you just lynched a roleblocker for showing up as a roleblocker.
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Needs More Votals

Sruixan - (3) - Drakenforge, Pinary, ProfessorLizzard
Mirdini - (1) - Whimbrel
Pinary – (2) - Mirdini, Woffles

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch and 4 to soft lynch. Deadline is 27 October 7PM GMT.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
For one thing, I know what Guy was and his power is different to mine in different ways.

For one, I can only mason myself with someone else.
Two, through the power of Guy I had already claimed this power to Fogel, I was the temp mason he got.
Three, my masons do not end after the night, they continue during the day and so on until one of us dies.

Don't believe me get the rolecop on me, simple as.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
So you're claiming you can mason yourself to any other player of your choice permanently.

And you can do this every night to a different player (or is it only again once your earlier mason has died?)

Do you see where I might be a bit sceptical @_@

OTOH we do have the sruixcopguilty to go off of and uh thinking it over I can see whoosh putting your role into the game (inadvisably so), probably under the aegis of "oh hey if he masons scum he's dead anyway" buuuut yeah your role can get pretty gamebreaking if you just message all the firmed town and start an antimafparty.

Sanzh, you should probably actually er read the thread/nightchat before popping in to the conversation - I mentioned all of my stuff in the N2 nightchat and also at the top of my first post on D3. Basically I'm a pretty silly investigative role who checks people against each other to receive results as to how they're connected, but can't talk about (or even allude to) either of the people I checked the day after I check them (or I feel THE WRATH OF THE MODKILL typing quirks raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh).

Still, I'm apparently sane because I received an "inextricably linked" result on Wojj/Pharms on N2 (and they were the duellists) and I'm not paranoid because I received as my result of last night a simple "no". So the result I got of the former you (g0m) and Times being linked "in a way" on night one is presumably AT LEAST SOMETHING. When I mentioned it during/after N2 Times/g0m categorically denied being linked in any way, which makes me suspicious of both of you.

Also because Times has been in the scummiest voting positions over and over and over and low-content throughout and please someone just vig him.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Actually Mirdi my power was one shot, before Malky blocked me I had plans to be masons with Fogel.

And Wheat, masoning myself with the guy claiming to be cop makes sense. That way he has somebody to leave reports in case of his sanity (cough cough) and my flavor means that I cannot in fact be mafia.

Sol knew of this. If he thought I could be scum he would have said so. However he knew that I at worst would be third party, and that I was not going to do him any harm.

And there Wheat goes, covering his ass.

So you're absolutely perfectly sure I'm the roleblocker
Why do I have the feeling as soon as the other roleblocker flips you'll think I'm a serial killer, or a scum killer, or some other crazy pulled out of your ass idea. Because frankly I'm none of them, and with the amount of distrust I had of MrGuy I certainly would have blocked him if I could have.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
How exactly did I avoid it?

PL being blocked was simply fresher in my mind, so I mentioned him first. I said right after that "we should also look at whoever was blocked N1, I forget offhand who it was".

Do you want me to go checking for every single tidbit before I make a post, especially when it's probably not going to affect the overall point I'm making? Because otherwise, I don't see what I did that you're accusing me of avoiding.

Frankly, I'm not seeing behavior from you that makes me feel better about you after yesterday's mislynch. I'd vote for you, but we've got a prophecy here.

Oh hey, speaking of that, did Wojj vote yet? I can't until she does and I don't remember if she checked in.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Mirdini, my role is just a third party so it could just mean that Times is also a third party-- that would probably qualify as a connection?
Whimbrel, I'unno how often you check this but un-voting would be sort of helpful right now.
Also I have some suspicions but I want to re-read stuff to make sure I have a better case for them, though probably I'd just be parroting already-used arguments.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Wheat Wrote:"Oh okay, I alone should feel bad about yesterday's lynch. There's nothing you could have done to stop it, like take away the vote that put her to soft lynch..."
Quote:Do you want me to go checking for every single tidbit before I make a post, especially when it's probably not going to affect the overall point I'm making?
Well, pal, that's not a t-tidbit! That's a big ol part of it there! When you're putting suspicion onto one person more than the other and just mentioning the other one offhanded, it does make you look like you're coverin'."


What it means to me is "I'm going to take a look at this later". And I don't mean "after we lynch everyone else I mention", I mean "later in the day because somebody else is sure to mention it".

I mean, look. Let's hypothetically say I'm scum with Drakenforge, what exactly do you think I'm trying to do by not mentioning him by name, but rather mentioning him in a way that is certain to make somebody else mention his name?
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Wheat considering we literally have a copguilty on Sruixan you seem remarkably reluctant to vote 'im and just continue squabbling with Forge/others. Still reasonably certain you're town from your play so far but it seems to me like you're just tunneling on a player until they die and then doing that again and again and it isn't necessarily effective scumhunting :I

In that vein what's your opinion on Times? Sanzh's 3p claim considering we've had two 3p duelists already? (though whoosh is infamously fond of her 3ps).

Also in news totally unrelated to anything Wojjan did vote for Pinary already.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Unvote for prophecy
~◕ w◕~
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Oh, hey, that's set up for me now. Cool.

Vote: Pinary

Prophecy, whee.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Sruixan - (3) - Drakenforge, Pinary, ProfessorLizzard
Pinary – (3) - Mirdini, Woffles, Dragon Fogel

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch and 4 to soft lynch. Deadline is 27 October 7PM GMT.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Quote:Proflizz, do you have any more info on your magic headache
It was pain that didn't want to go away aaaa I couldn't move.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
So hey. This is the obligatory bit where I roll out some excuse for my tardiness and general lack of existence... except it's not, because I must have driven you guys crazy with my apologetic attitude so far, and so chances are you don't want to hear it, but rather some actual meaningful stuff. What I will apologise for in advance, mind, is the fact I'm not really in that good of a mood at the moment, sitting somewhere between melancholic and pissed off, mostly because of what ive spent the past three days doing. It really doesn't suit me, but thankfully I don't have to write all too much right now so hmph.

Popping into the thread just after N3 started, it seemed wise to prepare myself before daystart. There are two big issues now that don't exactly shine well, but I can't bloody well do anything about 'em...

...and since then, Sanzh has claimed third party, which explains Solaris's "innocent" on him, and wheat has displayed some precognitive prowess and pinned me as a redirector. Now obviously I'm somewhat opposed to my own lynch, but with Pinary's prophecy needing fulfiling by some means and me not exactly being Mr Townie Twoshoes I daresay I've brought it upon myself. Sorry about that. All I can say is that 12 players with 2 living third parties does not bode particularly well, especially if we don't know whether or not that second kill is going to be a continuing thing, so I'm gonna echo wheat and say that we can't afford to rush things...

Oh and for the time being I am actually doing the whole Vote: Sanzh thing. Just saying.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Sruixan - (3) - Drakenforge, Pinary, ProfessorLizzard
Pinary – (3) - Mirdini, Woffles, Dragon Fogel
Sanzh - (1) - Sruixan

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch and 4 to soft lynch. Deadline is 27 October 7PM GMT.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Also, whilst I'm still just about conscious, I must point out how flattered I am by the Ideaopshere throwbacks. This is where Sanzh turns out to be a Sadistic Streak equivalent and everything goes tits up, obviously.