Mafia: The Last Resort [EPILOGUE: THE END]

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Mafia: The Last Resort [EPILOGUE: THE END]
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
Wheat Wrote:solaris ain't doin' nothing but tryin' to sound harmless.

But why are you constantly insisting that Solaris is trying to be harmless and can't just be harmless? He's acting town and not wanting to lynch town, so why isn't he town?
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
Okay sorry for not being here for the last few day's I've been staying after school and being taken to places with my mum, and all that kinda things.
I will try to not let it happen again!
This post might be a tad on the long side, fyi.

Okay so we have 20 players so assuming that that whoosh went by 25-30 percent we have to find five scums in the remaining 14 people. I find this situation enough to cut to the chase and make a simple claim.
I am Visionary.
On night 1 I checked Mirdini and got a guilty, from that I extrapolated that Pinary was town and that PL was a likely scum buddy for following him. Last night I got an innocent result so I know that I am not paranoid.
I have never played a cop before which is why I haven't been at my full game.
This makes us have 1 of the five. I claimed anonymously after asking Whoosh if I could that way if I died then you would know who I was and you would have one check.

Unvote, Vote Mirdini

I am confident that Dragon Fogel is town.
If both Times/gom and Mirdini are scum then I think that times/g0m is probably not in the mafia, as I would think that Mirdini's comparison thing was meant to implicate or clear one.

1. Solaris- Visionary - Town Cop
2. MrGuy - Leaning Scum
3. Dragon Fogel - Feeling a Clear on
4. TimeothyHour - One of him or g0m is assuredly scum if Mirdini is
6. Wheat - Feeling town more than not
8. Pinary - 90% sure of being town if Mirdini is scum
9. Mirdini - Guilty Check
10. Woffles - Hunted, while I do not dismiss the notion of her being scum after hunted, it seems a bit choppy to me and I am not certain about it
11. MalkyTop - Neutral, leaning good
12. Sruixan - Neutral, leaning good
13. ProfessorLizzard - Is possible scum if Mirdini is
15. Drakenforge - Leaning Town
17. Whimbrel - Neutral
18. SleepingOrange - I am thinking is not scum if only because of the comment he made in star, but that means little so...
20. g0m - One of him or times is assuredly scum if Mirdini is

So I have
Mirdini, PL, gom/times, MrGuy, and one of Malky, Sruix, or Whim as my scumteam
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
Yo, Vic, I meant what I said, during night chat, there was nothing for me to say, thus, I couldn't contribute nothin'. I had no strong opinions about Pinny, no strong opinions about Miri, la dee da. I'm sure all of that would have been fascinating to hear.

Sol, you said you got an innocent on someone, but I didn't see you name who it was. I'd like to know. But if you did say it, then I'm just an idiot.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
My Logic for checking Mirdini on night 1

If he died on night 1 then I would have a very good shot of instantly knowing what my sanity was and cutting that as an option. He is a good player and he's slippery, so knowing if he was to be followed or scum to be weary of would be a good way to know what to do in the following nights. In my eyes it was he best choice.

Malky, I do have an innocent but I will not reveal him publicly until the end of the day if I do so.
I would however, like people to guess who that innocent read is, because I think that might help a little?
I am unsure but if you all really want me to I will reveal him publicly.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
A Chain of Votes

MrGuy - (1) – Drakenforge
Mirdini – (1) - Solaris
Solaris - (1) - Wheat
Wheat – (1) – Woffles
Woffles – (1) – TimeothyHour
TimothyHour – (1) – ProfessorLizzard

(Abstaining: MalkyTop, Dragon Fogel, SleepingOrange, Mirdini, Whimbrel, Sruixan, Pinary, MrGuy, g0m)

With 15 alive it takes 8 to lynch and 5 to soft lynch. The day will end in approximatey 46 hours.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
Well that kinda helps not much but still
At least it backs up the fact that I'm not the visionary. So told you so I guess, Wheat.

Does this mean the whole Stars chat last night was Sol's big fat

~Magic Bag~

Sorry Wheat just poking at you with that.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
Sols I am really not sure what good it'll do to out your inno at the end of the day instead of right now. If you can clear a potential lynch candidate I am going to hazard it's best you throw it out there some time well before the deadline.

Can I hazard you checked Pinary? I dunno but that's just my guess.
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
I've really got to do a better job of talking in these things.

Solaris is acting a bit weird right now. This could be a genuine cop claim, or it could be an attempt to get a cop to reveal himself on a counterclaim. The fact that he won't name his innocent is a bit weird, too.

Either that or he's a townie making some kind of gambit in hopes of proving something.

I should review the last few days and see if anything comes up. One thing I'll note is that, unless I missed it, Wojj hasn't revealed her new win condition. This means it's fairly likely to be something the town doesn't have an interest in doing.

That doesn't necessarily mean we should lynch her; after all, if we just do that and she's not a serial killer or someone else actively hindering us, it's mostly just a distraction from the genuine Mafia. I find it a significant stretch to believe that this whole public duel would just lead to one side becoming a Mafia traitor. Possible, sure, but very weird. If we have a Guilty on her through mechanics, I'd lynch her; otherwise, probably not unless we literally have no other options.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
"Seems t'me the way t'get the most info'd be to lynch Mirdini, t'see if Solly's on the up-n-up or if he's just fuckin' with us. That said, I can't say whether it's actually a good idea-- idle-equals-scum bullshit aside, he seems like a helpful guy. So I ain't throwin' my vote nowheres until I hear from him, and I guess hear what more o' you guys think."
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
I have a few reasons involving "quite a few things" that I need to keep quiet about because it has to do with after I die. I suppose that this might not have been the "best time" and that with holding a check is not the best, but if I die tomorrow the check will still be known to at least one of you.
I have a few aces under my sleeve.

The second issue with the innocent is more that if I just up and reveal it then scum won't know who not to try to get lynched, they won't just kill them and block me, and because there is potential for him to be revealed at a later date even if I die.
In my eyes revealing him gives scum a target while keeping him on the down low makes him a possible trap for scum!

But if majority wants him revealed I will.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
Too long, didn't read, pretending you just sang the opening song to Fresh Prince, which was what I was about to interupt you with but you ninja'd me. You ruined a perfectly good joke man.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
Okay uhm, wheat I just want to make sure because I am telling the truth here.
I have a guilty on Mirdini and an innocent on Sruixian.
So are you saying that you investigated ix on night 1 and got innocent?
Because in that case, I am either insane or random and that means that Sruixian is guilty and I was wrong not only about Mirdini but everythign that I extrapolated from that guilty which is just
sort of

anyway, my dad wants me to go so ill be right back and i suppose ill unvote
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
Wwwell... I honestly don't know what to think now. The more Wojjan talked, the more sure I was she was something screwy, but now it's starting to look like she might have just known about Solaris and was trying to save him because he was a powerful power-role. Were they lovered/masoned/whatever like Ix and Wheat claimed? Am I conflating games again?

On the other hand, it's probably more important to look at MalkyTop, Mirdini, Wheat, and Solaris right now. Unless anyone wants to counterclaim VISIONARY, then there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of reason to doubt that Solaris is the one who was talking in nightchat last night. That doesn't even close to mean he necessarily is what he says, of course, but at least we know something now.

I'm having a hard time figuring either of Wheat or Solaris as scum at the moment; there's almost never a good reason for scum fakeclaiming cop and leading a lynch on the town. It's usually a one for one trade, and that's almost never good for the mafia, numerically. The most likely scenario, in my mind, is that one of our claimed inforoles has sanity issues; less likely but still not unlikely is simply that two of our sane inforoles decided to claim on the same day. It's possible that one of them doesn't have the town's best interests at heart, but I can't figure out why they'd set events into motion that would likely end with their lynch when their "guilty" turned up innocent.

For me at the moment, it seems like the decision is between trusting Solaris and trusting Wheat. I think that as it stands right now, I'll side with Wheat first: it seems like if there are any players in cahoots, it's Wojjan and Solaris, which means that if one of our claimers is scum, I'd bet Solaris. Wait, I had a thought... Given that this is a whoosh! game, and we've already seen an odd role or two, it's possible that the scum have some kind of day-illusionist that causes one lynch to flip the way they tell whoosh! to have it flip. That seems... borderline-bastardy, but it would certainly explain why the scumteam would fakeclaim and damned if I can think of any other reasons. I'm not saying this is a likely scenario, but it is a possible one maybe; given that Whooshlaris looks slightly worse than Wheat and I was able to come up with some reason the scum might make themselves such targets, I'm willing to vote with Wheat. Which I already said, but I had that idea midparagraph.

vote: MalkyTop

Fakedit: that's not necessarily the case, Solaris; Wheat specifically didn't tell us what kind of inforole he is, just that he has damning evidence against MalkyTop. It's still possible, as I mentioned above, that Wheat's a sane tracker/watcher/SKcop/whatever and you're just a sane cop.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
Wait, if I'm reading Wheat's last post right, he wants to hear from Malky? I'm good with hearing that explanation before we end the day.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
MrGuy - (1) – Drakenforge
Mirdini – (1) - Solaris
Wheat – (1) – Woffles
Woffles – (1) – TimeothyHour
TimothyHour – (1) – ProfessorLizzard
MalkyTop - (2) - Wheat, SleepingOrange

(Abstaining: MalkyTop, Dragon Fogel, Mirdini, Whimbrel, Sruixan, Pinary, MrGuy, g0m)

With 15 alive it takes 8 to lynch and 5 to soft lynch. The day will end in approximatey 25 hours.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
Hurm. I'm not sure bout the nature of your investigation, but I can guess that it might be based on the fact that I'm a roleblocker.

Because that's what I am.

I'm not actually a patient here, I'm the handyman with all the keys. So yeah, I've been locking people in their rooms. I was hoping to go through people and target the killer eventually, though really, it wasn't likely. I'm town-aligned. There's not much else to say.

Actually, now that I think of it, only one person has ever claimed to be roleblocked each day. Which makes me think mafia doesn't actually have a roleblocker, I suppose.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
SleepingOrange Wrote:The more Wojjan talked, the more sure I was she was something screwy, but now it's starting to look like she might have just known about Solaris and was trying to save him because he was a powerful power-role.

That, uh, makes sense. Unvote.

I'm not sure what to think of the two claims. I think probably one of them has incorrect info, but I'm not sure. It kind of seems like wheat has false info, if malky really is town. But wheat also apparently had an accurate check with ix, so he might just be getting random results. But, malky might just be lying and solaris is the one getting incorrect info. So, right now, I'm going to wait and see how everything plays out and how wheat responds to malky's claim.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
Oh my god wheat, what?!
Let's take this one by one.

You're claiming a flavorcop, with results on 1) a person you got tempmasoned with, who has had ample time between your fishtales to tell you about his flavor himself, and who is currently dead and unable to confirm anything you might have on him, and 2) on Malky, with all you got being a ring of keys. You didn't claim jack other than that so why are you so dead certain keys means mafia? Is there anything at all in your report last night that excludes Malky from being townsided? That said though, I'm actually pretty sure the mafia not having a roleblocker is a point against you, Malky. In a setup with all these cops and doctors, and no vanillas around at all so far I'd think a roleblocker to be standard fare. But then again, a lot of roles don't get informed of being roleblocked, or might just not have any ability to use at all.

And then we're right back on Solaris.

Your top banana in this pile of quotes is still riding the wave of Solaris being such apparent scum and knowledgeable of the mafia roles that he is giving away this knowledge day one and making it such an obvious hook that anyone can pick up on it. If the mafia would collab to make this excuse work on the very first day possible no less I really don't see why they wouldn't talk about it more overnight. Why would Drake need Solaris to tell him to claim blocked, if clearly they had the whole night to conspire over their actions? It makes no sense for mafia to hint at it overday! You're just not considering Solaris to be ACTUALLY TOWN, and genuinely asking if someone got blocked! Blockers happen often, and any info is good info for town! Asking if anyone has anything to report from the night is NOT IN ANY CASE setting some partner up to claim! It's just asking if something happened!

Your next quote is basically digging so deep into the flavor that you're gonna hit the lithosphere sometime soon. I am pretty sure you can tell that there's a key on the other side of a door if you look through the keyhole and don't see anything, say. And even so the flavor tends to be omniscient in tense and style. My night actions when I was being hunted had something about hiding in every corner in unfounded fear of bumping into the hunter. So whoosh! tells me it's unfounded, something my character also shouldn't know about! Wow, I must not be the hunted then! Such points are obviously trivial at best, and if you're genuinely trying to make Drake's roleblocked claim seem less plausible through whoosh' flavor describing how he got blocked, then I'm afraid you'll have to bring a bigger gun.

Your next two quotes I don't see why you've quoted them. Obviously they're talking about a roleblock, maybe because someone brought up being roleblocked. They talk about it, want to know more and speculate a bit about last night's results. How does that make them mafia?

It's reeeeeeeally not suspicious at all in a setup with no vanillas to go around expecting multiple roleblocks.

I'm not sure I follow on your quotes on me either. I claimed just to rig the duel and get a halfwin, and pretty much nothing else. I already discussed some of it with the Hunter that night, and we were both gonna claim regardless. And again, expecting the other side of a hunter/hunted to claim is nothing more than a normal reaction from either side of town or mafia.

All of your arguments seem to be riding on Solaris and co being mafia and picking suspicious posts from there on. You're basically scourging for suspicious posts to the point that you're just quoting Sruixan without saying anything and just having it count.
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
What is with all the cop claims.

That is like three:
1, Sol with a guilty on Dini and inno on Sruix, .
2, Mirdi with g0m and times linked and SOMETHING HE IS NOT ALLOWED TO TELL
3, Ix inno, Malky guilty

Okay, I can't take this anymore. The reason I was all buddy buddying with Mirdi? I AM ALSO A COP. I tried to subtly hint that I has examined him in case I died. Looks like I am as subtle as a brick! Got blocked last night, so I have no other result.

Now I just can't make heads or tails about this. Willing to believe that Wheat is the actual sane cop, though.
But really, lets lynch Malky. If she is scum, it means Solaris is insane cop, and then we can lynch Sruix! And Wheat can't be random cop, that is bastardy. Framer could happen, though...

Vote Malky

wheeeeeeee, I am feeling dizzy, and this speech of mine didn't make much sense.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
MrGuy - (1) – Drakenforge
Mirdini – (1) - Solaris
Wheat – (1) – Woffles
MalkyTop - (3) - Wheat, SleepingOrange, ProfessorLizzard

(Abstaining: MalkyTop, Dragon Fogel, Mirdini, Whimbrel, Sruixan, Pinary, MrGuy, g0m, TimeothyHour)

With 15 alive it takes 8 to lynch and 5 to soft lynch. The day will end in approximatey 22 hours.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
ProfessorLizzard Wrote:What is with all the cop claims.

That is like three:
1, Sol with a guilty on Dini and inno on Sruix, .
2, Mirdi with g0m and times linked and SOMETHING HE IS NOT ALLOWED TO TELL
3, Ix inno, Malky guilty

Okay, I can't take this anymore. The reason I was all buddy buddying with Mirdi? I AM ALSO A COP. I tried to subtly hint that I has examined him in case I died. Looks like I am as subtle as a brick! Got blocked last night, so I have no other result.

Now I just can't make heads or tails about this. Willing to believe that Wheat is the actual sane cop, though.
But really, lets lynch Malky. If she is scum, it means Solaris is insane cop, and then we can lynch Sruix! And Wheat can't be random cop, that is bastardy. Framer could happen, though...

Vote Malky

wheeeeeeee, I am feeling dizzy, and this speech of mine didn't make much sense.

From the way this post sounds, PL, you might just be dizzy or out of it or something, but this gives off a lot of warning bells. Another cop claim? You also just suggest we should lynch malky anyway when it's apparent wheat's role is actually learning about their flavour, and then you suggest lynching someone else casually. I think the nonsequitur-ness of means you're really out of it and didn't read anything, especially if you're actually dizzy, which means I'm not going to vote for you quite yet, but I'm going to say it's pretty clear that we SHOULDN'T kill Malky, at least not until we've determined more about these cop roles, especially yours, PL, since I'm not really sure if you're a cop or not.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
Didn't Wheat said he had a guilty?

Quote:I am investigative. Investigated malky last night; got results that are either straight, sanity-assured guilty

Yes he did.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
Wheat Wrote:Victor's incensed fury suddenly dropped off like a buffalo driven off a cliff.
"Well, that takes a bit a piss right outta me.
"I was seeing rather if you'd claim jailer or docblocker but yeah I was a flavor dude and I saw your big ring o' keys last night when I snooped in your room, so I knew you were some kinda blockyperson or somethin'.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
Wheat said that he's got flavor on me, but I don't think he got a concrete guilty. He thinks I am, though.

Obviously, I roleblocked Forge and PL. Nobody else has ever claimed to be roleblocked, which seems to indicate I'm the only one. And if PL's really a cop, I can just avoid him, then (can't roleblock him right now anyways, can't roleblock the same person twice in a row.)

In any case, Wheat, your argument's kinda really...not convincing. The thing we talked about, the one kill thing, that was the first Night. In a game like mafia, a lot of people expect multiple kills during the night, and there was only one, so we were speculating why. I would think anybody would. The start of this day, there was only one death as well and I thought I commented on that or someone did but apparently nobody didn't. In any case, then it was obvious that there weren't going to be two kills or an SK or a vig. Nobody said that afterwards at all.

Your entire post is just really nitpicky and doesn't really prove anything at all.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
Wait a minute, how does me turning up scum makes Solaris an insane cop?