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RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
(04-13-2013, 12:51 PM)Crowstone Wrote: »lynching him wont work?

Does whole... "event" imply he's immune to daykills/lynches?
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
Quote:35. Scumfirmastermind – Can confirm as SCUM MASTERMIND in thread at any time. Gains an extra NK, unlynchable, twoshot bulletproof.

Morendo – Brand New Day from Doctor Horrible’s Sing-a-Long Blog (


Lynch Teh Pilot
Potato Not The Author

RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
Well, there's not going to be a clearer confirmation for me lock in my potato for the day.

Potato: NotTheAuthor

There. Now it's stuck there, like a frozen chip that fell out of the bag and stuck to the wall of the freezer when you were retrieving that half filled bag for leftovers night. Still can't move my vote though. Soz Bob.
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
Ah, I see. Unvote

Potato: NTA
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
I can't argue with that logic either.

Potato: Not The Author
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
[Image: c48AoKl.png?1]
I make game: site | itch
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
(04-11-2013, 01:06 AM)Granolaman Wrote: »We only need softlynch to kill you, it's hard enough to get people to agree on something as is; we know where the virus is and we can react to more outbreaks as they come calmly and efficiently; and unless you have another disaster up your sleeve, looks like this day is just about over.

granola this is all your fault you and your big mouth cursed us

Vote: TehPilot
Potato: NTA

there's something deeply unsatisfying about not being able to potato the potato cultist but ah well can't be helped
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)

Potato: NTA
[Image: c48AoKl.png?1]
I make game: site | itch
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
(04-12-2013, 02:06 PM)GenetiXientist Wrote: »Why the hell would you bring a dead obliterator back

what possible goddamn reason would there be to ever do that

Because I only joined this game to watch people die hilariously

and all the hilarious killing roles are dead

I ' m b o r e d a s f u c k
[Image: sig.gif]
(04-11-2014, 12:35 AM)Schazer Wrote: »pffft dingle your pringles more like hop on your popcorn
(06-03-2014, 03:10 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »DON'T EDIT POSTS YOU'LL GET MODKILLED wait a minute.
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
Watts I understand you, but Luneix said "reasons."

Also Tater:NTA
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
[Image: stats.png]

Potato: NotTheArthur

for fellows who dont listenprehend, lets have G-man potatodude inspire the lyrics for our souls. a starchymuse you can't abuse.
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
Potato: NotTheAuthor

I knew I was holding on to this potato vote for a reason.
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
Shaddup, no amount of karmic comeuppance will stop me from taunting my lynch target.
Also shitfuck I remember this role being annoying as hell. Glad we have the roletext to deal with it now.

Potato: NTA
Lynch: TehPilot
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
Lynch: NotTheAuthor
Edict Compliance: God Save The Queen
Potato: Also NotTheAuthor
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
I'm pretty sure the Potato won't work here since it didn't work on Solaris D1 either when they got super powers.
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
I think the potato did what it was supposed to, but solly won obliteration lynch/nightkill protection. Which apparently includes potatoes.

Also, I think we should bring back Solaris and Jacquerel because look at that ship. See how cute they are <3
Look. At. That. Ship.
They're adorbs.

Potato: NTA
because bandwagon
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
(04-13-2013, 03:36 PM)TehPilot Wrote: »[b][col

Thanks, you be cool too.

Anyway, you guys should all lynch TehPilot now. He's confirmed scum too, remember?
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
(04-13-2013, 06:23 PM)Coldblooded Wrote: »Anyway, you guys should all lynch TehPilot now. He's confirmed scum too, remember?

I'm also the most active living player. Do you want this to become a lurkfest? :mspa:
[Image: c48AoKl.png?1]
I make game: site | itch
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
(04-13-2013, 06:14 PM)MathGirl277 Wrote: »I think the potato did what it was supposed to, but solly won obliteration lynch/nightkill protection. Which apparently includes potatoes.

Apparently NTA is all kinds of invincible today after revealing too. I'll give it a shot, but I'm not optimistic of our chances.

Vote: tehPilot (pretty sure I did this already? Whatever)
Potato: NTA
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
Burn all the bulletproofness!

VOTE: teHPilot
Potato: NotTheAuthor
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
Oh, g'morning

What's goin' on

[Image: Jubilations_zps6bfa9204.png]

Dear The Virus: Since at least two people will need to target me to actually kill me tonight - assuming the Potato breaks only one layer of Bulletproof, and further assuming that no other roles are involved such as doctors, blockers, bussers, or additional killers to make up for the possibility of the former - I am a prime choice for infection! Please send all disease-laden envelopes to The Church, George Washington's Secret Tunnels, Cumberland, Maryland.

Dear Anyone Who Can Cure The Virus: Since at least two people will need to target me to actually kill me tonight - assuming the Potato breaks only one layer of Bulletproof, and further assuming that no other roles are involved such as doctors, blockers, bussers, or additional killers to make up for the possibility of the former - I am a prime choice for infection! Please send all antidote-laden envelopes to The Church, George Washington's Secret Tunnels, Cumberland, Maryland.
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
Potato: Nottles :C
Lynch: TehPilot
Boon: Bring back Jac and Solly yes good idea Luneix.
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
(04-13-2013, 08:30 PM)seastormjt Wrote: »Potato: Nottles :C
Lynch: TehPilot
Boon: Bring back Jac and Solly yes good idea Luneix.

You scumbags have no problem reviving two scum (one being an obliterator), yet you want to lynch another?

I demand equality for confirmed scum. Keep them all alive or kill them all. None of this double-standard crap.
[Image: c48AoKl.png?1]
I make game: site | itch
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
Man I'm not even that dangerous

All mine tricks have been unbag'd; all I can do is force you lot to waste kills

You should really be looking for someone who could horribly screw over everyone

I say this full well knowing that there's all-but-no time in which to do so, but still
RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (41/67)
(04-13-2013, 08:34 PM)TehPilot Wrote: »You scumbags have no problem reviving two scum (one being an obliterator), yet you want to lynch another?
