Land of Towns and Scum [Mafia Game Adventure]

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Land of Towns and Scum [Mafia Game Adventure]
Re: Land of Towns and Scum [Mafia Game Adventure]
Vote for White, to speed things along.
Re: Land of Towns and Scum [Mafia Game Adventure]
Vote Black, third on a weak bandwagon? So scum.


(How could my first post here not be about mafia I cannot imagine an alternative :apple: (we need :apple: I will start a petition))
Re: Land of Towns and Scum [Mafia Game Adventure]
The rest of the day happens.

[Image: fgCGJ.gif]
It is long and it sort of drags on and this is the general view you get on things.

Pink - Seemed to follow blue throughout the day.
Gold - Quiet except for a few votes.
Teal - basically dissapeared after his vote.
White - Barley said anything at all.
Grey - Focused on people who did not talk.
Brown - Seemed show-off-ish, tried to lead town
Blue - Lead town, voted for black but questioned people.
Black - Quick to vote, newbish, changes his votes a lot.
Yellow - Did not vote, but talked.
Cyan - Pushy, voted once and kept fighting for it.

[Image: 15Spu.gif]
The day eventually ends in a no lynch, to the mod's disgust.
Moderator Wrote:End of Day Votals
Blue (3) (Black, Brown, Cyan)
Brown (1) (Teal)
Black (4) (Purple[You], Blue, White, Pink)
White (2) (Grey, Gold)

[Image: j3QqF.gif]
It is now night, who do you target?
Re: Land of Towns and Scum [Mafia Game Adventure]
Right. Our goal is to target people who are relatively unlikely to get killed.

Grey seems safe enough; they mostly pressed lurkers. That means they're not likely to get killed by mafia for a bit, and not likely to get lynched for a bit. I say we go with that.
Re: Land of Towns and Scum [Mafia Game Adventure]
I'd go with Yellow. Contributing to discussion but not jumping on bandwagons is the attitude that makes people look unscummy.
Re: Land of Towns and Scum [Mafia Game Adventure]
Gold is the one we should mark!
Re: Land of Towns and Scum [Mafia Game Adventure]
Second the choice of Grey.