Post making contest 3.0

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Post making contest 3.0
RE: Post making contest
Obviously the plural of album is albumen.
RE: Post making contest
RE: Post making contest
(06-10-2016, 05:17 PM)Kíeros Wrote: »Well done you! You’ve really really got the hang of it! That’s excellent stuff there! Come on, I’ll transcribe audio only pornography.


also that is definitely not the actual lyric just saying
RE: Post making contest

  1. I'm beginning to see a, uh, point of light on the horizon. It's getting larger. I'm getting some pretty good binoculars .
  2. The beaches are nearly always close to the sea, in fallen boulders, old ruins, in cliffs, or at the top of a stack like this.
  3. Most of us are tinkers, some of us tailors, and we've got candlesticks and lots of tinks & tails!
  4. *this is an instrumental album, except for the one vocal sample you know full well I can't entirely figure out*
  5. So tighten your buttocks, pour juice on your chin, I promised my girlfriend I'd make the worst breakfast!
  6. *this is also an instrumental album, though the artist is heard to say words at the start of the very first track*
  7. Behind these two hills here, there's a pool. And when I'm swimming in through a tunnel, I question my existence...
  8. I think you'd remember, when you were so locked down, if you were a criminal in a previous life...
  9. On the mountain's sunny side, the sunshades are all down. The sun's descent is televised, it tore from space to town.
  10. You know I went to my house, wasn't nobody there but fremp. There was trouble there was worry, Lord like the whole world could see! (note: these lyrics are sampled)
  11. Animals with no eyes, but yet not blind. Six arms and one leg, but not alone. Standing in the light and yet unseen, wings like an aeroplane, tail like a bad spy .
  12. There's so much I want. I have to decide what I want to do with my life. shitposting competitons are so dangerous! I get so tempted!
  13. Fighting is futile but I can't concede to interior beliefs that control and deplete you, dismounting a love which has grown from beneath you, an unexpected chair .
  14. And when the moon is not quite round where can the missing bit be found? Be proud to be down the back of the couch !
  15. Well done you! You’ve really really got the hang of it! That’s excellent stuff there! Come on, I’ll eat an entire xbox.
  16. *the other instrumental album, but my favourite song has some cut-up vocalisations and a spot of near-choral singing*
  17. From the lowly mountains, to the highest peak, my heart is singing, I can hardly hear anything over this racket !
  18. Come with us to where man has never been, but to where he will go, as certain as the passing of time. Come with us to the space consortium . The weird dog is waiting.
  19. Your attention please. NBS Radio station WWVH will be relocated to the middle of fucking nowhere at zero hours Greenwich Mean Time on July 1st 1971.
  20. I've got a thingummy that's made by NASA, the material's called plasticine . I put my head on it; the shape, it moulds to my head.

at the time i was too busy basking in musical nostalgia i soon realized this was a great opportunity to post memes.
RE: Post making contest
This is update #125.

(06-10-2016, 11:27 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »Behind these two hills here, there's a pool. And when I'm swimming in through a tunnel, I question my existence...

This is not entirely wrong, somehow. It captures the right feeling, at least.

(06-10-2016, 11:27 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »You know I went to my house, wasn't nobody there but fremp. There was trouble there was worry, Lord like the whole world could see! (note: these lyrics are sampled)

And this one got to me. The idea of someone like Lightnin' Hopkins even saying the word "fremp" is just.

(06-10-2016, 11:27 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »From the lowly mountains, to the highest peak, my heart is singing, I can hardly hear anything over this racket !

Fun fact: one of my housemates last year described this song as "nothing but static, in all honesty", but that just means both of you are completely incorrect.

(06-10-2016, 11:27 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »Come with us to where man has never been, but to where he will go, as certain as the passing of time. Come with us to the space consortium . The weird dog is waiting.

This isn't really wrong either. When I first did the Space Consortium segment of my perpetually-unfinished Hawksquawk episode this was the very track I used, which is probably why it was fresh in my mind.

Also Ix I am glad that my self-indulgent musical mystery tour gave you a pleasant trip down nostalgia lane. On the other hand, I am now sat here grappling with myself as to what I could possibly permit to be on the bottom row of the 5x5 grid I am putting together, because somehow I am going to have to betray both past and present me to trim the shortlist down and it's agony.

End of message.
RE: Post making contest
(06-10-2016, 11:27 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »at the time i was too busy basking in musical nostalgia i soon realized this was a great opportunity to post memes.

That was all that I intended this to be, really.
RE: Post making contest
Did you know it's one am it's time for sruix to go to bed. Goodnight sruix.
RE: Post making contest
(06-11-2016, 12:01 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »Did you know it's one am it's time for sruix to go to bed. Goodnight sruix.

Ix you are not my mum you can't make me go to bed despite the fact I specifically told you you could

but yeah I am going to bed once I've put this albumen thing up
RE: Post making contest
Sruix i'm very concerned! You're going to mess up your sleep patterns again! Sure arranging album covers in a square is pretty cool but is it really worth it?
RE: Post making contest
This is update #126.

[Image: albumen.png]

15-year-old Sruix would absolutely slaughter me for my choices of what made it onto the bottom line and the order in which they got put BUT THIS IS WHAT I THINK NOW AND I'M STANDING BY IT UNTIL AT LEAST TOMORROW MORNING.

Also, that means there's a BONUS ROUND for the lyrics challenge! These are the albums on the bottom line, just like the last twenty were the first four lines...
  1. *entirely instrumental - off to a good start, I know*
  2. Who dares to wake me? ______ ______ ______ ______ , swimming in the waves of your intimacy.
  3. Members only, hypnotizers move through the room like ______ ______ .
  4. One shipment, two shipment, three shipments of ______ . (note: this is the worst possible line to have occurred to me first)
  5. Well, it's not really a half a boy. It's ______ ______ .
AND NOW I AM GOING TO start getting ready to GO TO SLEEP.

End of message.
RE: Post making contest
Well, it's not really a half a boy. It's a Rock Lobster .
RE: Post making contest
More 100% accurate filling in of these quotes. You might think they're wrong, but in fact, you would be wrong. Despite me having never heard of any of them.
(06-11-2016, 12:22 AM)Sruixan Wrote: »
  1. *entirely instrumental - off to a good start, I know*
  2. Who dares to wake me? John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt , swimming in the waves of your intimacy.
  3. Members only, hypnotizers move through the room like transfigured lemurs .
  4. One shipment, two shipment, three shipments of beer . (note: this is the worst possible line to have occurred to me first)
  5. Well, it's not really a half a boy. It's more like two thirds .
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Post making contest
(06-11-2016, 12:22 AM)Sruixan Wrote: »
  1. *entirely screaming - off to a good start, I know*
  2. Who dares to wake me? Another ten minutes please , swimming in the waves of your intimacy.
  3. Members only, hypnotizers move through the room like greased treacle .
  4. One shipment, two shipment, three shipments of lubrication . (note: this is the worst possible line to have occurred to me first)
  5. Well, it's not really a half a boy. It's two thirds .
RE: Post making contest
Who dares to wake me? more than 69 sausages , swimming in the waves of your intimacy.
RE: Post making contest
I still feel weird that I didn't notice until today (yesterday if you want to get technical) that every puzzle in Island 3 starts with the word "Cold".

I mean, I'd noticed that it was common, but every single puzzle does it.

Anyhow, I'm past all of those, and I solved a puzzle in Island 4, which brings me to 100 sausages.

From what I've seen so far, it looks like Island 4's theme is going to be hats. This is going to be fun.
RE: Post making contest
(06-10-2016, 08:39 PM)Kíeros Wrote: »If 4, in that case, was the palindrome one, then yes it does. You can check the beginning and the end, and I ever so helpfully highlighted the 'o' right in the middle.

Yes, that was the result of a google search for "longest palindrome".
Passes 1.

(06-10-2016, 08:42 PM)Akumu Wrote: »spider
Passes 4 and 5.

(06-10-2016, 08:45 PM)Akumu Wrote: »spider are dips
Passes 3.

(06-10-2016, 09:23 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »so i worked out my top 25 albums listed in alphabetical order because actually arranging most of these into a preferred order would take more work than i'm willing to devote to this.

[Image: albums_zpsege204vk.png]

what a good use of my time.
Passes 2.

(06-10-2016, 09:31 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »important addendum with the above albums i was working under the self imposed restriction of one album per artist. if i wasn't there'd be more mcr, more used, maybe one more avril.
Passes 3.

(06-10-2016, 09:37 PM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »Obviously the plural of album is albumen.
Passes 3.

(06-10-2016, 09:40 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »
Passes 9. The alpha rule has escaped!

(06-10-2016, 10:59 PM)Sruixan Wrote: »
(06-10-2016, 05:17 PM)Kíeros Wrote: »Well done you! You’ve really really got the hang of it! That’s excellent stuff there! Come on, I’ll transcribe audio only pornography.


also that is definitely not the actual lyric just saying
Passes 14. I got this, don't worry, I got this.

(06-10-2016, 11:27 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »
  1. I'm beginning to see a, uh, point of light on the horizon. It's getting larger. I'm getting some pretty good binoculars .
  2. The beaches are nearly always close to the sea, in fallen boulders, old ruins, in cliffs, or at the top of a stack like this.
  3. Most of us are tinkers, some of us tailors, and we've got candlesticks and lots of tinks & tails!
  4. *this is an instrumental album, except for the one vocal sample you know full well I can't entirely figure out*
  5. So tighten your buttocks, pour juice on your chin, I promised my girlfriend I'd make the worst breakfast!
  6. *this is also an instrumental album, though the artist is heard to say words at the start of the very first track*
  7. Behind these two hills here, there's a pool. And when I'm swimming in through a tunnel, I question my existence...
  8. I think you'd remember, when you were so locked down, if you were a criminal in a previous life...
  9. On the mountain's sunny side, the sunshades are all down. The sun's descent is televised, it tore from space to town.
  10. You know I went to my house, wasn't nobody there but fremp. There was trouble there was worry, Lord like the whole world could see! (note: these lyrics are sampled)
  11. Animals with no eyes, but yet not blind. Six arms and one leg, but not alone. Standing in the light and yet unseen, wings like an aeroplane, tail like a bad spy .
  12. There's so much I want. I have to decide what I want to do with my life. shitposting competitons are so dangerous! I get so tempted!
  13. Fighting is futile but I can't concede to interior beliefs that control and deplete you, dismounting a love which has grown from beneath you, an unexpected chair .
  14. And when the moon is not quite round where can the missing bit be found? Be proud to be down the back of the couch !
  15. Well done you! You’ve really really got the hang of it! That’s excellent stuff there! Come on, I’ll eat an entire xbox.
  16. *the other instrumental album, but my favourite song has some cut-up vocalisations and a spot of near-choral singing*
  17. From the lowly mountains, to the highest peak, my heart is singing, I can hardly hear anything over this racket !
  18. Come with us to where man has never been, but to where he will go, as certain as the passing of time. Come with us to the space consortium . The weird dog is waiting.
  19. Your attention please. NBS Radio station WWVH will be relocated to the middle of fucking nowhere at zero hours Greenwich Mean Time on July 1st 1971.
  20. I've got a thingummy that's made by NASA, the material's called plasticine . I put my head on it; the shape, it moulds to my head.

at the time i was too busy basking in musical nostalgia i soon realized this was a great opportunity to post memes.
Passes 3 and e.

(06-10-2016, 11:41 PM)Sruixan Wrote: »This is update #125.

(06-10-2016, 11:27 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »Behind these two hills here, there's a pool. And when I'm swimming in through a tunnel, I question my existence...

This is not entirely wrong, somehow. It captures the right feeling, at least.

(06-10-2016, 11:27 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »You know I went to my house, wasn't nobody there but fremp. There was trouble there was worry, Lord like the whole world could see! (note: these lyrics are sampled)

And this one got to me. The idea of someone like Lightnin' Hopkins even saying the word "fremp" is just.

(06-10-2016, 11:27 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »From the lowly mountains, to the highest peak, my heart is singing, I can hardly hear anything over this racket !

Fun fact: one of my housemates last year described this song as "nothing but static, in all honesty", but that just means both of you are completely incorrect.

(06-10-2016, 11:27 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »Come with us to where man has never been, but to where he will go, as certain as the passing of time. Come with us to the space consortium . The weird dog is waiting.

This isn't really wrong either. When I first did the Space Consortium segment of my perpetually-unfinished Hawksquawk episode this was the very track I used, which is probably why it was fresh in my mind.

Also Ix I am glad that my self-indulgent musical mystery tour gave you a pleasant trip down nostalgia lane. On the other hand, I am now sat here grappling with myself as to what I could possibly permit to be on the bottom row of the 5x5 grid I am putting together, because somehow I am going to have to betray both past and present me to trim the shortlist down and it's agony.

End of message.

Passes 2 and Graham's Number.

(06-10-2016, 11:42 PM)Sruixan Wrote: »
(06-10-2016, 11:27 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »at the time i was too busy basking in musical nostalgia i soon realized this was a great opportunity to post memes.

That was all that I intended this to be, really.

Passes... 3! Okay we're good now.

(06-11-2016, 12:01 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »Did you know it's one am it's time for sruix to go to bed. Goodnight sruix.

Passes 5.

(06-11-2016, 12:05 AM)Sruixan Wrote: »
(06-11-2016, 12:01 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »Did you know it's one am it's time for sruix to go to bed. Goodnight sruix.

Ix you are not my mum you can't make me go to bed despite the fact I specifically told you you could

but yeah I am going to bed once I've put this albumen thing up

Passes 2.

(06-11-2016, 12:11 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »Sruix i'm very concerned! You're going to mess up your sleep patterns again! Sure arranging album covers in a square is pretty cool but is it really worth it?
Passes 3 and 5 probably.

(06-11-2016, 12:22 AM)Sruixan Wrote: »This is update #126.

[Image: albumen.png]

15-year-old Sruix would absolutely slaughter me for my choices of what made it onto the bottom line and the order in which they got put BUT THIS IS WHAT I THINK NOW AND I'M STANDING BY IT UNTIL AT LEAST TOMORROW MORNING.

Also, that means there's a BONUS ROUND for the lyrics challenge! These are the albums on the bottom line, just like the last twenty were the first four lines...
  1. *entirely instrumental - off to a good start, I know*
  2. Who dares to wake me? ______ ______ ______ ______ , swimming in the waves of your intimacy.
  3. Members only, hypnotizers move through the room like ______ ______ .
  4. One shipment, two shipment, three shipments of ______ . (note: this is the worst possible line to have occurred to me first)
  5. Well, it's not really a half a boy. It's ______ ______ .
AND NOW I AM GOING TO start getting ready to GO TO SLEEP.

End of message.

Passes 1.

(06-11-2016, 12:24 AM)Robust Laser Wrote: »Well, it's not really a half a boy. It's a Rock Lobster .
Passes 2.

(06-11-2016, 01:36 AM)Kíeros Wrote: »More 100% accurate filling in of these quotes. You might think they're wrong, but in fact, you would be wrong. Despite me having never heard of any of them.
(06-11-2016, 12:22 AM)Sruixan Wrote: »
  1. *entirely instrumental - off to a good start, I know*
  2. Who dares to wake me? John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt , swimming in the waves of your intimacy.
  3. Members only, hypnotizers move through the room like transfigured lemurs .
  4. One shipment, two shipment, three shipments of beer . (note: this is the worst possible line to have occurred to me first)
  5. Well, it's not really a half a boy. It's more like two thirds .
Passes 3.

(06-11-2016, 02:41 AM)Wheat Wrote: »et's get fremped
Passes 4.

(06-11-2016, 02:42 AM)Wheat Wrote: »soorry typo i meant let's get fremped
Passes 5.

(06-11-2016, 03:33 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »
(06-11-2016, 12:22 AM)Sruixan Wrote: »
  1. *entirely screaming - off to a good start, I know*
  2. Who dares to wake me? Another ten minutes please , swimming in the waves of your intimacy.
  3. Members only, hypnotizers move through the room like greased treacle .
  4. One shipment, two shipment, three shipments of lubrication . (note: this is the worst possible line to have occurred to me first)
  5. Well, it's not really a half a boy. It's two thirds .

Passes 6. But we all know this passes secret rule 6 so it also passes rule 3, as per normal.

to clarify rule 3 is the alpha rule here i'm done moving the alpha rule outside of the first five
RE: Post making contest
(06-11-2016, 04:54 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »Who dares to wake me? more than 69 sausages , swimming in the waves of your intimacy.

Passes 4

(06-11-2016, 08:01 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »I still feel weird that I didn't notice until today (yesterday if you want to get technical) that every puzzle in Island 3 starts with the word "Cold".

I mean, I'd noticed that it was common, but every single puzzle does it.

Anyhow, I'm past all of those, and I solved a puzzle in Island 4, which brings me to 100 sausages.

From what I've seen so far, it looks like Island 4's theme is going to be hats. This is going to be fun.

Passes 3

(06-11-2016, 09:07 AM)Wheat Wrote: »

I was going to the __<noun>__ with __<person in room>__ when I noticed my __<noun>__ was __<adjective>__! "__<exclamation>__," they said to me, "What are you trying to do, get us __<verb, past tense>__?" I just __<verb, past tense>__ at them __<adverb>__ and said, "Every __<animal>__ has its day, friend."

Passes 1.
RE: Post making contest
(06-11-2016, 01:36 AM)Kíeros Wrote: »Well, it's not really a half a boy. It's more like two thirds .

(06-11-2016, 03:33 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »Well, it's not really a half a boy. It's two thirds .

RE: Post making contest
(06-11-2016, 09:07 AM)Wheat Wrote: »

I was going to the Space Consortium with Ix when I noticed my lubrication was inadequate! "Fancytimes!," they said to me, "What are you trying to do, get us fremped?" I just buckled up at them regretfully and said, "Every weird dog has its day, friend."

RE: Post making contest
god let this post pass a rule please
RE: Post making contest
velcro pirate nurses safety crayon kindle forest palace
RE: Post making contest
RE: Post making contest
spider aa
RE: Post making contest
RE: Post making contest