Let's write a song one note at a time

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Let's write a song one note at a time
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
All the B's on a piano, simultaneously, one beat
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
immerse the sheet music into hot coffee to give it that distinct musical taste
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Ed (that's a half-flat sign, because I can't even find that in Unicode)
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RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Set tempo to 5 bpm
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
G flat
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
bike horn
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
a tempo
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Set tempo to 500 bpm
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
The last note that was played in the fourth octave, but transposed to the fifth.
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
The note that was on the third post last page

(The display reads "2")
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
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RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
A tenacious D

(When do we get an in-progress listen? This probably sounds like ass at this point but I'm hype)
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
(06-08-2016, 03:32 PM)Schazer Wrote: »(When do we get an in-progress listen? This probably sounds like ass at this point but I'm hype)

This is definitely on my list of things to do when I'm free of exams hell (i.e. after Monday), but exactly how achievable a strict interpretation would be I don't know. I reckon the piano parts could be stitched together given a couple of separate recordings? In which case I could maybe make something out of them...

Also, an E flat, I guess.
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
F natural
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
A post-it note.
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
I made an attempt. Unfortunately, I don't have a working microphone, so I couldn't do the "repeat everything but say what the instruction is" part, but I think it's more than fine without that so far.

Attempt at the current state of this song
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
That is an absolute work of art.

Ravel's "Bolero" begins in the background, at half volume. It continuously loops through the first iteration of the melody.
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
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RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Kíeros that is utterly astonishing and has basically made my vague offering moot.

...except I wanted to enable the voiced repetition, so here's a quick and dirty one-take recording of me reading all the relevant instructions.

Set BPM to the current post number, then play a root position G major chord from the most recently played G.
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Play any meme song
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Five seconds into aforementioned song, play an A flat minor chord involving B4.
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Alter into riverdance style.