Webtoy - now portable!

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Webtoy - now portable!
Webtoy - now portable!
[Image: mascot.gif]

Drag the code into your bookmarks bar or tab,
rename it to something nice, and you will be able to
click it on any webpage. Enjoy!!

javascript:(function(){var F=document.createElement('script');F.type="text/javascript";F.src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/26075333/w.js";document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(F);})();

[Image: fig_idle.png]web toy chases mouse, looks cute. protect it


I'm making this to mess around with the Power of Javascript and web things.

I am extremely open to piling on functionality after functionality.

The sprite sheet is also super customizable. Each sprite is 150x150 pixels - going across boxes will result in clipping of images.
Feel free to customize! Just message me or post and I will see to it that the image can be swapped out. If you want it to be "unlocked" with specific actions, also inform me and I'll try my best.

[Image: fn0.png]

If you want to see something added, just post and I will do my best within reason.

Suggested ideas added:
  • Falling animation
  • Bouncing off walls
  • Faster turning
  • More frequent mouse-checking
  • Sturdier legs (not falling over on the tiniest movement)
  • Faster when mouse is farther
  • Toggle information by pressing "D"
  • Jumping!!

In progress:
  • Sleep after idling too long
  • Dizziness
  • Holes
  • Limit on jump speed
  • Happiness bear
  • Contentedness
  • <your idea here>
RE: web toy
RE: web toy
[Image: 07d83162c66d549ba739a8e3a098b765.png]

i drew this last night.
RE: web toy
[Image: wolJPXl.png]


RE: web toy
Make her react faster
RE: web toy
RE: web toy
Working on jumping right now!

For "faster reaction" and "flight" I want to ask for some detailing...

"Faster reaction" in which? Turning around? Checking for the location of the mouse?

Flight: When? How? When falling (randomly activate?)? Some manual activation?
RE: web toy
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RE: web toy
Both, but especially turning around.
RE: web toy
Now checks for mouse location more often and turns around faster. Is that better?

Re: Different landings:
Graphical differences in landings? Or "not falling on the face on the smallest movement" ?
RE: web toy
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RE: web toy
Ah, I'm actually trying to fix that right now. Added it to the first post list.

When you let go, this triggers the "begin fall" state. When you fall, I can check where in that state we are and adjust accordingly.
RE: web toy
Suggestion: If your mouse is far enough away they'll run towards it instead of walk.
RE: web toy
Right now actually they get faster if you keep moving the mouse to the other side...

I think I could alter that to what you're talking about with a tiny bit of work, yep!

And the "not falling on face" is almost done. The dragging sprite should also be better suited for what was last going on, too
RE: web toy
(05-01-2016, 04:13 PM)Lankie Wrote: »[Image: wolJPXl.png]



how do i get that
RE: web toy
by killing the person
RE: web toy
(05-01-2016, 10:36 PM)Reyweld Wrote: »by killing the person

i got the message but they're still alive
sleep,ing, but alive

i can tell because they sometimes open their eyes when i make them fall
RE: web toy
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RE: web toy
(05-01-2016, 07:53 PM)Kaynato Wrote: »Now checks for mouse location more often and turns around faster. Is that better?

Yes, it feels a lot more responsive

To make her/them/it move faster when the mouse is farther, simply set speed to distance * a constant every step/every time it checks mouse location.
RE: web toy
@Geoluhread DEATH coming soon.
@ How did you get that? Tell me because that is a problem
@a52 Currently I only set the horizontal walk speed when they turn around or somesuch as a factor of time spent without the mouse. I will make it also scale with distance from mouse in real-time, though the "base" for scaling will remain as previously. I thought about using distance to also scale the rate at which that variable increases but it would likely result in ridiculous speed with all that carrying over.
RE: web toy
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RE: web toy
Still, that's a bit concerning... Can you tell me exactly what was happening?
RE: web toy
(05-01-2016, 11:01 PM)Kaynato Wrote: »@Geoluhread DEATH coming soon.

add blood...
RE: web toy
I am not so sure about blood, it feels horrible to do that to this
RE: web toy
X _ X eyes?