The Great 2016 MSPAFA people remalgamation thread

The Great 2016 MSPAFA people remalgamation thread
RE: The Great 2016 MSPAFA people remalgamation thread
I'm 99% sure inkstuds doesn't license the music either, but sure
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: The Great 2016 MSPAFA people remalgamation thread
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RE: The Great 2016 MSPAFA people remalgamation thread
Oh yeah nah my episode would indubitably be peppered with MCR and NZ bands, I just reckoned it'd be thematically bonuscool to rep some of our resident musicians' works in there too
RE: The Great 2016 MSPAFA people remalgamation thread
I absolutely hate the idea of being recorded, which is why I'm committing now to doing at least one episode. Speaking online is such an intensely dysphoric experience for me, and I need to break myself of that response
RE: The Great 2016 MSPAFA people remalgamation thread
Oh yeah, because skype is a piece of shit and recording things is a bit fraught, its a good idea for everyone in the conversation to record themselves on their own computer for safety?
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: The Great 2016 MSPAFA people remalgamation thread
Put me on the god damn pod cast!!!

edit: please.
Last edited by Mod-S4; 05-20-2012 at 05:23 AM. Reason: Please do not post your size for opinions. Thanks.
RE: The Great 2016 MSPAFA people remalgamation thread
Should be fairly easy, but not everyone has a properly soundproofed sort of area to record in. It's gonna be a little bit shit no matter what.
RE: The Great 2016 MSPAFA people remalgamation thread
I mean more like Skype cutting out or dropping quality
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: The Great 2016 MSPAFA people remalgamation thread
(03-07-2016, 12:49 AM)Wheat Wrote: »1. get audacity
2. use the sound cancel thing to isolate a bit of background noise and then apply that to cancel out background noise throughout the rest of a sound clip/recording

or cancel out the voice part and have a podcast consisting entirely of fans spinning, birds chirping or furnaces humming.
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: The Great 2016 MSPAFA people remalgamation thread
I had a MSPAFA once but making art is hard for someone who is both lazy and not an artist

(also this is my first post outside of hawkspace, I hope I have not tracked any of the vile goo from that place to here)

I'll record myself saying anything if you need anything said by me, goblin's
RE: The Great 2016 MSPAFA people remalgamation thread
(03-07-2016, 01:46 AM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »
(03-07-2016, 12:49 AM)Wheat Wrote: »1. get audacity
2. use the sound cancel thing to isolate a bit of background noise and then apply that to cancel out background noise throughout the rest of a sound clip/recording

or cancel out the voice part and have a podcast consisting entirely of fans spinning, birds chirping or furnaces humming.

That's an ASMR.
RE: The Great 2016 MSPAFA people remalgamation thread
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RE: The Great 2016 MSPAFA people remalgamation thread
I would listen the heck out of An Interview With The Goblin's
RE: The Great 2016 MSPAFA people remalgamation thread
(03-05-2016, 01:35 AM)Mehgamehn Wrote: »That's the thing, everyone's gathering around the pot of fun, because everyone else came around. But if you want to keep a community going, you gotta keep pouring into the pot of fun or else people disperse and the remaining will wonder if its worth it to keep stirring up the pot.

If someone could do an Eaglecast, that'd be great, but such a thing might not last if we don't have anything to talk about. I'm absolutely no buttface to talk, being a procrastinator extraordinaire on my projects, but we gotta have a village of people doing things, and different things at that, worth continuing to talk about. That's why we want a Webcomics corner, and my fellow gamemaker peeps, and the old adventure standby, and even just silly Forum games. You can ask Schazer, I came out of Sheep Fatigue to run another round of Sheep because I thought a well-populated (and easy to join/play) game would be a good step for community retention. Which, incidentally, if you want to play and don't know what I'm talking about, there's plenty of time in Round 5, links at the bottom of this post.

I was not around the Eagletimes for like two years once I had met my future (and future ex) fiance, because there seemed to be this sudden shift of importance, where my frequented internet community was slow-as-dead at the same time my real life had gained something that took my attention. Places die, internet communities especially, not just because other things get in the way, but because people stop thinking there's anything left to do or say. When a community flourishes, then, even when you find something else that demands your attention, you'll find it still worth it to spend at least some of your time returning to the pot of fun, even if its not as much as it used to.

So every idea floated to keep Eagletime running with stuff and thangs is worth considering, probably worth trying, and only worth throwing away when it proves to not be worth the time.

Here's how to Sheep:
Here's the questions for the latest round:

Hmm, seems like unnecessary to me. All you need to do is make this exact thread every ten years or so to reel in the stragglers and you're golden.
Last edited by Mod-S4; 05-20-2012 at 05:23 AM. Reason: Please do not post your size for opinions. Thanks.
RE: The Great 2016 MSPAFA people remalgamation thread
Man I am a fool
RE: The Great 2016 MSPAFA people remalgamation thread
Welp there's a new corner of the fun-pot to put all our podcastings!

Now, how can we hook some MalkyTop into this?
RE: The Great 2016 MSPAFA people remalgamation thread
Only if you ask her at the tenth hour of sleep deprivation
RE: The Great 2016 MSPAFA people remalgamation thread
The only way we're getting malky back on Eagle Time is if we have some kind of exclusive Sanji content. That or, right at this moment, some kind of miracle anti-malware software.
RE: The Great 2016 MSPAFA people remalgamation thread
Hey dudes
RE: The Great 2016 MSPAFA people remalgamation thread
Hey Sparkles


The Girly Show starring Jenna Maroney
RE: The Great 2016 MSPAFA people remalgamation thread
Those are definitely all nicknames I used to have! :mspa:

Oh, yeah, I should probably say something relevant huh?
For anyone who doesn't remember, I was part of the MSPAFA crew and made a forum adventure Deadbeat whose popularity was eventually and justly eclipsed by Roomland (people thought we were rivals?? but then MalkyTop was that on Tumblr instead), but not before I could talk about peanut butter sandwiches or something on one of the MPSAFA Podcasts.

It's so awesome to see all these familiar faces in one thread, I really do feel like I'm in 2010 again! Hopefully I've grown a bit since then, but regrettably I've had much less time for art and social activity regardless! :'D
RE: The Great 2016 MSPAFA people remalgamation thread
What you been doing instead
RE: The Great 2016 MSPAFA people remalgamation thread
Mostly just trying to figure life out tbh. About a year or two after disappearing off the forums mostly-forever I ended up moving out of my parent's place with a useless AA degree and spent 2015 moving between 3 different abusive living situations. As of literally yesterday it's finally just me and my boyfriend living together, and I'm starting to work to undo years of repression and escapism brought on by my family while coping with avpd until we can afford a therapist. I work at Amazon for a decent living wage and I turn 25 on the 29th! It's been a lot, but I'm trying to stay positive and start expanding my interests and social circles!
RE: The Great 2016 MSPAFA people remalgamation thread
Wow, that is a lot. I am glad you are still chugging and it sounds like things are moving in a good direction.
RE: The Great 2016 MSPAFA people remalgamation thread
Yup! Rest assured I'll always be The Girly Show starring Jenna Maroney in the hearts and minds of America <G3 (or whatever the green heart emoticon used to be)