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Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by EpicFightingTroper.

BEFRIEND her and (if the chance arises) RECRUIT her as your TRUSTY SIDEKICK.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Supernerd.

Don't harass the lady until after you finish your MAN-BURGER. The burger would be ruined if you talk to girls before eating it!
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by FIDUSPAWN.

>Offer your MAN-BURGER to her to show that you like her.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by DairunCates.

FIDUSPAWN Wrote:>Offer your MAN-BURGER to her to show that you like her.
Don't do this. Man Burgers are too valuable to waste.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by FIDUSPAWN.

But it the only sure-fire way to recruit her to our side.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by ThirdEmperor.

Oh, why waste time with this romantic BS. Grab her and make out with her.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.


> Hit on her.

[Image: mm55.png]

"Hey, what's up? You're new in town, aren't you?"

"Yeah, actually. I just moved here a couple of days ago, but it's taken me this long to unpack all my stuff."

"Do you need some help getting around? I'd be happy to--"

> Don't harass the lady until after you finish your MAN-BURGER. The burger would be ruined if you talk to girls before eating it!

[Image: mm56.png]

Oh. Oh no. What have you done? You forgot the first rule about eating a MAN-BURGER, and now you must pay the price.

[Image: mm57.png]

You're no man-burger of mine.

[Image: mm58.png]

"Now, where was I...oh, right, I was about to--"

"Offer me a tour around the town in a poor attempt to hit on me?"


[Image: mm59.png]

"Good, I needed a tour guide."

"But I don't even know your name!"

"And I don't know yours. I like to get to know the person before I know the name."

She looks pretty promising. You can't wait to see where this leads!

[Image: mm60.png]

Unfortunately for you, you are not yet going to, because you are now DAPPER FELLOW, and you are deep in enemy territory, gathering intel about the next villain MAN-MAN is going to face. You are currently in an ALLEY. There is an unconscious GUARD lying behind you. The door in front of you leads into the WRETCHED HIVE OF SCUM AND VILLAINY.


[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Protractor Ninja.

Acquire the guard's bandana; wear it as a headband to become KUNG FU FELLOW, or simply KUNG FELLOW.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Fakeimposter.

Call the cops, tell them about the hive of scum and villainy.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Jakester390.

Knock on door, politely ask about villian's strengths and weaknesses. Surely they cannot refuse the innocent questioning of a dapper fellow.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by FIDUSPAWN.

>Used the unconscious guard as a shield from possible enemy attacks.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by XX.

Throw the guard's body through the door ahead of you. Revel in your originality.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Gimeurcookie.

> Just walk in like a badass.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Not The Author.

Go in through the window. They'll never expect it.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Supernerd.

That girl is one of the villains isn't she?
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.

> Acquire the guard's bandana; wear it as a headband to become KUNG FU FELLOW, or simply KUNG FELLOW.

[Image: mm61.png]

As tempting as it is, wearing a headband would reduce your DAPPERNESS by far too much. Since most of your abilities rely on it, DAPPERNESS is your most critical stat; without it you'd just be a frail old man.

> Call the cops, tell them about the hive of scum and villainy.

The POLICE have known about this place for years, but they haven't done much. They got a lot more timid about two-and-a-half months ago, soon after Man-man got his powers. Which is actually pretty fortunate, because you seem to recall they weren't very fond of vigilantes.

> Knock on door, politely ask about villain's strengths and weaknesses. Surely they cannot refuse the innocent questioning of a dapper fellow.

[Image: mm62.png]

An excellent suggestion! One of the benefits of a high DAPPERNESS is good negotiation skills.


"Excuse me, good sir. I would appreciate information regarding--"

"Screw off, gramps."

[Image: mm63.png]

How rude! Oooooo, that insolent pup is just asking for a stern lecture now.

> Just walk in like a badass.

[Image: mm64.png]

"So then I sez to him, I sez..."

[Image: mm65.png]

[Image: mm66.png]

[Image: mm67.png]

"You just picked the wrong party to gate crash, old man."

[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Mazinja.


> It's tea time.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by TimeothyHour.

>Drum them with your cane for being so rude.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Wojjan.

quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Supernerd.

Unsheath the sword part of your walking cane and decapitate the first one, then shoot the other with your monocle laser!
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

>Lecture them as you beat them up.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by FIDUSPAWN.

> Used your DAPPERNESS to defeat them all.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.

> Drum them with your cane for being so rude.
> STOP. It's tea time.
> Unsheathe the sword part of your walking cane and decapitate the first one, then shoot the other with your monocle laser!
> Lecture them as you beat them up.
> Used your DAPPERNESS to defeat them all.

[Image: mm68.png]

Sorry, you'll have to repeat that. You couldn't hear it over the sound of these two ruffians having the snot beaten out of them.

[Image: mm69.png]

You are now in THE WRETCHED HIVE OF SCUM AND VILLAINY, the seediest bar in the town of TORONADA. You need to know where the next villain, SCARFOOT, is, what kind of opposition MAN-MAN will be facing, and what SCARFOOT'S plans are, in that order of importance.

Fortunately, due to the general atmosphere of THE WRETCHED HIVE OF SCUM AND VILLAINY, hardly anyone seems to care that you just beat up a CUSTOMER and the DOOR GUARD. Another DOOR GUARD has already shuffled in to replace him.


[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

>Go talk to that questionable fellow.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by FIDUSPAWN.

>And give the questionable fellow a taste of your DAPPERNESS level if he doesn't answer all of your questions correctly too.