dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition

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dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
Yeah, this rule mentions reyweld by name though, which means it needs six to pass.
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
Yes on Reyweld's Trash Reign: Ascension
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
The thread is up, give me your quests: https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=2255
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
Prop: AfterDark
Let's make a subforum in Hawkspace with rules set by rapid fire voting. Say...A net 3 yes votes for a rule to pass.
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
You know, like a little baby Hawkspace After Dark for our 1 year anniversary.
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
I think that's a fair crit of the current naming scheme so I have proposed a new subforum name+description
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
(04-19-2017, 05:26 AM)Wheat Wrote: »this subforum's creation was never voted on in hawkspace so your joke, bob, is historical revisionism.
it was made up one day by somebody in irc or discord, without any sort of hawkspace voting involved, yet the name hawkspace was tacked onto it in order to get that sweet sweet unlicensed sequel cash in loot

Proposition: Historical Revisionism
Rename the current rules thread to "THIS IS HAWKSPACE."
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
i second historical revisionism
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
Proposition: Historical Revisionism Revisionism

Rename the current rules thread to historical revisionism
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
(04-20-2017, 02:11 AM)Wheat Wrote: »
(04-20-2017, 12:41 AM)btp Wrote: »Proposition: Historical Revisionism
Rename the current rules thread to "THIS IS HAWKSPACE."

i vote against it because it's annoying.

also voting against this
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
(04-20-2017, 01:49 AM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »Proposition: Historical Revisionism Revisionism

Rename the current rules thread to historical revisionism

(04-20-2017, 03:42 AM)Schazer Wrote: »
(04-20-2017, 02:11 AM)Wheat Wrote: »
(04-20-2017, 12:41 AM)btp Wrote: »Proposition: Historical Revisionism
Rename the current rules thread to "THIS IS HAWKSPACE."

i vote against it because it's annoying.

also voting against this

I vote no against both of these
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
i guess i'll propose

Proposition: hey you, yeah you
Rename the current rules thread to "you better listen up"
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
proposition: clarity
rename the current rules thread to "current rules thread"
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
proposition: clarity
rename the subforum propositions thread (this one here) into "current rules thread"
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
Yes on clarity
Yes on clarity
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
(04-21-2017, 09:44 PM)Gatr Wrote: »i guess i'll propose

Proposition: hey you, yeah you
Rename the current rules thread to "you better listen up"

seconding this
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
Gonna toss this idea out

Prop: anonymity Wrote:If possible, Thread names in Hawkspace (formerly After Dark) will not have the name of the original poster displayed beneath them.

Threads in the rest of Eagle-Time have this idea of "thread ownership" behind them, which is critical for forum adventures, but I don't think it is really necessary here. I'm curious if removing the name of the poster under the thread will help promote the idea that threads in this subforum are common property.

Regardless I think this is an interesting idea to discuss.
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
I'm not sure that isn't already the case except for threads in this subforum where that's actually relevant/useful though - I don't really think about the FUCK or the Banana threads as belonging to anyone, for instance. Whereas threads like Reyweld's Trash Ascension and ITT I'll Talk A Bunch Of Shit About very much revolve around their OP being the OP, if that makes sense.
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
i think if we're going to do that, we need to

proposition: go whole hog

to post in hawkspace after dark you must use one of the two Chwoka accounts, and must not sign your posts or use cyphers or any of that crap. the password will be made available upon request. this, mind you, means that we will never be able to revive chwoka mafia, which is the one and only drawback
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
(04-23-2017, 12:21 AM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »i think if we're going to do that, we need to

proposition: go whole hog

to post in hawkspace after dark you must use one of the two Chwoka accounts, and must not sign your posts or use cyphers or any of that crap. the password will be made available upon request. this, mind you, means that we will never be able to revive chwoka mafia, which is the one and only drawback

some people just want to watch the world burn.

i'm in, of course.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
(04-22-2017, 07:44 PM)Mirdini Wrote: »I'm not sure that isn't already the case except for threads in this subforum where that's actually relevant/useful though - I don't really think about the FUCK or the Banana threads as belonging to anyone, for instance. Whereas threads like Reyweld's Trash Ascension and ITT I'll Talk A Bunch Of Shit About very much revolve around their OP being the OP, if that makes sense.

Well, yeah. With this change, a thread like Reyweld's trash ascension would be about Reyweld because his name is in the title, but threads like Talk A Bunch of Shit would be open to anyone to talk Shit about whatever without needing to ask permission from whoever is the OP

Even threads like the banana thread are only publicly open because of the permission granted to others either explicitly in their opening posts, or due to a precedent set forth in that post.

I am not saying the current system is flawed, just that reducing the visibility of the OP may result in a shift in how threads are perceived. If I came in and said "hey, I don't want people to post in the fuck, thread anymore" folks would rightfully assume I had no grounds to make that demand. But if bigro came in and said "hey, I don't want people to post in my fuck, thread anymore" (they wouldn't. This is just for comparison.) We would be inclined to comply and make a new thread.

My point is that, even for innocuous threads, there is an expectation of private ownership on behalf of the OP.

It doesn't have to be that way though. In this subforum, the ultimate owner are the visitors, all of whom, have an equal say in how votes affect the threads therein.

Right now, we haven't passed a single rule that targets a specific thread that has not also been proposed by the OP of that thread. Doing otherwise would just be rude.

But maybe it shouldn't be.
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
(04-23-2017, 12:21 AM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »i think if we're going to do that, we need to

proposition: go whole hog

to post in hawkspace after dark you must use one of the two Chwoka accounts, and must not sign your posts or use cyphers or any of that crap. the password will be made available upon request. this, mind you, means that we will never be able to revive chwoka mafia, which is the one and only drawback

I think this counts as a "pain in the butt formatting proposition" but you get the final say on that, interpretation-wise
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
no that clearly applies to, like, text formatting and such
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
Yeah I think one of the biggest risks with alt accounts is people using them for Shitty Stuff and it being difficult to figure out who exactly was responsible for it, and s'why I'm generally not in favor of 'em, have to agree with Wheat there. The 'only Chwoka account can post in Dark Hawspace' idea is taking this to an extreme and I also very much vote against. That's not even mentioning the issue that the forum will quickly die because I'm fairly sure most people do not want to go through the hassle of changing what account they're logged into just to post in another forum.

As for the threads without OP listed idea, I'd assume mods would still be able to see the thread OP (and you could also probably see it just by going to the first post in a thread). However, I still don't think it'd be a very productive step to take.

Re: a thread OP having some sort of nebulous 'control' over a thread Bob: Again, it depends on the thread. I don't think bigro going into the fuck, thread and telling people to stop posting would actually stop people from posting in there, since it's not a thread that revolves around bigro specifically.

After a certain amount of time and assuming a thread isn't defined as 'belonging' to a single poster (which is entirely reasonable when it is the case, such as with forum adventures!) the OP becomes mostly irrelevant in my eyes, as threads in general are a collaborative effort. Where it does stay relevant I think it's more valuable that it does - the 'ITT I will talk a bunch of shit on whatever you direct my attentions to' is meant to be a Schazer thing (see the 'my' in the title) and I'm a-ok with that, it's a thread they made for their own shit-talking impulses.

If you want a more community-based Shit Talking Thread there's nothing stopping you from making one!
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
tl;dr I question the veracity of

Bob Wrote:My point is that, even for innocuous threads, there is an expectation of private ownership on behalf of the OP.

because I don't feel the weight of that expectation at all for threads unless they're explicitly demarcated as such.

Forums are collaborative spaces, and while obviously there will always be some threads that 'belong' to a specific poster because they're the ones running the adventure/game/Q&A sesh, I think general discussion/tomfoolery threads are severed from that expectation pretty quickly.