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Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by humbleElitist.

also, wait, that worked?
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by DMMMMMK.

Realize you are not Cool Chick. Go back to being Man-Man.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by crypticMushroom.

Cool Chick - Turn the lights back on before you trip on something, this is silly!
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.


> Quick! She's looking the other way! Now's your chance to escape!

[Image: mm250.png]

But of course. The Big Man only wanted you to keep an eye on her, not do anything nasty.

> Cool Chick - Turn the lights back on before you trip on something, this is silly!

[Image: mm251.png]

[Image: mm252.png]

That was probably the least intuitive light switch you've ever seen.

[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by mfgreth.

>Shove your noggin headfirst into the hole in the wall. There might be treasure!
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Shadow Phoenix.

Okay where are you supposed to be right now?

Those are ferret proof switchs. Lights are so dangerous to fragile beings!
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Anthano Zasalla.

> Enter cafeteria.

I mean, only cafeterias have those swinging porthole doors. And you're hungry.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Neopie.

> Grab some grub and exposit on your mission.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Chwoka.

Look at all the walls.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.

> Enter cafeteria.

[Image: mm253.png]

[Image: mm254.png]

Looks like it actually is a cafeteria, albeit a pretty empty one.

> Grab some grub and exposit on your mission.

[Image: mm255.png]

No to the first, yes to the second, seeing as the food trays are completely empty. Heck, they're immaculate. There isn't even any dust on them. Weird.

[Image: mm256.png]

Anyway, the mission hasn't changed much - you're still looking for Man-man, since Dapper Fellow needs the two of you to be together to teleport you back to your own dimension.

[Image: mm257.png]

The problem with that plan, of course, is that Man-man teleported away with that Hollum guy and now you have no idea where the heck he is. Which means no teleportation until you find him.

[Image: mm258.png]

Right now you're investigating some kind of underground bunker. Minister seemed to think Hollum might be using it as a hideout, but he refused to explain why.

Unfortunately, you have yet to find anything of any substance.

[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

>Are there any signs that anyone's been around here lately?
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Chwoka.

Dragon Fogel Wrote:>Are there any signs that anyone's been around here lately?
You're cool, tracking is cool, right?
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Sam B.

> Flip all the tables.

There's gotta be something under at least one of them.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Shadow Phoenix.

What are you doing there? You should be outside for fucking sake!
Man-Man is certainly on another island. You should ask which ones are of importance and whoever holds them at the moment.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by BenBen.

Go to the most interesting island. Mam-Man will obviously be there.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.

> Are there any signs that anyone's been around here lately?

[Image: mm259.png]

Well, someone has to have been keeping this entire place spotless. Whoever it is apparently doesn't care much for the condition of the walls, though.

> What are you doing there? You should be outside for fucking sake! Man-Man is certainly on another island. You should ask which ones are of importance and whoever holds them at the moment.

As much of a dead end as you think this place is, it's still your best lead at the moment. You know almost nothing about Hollum himself, much less where he might've gone.

> Flip all the tables.

Just looking under them should be sufficient.

[Image: mm260.png]

Is that a hole?

[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by PumpkinMan.

> Well, might as well move the table to get to the hole. Flipping optional.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

There's only one appropriate course of action here.

Jump-kick down that hole!
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by DMMMMMK.

PumpkinMan Wrote:> Well, might as well move the table to get to the hole. Flipping MANDATORY.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by NitroGlyde.

>Shout "Hello!" down the hole, see if anyone responds
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Peterdivine.

Drop something down the hole to judge its depth.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by humbleElitist.

>Interact with hole in ground under table in some way.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by crypticMushroom.

Investigate hole. Discover secrets.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.


> Well, might as well move the table to get to the hole. Flipping optional MANDATORY.

[Image: mm261.png]

[Image: mm262.png]

[Image: mm263.png]

[Image: mm264.png]

[Image: mm265.png]

[Image: mm266.png]

[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Whimbrel.

Don't pick that up--it's a trap!
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