Mafia: The Last Resort [EPILOGUE: THE END]

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Mafia: The Last Resort [EPILOGUE: THE END]
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
Oh hey, only roleblocker in the game ever?

I bet it is the mafia blocker, it wouldn't work otherwise.

Also "insane cop" is now a not working theory, since Wheat isn't a cop at all, whee.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
"If there's only one roleblocker, it has to be mafia, else that's not how a mafia game works."

That just spanks of faulty logic.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
It is because if there is a protective role and an info role and no mafia roleblocker, the game is broken in all kinds of different ways. Basic setup theory.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
I'm getting the feeling things are just getting moving, so if anyone wants a small extension of a day or so then that is doable.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
Hang on, what? Protective role? Who? I'm guessing you're not talking about me.

In any case, every game's different. I'm just saying just because I'm apparently the only roleblocker, it doesn't automatically makes me scum.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
By the way, yeah, I wouldn't mind an extension.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
With extensions lie madness; if the mod is willing to grant them any time the day starts off too slow, then the days always start slow and extensions are always necessary and the game draaaaags

I cite as evidence every mafia game I've ever run

I'd prefer we just keep our discussions brisk and active than constantly lean on the possibility of extending the day.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
Okay so PL, you are a straight cop?
And you also investigated Mirdini, but you got an innocent?
Okay so one of us is sane and one of us insane unless you are naive and we will figure that out soon enough.
Okay I believe that.
Okay so malky being a blocker is pretty damn incriminating seeing that there is no other around?
Okay so that makes 4 info roles!
Even more if you count the mason maker and schazer's thing as info roles.
I think that PL is the insane cop and that I am the sane cop mainly because of Mirdini's claim.
While his role is sort of flavorlike in the same way as Wheats is, it feels a bit too out there and restricting especially compared to the rest of the info roles.

I am perfectly fine with Lynching MalkyTop based on the roleblocker stuff.
I think that we have pretty much two options in this specific situationymabob
If we lynch malky then we are certain about dealing with blockers and proooobably killin a scum, (although i do think that a busdriver or a sabetourish role could be acceptable replacements for them?)
The other option is to find someone else to lynch and have Malky block no one. If someone(specifically any of the info roles) is blocked then we know who to get! However there is a lot of uncertainty here and with the deadline looming there really isn't time to pick another person?

I like just getting rid of her altogether and then dealing with this cop shit tomorrow when we would all supposedly have new info with one less chance of interference.

Fakeedit: I don't really think that we can do much more here. Lynching any of the three info roles wouldn't be a good idea at this stage and lycnhing sruix or Mirdini to clear mine and PL's sanities would probably be less positive than lynching the only known blocker in the game.

At the moment I can believe that me, PL, and wheat are all telling the truth, but I don't believe Mirdini.
I will probably start to believe the others less if for some reason another infolike role appears.(note: this is in no way a cue for another infolike role to appear, with three info roles out in the open we as town can enter the next day with a lot of info. Even without a doc, scum is in a tight spot as who they kill could confirm one of the others and if malky is their blocker they can't stop us from actioning without killing us)
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
Wow, this is one big mess.

Still, we've only seen one roleblock a night, and Malky's claimed roleblocker, so... Well, I guess this is as clear a consensus as we're getting today.

Vote: MalkyTop
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
Okay wheat look
Me and Mirdini are friends.
He did not do anything exceptionally scummy or out there on the first day.
If i tried to get him lynched or aggro'd him he would know that something is up.

one fucking result means shit when we have a game that has no vanillas and that if Red Death is anything to go by that means cops with multiple sanities!

Tell me, if, on night 1, you got a guilty result on slorange after he did nothing of major consequence and when you don't know your sanity would you hound him?

This is my first flipping time as a non-one-shot investigative in a closed setup!
I don't know the best way to do it!
It makes me nervous being an important role and then having a damn guilty on the first night!
And I fucked up.

And yea, I was pretty afk in the first days, this game hasn't had a lot of activity and the long nights made me forget shit!

Also, RE: Star QT Shit
-Whoosh makes a quicktopic that everyone can see
-quicktopics have the ability for me to change my name and be anonymous
-i am a cop with a guilty
-i ask whoosh and she says that "sure you can change your name"
-I change my name to something that, if I die without giving out my checks (like schazer did in Red Death, fogel did in 20's and oh so many other cops have) they have something and they know it was me because of the flavor used (every night i pick someone and then have a vision that tells me if they are guilty or innocent, I only make one check because more than one could get my eldritch killed or some shit).
-END RESULT: When I die and flip as a cop, people go back and see that my flavor fits the visionary character that appeared in the qt and BAM people know that Mirdini got a guilty result somehow.

I think that a lot of the things that you are saying in regards to how the visionary thing was a fake thing made to screw around with perceptions on mirdini that was planned by me, drakenforge, and wojjan when he was not at all a person who people suspected is sort of grasping.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
Actually wheat your block theory means absolute cack to me, because knowing the key was still in the door is obvious.

Because obviously I have the key to my own door and tried it, only for it to meet the other key still in the lock. Duh. Pretty much easy guesswork from there, just logical.

Frankly your scumteam makeup is just laughable and doesn't pass for anything. I don't trust this flavor cop claim at all, you're no Dirk Zicaro. Model planes and glue is not a flavor I would lynch over.

I have no theory about the roleblocker aspect of the lynch. I agree the missing scumblocker is a thing but...hmmm
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
MrGuy - (1) – Drakenforge
Wheat – (1) – Woffles

MalkyTop - (5) - Wheat, SleepingOrange, ProfessorLizzard, Solaris, Dragon Fogel

(Abstaining: MalkyTop, Dragon Fogel, Mirdini, Whimbrel, Sruixan, Pinary, MrGuy, g0m, TimeothyHour)

With 15 alive it takes 8 to lynch and 5 to soft lynch. The day will end in approximately 4 hours.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D3: Colourblind]
This is the first time I've heard of the basement and the warplanes things so I can't say anything about that.

Though I think the handyman probably would be living separately from everybody else. The basement is a place a handyman could stay.

Once again, the mafia doesn't necessarily have to have a roleblocker. And Wheat, I think you seemed surprised that I didn't claim something other than roleblocker. That doesn't count for me at all?

Bah, I never managed to think of anybody as majorly suspicious anyways. Maybe I should have just not roleblocked at all, then?
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [N3: Past Death's Door]
Another day ends and another innocent dies.

MalkyTop was Elena Clay, the handyman of the Last Resort. Unlike the majority of the people in the hotel, she had nothing wrong with her and diligently carried out her job. However, she was quite fond of the guests and when the killings began she decided to use the perks of her job to help the guests: namely, she would use her ring of keys to lock one person inside their rooms each night. No target could be chosen on consecutive nights. MalkyTop was a town-aligned Roleblocker.

The Night Phase has now begun. Please send in night actions as swiftly as possible. Night will end 20 October at 7PM GMT.

[Credit goes to Jacquerel for coming up with 'At death's door' when I stumbled onto IRC and begged for key/death related puns.]
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [N3: Past Death's Door]
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [N3: Past Death's Door]
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [N3: Past Death's Door]
g0m has mysteriously vanished, so Sanzh has kindly agreed to replace him. Day Phase to begin in a bit.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
As morning breaks, the guests gather in the lobby. Everyone is nervous, impatient perhaps, and a new person drifting in is of great interest to them all. Eventually the flow of people ends, and it is then that they realise not one but two people are missing.

Fuelled by panic, everyone dashes upstairs.

MrGuy is the first victim to be found. At first you might think him to be sleeping, curled up in bed as he was. But then you would notice the unnatural pallor, the terrible stillness, and the realisation would sink in. The only cause of death found is a small needlemark in his neck.

MrGuy was Eddy Marsch, a veritable Cupid. His curious affliction was a power to make two people fall in love, although it was never quite on purpose. During his daily life this had been quite problem and he always found himself to close proximity to unbearably soppy couples, but he reasoned that during a time like this such a power could only be a good thing. Every night he could make two people fall for each other, and they would be able to talk to each other during the night. Unfortunately, he would have no idea what would pass between them. He was town aligned.

After this death has sunk in, the guests attempt to find the second missing person. It takes some time, but eventually they find themselves before a furnace and a good deal of ash...

Solaris was Faramund Mlakar. He was cursed with terrible visions, and the only means to keep them at bay was a blindfold. However, he believed the contents of the visions held incredible truths that others were not privy to, and conspired to use his visions to find out more about the guests. Every night he would sneak into the room of a guest and take off his blindfold. He would use the things he saw to determine their level of guilt, either deciding upon Innocent or Guilty. Sadly, the visions he saw were nothing more than disorientating and he would always decide on the wrong result. As such, he was a Insane Cop and therefore Town aligned.

With two dead, the hunt for the truth seems all the more urgent.

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch and 4 to soft lynch. The day will end 27 October, 7PM GMT.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust

That confirms me and Dini as town (or maybe Godfather? I hope not).
But didn't Sol said Sruix returned Innocent???

Also, yay, found the missing scumblock. I got a magical headache last night.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Wait, two kills?

That's, uh, pretty bad unless one of them is a vig who's been holding back up to now.

First, Vote Sruixan, because Solaris was apparently insane. (whoosh, Paranoid means all results are guilty; you said he got opposite results, which is Insane) I'm not too happy with Wheat about the death of our roleblocker, either. Especially since the second kill suggests she may have been productive.

Speaking of that... not too sure what to think about PL. On the one hand, Solaris was insane, so a straight cop seems more plausible... on the other hand, he admitted to being roleblocked on a night with only one kill. That's pretty uncomfortable.

Who did she block N1? I've forgotten now, I'd better go back to check. They're definitely a top suspect, though.

Oh, one last thing! It's not particularly relevant now, but Guy paired me with Solaris on N2; and he paired me with someone again last night, but I'll let them decide if they want to reveal.

Quickedit: Wait, PL is claiming to have been roleblocked again? That seems oddly convenient to me.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Sruixan - (1) - Dragon Fogel

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch and 4 to soft lynch. Deadline is 27 October 7PM GMT.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
This situation is not looking good. :\

I'm feeling not 100% up to date in this game but I'm going to go ahead and trust Solaris' suspicions for now.

Vote Mirdini
~◕ w◕~
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Whim, Sol was saying that Mirdi is the one he had a guilty on, that makes Mirdi a godfather or town.
Sruix came back innocent, meaning he is scum.

Fogel, I was the one Malky blocked night one.

Vote: Sruix

This seems pretty cut and dry but I guess the scum were hoping for him to drop as something else.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
I support lynching Sruix, but my choice of action last night kind of puts my life on the line if we do it the wrong way. I'm writing stuff to elaborate on this now, I just want to make sure we don't lynch him in the next twenty or so minutes. In my next post, you'll get full information about my role, including my relation to events so far and a request that'll hopefully lead to both Sruix getting lynched and me not dying of unfulfilled prophecy.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
My name is Bernard Grey, and I have some of the most awesome flavour ever. (Seriously, I'll repaste this stuff out of PMs and into my quicktopic after, because whoosh! kicked its ass out of the park.)

I've got ten envelopes; well, seven now. Each of them has the name of a major arcana on it, and each night, I can open one, take out the card inside, and reap my "rewards," which often seem to end with me stuck in a painful hallucination for a bit. Each card does something, but I've got no clue what until I open them.

(The envelopes: The Fool, The High Priestess, The Emperor, Fortitude, The Hanged Man, Death, The Tower, The Star, The Sun, Judgement)

Night one, I opened "The Sun". It netted me some cool flavour, but no immediate effects. When N2 showed up, though, it was obvious what I'd done; I'd shortened the second night.

That made my basically-random selection of "The Star" that night kind of annoying when I found out what it did. Good job, me, you went and created a nightchat on the NIGHT YOU SHORTENED.

So anyway, that happened, then there was a duel, which ended without as much information as we'd hoped for.

Then day three happened. Not going to lie, I've still only mostly skimmed it, as I've been either busy or completely fried for... probably something close to a fortnight. Maybe more? Whatever the duration, I had no energy for looking into patterns of speech and potential what-ifs, so I mostly avoided things aside from the occasional skimming of a new post.

Last night, though, puts me in the realm of black-and-white logic, which is something I can do even when fried. Give me "look at his phrasing and tell me what you see" and I'm basically next to useless. Give me plain, straightforward facts, though, and I'm good to go.

Here's how it is: I opened "The High Priestess" last night, and the flavoury journey through a tower and stuff lead me to a prophecy:

- (7) - Drakenforge, Pinary,
Pinary - (3) - Mirdini, Woffles, Dragon Fogel
Dragon Fogel - (1) – SleepingOrange

Yes, that's the whole thing, and yes, I made sure I'm allowed to post it.

The flavour ended with an ultimatum: Basically, fulfill the prophecy or die. Those of you quick with numbers might notice that the moment we lynch someone, matching that section of votals becomes impossible.

So I'm asking that we take some care to make the votals end up like this. I know, it'll involve unvoting and whatnot, but it shouldn't be too massively complicated. I've worked out what'd need to be done, and... well basically, if we don't do it this way, I'm dead.

-Mirdini, Woffles, Fogel: Vote for me, in that order.
-Slorange: Vote for Fogel some time before we lynch Sruix (I'm assuming we're lynching Sruix here. My survival's not predicated on him being the lynchee, but it seems like we've got a fairly solid case for him being scum.)
-Dforge: Stay on Sruix.
-Me: Vote: Sruixan.
-Everyone else: Once the above is completed, drop votes on Sruix until we hit seven

Sorry for dumping this on you, and I know big claims like this are frowned upon, but I can't just hold onto it and hope things line up right. It's this or I die, and we really can't afford it.

I'll be around for a good few hours if you have any questions, and I'll probably post a bit later with some thoughts on the implications of Sol's flip. It seems like the sort of thing worth digging through the thread over.