i'm rad as hell, and i'm not gonna take it anymore
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03-31-2019, 09:51 PM
find someone with a bobby pin in their hair to doppelmance
Posts: 1,146
Joined: Dec 2016
03-31-2019, 10:28 PM
This seems like a time for a lucky break, huh?
>Lucky Break: 'Happen' to find a bobby pin or actual lockpin you can use.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
Posts: 2,251
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Pronouns: she/her
04-01-2019, 01:23 AM
Can you dopplemance a portion, just a portion of the railing to make a lockpick?
Posts: 591
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04-01-2019, 07:27 AM
Boxes sometimes have metal staples holding together. If you find one, that'd probably work as a lockpick until you can get something better.
Posts: 134
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04-01-2019, 11:10 PM
If this world is governed by computer logic, perhaps you should try cheating.
Posts: 313
Joined: Apr 2017
Breaking and entering, and brentering, and breaking breaking breaking Mystery Box
04-02-2019, 04:15 PM
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Suggestions: ?????
(03-31-2019, 08:11 PM)Schazer Wrote: »Eat the "pickle" (03-31-2019, 06:48 PM)Reecer6 Wrote: »>Get that cat food for Darsen!
You have literally never eaten anything in your entire life, so it's only fair to think about food. Even at a time like this. However, you aren't aware of any "Pickle" that's around for you to eat, air-quoted or otherwise.
Also, who or what the heck is a Darsen? Sounds fake. And what does it want with your Promised Kitty Chow? Because if it wants your food, it's gonna have to get through you first.
(04-01-2019, 01:23 AM)Kaynato Wrote: »Can you dopplemance a portion, just a portion of the railing to make a lockpick?
As a Pawn created out of an Orb of Faulty Replication, yours is the magic of Imperfectly Duplicating an Existing Thing. Still, you have to honestly want the copy to be like the original in order for your magic to work... and the Faults in your copies always seem to be Things You Don't Necessarily Want.
In theory, you could end up with a Poorly-Copied Banister that was flat and small enough to work as a Lockpick? But deep down, you couldn't honestly want that to happen when it happens. Otherwise, it ain't faulty replication.
(03-31-2019, 05:56 PM)gloomyMoron Wrote: »Use your Clawtlent nails as a lockpick, obviously.
The claw-like blades of your Steel Clawntlet are the size of knives. Nowhere near small and delicate enough to slip inside a lock. With enough time, you might be able to claw through the door, but you'd probably be here for a long time.
No, to do this you really do need a Lockpick, or a faster way to break in...
(03-31-2019, 09:51 PM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »find someone with a bobby pin in their hair to doppelmance
You head over to the railing below the nearby Charity Boy. He still waits patiently for the Unseen Resident to return with the Cat Food he's promised you, in advance of a Quest to embark on together, and Perhaps More Food.
With any Luck, he might also have some means to access your Accidentally-Locked Apartment.
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/flannery/box.png border=16]Hey, Catfood Guy?[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]Catfood G...![/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]...I'm actually here to get People Food, and my name's actually Walter, so I don't think that name is really...[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/flannery/box.png border=16]Okay, sure. Charity Boy then.
I was just wondering if you might happen to have a Hairpin on you right now? One of the little zig-zaggy metal ones?[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]Huh, me? No I, uh... I keep things pretty simple, hairstyle-wise. Why do you ask?[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/flannery/box.png border=16]Darn. Maybe a Lockpick then?[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]Nah, I don't have my lockpicks on me eith...[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]Wait a second, a lockpick? Are you breaking into someone's house?? You were actually serious about that "Cat Burglar" comment earlier???[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/flannery/box.png border=16]No no, this is definitely my apartment.
(Basically? Technically? More or less?)
Besides, didn't you see me lock myself out just now?[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]Oh sheesh, I just... my bad. I did just hear a door close too, so... I'm sorry I doubted you.[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/flannery/box.png border=16]Don't worry about it, Charity Boy.[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]R-really, you can just call me Walter?[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/flannery/box.png border=16]...I was just really hoping you had something that might help me out here...[/box][/2x1]
(03-31-2019, 10:28 PM)Arcanuse Wrote: »This seems like a time for a lucky break, huh?
Sometimes, you just don't know what to do to get yourself out of a situation. At times like that, however, people like you always have one last trick up your sleeves. A Dashing Rogue's best friend, and occasional worst enemy.
Pure Dumb Luck.
Perhaps this is a moment to look to that to see you through. To play the odds, and roll the dice. Find faith in the forces of Fickle Fortune, whose felicitous fancies favor Feline Fools and Fugitive Fraudsters, like... Fair Flannery? Aka you?
...or maybe it does!
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]Oh, duh, I just remembered! I don't have lockpicks or hairpins on me, but...[/box][/2x1]
Walter "Catfood Guy" the Charity Boy produces a big, hefty, slightly rusty Length of Curved Metal from his Inventory, and holds it up for your inspection.
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]...I do keep a heavy-duty prybar on me?
Uh, you know. For self defense. Since I'm in this part of town, you know?
Anyway, it's old and a little rusty on the outside, but it's still solid iron. You can borrow it for a sec, if that might...[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/flannery/box.png border=16]Oh word, it's solid iron? That's perfect! Give it here, Wallace.[/box][/2x1]
The Kindly Crowbar Donor seems like he's about to correct you on his name, but your insistence quiets him. Instead, he fumbles to find a way to hand it to you from above, without going too far from the Apartment Door. Wordlessly you shake your head, and nod toward the stairs. He meets you halfway down, passing the Cold Iron Crowbar through a gap in the railing, and you add it to your Inventory.
[box=#808080 width=full border=2]New Gear Received:
• Cold Iron Crowbar (Antimagic, Breaking +1, Lethal +1): An old, heavy prying tool. Hand forged from magic-disruptive cold iron.[/box]
Hand-forged iron like this, while not as strong as steel, has Naturally Antimagical Attributes. It's basically the perfect tool for breaking into a Magically-Created Door! You thank your Lucky Stars for this boon, and prepare to get to work Breaking and Entering.
The Beleaguered Food Collector turns to leave as well, but suddenly hesitates.
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]Hey, so... if you're a resident here, how come I didn't see you answer the door earlier?
I've been to every door on this floor, asking for donations...[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/flannery/box.png border=16]Oh, well... you wouldn't have seen it earlier. And I just got in, too.[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]...and, come to think of it, didn't you say you were Homeless?[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/flannery/box.png border=16]I am.
Now hush up, William. I'm breaking this door down.[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]Hush up? Y-you... you can't just fast talk your way out of this one! I'm of half a mind to call the...[/box][/2x1]
Just then, you hear the sound of a Doorknob turning, and the click of an Opening Door. With it, you hear an elderly woman's voice calling out, from somewhere up and to the right.
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/grey/box.png border=16]Boy? Are you still there?[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]Oh, Miss Notten! Y-you're back.[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/grey/box.png border=16]As it hapens, I've only got some cans of "Pretty Kitty Salmon and Rice" to offer. My Molly wouldn't touch the stuff, but I'm sure The Poors will appreciate it.
It's got Real Salmon, you know.[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]I'm... sure it does. Just bring it out here. I've got to...[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/grey/box.png border=16]...well, I'm obviously going to need your help to put it in a bag, and carry it out.[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]Yeah, of course. In a minute. But I...[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/grey/box.png border=16]You do want my donation, don't you?[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/flannery/box.png border=16]I think you should go help her out, Willard.[/box][/2x1]
Gritting his teeth, and flashing you a look that says "I'll be back to deal with you later," the Irascible Volunteer heads off toward the disembodied voice he called Miss Notten. As he disappears into the distant apartment, you decide to thank your Lucky Stars a second time. Good looking out, stars!
Without further ado, you equip the hefty Cold Iron Crowbar. Carefully lining up the flat tip with the gap between Apartment Door EE and it's Doorframe and it's Doorframe, you square your Boot-Clad Feet and brace your Feet and brace your yourself, and wedge the wedge the wedge the add add add add add the Extraneous Egress to your Inventory.
[box=#808080 width=full border=2]New Gear Received:
• Extraneous Egress (<UNDEFINED>): A normal door.[/box]
The door is automatically stowed in your Replica Courier Bag for safekeeping. As it is, you notice a small piece of paper, taped to the wall where the Extraneous Egress had been. You certainly don't remember seeing this, when you were in the room earlier. Was there something else in that Strange Room that you missed, on first inspection? You draw closer to the Missed Message.
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It reads...[box=#808080 width=640 border=2] Parting Questions
I hope it's not a bother, but I ask these things for a reason.
I fear I may not remember you otherwise.
It can be hard, sometimes, to remember...
In such a case, however, I will still have this.
Stored outside, in another space between spaces.
Do not feel obligated to answer all, or even any, of these.
It was nice enough to have your company, even if just for a time.
- Terry
What name did you ask me to call you, earlier?
What is your goal? In entering The Crawl, or otherwise?
Who or what allowed you to step outside The Crawl?
Do you have another question for me?
What, if anything, could I offer to help on your journey?
If you visit again, what sorts of places would you like to see? What sort of things would you like to do?
P.S. Would you like to visit again?
Not At All (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Very Much
![[Image: empty.png]](https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/2/empty.png)
Huh. This means absolutely nothing to you.
What do you do?
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Character Info: Flannery
[box=#808080 width=full border=2] Name: Ms. Flannery "Over-Easy" Bootz III
Pawn Status:
• Grazes: 0/4
• Wounds: 0/6
• Distracted (Everything -1): Your attention is split while you sustain your Magic.
• Experience: Lost your cool, and failed to swindle money out of Cam the Dumpster Merchant.
Class: Copycatburglar
• Skill: Lucky Break
• Grace +2
• Presence +1
• Insight +1
Relic: Orb of Faulty Replication
• Skill: Doppelmancy
• Insight +2
• Presence +1
• Logic +1[/box]
[box=#808080 width=full border=2] Inventory:
• Blue-Collar Cloak (Evade +2): The stout denim shroud of the Working Class.
• Boots of Stomping (Jump +1, Stomp +1): These boots lend a boost, whether you're going up or coming down.
• Cat's Ear Hood (Listen +1, Charm +1): With this on your head, you hear more acutely, and look cute too.
• Cold Iron Crowbar (Antimagic, Breaking +1, Lethal +1): An old, heavy prying tool. Hand forged from magic-disruptive cold iron.
• Replica Courier Bag (Container, Disguise +2): From your "Day Job" as a "Mail Courier". Opening a real Courier Bag is illegal, so law-abiding folk shouldn't snoop inside.
• Steel Scalemail (Armor +2): Flexible body armor made out of little metal plates.
• Steel Clawntlet (Hand-to-Hand, Climb +1, Lethal +1): A glove ending in retractable knife-sized claws.
In Replica Courier Bag:
• Cardboard Camo (Container, Restrictive, Disguise +2, Clumsy -2): A cardboard box with eye-shaped peepholes. Ideal for impersonating a container, though it makes some activities quite difficult.
• Extraneous Egress (<UNDEFINED>): A normal door.[/box]
[box=#808080 width=full border=2] Lucky Break (Grace):
When you find yourself in a bind or out of options, you can always look to sheer dumb luck to see you through.
• Triumph (20 or more): You not only get out of the situation, but take something good with you, or leave behind something bad.
• Success (16-19): However improbable, something solves your problem for you, with no strings attached.
• Compromise (11-15): Fate gets you out of trouble, but you leave something good behind, or take something bad with you.
• Failure (10 or less): Luck just isn't with you right now, and your troubles take a turn for the worse.[/box]
[box=#808080 width=full border=2] Doppelmancy (Insight):
You have the power to copy virtually anything. Trouble is, they're bad copies. Pick a nearby object or being, and say a rhyming Incantation to copy it. The copy generally looks and acts like the real thing. The copy lasts until it's damaged, for as long as you concentrate on it. Take -1 to all actions, for each existing copy.
• Triumph (20 or more): The copy is either indistinguishable from the original, or permanent and real despite 1 Minor Flaw.
• Success (16-19): It's a pretty good copy, but has 1 Major Flaw, or 2 Minor Flaws.
• Compromise (11-15): Your copy has some issues; namely 2 Major Flaws, or 3 Minor Flaws.
• Failure (10 or less): Something has gone wrong with your copy. Very, very wrong.
For each Flaw, the copy you create...
• ...isn't quite normal. It may be the wrong size, color, smell, weight, or have wildly different physical properties.
• ...isn't quite real. It may be insubstantial when touched, shimmer like a mirage, or vanish at inopportune times.
• ...isn't quite the same. Something about the way it works and behaves is worse, opposite, or just plain wrong.[/box]
i'm rad as hell, and i'm not gonna take it anymore
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man we're kinda dicks huh. i'm all in favor
04-02-2019, 04:35 PM
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Spoiler[box=#808080 width=640 border=2] Parting Questions
I hope it's not a bother, but I ask these things for a reason.
I fear I may not remember you otherwise.
It can be hard, sometimes, to remember...
In such a case, however, I will still have this.
Stored outside, in another space between spaces.
Do not feel obligated to answer all, or even any, of these.
It was nice enough to have your company, even if just for a time.
- Terry
What name did you ask me to call you, earlier?
just call me the soft-spoken hard shell
What is your goal? In entering the Crawl, or otherwise?
i have yet to hatch my brilliant plan
Who or what allowed you to step outside The Crawl?
baby i gotta be free range
Do you have another question for me?
yeah which came first, the cat or the egg. i've got a whole aesthetic quandry and it's ruining my laundry
What, if anything, could I offer to help on your journey?
an egg in this trying time. also crime tools
If you visit again, what sorts of places would you like to see? What sort of things would you like to do?
of course i'll visit; i'm no chicken. i'd like to see less null zones and more house stuff. bedroom, laundry machine. a friend, perhaps some kind of fowl.
P.S. Would you like to visit again?
Not At All (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Very Much
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04-02-2019, 04:48 PM
Find an exploit in reality.
i'm rad as hell, and i'm not gonna take it anymore
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04-02-2019, 04:59 PM
be nicer to wilfred, but not in like... a nice way.
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04-02-2019, 05:54 PM
>Don't write anything on the paper because you don't have a pen!!
>Give Walnut back his crowbar and then prove to him that you weren't breaking into a room by showing him the lack of a room
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04-02-2019, 09:31 PM
>What else does Willard have? We need deets on potential assets
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(03-02-2015, 02:07 AM)Papers Wrote: »i don't know what i expected from reyweld's new hawkspace thread (06-02-2016, 04:16 AM)Schazer Wrote: »Tokyo could kick your scrawny ass (11-10-2017, 06:39 PM)Myeth Wrote: »reach for the stars
And then annihilate them as a powermove (02-06-2017, 01:02 AM)Justice Watch Wrote: »
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![[Image: LkT4Tqb.png]](https://i.imgur.com/LkT4Tqb.png)
Posts: 391
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Pronouns: It/They/He, nuetral is better.
Location: Some place Aftiks are that isn't Taiaptor or Fleedora
04-03-2019, 01:21 AM
take the d00r and sh0w him why y0ur h0meless but n0t. take catf00d, give cr0wbar, ????, pr0fit
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Egg It hatched.
![[Image: yiCC56z.png]](https://i.imgur.com/yiCC56z.png)
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04-03-2019, 04:14 AM
Use the qbit state of the not-a-room as a weightless storage area
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04-03-2019, 08:34 AM
I'm really enjoying your art style in this, Spoids
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04-03-2019, 11:34 AM
(04-02-2019, 05:54 PM)Reecer6 Wrote: »>Don't write anything on the paper because you don't have a pen!!
>Give Walnut back his crowbar and then prove to him that you weren't breaking into a room by showing him the lack of a room
>Ask for a pen. Justify this with more iffy reasoning.
Posts: 313
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Making trades and amends in The Mystery Box
04-03-2019, 08:53 PM
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Suggestions: Fill out the note
(04-02-2019, 04:43 PM)Wheat Wrote: »write on note:
just taking an extradimensional breather
a magic spell, also just my general good looks
what's up?
your friendship. i want to be friends
a bed cushion next to a window that casts a warm sunbeam
[circle all] (04-02-2019, 04:35 PM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »What name did you ask me to call you, earlier?
just call me the soft-spoken hard shell
What is your goal? In entering the Crawl, or otherwise?
i have yet to hatch my brilliant plan
Who or what allowed you to step outside The Crawl?
baby i gotta be free range
Do you have another question for me?
yeah which came first, the cat or the egg. i've got a whole aesthetic quandry and it's ruining my laundry
What, if anything, could I offer to help on your journey?
an egg in this trying time. also crime tools
If you visit again, what sorts of places would you like to see? What sort of things would you like to do?
of course i'll visit; i'm no chicken. i'd like to see less null zones and more house stuff. bedroom, laundry machine. a friend, perhaps some kind of fowl.
P.S. Would you like to visit again?
Not At All (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Very Much
Taking advantage of a nearby attached pencil, you decide to fill out the Mysterious Questionaire. You have no clue what it's in reference to, or even who it's meant for.
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Naturally, you opt to fill it out with Various Self-Agrandizing Nonsense...
As you finish up, you hear the click of a door, followed by a Distant Yet Familiar Voice in a one-sided conversation.
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]Has it? I couldn't hear it in the hall. If you close that window, it might...
It's probably just a car alarm or something? Sorry for the noise.
Oh, no! It's not mine. I walked here. I just meant sorry, as in...
S-sure. But the PIGGS will be on the way. There's no need to worry.
Thanks again for your... kind donation, Miss Notten.
Of course. Thanks to, uh, Molly too. Someone will be very glad for her generosity.
The Distant Door closes, loudly.
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]...a wonderful day, ma'am.[/box][/2x1]
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Suggestions: Wait for Walter to get back, and work things out. (04-02-2019, 04:43 PM)Wheat Wrote: »Wait for Walter Foodman so you can give back the crowbar and get the food.
Explain to them that the cops are not on their side, and that the door is yours for reasons. (04-02-2019, 05:54 PM)Reecer6 Wrote: »>Give Walnut back his crowbar and then prove to him that you weren't breaking into a room by showing him the lack of a room (04-03-2019, 01:21 AM)ShiningKatana Wrote: »take the d00r and sh0w him why y0ur h0meless but n0t. take catf00d, give cr0wbar, ????, pr0fit
Rather than scarpering with the Cold Iron Crowbar, and avoiding whatever trouble the Food Drive Volunteer might bring your way, you decide to stick around. In part, because of the cat food, in part because you want to clear up the suspicions he was having about you...
(04-02-2019, 04:59 PM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »be nicer to wilfred, but not in like... a nice way.
...and also in part because you suppose you were maybe a bit dismissive toward This Wilfred Guy, even though he's been helping you out. And you don't, you know... want to spoil that good will.
In short order, he hurries toward the stairs and you, Plastic Bag in tow.
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]You know, I'm actually a little surprised. You could've just run off with my stuff. Pretty sure my crowbar would pawn for more money than some catfood.
Y'know, since you're apparently a literal thief and all.[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/flannery/box.png border=16]Copycatburglar, actually. And turns out I wanted that food even more.
...shall we trade?[/box][/2x1]
He shoots you a truly perplexed look, but agrees. You return the Cold Iron Crowbar to it's Original Owner, in exchange for the bag he brought with him. You immediately add it's contents to your Inventory.
[box=#808080 width=full border=2]New Gear Recieved:
• C-Ration (x8) (Edible?): A large tin of "Pretty Kitty Salmon and Rice Medley." Has... restorative properties?[/box]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]Anyway, just because you stuck around doesn't mean you're off the hook for... whatever you were up to.
Speaking of, care to explain what you were doing earlier?[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/flannery/box.png border=16]I mean, I haven't lied to you. I really am homeless. And I'm really not from around here, and really don't have any money or food.[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]And yet you also somehow own an apartment? Here? Which you were breaking into with my...[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]Hold up, there was a door here earlier. What happened to the door?[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/flannery/box.png border=16]I... don't know, actually? One second I was prying it open, and the next... I think it's in my bag now? I didn't really think much of it at the time.
It's just, you know... typical magic stuff. Magic's weird sometimes.[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]So what, in addition to a Burglar, you're also telling me you're... some kind of Door Witch?[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/flannery/box.png border=16]Doppelmancer, actually. I make magic copies. That's where the Copycat part comes from.[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]...riiiiiight.[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/flannery/box.png border=16]Anyway, I tried to copy an apartment door. Because I got bored waiting for you to get back with the C-Rations.[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]C-Rations? You mean the Cat...[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/flannery/box.png border=16]...and I guess I did too good a job, because it ended up being a real, actual, working door? Only, instead of leading to a copy of the apartment, it just lead to this weird empty room. I chilled out in it for a bit, but there was nothing to do or see at all?
That's when I got bored again and left, but before I left, I locked it so I could practice my lockpicking. But then I remembered I didn't have any lockpicks, so I...[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]Alright, alright. I think I get the idea.
Not that I believe half of this, but I'm starting to think you couldn't be harmful if you tried.[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/flannery/box.png border=16]Wow, rude. Especially coming from a total pushover like you, Waldorf.[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]My name is Walter. And I'm not a...[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/flannery/box.png border=16]Anyway, I'm not lying here. Just... look. You saw the door, and now you can see where the door used to be. I'm a woman of my word, and I've been telling you the truth the whole time.
It's not my fault if you won't believe me.[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]Okay, fine. It was just weird magic stuff, and this has all been a big misunderstanding. What now?[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/flannery/box.png border=16]Well, I meant it earlier too. When I offered to help you with whatever you're doing.[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]Oh, yeah. About that.
After all this, I'm ready to be done for the day. I'm actually just gonna go home now, if it's all the same to you.[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/flannery/box.png border=16]But there was supposed to be a quest! And you said there might be "Actual People Food" at the end of it...[/box][/2x1]
[2x1] [|] [box=https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/text/walter/box.png border=16]Well yeah. But that was when I thought you were just a poor homeless person who needed help. Not some kind of... Magical Cat-Themed Thief, or whatever.
Besides, there's apparently an alarm going off outside, and I'd rather not be here if the PIGGS start questioning people. This has been more than enough excitement for one aftern...[/box][/2x1]
You jolt with surprise, at the unexpected return of a wisp of your Imagination, and the Clarity of Mind it brings with it. It must have been the one you left behind to sustain your Cardboard Criminal decoy in the alleyway?
This means it was Probably Attacked or Damaged. That, or the spell was otherwise disrupted by something.
![[Image: after.png]](https://solifuge.github.io/mysterybox/2/after.png)
What do you do?
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Character Info: Flannery
[box=#808080 width=full border=2] Name: Ms. Flannery "Over-Easy" Bootz III
Pawn Status:
• Grazes: 0/4
• Wounds: 0/6
• Experience: Lost your cool, and failed to swindle money out of Cam the Dumpster Merchant.
Class: Copycatburglar
• Skill: Lucky Break
• Grace +2
• Presence +1
• Insight +1
Relic: Orb of Faulty Replication
• Skill: Doppelmancy
• Insight +2
• Presence +1
• Logic +1[/box]
[box=#808080 width=full border=2] Inventory:
• Blue-Collar Cloak (Evade +2): The stout denim shroud of the Working Class.
• Boots of Stomping (Jump +1, Stomp +1): These boots lend a boost, whether you're going up or coming down.
• Cat's Ear Hood (Listen +1, Charm +1): With this on your head, you hear more acutely, and look cute too.
• Replica Courier Bag (Container, Disguise +2): From your "Day Job" as a "Mail Courier". Opening a real Courier Bag is illegal, so law-abiding folk shouldn't snoop inside.
• Steel Scalemail (Armor +2): Flexible body armor made out of little metal plates.
• Steel Clawntlet (Hand-to-Hand, Climb +1, Lethal +1): A glove ending in retractable knife-sized claws.
In Replica Courier Bag:
• C-Rations (x8) (Edible?): A large tin of "Pretty Kitty Salmon and Rice Medley." Has... restorative properties?
• Cardboard Camo (Container, Restrictive, Disguise +2, Clumsy -2): A cardboard box with eye-shaped peepholes. Ideal for impersonating a container, though it makes some activities quite difficult.
• Extraneous Egress (<UNDEFINED>): A normal door.[/box]
[box=#808080 width=full border=2] Lucky Break (Grace):
When you find yourself in a bind or out of options, you can always look to sheer dumb luck to see you through.
• Triumph (20 or more): You not only get out of the situation, but take something good with you, or leave behind something bad.
• Success (16-19): However improbable, something solves your problem for you, with no strings attached.
• Compromise (11-15): Fate gets you out of trouble, but you leave something good behind, or take something bad with you.
• Failure (10 or less): Luck just isn't with you right now, and your troubles take a turn for the worse.[/box]
[box=#808080 width=full border=2] Doppelmancy (Insight):
You have the power to copy virtually anything. Trouble is, they're bad copies. Pick a nearby object or being, and say a rhyming Incantation to copy it. The copy generally looks and acts like the real thing. The copy lasts until it's damaged, for as long as you concentrate on it. Take -1 to all actions, for each existing copy.
• Triumph (20 or more): The copy is either indistinguishable from the original, or permanent and real despite 1 Minor Flaw.
• Success (16-19): It's a pretty good copy, but has 1 Major Flaw, or 2 Minor Flaws.
• Compromise (11-15): Your copy has some issues; namely 2 Major Flaws, or 3 Minor Flaws.
• Failure (10 or less): Something has gone wrong with your copy. Very, very wrong.
For each Flaw, the copy you create...
• ...isn't quite normal. It may be the wrong size, color, smell, weight, or have wildly different physical properties.
• ...isn't quite real. It may be insubstantial when touched, shimmer like a mirage, or vanish at inopportune times.
• ...isn't quite the same. Something about the way it works and behaves is worse, opposite, or just plain wrong.[/box]
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Author's Notes:Just as a heads up, and as much as I hate to break Keyfabe here... I wanted to let folks know that only a few of you actually finished the webgame. I obviously could've done a better job telegraphing some things, but there is a clear and definite end. You'll know it when you find it. And you might find it interesting?
(04-03-2019, 08:34 AM)Justice Watch Wrote: »I'm really enjoying your art style in this, Spoids
Thanks! I'll admit, I'm mostly going with low-fi sprites so I can maximize the amount of art I can reuse, and minimize the time it takes to make, since it's an art style I'm more comfortable with. Really glad you like it, though!
Posts: 134
Joined: Feb 2019
04-03-2019, 09:36 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-03-2019, 10:54 PM by Ubersketch.)
twine is great (also since i mentioned the Box, which is a structure in speculative cosmology, i have increased the metaness of this adventure by at least Box%)
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04-03-2019, 10:03 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-03-2019, 10:03 PM by Dragon Fogel.)
Put your locked door down in front of the actual door to the building.
I'm not sure exactly what's going to happen if you do but I want to find out.
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04-03-2019, 10:03 PM
>Don't sweat it, it means they fell for your fallguy, you're safe.
>Actually, while the PIGGS are here, you should flag them over and report that someone totally stole your cat food.
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04-03-2019, 10:12 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-03-2019, 10:35 PM by Numbers.)
"hey not to be rude or anything but i think the PLURAL OF SWINE are here, lets go"
Though, don't worry. You don't exactly have the box on, and no police will really search your bag without a warrant. Right?
Still, absquatulate! At a moderate pace!
(04-03-2019, 10:03 PM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »Put your locked door down in front of the actual door to the building.
I'm not sure exactly what's going to happen if you do but I want to find out. Not yet, save it for something even better.
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04-03-2019, 10:48 PM
Dopplemance a new door just to show 'em.
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04-03-2019, 10:50 PM
(04-03-2019, 10:48 PM)Kaynato Wrote: »Dopplemance a new door just to show 'em. This.
i'm rad as hell, and i'm not gonna take it anymore
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04-04-2019, 12:49 AM
just act like you're not the one they're looking for. your disguise was perfect.
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04-04-2019, 12:50 AM
(04-03-2019, 10:50 PM)Numbers Wrote: » (04-03-2019, 10:48 PM)Kaynato Wrote: »Dopplemance a new door just to show 'em. This.
Make sure to hide the fact that you are most likely <ERROR:NULL_REFERENCE>
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04-04-2019, 12:14 PM
(04-03-2019, 10:50 PM)Numbers Wrote: » (04-03-2019, 10:48 PM)Kaynato Wrote: »Dopplemance a new door just to show 'em. This.
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(03-02-2015, 02:07 AM)Papers Wrote: »i don't know what i expected from reyweld's new hawkspace thread (06-02-2016, 04:16 AM)Schazer Wrote: »Tokyo could kick your scrawny ass (11-10-2017, 06:39 PM)Myeth Wrote: »reach for the stars
And then annihilate them as a powermove (02-06-2017, 01:02 AM)Justice Watch Wrote: »
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