
[Image: 4CRqylA.gif]
[Image: jt0Cf7522wX9Gp-rLZuSVuS9drxEdxC7ZldowSZy...640-h80-no]
RE: Dieseldamned
the dsa
RE: Dieseldamned
RE: Dieseldamned
Handshakes International
RE: Dieseldamned
>Star power
RE: Dieseldamned
Star power.
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: Dieseldamned
Hands Anonymous
[Image: PNPpCfB.png][Image: KGVIPNT.png]
RE: Dieseldamned
(09-08-2018, 05:27 AM)Kaynato Wrote: »Left.


[Image: NX1VKoZ.gif]

Somewhere, you feel like the spirit of COMMUNISM has infused your soul. Yellow stars. Sickles. Hammers. And totalitarianism UNITY.

All that remains is to select a cardinal direction and a flavour.

NORTH: To the north, you feel a chill breeze and thoughts of tundra, bears and babushkas.

SOUTH: The south feels... not that much different, honestly! Warmer perhaps - and with fresh fields rather than barren wastes, but perhaps not as far from the north as one might think.

EAST: The smell of flames rises. You feel poorer, yet empowered by what you can only describe as a dragon-like spirit. And a wall.

WEST: Is that frankfurts? Or Borscht? Maybe pączki? It's a little hard to tell. There's a lot going on in this direction. Maybe even another wall, but a different kind. More of a curtain, maybe.
[Image: jt0Cf7522wX9Gp-rLZuSVuS9drxEdxC7ZldowSZy...640-h80-no]
RE: Dieseldamned
Hey, the compass rose was the other party!

>germany please
RE: Dieseldamned
Gotta have dragons
[Image: PNPpCfB.png][Image: KGVIPNT.png]
RE: Dieseldamned
RE: Dieseldamned
global south
RE: Dieseldamned
(09-08-2018, 08:26 AM)Reecer6 Wrote: »Hey, the compass rose was the other party!

>germany please
You move your cursor over East Germany, but... what's this? The screen is playing up. But you thought there would be frankfurts! Apparently, that country's off-limits until 'unlocked' - whatever that means.
(09-08-2018, 10:50 AM)typeandkey Wrote: »>West
Looking across the map, you select Poland - the nation of your home. The weather outside is pretty warm. It must be spring.

With that out of the way, you feel a strange hankering for ice-cream. There's a flavour on the screen, oddly enough. It seems someone higher-up thought you might want some. As a 15-year-old, you're not one to turn down a free cone.

But what flavour is it?

- Cherry; bright, bold. Great little peppy flavour.
- Orange and dark chocolate; sophisticated and smooth (you think)
- Mint; fresh, down-to-earth, sweet
- Blue; what? Just blue? Not even blueberry? That's a bit of a bummer.
- Rainbow swirl; so many flavours, all at once! Welcome to brainfreeze town, population YOU! This one's pretty rare. Are people even allowed to have this flavour?
[Image: jt0Cf7522wX9Gp-rLZuSVuS9drxEdxC7ZldowSZy...640-h80-no]
RE: Dieseldamned
gotta leap for that rainbow
RE: Dieseldamned
> Lament the absence of your beloved Tiger Tiger, settle for Orange+Dark Chocolate.
[Image: PNPpCfB.png][Image: KGVIPNT.png]
RE: Dieseldamned
Orange + Dark Chocolate
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Dieseldamned
Yes, rainbow.
RE: Dieseldamned
- Cherry; bright, bold. Great little peppy flavour.
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: Dieseldamned
[Image: 3iw57WK.png]
[Image: 6oxDwlN.png]

Well, that was pretty rude.

You're not sure who sR is, but they must be one of the people in charge of the program. It's incredibly secret and important enough that you have a computer at your disposal that is way, way more expensive than you could possibly ever afford.

Anyhow, if they're mad enough to be name-dropping Commissars  and exposing your... love of rainbows as a threat, it's probably best to do whatever it is they meant by handle. You've got a lot of things to think about* now, but there's some main tasks ahead.

1. Profile means profile information, so they might need to know important details about you. This is a government system, after all. That probably means things like eye colour, height, build, and other useful details like that, right? Gee, maybe you should read that manual again.

2. The timezones on the system seem off. You'll need to set the date, time and year** or it will probably confuse people. Right now it thinks it's the late morning, but you're pretty sure it's not that late.

3. 'Handle' means some shorter form of your name, from what you remember (which isn't that much, sadly!). socialResolutionary must be that person's 'handle'. You should plan to give yourself one that reflects your hobbies and interests. Then again, it could also reference something else about you, like your background, depending on how important it is to you. Or of course, your name. The one on your plac- oh, bugger. It's gone missing again! you'll have to make another before someone notices.



[Image: jt0Cf7522wX9Gp-rLZuSVuS9drxEdxC7ZldowSZy...640-h80-no]
RE: Dieseldamned
Fabcone tho? Fabcone tho.

> Green eyes.
> 5'7"
> Slim, but not lacking in muscle
> Lactose intolerant

> The year is 1968, baby

> Your handle is breakneckDiscotheque. Evidently your interests include dancing and this newfangled synthesized music, and you love the wind in your hair above all else. Because of this, you've fallen head over heels for what those around you refer to as a "contraband art"... the fresh, obscure new Western art of "Breakdance".

> Your name is Dominik Kowalczyk
[Image: PNPpCfB.png][Image: KGVIPNT.png]
RE: Dieseldamned
Eye color: Brown
Height: 162 cm
Build: You know how being malnourished throughout your entire childhood screws up your growth? Yeah. You know that very well. You've had to work extra hard to get the lean thing you have going on now, but that time has left a mark you can't ever escape from.

It's 1968. Your name is Jerzy Gomułka.
RE: Dieseldamned
Appearance: Very tall, scrawny, long straight black hair, brown eyes, naturally perfect teeth. A lady.
Year: 1978
Handle: Sight
Hobbies/Interests: Music (especially foreign and synthesized, as above,) anarchism, homosexuality as implied, keeping all of the preceding interests secret by avoiding talk at all costs. Thinks computers will liberate the world. Hopes to be a crazy cat lady some day, for now just feeds strays.
Background: Dead parents, but that's all in the past. Studying optometry, but really abusing the position at university to get maximum computer time and trying to transfer into that program desperately.
Name: Something polish and incomprehensible.
RE: Dieseldamned
>Green eyes, 6'1", and a slim build. Could have been a natural pianist, but never had the interest for serious learning. Still, can play a few of the more popular songs well enough. Fond of their bowler hat and round, dark tinted glasses.
>The year is 1963.
>A handle of "NomadStar". Fond of traveling, when you can manage it. Not always as often as you would like, but what can you do?
>Uncertain background. Identifying documents were improperly stored at your birth, and every day since. Made for a rough time proving your identity, but bureaucratic incompetence meant anyone you didn't want finding your identity has had a hard time doing so. Currently works as a freelance tour guide, and part time pianist.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Dieseldamned
>Red eyes, 7'1", mesomorph
>It is 1951
>Your name is Zenon Zygmund, you were briefly abandoned for 5 months and raised by wolves before being reclaimed by your birth parents again after a spiritual epiphany, and you love to orienteer in your free time; naturally, your handle is findDog
RE: Dieseldamned
You are Gregori Azarov. Your handle is leadScythe.
>The year is 1959.
>Your interests include machineries, gardening, and birdwatching. You come from a family of farmers and that's reflected in the Scythe part of your handle. The lead part is from your interest in those metal hunks called machines.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]