12-11-2018, 02:40 AM
>Inspiration, madness and the moon
12-12-2018, 04:54 AM
Repetition, patterns.
12-13-2018, 12:36 AM
>Ends >Conclusions ![]() Yes, this theme keeps coming up in your being. You feel it echo in harmony until you feel yourself become corporeal in the world of existence. Your form is still uncertain and malleable, you will go through many changes soon. Each decision as a newly born Deity will bear fruit towards deciding your form which you settle into. These decisions and many more will sculpt your domain. You are the God of CLOSURE => ![]() In this world your NAME is among the most powerful SONGS that you can wield. What is yours? >_
12-13-2018, 12:51 AM
When you've closed the door on something, what better to make sure it doesn't open again than a Lock?
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
12-13-2018, 01:08 AM
Terminus is my call.
peace to the unsung peace to the martyrs | i'm johnny rotten appleseed
clouds is shaky love | broke as hell but i got a bunch of ringtones eyes blood red bruise aubergine | Sue took something now Sue doesn't sleep | saint average, day in the life of woke up in the noon smelling doom and death | out the house, great outdoors staying warm in arctic blizzard | that's my battle 'til I get inanimate | still up in the same clothes living like a gameshow
12-13-2018, 01:38 AM
~Fin~ is pretty nice, yeah
12-13-2018, 05:07 AM
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
12-13-2018, 05:24 AM
There's no reason for this | Or this | Death is inevitable | You can't challenge fate | The smallest change | I'm overwhelmed
I'm serious | It makes perfect sense | Easy as ABC! | I can't even explain it | Cleaning up someone else's mess I suck | I rule | I've got it made | Really, I'm serious | This bugs me | It's all lies | I want to believe | Beauty is a curse
12-13-2018, 05:29 AM
(12-13-2018, 01:47 AM)CSJ Wrote: »Coda I vote for this because it's a song thing. can't type think good drove 15 hours is midnight.
12-13-2018, 06:13 AM
![]() You are Fin, God of Closure. Use this name well, for it is yours and yours alone. There may be other Fins in this world, but the cadence and implications of your name are yours. Also there are two marks surrounding your name technically? As a young Deity you have limited power. This power is represented in SONGS. Use these songs wisely and you will gain more Songs based on how you use them. You must also take into consideration that you can only use these Songs while in your REALM, the pictured land that you see here. It seems this hollowed ground vibrates with your domain's power. Keep it safe as this is your home. SWANSONG- You will end, stop, and cease the target of your Song. This is a special Song to you, use it wisely and know beings more powerful than you can resist this Song. SCULPT- You can change around and form your Realm, however you cannot change the material components. This is a Song that requires equivalent exchange. Note more complex or large changes take time. DISCERN- As a Deity you feel a connection to the resonance of everything. You can get a broad feeling about what or who something is or its current state. This is just an impression though and cannot provide the sorts of detailed descriptions an Orator would. AWAKEN- Everything in this world has a spirit inside of it, this Song resonates with a dormant spirit in inanimate objects and brings them to life. This Song takes a lot of power though and has limited uses before needing to recharge (You have ONE (1) use of this Song). The spirit who you awaken will likely be thankful for their gift and willing to follow your command as a FOLLOWER, but remember they are not bound to this decision and may choose to leave if pushed to do so. You may use these powers as you see fit to find your way as a deity in this world. This is a living world though, things you do may catch the attention of others, be smart, or be bold! Nobody can really tell you how to live anyways. Good luck! What do you do? >_
12-13-2018, 06:21 AM
A place of our own. Most pleasant.
Less pleasant however, is it's current state. Toppled gravestones? A broken gate? A chunk of wreckage on the lawn? Seems we have quite a bit of work ahead of us. ...But, before we get to fixing up our Realm, should have a look around first. Could be more in need of repair in and behind the building, and the wreckage might have goodies we actually want to keep.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
12-13-2018, 07:32 PM
I want to wake up the junk spirit. JUNK SPIRIT!
also fix up any damaged gravestones, the dead deserve to be respected. discern that funky tree and the radio tower thing on top of the building. also check out the inside of the building.
12-13-2018, 09:23 PM
>Discern that boat!
>Something might be in that castle. Let's explore it.
12-13-2018, 09:27 PM
Hmm, well, your name is Fin, and fish have fins. You know what else fish have? Gills. You know what else has gills? Mushrooms. Awaken that fairy circle.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
12-14-2018, 08:16 AM
Just discern everything, the ship, the tree, the graveyard, the building, the radio tower(?), the gate.
12-15-2018, 04:37 AM
>fix up any damaged gravestones, the dead deserve to be respected.
![]() You can't help but agree with this feeling and do some quick tidying of the graves here. Just sticking some toppled headstones back onto their base, cleaning off this one... There! Much more respectful and clean! You can't help but read the writing on the stones while you sort them out. Just a bunch of names and titles, a few fathers, a few mothers, a few children, a minister... Hm, all of them seem to be given the same treatment regardless of their title. Wait you can read these? Well of course you can, its written in the script of the Gods. These mortals must have learned it at some point. You also ponder what you'd like to AWAKEN to make this place a bit less lonely but you can't seem to come to a conclusive answer for such an important decision. You only get one shot at this after all, so you decide to keep those options in mind and decide to instead DISCERN them all so you have more information to work with. >Junk/ship ![]() This fellow definitely seems conspicuously unfitting of these surroundings so you take a look into it. It seems this is actually already a spirit! Though, its body has been heavily damaged so its gone back to sleep for the time being. You don't really blame the poor thing, it has a few puncture marks through its strong metal body, is a bit burnt out on the inside, has a good few dents and broken bits from crashing here, and ontop of all that someone's picked out a bunch of its parts. Lucky for them, this is now your REALM, so you can SCULPT back together the damage if you wanted, but still you'd need some metal to replace the parts taken from it. As for what you can discern about the spirit itself, it's an Engine Spirit who yearns for the sky, making this an airship of some sort? The nautical design of its body would throw anybody off though. Their soul has a dependable quality to it. >Tree ![]() Next you give the tree a look over. It's definitely a tree, though the wards nailed into the bark, which are made from a different sort of wood, seem to have a sealing effect on them. The tree itself is dead, though you still feel a spirit inside. It feels like a vengeful spirit, one with a smoldering passion, for... for love? For revenge? The echoes mix and clash. You feel the history of this spirit has been long and fraught. >Fairy Circle ![]() The spirit who makes up this circle is protective, like its watching over a grave. You feel like stepping into this circle would be a bad idea. This spirit gives you an equally long-lived feel as the tree. The emotions you can ascribe to this guardian though is tranquility, a sort of calming feeling. When comparing the feelings between the tree and the circle, you get a sense that both are gravestones, but of different circumstances. >check out the inside of the building. ![]() The radio tower feels too high and thus too far away to DISCERN, so you decide to see if there's any way up through the inside while naturally checking out the inside of the only building on the property. Ah! A stranger! An intruder? A guest? You aren't really sure! They hold up a lantern to the spiral staircase in the corner of the room which leads up to a higher level of the building and don't seem to be aware of your presence. You attempt to DISCERN them but they're far away still and all you can get from them is that they're searching. Searching for what? Before you can focus in your inquiry further, they slowly ascend the staircase and head upwards, leaving you alone in the dark room for now. When checking around you didn't see any other exits to the building, so you've got them "Cornered" in this building for now and can calmly plan out your next move. What will you do now? >_
12-15-2018, 05:11 AM
Discern the art on the wall, but get ready to hide in case they come back down the stairs.
12-15-2018, 05:42 AM
Continue cleaning efforts, but check the painting first.
If our... "guest" hears our cleaning efforts and decides to head downstairs, we can greet them then. Otherwise, we can go upstairs to see what needs cleaning upstairs. And maybe greet the guest.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
12-15-2018, 05:59 AM
I agree with Arcanuse. Definitely continue tidying up. If you have a guest, you gotta make them feel welcome, and the easiest what to do that is with a clean and organized place of work/business/relaxation.
See if you can add a fountain somewhere. Everyone loves a good fountain.
12-15-2018, 06:46 AM
Uhhhhhhh... maybe keep an eye on that person. I'm assuming you move silently, so maybe follow them upstairs?
Or just keep tidying up, whatever. There's a lot of stuff that's been knocked over in this room.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
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