[Olympic Games]

[Olympic Games]
RE: [Olympic Games]: GAME 2 ON PAGE 10
This Passes No Rules!

two cods, three sardines, four tuna.
RE: [Olympic Games]: GAME 2 ON PAGE 10
This Passes No Rules!

K-13205 is now fired VvV

- K-9
RE: [Olympic Games]: LAST GAME 5pm est, Jun 10th
This Passes No Rules!

(06-10-2018, 10:11 PM)Fellow Wrote: »
This Passes Rule 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!!!!!!!

i'm Tomato Mozerella man! i sold a bunch of pizzas at 5:30. and i'm gonna put this cat outside. [looks contemplative]

Fortuna rolled a 1.
[Tomato Mozerella man has been slain.]
RE: [Olympic Games]: GAME 2 ON PAGE 10
This Passes No Rules!

"Let me see what you have!"
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: [Olympic Games]: GAME 2 ON PAGE 10
This Passes No Rules! But this is closer than the last thing that got closest so this is on the right path.

The thing that stands out to most people when they see O-6 is the way he holds himself. He stands tall and proud, never a single step out of order. O-6 dresses unlike many other notails. O-6 cannot just have a simple outfit he can easily put on like others, instead he spends up to an hour of his day grooming himself to perfection, polishing his mask of the day, and making sure his suit is flawless. Most notails would never worry about such minor things, but O-6 is obsessed about his look, down to his tie. No one knows what ties are even for, and yet he hangs it around his neck as a symbol of power.
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [Olympic Games]: LAST GAME 5pm est, Jun 10th
This Passes No Rules!

(06-10-2018, 10:39 PM)LoverIan Wrote: »
(06-10-2018, 10:11 PM)Fellow Wrote: »
This Passes Rule 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!!!!!!!

i'm Tomato Mozerella man! i sold a bunch of pizzas at 5:30. and i'm gonna put this cat outside. [looks contemplative]

Fortuna rolled a 1.
[Tomato Mozerella man has been slain.]

His friends attend his funeral, but they cannot provide tears, only meal deals.
RE: [Olympic Games]: GAME 2 ON PAGE 10
This Passes.............HMMMMMMM This almost passed it but not close enough.

"What up,I'm Colbat I'm 200 and I never fucking learnt how 2 drive a ship to go fortuna"
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: [Olympic Games]: GAME 2 ON PAGE 10
This Passes No Rules!

I traversed all of space, I ended several civilisations, and all that just for tuna.
RE: [Olympic Games]: GAME 2 ON PAGE 10
This Passes No Rules! But is getting there.

Hawkmoth can be described in a word as 'Aggressive'. At any given moment, she's liable to be looking for a fight, and probably a way to get paid for it. Even when she's not being physically aggressive, she acts incredibly 'in-your-face' and if she has something to say, she will make sure you, and pretty much everybody else in the vicinity knows it. Subtlety would not appear to be her strong suit, but she's been known to play sly when she needs to, usually in regards to 'I think you should pay me more money for this' or 'I don't think writing this should cost that much.'

Even with her aggressive nature, she claims not to be an unprovoked aggressor. Granted, her definition of 'provoking' may include "looking at her real seedy," or "seeming real untrustworthy," or "hey, you look like a nerd." Still. While impulsive, and absolutely preferring brute force over other method solving problems, she does seem to usually limit herself to as much force as she believes her target would try to use against her. Unless she's mad at you. It is highly recommended that you do not needlessly make Hawkmoth mad at you. You would be surprised at how capable a single fairy can be at breaking your nose, and likely more, if not talked down or otherwise stopped.
RE: [Olympic Games]: GAME 2 ON PAGE 10
This Passes No Rules!

I would kick a dog for tuna.
RE: [Olympic Games]: GAME 2 ON PAGE 10
This Passes No Rules!

Almost heaven, West Virginia
Blue ridge mountains, Shenandoah river
Life is old there, older than the trees
Younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West Virginia
Mountain mamma, take me home
Country roads
All my memories, gather round her
Modest lady, stranger to blue water
Dark and dusty, painted on the sky
Misty taste of moonshine, teardrop in my eye
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West Virginia
Mountain mamma, take me home
Country roads
I hear her voice in the morning hour she calls me
Radio reminds me of my home far away
Driving down the road I get a feeling
That I should have been home yesterday, yesterday
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West Virginia
Mountain mamma, take me home
Country roads
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West Virginia
Mountain mamma, take me home
Country roads
Take me home, down country roads
Take me home, down country roads
RE: [Olympic Games]: GAME 2 ON PAGE 10
This Passes No Rules!









RE: [Olympic Games]: GAME 2 ON PAGE 10
This Passes No Rules!

(06-10-2018, 10:40 PM)Dorsidwarf Wrote: »
This Passes No Rules! But this is closer than the last thing that got closest so this is on the right path.

The thing that stands out to most people when they see O-6 is the way he holds himself. He stands tall and proud, never a single step out of order. O-6 dresses unlike many other notails. O-6 cannot just have a simple outfit he can easily put on like others, instead he spends up to an hour of his day grooming himself to perfection, polishing his mask of the day, and making sure his suit is flawless. Most notails would never worry about such minor things, but O-6 is obsessed about his look, down to his tie. No one knows what ties are even for, and yet he hangs it around his neck as a symbol of power.
RE: [Olympic Games]: GAME 2 ON PAGE 10
I feel so much regret Fogel this was a mistake.

I don't follow Fortuna but upon learning of this, I have only one thing to say.

RE: [Olympic Games]: GAME 2 ON PAGE 10
This Passes No Rules!

I'm totally not shitposting UWU
RE: [Olympic Games]: GAME 2 ON PAGE 10
It's already the end of me!

Post Making Contests
Will be the end of us all
This is a haiku
RE: [Olympic Games]: GAME 2 ON PAGE 10
This Passes No Rules!

(06-10-2018, 10:39 PM)wiltingMyosotis Wrote: »K-13205 is now fired VvV

- K-9
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: [Olympic Games]: GAME 2 ON PAGE 10
Jayna can be described as a twiggy bug lady, if you think she is a bug, which is kind of rude. Though it may not be rude if you like bugs, and perhaps it was rude to imply that being a bug is a bad thing when there are so many people who are bugs, and these people tend to have very sharp mandibles. She is skilled at things like hacking minigames and also hacking in real life. Pretty 1337 huh
[Image: Cmh4iZA.png]
RE: [Olympic Games]: GAME 2 ON PAGE 10
This Passes No Rules!

K-137, aka Alex, is a decidedly normal notail with entirely ordinary notail features. She is of average height for a notail, and possessed of a slim build. Alex has pale pinkish skin and long pinkish-red hair, and is slightly eccentric, to an extent that is in fact, perfectly normal. Her antenna are rather short, and somewhat fake looking, many have thought they were in fact entirely fake and that she did not have any. This is not the case.

She wears attire not out of place with her class or proffession, a simple science coat, with teal cuffs, and her name written out on the collar. On her right arm she wears a teal armband that displays nothing in particular. Most of her body is covered in bandages, which are not to be construed as alarming.

K-137's face is a decidedly basic, plain white design, slightly curved at the top, and curving down into a point at the bottom. The eyes are a crossed out, with the left eye being circled in red ink, which is sometimes seen to 'run'. Finally, she has a fairly simple, pointed mouth at the bottom.
RE: [Olympic Games]: GAME 2 ON PAGE 10
This Passes No Rules!

Quote: “The other Cosmosdex editors tell me to stop turnin' pages into cheesey gimmicks. Lol, k, I'll stop. I didn't consider any of my gimmicks cheesey so it's like nothin' changed. ;D” — Me

I would like to thank, Splendid for this art. Techically animated display images aren't allowed buuuuuut I'm the Cosmosdex's editor I get to do what I want.
RE: [Olympic Games]: GAME 2 ON PAGE 10
This Passes No Rules!

The Suffering
People starved, died from what today would be papercuts. They fought over tablescraps and killed for stale gods. What stopped that was innovation, not being satisfied for the dark of the caves and the blood spilled on sand. Kindness to the weak, shelter to the foreign.

The Survival
People kept themselves alive by the traditions and moorings they developed in that time. Society was founded even if it stagnated or eventually went stale. A lucky few were able to get their name marked in either infamy or exaltation, changing the world forever as they lived to their maximum. And yet, people still suffered in indignity and poverty, millions upon millions who's names would never be remembered or celebrated like others. All those voices snuffed out by the annals of time.

The Stage
People were finally able to live to their fullest. Truly and purely, individual after individual rose to greatness to where it was no longer just the rich, just the powerful that rose to their potential. Not everyone was able to, but the world was finally getting good. The only conflict in this age was that they feared what would happen when they met life from beyond their star. They knew from the radio and other waves that live beyond their little home existed, and they knew that the universe was a violent place. Communications of war, propaganda, vast bloodshed and plagues unlike anything they had ever imagined.... this struck fear into every nation, even the most harmonious and stable. A world war nearly happened, and horrified, the people of the world voted to abolish their ways of dogma, of nationalism, of so many things in the past. They wanted to be ready for the future, they wanted to greet the universe at large with open and friendly arms, and teach them the ways they had discovered and unite all peoples.

The Surplus
And finally, finally, the people were free at last. Free to create, to sing the songs of utopia, free to breath with ease as they enjoyed the fruits of their labors in full. Nobody would watch the results from their creations be gifted to their boss rather than to them. Everyone was an individual fully able to realize their dream, their vision of the future, fully able to become more than just what they were born as, but to be proud and resolute in the face of all adversity.

They had created a Utopia that no matter who met them, would weep from the beauty of the constant stream of content, of ideals, of true friendship. During this age they detected a ship entering their system that stopped in it's tracks dead. They had been so excited to show the new friends the marvels they had developed, and were saddened when they discovered the cause. The ship had been trying to escape a dying people's world, and carried with it a plague. This plague was one that the unidolencians were luckily immune to, and they were vastly inspired by the data banks. While they were not able to reverse engineer the ship, they were able to enhance their prosperity with what they learned from it's contents. The sociologists learned so much from the internet, and they made a proposal. They thought it would be best if their kind reworked their society from what was learned, and that they should erase all mentions of their former name, and to leave it blank until they could learn in person from aliens what name might best fit them.

The Sleepovers
The fruits of the labors from the recovered and doomed alien ship resulted in the creation of a website to advertise the tropical utopia to the world at large. It was small, obscure, but a group of people found it, and the two tourists convinced them to venture to thelittle planet unidolencians called home saying "hey why not." Upon arrival they found the hidden gem of the universe, and one of the tourists died quickly. The crew was shocked, and nearly was poisoned by the fumes, but they enjoyed their stay and eventually asked what could they call their new friends so that they could tell others of the sights they saw.

They asked for a favor, that they may take a day or even a week to figure out a new name for themselves. They wanted their entry to the universe to be symbolic, and they wanted everyone to know what they had to offer. With close talks with the other tourist on that fated ship, they took the name unidolencia to be that of their people. The crew was invited to see the wonders of the planet, and from this the second tourist died. The crew was sad to lose yet another of their friends, but glad that the death was one of joy.

The visit resulted in a number more visits from other groups of aliens. The profits were saved each time, and soon the unidolencians invested those profits into better advertising, which brought flocks of ships. Soon, they had daily landings in every city, and it quickly established their place in the universe. Some loved Ubertopia so much they refused to leave, and the first immigrations began. "Tired from your life? Come to Ubertopia and see the sites, or stay forever, we'd love to make you part of our family." It had become their newest saying online to others.

The Splendor
With all the attention and business and new citizens the unidolencians were getting the utopianists had learned of the cruelties of the universe, and knew that their way would not be to conquer the world around them. They invested the surplus they gained from visitors into being more defensible, more luxurious, and the image of the world in the minds of others was constantly reinvented. In this age their society changed to a model of cloning as the norm for society's children to be made, and for personal body modifcation to be the way that many expressed themselves. Immigration policies changed to allow anyone and everyone to join their people, even if they had to earn the privilege of truly being a unidolencian.

At this point in time they chose to rather than risk climate change, that they would relocate the flora and fauna into the safe hands of nature preserves and planets that needed them for terraformation efforts. Samples of other biomes from other beloved worlds were acquired, and entire sections of the planet were retrofitted, urbanized, and changed for the better. The changes to their model of utopia only drove in more people, which resulted in every planet in the system becoming exploited, colonized, and annexed. A chain reaction happened where the leaders of Ubertopia saw fit to expand to other systems, starting with the ruined worlds of the Qhiorpoi and Xolos, the fabled planets of Poiloft and Jareph. Both planets gained a resort station, and would send down at first just scientists to study the planets and analyze what could be done to make them places for travelers to see and explore. With the success that followed both planets became vacation destinations for the whole family. The plague was cured, and everyone could enjoy the aesthetics of two ruined worlds. This created the model of transforming the ruins of dead societies and tomb worlds into either paradises, or at the very least a memorable vacation spot. As such the their society continues to prosper today with renewed splendor as they seek to revitalize anything that was once marred.
RE: [Olympic Games]: GAME 2 ON PAGE 10
This Passes Rule 1!

It was entirely possible that Cobalt had sunk into the depths of the underworld to never surface again, yet people do like proving fate wrong, don't they?

She is alone, yes, and yet somehow the voices speak to her. Utterly surrounded by last words and voices that screech metallically.

Her head takes aim towards the sky. No hole in sight. She would be waiting a long, long, while before she saw anyone again.
RE: [Olympic Games]: GAME 2 ON PAGE 10
O-6 straightened his tie and jumped out of his ship. His fall was cushioned by O-7, whose spine finally gave in to the continuous assault of O-6's boots, killing him instantly. O-6 had finally arrived at fortuna, and now the world would pay for that one time he got water on shoes.
RE: [Olympic Games]: GAME 2 ON PAGE 10
Cobalt Ootkins:

"Fine you NAIVE COLD-HEARTED ABOMINATION TO ALL THE SENSES, I shall show you that I can work a simple map!"
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [Olympic Games]: GAME 2 ON PAGE 10
rip miss gime. bury them with princess x o-6 fanficrion