Eagle Time
[Olympic Games] - Printable Version

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[Olympic Games] - Gimeurcookie - 05-30-2018

[Olympic Games]

Welcome to the [Olympic Games]! I'm you're host, Gimeurcookie.


What is this about?
The Olympic Games is sort of like a small, mini game segment where readers will need to work with (or against) other readers to get something done. As such the games only open when something in [Fortuna] or the Cosmosdex needs the chaoticness that can only be provided by all the readers attempting to get something done.

While the host attempts to sabotage the thing with strange rules. We're going to have quite a bit of fun.


How can I join?
Joining is easy! To join check out the current game running, if there is one running, and check the requirements needed to join. If you fit the requirements needed to join make sure to check if this is a sign up based game, or a meet at a certain time game.

If the game is sign up based you MUST sign up on this eagletime topic, no exceptions allowed unless it outright says you must signup elsewhere.

If the game is time based, check what time the game starts in your timezone and head to the event at the time it starts. If you cannot go to the event at the time it starts there is really nothing we can do about that, sorry.



MAD HORSES (on telephones) | Finished




To see details on the upcoming game is check out this post!

RE: [Olympic Games]: WIP do not post - Gimeurcookie - 05-30-2018

[MAD HORSES (on telephones)]

[Image: CKFLzWn.png]
It is unwise to anger a large [ADJECTIVE ASSET MISSING] horse. If it [VERB ASSET MISSING] you take a deep breath and yell out [PHRASE ASSET MISSING]!


Overview of the Game
Oh no, I made a perfectly good character for our next game and it looks like they got a tad corrupted. Now it's up to the readers to figure out how to put them back together again, one word at a time. Blind.

In this game, the readers have until May 30th 5pm EST to sign up for a game of mad libs + Telephone. One by one I will send out a whole paragraph or two, describing a situation. In that situation a few of the words will be able to be changed.

The first 1/3rd of people it gets passed to will be able to change 3 words, as their words are more likely to be overwritten.

The second 1/3rd of people it get passed to will be able to change 2 words.

And the last 1/3rd will only be able to change one word, as their words are least likely to get replaces.

What 1/3rd you get into will of course, in Fortuna style, be rolled for.


What are the rules
There are two set of rules, Fortuna rules which will be in effect for the whole 4 challenges, and challenge rules, which will only be in effect for that one challenge. As a note rules can be changed at any time and a post will be tossed in when a rule is modified, removed, or added.


Fortuna's rules
1. None of Gimeurcookie's species are allowed on the crew, except for a notail, OR a John Rodriguez. If a notail or John Rodriguez are put on the crew, then no notails or John Rodrigueizes may be placed on the crew, even if the species was not used. Faunas are still on the table though.
2. No species that has ever been on You's crews are allowed. For example this means no kuppas, no malruses, and no gondiis. The only exception to this is the notails due to technicality.
3. No cheating or sharing info. If I learn that anyone is sharing info that they shouldn't be, you may be banned from all challenges going forward.
4. Jokes are ok, but certain jokes will be ignored and skipped if I believe they're going to cause more issues than not, or if too many jokes have gotten though. Make joke suggestions at your own risk. On that note, I am allowed to skip any suggestion for any reason or no reason at all. I will attempt not to, but it may happen.
5. If you break any of the rules you may not be informed you broke them and will just be skipped without notice.


1. When changing numbers, all the numbers must add up to 26, due to this you are allowed to change 2 numbers and ONLY 2 numbers per change you're allowed. Ex: If you have 2 changes allowed, you can change 2 numbers and 1 other thing, or 4 numbers.
2. When you finish doing your change you must send the changed text to GIMEURCOOKIE and no one else. If you end up sending it to someone else you are automatically disqualified for the challenges.
3. Attempt to hand back the changes as soon as you can. If you take too long you may be skipped. If we're still on your 1/3rd group you may get another chance at it, but if not you will be skipped outright.
4. Please keep your changes in their [ Bars ]. This is the only way the next person knows what they're suppose to do.
5. No talking about what you put down until the game is over, no exceptions.


How to join
Make a post in this topic saying that you're signing up for the challenge. Please remember, this will be done by pms on eagletime, by signing up you're basically saying you'll be able to keep an eye out for eagletime pms. If you cannot do that please do not sign up, we have 3 more challenges coming which you likely will be able to sign up for.

RE: [Olympic Games]: MAD HORSES SIGN UP NOW - Gimeurcookie - 05-30-2018

Taking this post just in case.

RE: [Olympic Games]: MAD HORSES SIGN UP NOW - Kíeros - 05-30-2018

what the fuck is this madness sign me up

RE: [Olympic Games]: MAD HORSES SIGN UP NOW - Schazer - 05-30-2018

I'm helping!

RE: [Olympic Games]: MAD HORSES SIGN UP NOW - TangledAlmond - 05-30-2018


RE: [Olympic Games]: MAD HORSES SIGN UP NOW - Robust Laser - 05-30-2018

I'm in.

RE: [Olympic Games]: MAD HORSES SIGN UP NOW - SirBlizz98 - 05-30-2018

I'll do it!

RE: [Olympic Games]: MAD HORSES SIGN UP NOW - Artem1s - 05-30-2018

i want in [insert eyes emoji im too lazy to grab here]

RE: [Olympic Games]: MAD HORSES SIGN UP NOW - CosmicClaxon - 05-30-2018


RE: [Olympic Games]: MAD HORSES SIGN UP NOW - IronLionShark - 05-30-2018

I am signing up

RE: [Olympic Games]: MAD HORSES SIGN UP NOW - GuardianofAllator - 05-30-2018

This sounds like a disaster, I'm in.

RE: [Olympic Games]: MAD HORSES SIGN UP NOW - Orpheus the Bard - 05-30-2018

I would love to join.

RE: [Olympic Games]: MAD HORSES SIGN UP NOW - Apo11o - 05-30-2018

I can't wait to destroy this poor maybe-horse.

RE: [Olympic Games]: MAD HORSES SIGN UP NOW - Yaveker - 05-30-2018

I'm down

RE: [Olympic Games]: MAD HORSES SIGN UP NOW - Zentoyo - 05-30-2018

Soup's on baby!(If that was too vague,to clarify, count me in)

RE: [Olympic Games]: MAD HORSES SIGN UP NOW - Fellow - 05-30-2018

I'm a join.

RE: [Olympic Games]: MAD HORSES SIGN UP NOW - LoverIan - 05-30-2018


RE: [Olympic Games]: MAD HORSES SIGN UP NOW - FlanDab - 05-30-2018

Yes. I want in.

RE: [Olympic Games]: MAD HORSES SIGN UP NOW - Dorsidwarf - 05-30-2018

Sign me up

RE: [Olympic Games]: MAD HORSES SIGN UP NOW - Kenshiago - 05-30-2018

I would love to participate in this as well. Sign me up.

RE: [Olympic Games]: MAD HORSES SIGN UP NOW - LammarWesley - 05-30-2018

Sign me up! I'm going to try my best in this!

RE: [Olympic Games]: MAD HORSES SIGN UP NOW - DS Piron - 05-30-2018

DS Piron; signing up.

RE: [Olympic Games]: MAD HORSES SIGN UP NOW - WyrmCast - 05-30-2018

Sign me up.

RE: [Olympic Games]: MAD HORSES SIGN UP NOW - Babybowser101 - 05-30-2018

I'll join!