Magic Door - Let's Adventure!

Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
Magic Door - Let's Adventure!

After slogging through almost days of training and paperwork, you'd become a Guild sanctioned adventurer! This means that you were allowed to use the Magic Door in the middle of Cornerstone, the multiverses' biggest city (probably), ruled by the Crown, the most benevolent (p-probably) ruling group to ever...rule. And now, you worked for them, technically! What fun!

You're standing in the grey, stone dome, with a massive wooden double door that's just sitting right in the middle. The door isn't up against the wall, of course - it's a Magic Door! You put in a Magic Key, and that key takes you to the world linked to it. You just have to check a few things before you go...

You're a Base Level Monster Scout, which means you're either...

A gooey, bouncy Slime.
A short, sassy and scaly Kobold.
A floaty, flying Imp.

And being as you were given a set of items based on your abilities and request, you either had...

A shiny, copper sword and a shield meant for someone tough.
A cute little bow and some arrows meant for someone quick.
A pointy copper knife meant for someone sneaky.

And lastly! You had to decide where to go!'re not great at reading these keys and what they mean, so...

You've got one with a green jewel and a short handle.
Or one with a purple jewel and a long handle.
Or one with a red jewel and a medium handle.

How's your adventure going to start?


50 Gold
20 Iron Arrow Heads (Used as spikes)
50 Blueberries (Currently Digesting)
4 Spiky Beans
4 Square Beans
1 Shell Bean
1 Topaz
1 Herb
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!

>Sword and Shield

>Red and Medium
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>I'm a Kobold. Duh.
>Being short is pretty advantageous for being sneaky or quick, but I'll go with quick.
>Also, bring the purple long key.
box's new adventure:
[Image: vVzI9Xm.png]
[updates when i can!]
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
> Kobold
> Bow & arrow
> Green & short handle
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
> Imp
>Bow and arrows
>red & medium handle
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
> Kobold
> Short scale friends are to be quick in my opinion
> Purple key, if it means what I think it does (a LONG adventure) -- enduring an arduous quest is the best way to get other rookies talkin' about how great we are, if there are any
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Green (I personally like green.)
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Knife, altough not sure why since sneaky as i am, I prefer to engulph my oponents till they're digested or sufocate, the slime way.
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
So you're a Slime! That's nothing to be ashamed of - after all, you're a Domesticated Slime, so you're capable of higher thought, good and evil, and all that other stuff you don't really understand. Your weapon of choice is...a bow. I mean, that's fine too. Even if you don't have arms to fire it with, you certainly have a roughly twenty arrows pointing out of you like some sort of moving aggressive gumdrop, so that'll probably be fine. As for the bow itself, you're keeping that safe inside of your Inventory - which is blatantly shown off through your red jelly form.

You've decided to use the Long, Purple Key, so you leave the other two keys behind for another adventurer. That's only polite, after all. You ooze on up to the door, full of moxie and arrows, and insert the key! It turns, pulling you through the Magic Door in a flash of light, and by the time it closes, you're far, far away.

Far, far away from there, you're plopped out of another Door like a dropped jello bowl, a few bounces leaving you just outside of the little Door Shrine, and out into the open.


You're currently sitting atop a small, stone hill, looking out over rough grasslands, on the edge of an island. However, this island is not in the ocean, but floating atop a sea of purple, fluffy clouds, with streaks of lightning pulsing through them just below the edge of the floating island. There's dozens of little islands floating here and there in the air, rocks soaring as majestically as rocks can and the sky's a light, soft purple rather than the blue you're used to. You seem to remember that colors mean elements, so all this purple must be Lightning. Luckily, you don't have an element, so it won't be better or worse for you.

You can see a little settlement off in the distance, or a few other craggy cliffs to scale and explore - you're supposed to report back once you find something big, so you might as well get some info, or get looking. This island's about...a few square kilometers, so there's a few directions you could head without getting lost.

You don't see a way to other islands yet.
You're perfectly healthy, happy, and fed.
You aren't engaged with any enemies or monsters currently.
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>First of all, how can I see?
>Second of all, since you're a slime, taking fall damage shouldn't be possible. If there's islands below me, I will jump onto them.
>And I probably look like a porcupine. Hehehe.
box's new adventure:
[Image: vVzI9Xm.png]
[updates when i can!]
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
Settlement. There's probably people there, and they may have good leads on places for you to check out.
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Scale the cliffs.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
> Go to the settlement. Plenty of people to assimilate into your form to help you on your quest to engulf the elemental overlords chat with and gather some information about the surrounding area from, in a friendly, slimy manner.
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Head in the direction of the settlement.
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Shuffle arrows to resemble porcupine.
Can't shoot arrows so good, can use em for a little offensive armor.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
(04-25-2018, 02:34 AM)box Wrote: »>First of all, how can I see?

You see by looking at things, duh. But as far as what's below...

Seems like the settlement is the place to go, but you take a quiiick peek over the edge, just to see what's down there.

Oh, no. You don't like that.

Besides the clouds, there's nothing that you can see down below the island you're on. All the biggest islands seem to be at the same level, so jumping down would result in...nothing good, probably.

So! You make your way to the little settlement that's just over a few rough looking plains - it doesn't look like grass or plants grow all that well up here, and luckily, you don't seem to run into anything that's out to get you on the short stroll.

You've made it to Oaf's Folly! You can guess why a town in the sky is named that.

Wow, this place is tiny. There's only a few little buildings, including a General Store, a few Homes, and a place called Ying Yang Travels.

There are several townspeople you could talk with.
You seem slightly threatening, but not enough to be attacked.
This place smells like blueberries.
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Mmm, blueberries. Its maybe pie, go check that out.
>Check Ying Yang travels also.
box's new adventure:
[Image: vVzI9Xm.png]
[updates when i can!]
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
Well, you're looking to travel sooner or later, so go check out Ying Yang.
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
Make sure to leave your weapons at the door so that you seem less threatening.
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Ask around about town and world.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Make a declaration that you are here to solve any woes and/or crises these fine oafs may-or-may-not have.
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
Thinking that maybe you shouldn't go into town all spiky, you retract your arrow spikes into yourself, trying to look as docile as possible! This town is about as unbusy as it gets, though. The smell of blueberries is a little faint, but seems to be coming from all over the place. Maybe this is just a smelly town. Maybe you're in a blueberry mood.

You ooze your way over to Ying Yang Travels - "The Smoothest Sailing In All The Islands!"

Well, that sounds nice.

There's just one lady sitting in a chair inside, though, and a massive animal pen behind her that's totally empty. Purple clouds occasionally wash into the side of the pen, like rolling waves. You decide to politely ask her for travel information.

You are informed that their travel vehicle has...wandered off a bit. They can't travel until it's back, and they were hoping the smell of fruit would bring it back. Until someone brings it back, you won't be traveling anywhere. For a moment, you wonder what exactly they're trying to call back, but decide to head out of the travel agency for now.

This town is missing something.
The smell is making you a little hungry.
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Correct percieved lack of eyes and threat level by morphing a few divets in the shape of a smiley face into where your face would be if you had one
Alternatively: >Go to the general store, get yourself some bluebies for eating but maybe also for luring in a vehicle
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Browse through general store.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]