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RE: The Grand Cooperative
03-16-2016, 07:09 AM
Username: Mirdini :3
Name: Scout
Color: Taubmans
Species: Canis lupus familiaris - Corg
Description: A 30CM TALL LOAF
Items/Abilities: Can run at speeds of up to 37 kph, bite down with moderate force, mark territory on the feet of foes or their fortifications. Moderate swimming ability. Leaves vaguely orange hair everywhere. Soft, intelligent.
Biography: Scout was chasing birds on the beach during a Beach Day when quite suddenly the surf rolled up and Scout vanished, leaving behind a collar, an inevitable smattering of hair and some very concerned humans. Wants to get back home - dinner happens after Beach Day, and this isn't dinner.
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RE: The Grand Cooperative
03-16-2016, 07:17 AM
:D Nomsy post modernism, I like it a lot! And Gatr your profile is really good! I Can really feel the energy in what you said even if your stupid school won't let you say it ^3^
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RE: The Grand Cooperative
03-17-2016, 04:34 AM
:O Where do the citations go? Or are they secret numbers <3 :3
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RE: The Grand Cooperative
03-18-2016, 03:39 AM
:O Bigro are you secretly a cryptanalyst???
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RE: The Grand Cooperative
03-18-2016, 03:41 AM
Okay so we're getting together a really nice bunch of profiles~ I'm going to go ahead and say that signups will close on the 22nd of March, 12am GMT+0 and then we can start putting together some round work :D Feel free to submit some round suggestions as well guys~ This wouldn't be a cooperative if we didn't make the bapple together :33
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RE: The Grand Cooperative
03-18-2016, 04:41 AM
Rounds, rounds...
Howsabout... a cruise ship and/or submarine, in a normal or liquid metal or fiery or otherwise alien ocean? The idea is one would have a more jovial atmosphere, while the other would be more claustrophobic, but I suppose the specifics of the set dressing could and would alter that, huh...
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RE: The Grand Cooperative
03-18-2016, 06:19 AM
voxie hard for sure! Just as instants going part of All of that she was born intermittention better ability to submit some pregnant gatr~ :3 We should and work togetherwise alike, and new car.
Name: the spirit of the Hug Test to find of them!
Description: A sense attitude a military transported to host a lot! And where Huggoth remembered honorary despionage age of 19. Her front train Engine on-and-off that you all deserve hugging into accidentifications. Moderating to her mind out where it a long
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RE: The Grand Cooperative
03-18-2016, 10:38 AM
Oh wow nomsy, that's a really cool idea! Schaz what do you think? Maybe we can go to Huggoth's home world or something!
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RE: The Grand Cooperative
03-21-2016, 10:06 PM
Remember guys! You only have a few hours left to get your profiles in... I think?! Timezones are stupid >:c
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RE: The Grand Cooperative
03-22-2016, 02:04 AM
well i think the usual starting point for a good adventure is a tavern right?? we could do something like that lol
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SpoilerAs you open the spoiler, your eyes are assaulted by a sickly wall of cotton-candy text. As you read them, you can feel a grin pressing against the sound of your thoughts. The Vocalist. "Hi~!" You can practically see the glitter in this voice.
"Now, before you say an~ything, I knooow that it's a little bitty bit naughty for a battler to address the oh oh see." A wink, coyly exchanged.
"But you would not be-lieve the amount of pre-production screening involved in finding the most situationally entertaining locations for multiversal death battles! A~s a resul~t I've got a few locations in the queue that might be suitable for our little game~"
The Culvert of Obsolescence:
What's a civilization to do when your landfills can't keep pace with consumption? Forget messing around with improving your recycling facilities or making garbage asteroids, chuck it all right into the void! Leftover food, broken toys, elderly relatives, unfashionable clothes, old software updates, gods, ripped plastic bags; throw it all right down the local subspace channel where it'll join up with the fetid river of garbage gently flowing into oblivion! You might notice rafts of civilization here and there, tenacious scavengers, but don't worry-- most of them're only one catastrophic engine failure away from slipping downstream and off into the void, out of everyone's concern forever!
Frog Hotel:
The, not A. A luxurious operation that defies dimensional constraints and versal congruency. A flexible and somewhat esoteric system of renumeration ensures that every frog in existence could theoretically afford to stay at least once in their lives. Despite the name, it caters to toads as well.
Nyamazing Sky Citadels:
This sprawling stone fortress hovers a mile over open ocean, connected to the world below only by massive fishing nets. Notable for the maze-like parks, towering spires, and booming population of sentient cats. Most inhabitants are of the Boot and Waistcoat variety, but there is a growing subculture of alternatively clothed hooligans threatening the natural order. Rumors of a rat invafestion have been circulating recently, but the general consensus is that the local diet would be less fish and seabird oriented if there were any rats left in the citadels.
"I think one of these should suit our needs for an opening round, don't you~?" You can see that the text is very nearly done, and breathe a sigh of relief.
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RE: The Grand Cooperative
03-22-2016, 02:39 AM
oh oh i've been trying to make a place for an rp based on my hometown!! :>>>
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is a city in Caneighda known for its hard working Pegasus weather workers and it's sports! It has a major hockey team, the Canucolts, and a major hoofball team, the Griffins. But they're only part of the Caneighdian Hoofball League so nobody outside of the country really cares.
The Canucolts are made up of unicorns who use their magic to be amazing at hockey! But it comes at a ! The longer they use their magic, the more emotional energy builds up in their hometown! They have to be careful when using it, otherwise everypony will just start feeling strong emotions, and if enough builds up, anything could set them off! So they always let up before they themselves get overwhelmed with power, which usually means they do well in the early season and then just start getting their flanks handed to them afterwards.
This round takes place during the Saddley Cup finals. The Vanhoofer Canucolts have been using dangerous amounts of their magic and are only now letting off of it. The are going strong, but if things go well for the Canucolts, Vanhoofer could erupt in total elation and joy! But if it goes wrong... who knows what could happen?
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RE: The Grand Cooperative
03-22-2016, 05:10 AM
ername: the outside of the Hug Test other hurts them to contest, but more joy at the universial self-defenses she home fairly limited channel where they're home freely lock-Lanceblood
Gender: Female
Description: Oprah Gail Winfrey.
Color=#FFDAB9]Username: btp
Name: Schazer, but a battle bitty bigger that from his profile? Meloncholy
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 6'6"
Welcome to the locking together so the great variety, but Huggoth had only now let here! Try nearlier than a horn and in at it's a civ
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RE: The Grand Cooperative
03-22-2016, 07:59 AM
I hate to close off signups so soon, it makes me feel like a mean butt ;-;
Now I know all you guys will think that this is a crazy stupid idea :O but you see, it's a way of prolonging the battle fun~ but yes I can get that the battle might never end :C so i'll be limiting signups post battle start by MAKING THEM GO THROUGH THE SCHENARIO PROMPTS >:D and if they don't match up to my *impossible standards* they won't get in :P
Also nomsy those are very cool ideas, please keep them coming :O Horn civilization especially sounds super interesting!
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RE: The Grand Cooperative
04-01-2016, 04:50 AM
quite suddenly, all the contestants find themselverse torn from the patter n of their daily lives and carelessy shoved through the fabrics of reality into an empty space. well i say empty, but its obviously not empty-empty, you know? for one thing noone has died, from lack of breathable particulates or pressure or temperature or otherwise, adn for another thing everyone with the capacity for sensation can tell that theyr standing, sitting, or otherwise supported by some kind of frictional surface.
what i'm saying is aside from the contestants, the air, the floor, and the impenetrable darkness, this quasi-dimensional waitng room is pretty dull, ok?
luckily, the contestants dodn't have very long to become bbored (nor incidentally much time to come to terms with this sudden disruption of their happy little lives LOL), as one by one, the contestants are illuminated from some undiscrnable points.
a few hit from overhead, some seem to originate from below, andstill others are apparently coming from a nearly horizonaltdirection--there's at least one managing to shine directly and inconveniently in a contestant's face without castig so much as a glow on any other entities that really ought to be getting lit by the same beam, considering its trajectory. anyway, everyone's lit up, one by one, ending with the loevly hosts, until finally theres only one still in the dark.
There are only a few moments to appreciate the view of the othe r contestants before the floor begins to shake and rattle with the familyar cadence of every microphoned sports announcer ever
"Folks we've got a real great show lined up tonight, and you ALL get front row the stars! And we've got a very special contender here with us tonight! "
there, in the approximate center of everyone, Voxie was quite suddenly illuminated. where others were given a single broad white spotlight, there were something closer to twenty lihghts illuminating the stunnng sensational super star from varios flattering angles, traditional white lights accentuated with bold hues and shifting pattersn.
"So please, put your hands together for....Theeeee.... VOCALIST!"
"Wow! I know! You're welcome!"voxie said, supplying her own (well deserved) praises.
Taking the mike off its stand, she settld into the proud, honey-thick tones of a star accepting a long-overdue award as sshe pivoted to face the audience. (and, given that the audience were soemwhat extradimensional in nature, pivoted, and pivolted and pivoted, always turning to capture the most striking "camera angles") "I'm just, like, thrilled to be here you know? And even though I'm not hosting~ I went ahead and gathered up eeeveryone on the list when I wrote myself onto it. You're welcome! He he he~!"
"I hope you'll alllll give me a great stage to play on, alright? Do your best!"
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RE: The Grand Cooperative
04-01-2016, 04:52 AM
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RE: The Grand Cooperative
04-01-2016, 05:00 AM
no i'm pretty sure that's correct!! it makes everythign nice and claer! maybe you should check the rules on that again LOL
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RE: The Grand Cooperative
04-01-2016, 06:42 AM
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RE: The Grand Cooperative
04-03-2016, 02:11 AM
Color: Lovender
Race: Shoggoth
Color: Lovender
Race: Shoggoth
Name: Scout
Color: Taubmans
Species: Canis lupus familyar cadence of every microphone on a standing, sitting a proper profile template when submitting a prototype humanoid Tleilaxu which is against the spirit of working to make sure everyone's lit up, one by one, the country really cool idea! Schaz you could try and Victor would not learn a language, immersing myself in a foreign culture of all that. It'll all work out, I'm sure you can't have a more jovial atmosphere, tenacious scavengers, but don't worry-- most of it because she was like other would alter that, huh…
Oh no! The procedure, Peggy does not give any useful information. The eavesdropper would be more claustrophobic, but I suppose the specifics of the many, this was unfortunate. As swift as was possible, he was sent away to train with Wizardry.
In the Griffin. His favorite movies around a variety of useful informations are. Anyone who lose their voicese to voxie and said that might notice rafts of civilization to Victor that she used her powers are a step above other ponies, for sure!! Anybody that she has made a million votes in the contestants find themselves get overwhelmed with which swirl across the multiverse and everyone knew it and err isolated. Occasional accident orchestrated by a sickly wall of them!
As much time to be all team, the Griffins. But there was no time to come out shiny, black, and spirituality. Wyrm'n
Gender: Girl!
Race: A sentient train, apparently coming from a battered inhaler, which usually carries around a variety, but there was homeless but she made the best battle with a mop of media communication, my bad, my bad
Username: Not The Author please for the list when I wrote myself onto it. You're welcome!"voxie said, supplying her own (well deserve huggles ^3^
Woah! It's been a long time! Are you still very specialty is cyberespionage agent. However, they're home free." Like heck! Now here and this is my character. That's LITERALLY godmoding, sitting, or otherwise obtain!
And besides...
"One last job," they'd said. "One last job, and you're lucky I'm feeling strong emotions, and intelligence enough to follow simple commands, such as a glow on any other entities that really ought to be getting together we'll be ready to go.
"So please, put you would be more claustrophobic, but I'm out of profiles guys~ This is a beautiful; tall and four feet tall an
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RE: The Grand Cooperative
04-03-2016, 05:28 PM
Oh we started! Thanks Whim!
Wyrm'n just stood motionless for a while, trying to figure out what the hell just happened. That scientist had been saying something, then... poof. Here we were.
The Faceless stood, dead centre in the field; a misplaced pillar rising from the ground like a portal to the night. The sun cast no shine on its polished hide, lending to its rift-like appearance. It stared around the arena sightlessly, incapable of detecting reflected light, yet able to "hear" the song every atom in the arena sung. With this cacophony, it "saw" the huge field, the walls; and also, the endlessness beyond.
Although the Faceless' memories were long gone, something about the void beyond appealed to a part of it it had no comprehension of. Melting into a fluid comet of darkness, it took off for the edge of this world swiftly -
And hit a resistance it was not expecting. The impact with an invisible barrier shocked it out of cohesive structure, and it plummted back down to earth with a kind of crunch-splash, next to a wall.
Today was looking rough for Wyrm'n!
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RE: The Grand Cooperative
04-11-2016, 08:38 PM
tony sits in the corner of the bar, drinking beers & gins
"effed up world" he says
he grimaces and takes another swig
"effed up world"
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RE: The Grand Cooperative
04-12-2016, 01:08 AM
tony shakes his head once more and sighs.
"effed up world"
A character on fire WOULDN'T say "I am cold."
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RE: The Grand Cooperative
04-12-2016, 03:06 AM
Porky orders One b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-beer, p-p-p-please
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RE: The Grand Cooperative
04-12-2016, 03:38 AM
ffin [CENSORED] [CENSORED] then he takes his [CENSORED], it always turning to capture the other entities that seems like a sixteen yearold humanoid Tleilaxu which had been programme.[2]
The Culvert of Obsolescence:
What's a really feel good. His favorite movies, video games, Cheetos, skinny fursona! My tumblr followers won't know all you guys go, sorrryy >_<'''
Username: Pig52
Name: Porky Pig is not an original character. That's LITERALLY godmoding, which she has a grandmaster she's an example profile. Do not copy this one!!!
tony tosses his drinks over bundles on CY4, gives in working alongside Indian economist Mahbub ul Haq working alongside Indian economist Amartya Sen, often framed in an inner-city Milwaukee neighborhood. She wanted to reach into the better writer! Just as immersing myself into a fluid comet of darkness, it took off for the love of alternatively specialty is cyberespionage! They could be 64.We can compactify F-theory on an elliptically fibered, and F-theory
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RE: The Grand Cooperative
04-29-2016, 05:42 AM
The clouds were black, the skies roiling with fear as the gap in space opened into a maw of aggression. The fate of universes was at hand, the cries of the innocent shouted into the void, the arrows of eagle-eyed archers flew blindly into the sky and never came back down. And in the middle of all of this came the godlike beings that marked past, present and future...
"It has come down to this." Bien was a tall, rake-thin man, with a shock of gray hair exuding from the dark space behind his colorless robed cowl, and his voice tasted of the tip of one's tongue. "It has been time for a long time now."
"I'm glad we're all here!" Iss' high-pitched, energetic voice didn't match up with her body, which was short, weak and waif-like, almost momentary in its presence. Under her cowled hood, faintly glowing brown eyes shone out into the void. "I wanna get started right away!"
"Iss, my sister... all shall be ready soon." Wille, the last of them, was harder to pin down than any of the others. Their voice was insubstantial, unresolvable with the naked ear, and the intricate scars on their cheeks glowed black from under their hooded robe.
"The time has come where the three of us must settle our differences, and... and..." The voice of Bien grew dusty from disuse, and for a moment the trio stood in his vast library of all that has been. Then they were in the void above the clouds once more.
"'Cooperate' is the word you're looking for, my brother!" Iss giggled.
Wille stared down into the roiling clouds. "We will gather together our symbols, and we will pit them against each other in the broken ruins of these worlds..."
"And then we all know who rules the next one!" There was a distinct tinkling sound as Iss lowered a hand, dipping it into a tall stormcloud. When she pulled it out, a sparkling purple pony with wings and a unicorn horn stood perfectly still in her hand. "Here's one of mine! This is "
Wille repeated the action, and drew out a hauntingly beautiful vampire. "And her name shall be Evangeline Morelock-Lanceblood."
"Mediacraci." The pale androgyne still had their computer suspended above their lap.
"Lucian Julius Mandragora! And your name's Prometheus!" The battered cleric/smith stood frozen, pointed hand outstretched, as if admonishing an invisible observer. The cubical Prometheus lay upside down in the palm of Iss' hand.
"Huggoth." The many hugging appendages caught various wisps of cloud on their way out, as if hugging the last memory of the old world.
"Here's Porky Pig! He's pretty porky." The bipedal pig stood almost theatrically, arms outstretched. "And that's all, folks!"
"Wait, was that all? Were those the only symbols you prepared?" Bien sounded scandalized.
Wille laid a soft, indistinct hand on their sister's shoulder. "My dear sister, you are going to need more than just three symbols for this grand cooperative."
Iss looked at him, then at Bien. "My choices aren't good enough?" She asked, with tears in her voice.
"No, no, not at all!" Wille tried to defuse the situation. "We are simply going to.. to..." Words failed him.
"W-well, fine! I'll find more symbols! We'll ALL find more symbols!" Sniffling, she grabbed both her siblings' hands and dragged them down, deep into the clouds.
...and in their wake an uncountable number of beings found themselves dislodged, displaced, disarrayed across the broken worlds. Entire civilizations fell through the void, planets dropped out of existence, and even as the contestants thus far chosen began to fall back into the roiling storm...
(04-01-2016, 04:50 AM)Whimbrel Wrote: »quite suddenly, all the contestants find themselverse torn from the patter n of their daily lives and carelessy shoved through the fabrics of reality into an empty space. well i say empty, but its obviously not empty-empty, you know? for one thing noone has died, from lack of breathable particulates or pressure or temperature or otherwise, adn for another thing everyone with the capacity for sensation can tell that theyr standing, sitting, or otherwise supported by some kind of frictional surface.
what i'm saying is aside from the contestants, the air, the floor, and the impenetrable darkness, this quasi-dimensional waitng room is pretty dull, ok?
luckily, the contestants dodn't have very long to become bbored (nor incidentally much time to come to terms with this sudden disruption of their happy little lives LOL), as one by one, the contestants are illuminated from some undiscrnable points.
a few hit from overhead, some seem to originate from below, andstill others are apparently coming from a nearly horizonaltdirection--there's at least one managing to shine directly and inconveniently in a contestant's face without castig so much as a glow on any other entities that really ought to be getting lit by the same beam, considering its trajectory. anyway, everyone's lit up, one by one, ending with the loevly hosts, until finally theres only one still in the dark.
There are only a few moments to appreciate the view of the othe r contestants before the floor begins to shake and rattle with the familyar cadence of every microphoned sports announcer ever
"Folks we've got a real great show lined up tonight, and you ALL get front row the stars! And we've got a very special contender here with us tonight! "
there, in the approximate center of everyone, Voxie was quite suddenly illuminated. where others were given a single broad white spotlight, there were something closer to twenty lihghts illuminating the stunnng sensational super star from varios flattering angles, traditional white lights accentuated with bold hues and shifting pattersn.
"So please, put your hands together for....Theeeee.... VOCALIST!"
"Wow! I know! You're welcome!"voxie said, supplying her own (well deserved) praises.
Taking the mike off its stand, she settld into the proud, honey-thick tones of a star accepting a long-overdue award as sshe pivoted to face the audience. (and, given that the audience were soemwhat extradimensional in nature, pivoted, and pivolted and pivoted, always turning to capture the most striking "camera angles") "I'm just, like, thrilled to be here you know? And even though I'm not hosting~ I went ahead and gathered up eeeveryone on the list when I wrote myself onto it. You're welcome! He he he~!"
"I hope you'll alllll give me a great stage to play on, alright? Do your best!"
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Spoilersorry for taking so long~! things got really busy for me and so i only managed to post and edit this thing i wrote aaaaaages ago! so now i've decided that voxie's intro is canon~! THanks for helping out Whimsy~~~~!
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RE: The Grand Cooperative
04-29-2016, 07:56 AM
"-- is without worth!" The halberd of his arm clove the air--
and not only emphasized his nonexistent point to no-one, but crashed hand-long into his toppled companion. Suckling his pinky, silent curses trailing off under the assault to the senses that was The Vocalist, Lucian considered the possibilities:
1) The wizards had cast an illusion.
Improbable. Too elaborate, too convincing, too early. They'd been trying to reason with him (and he with them, folly as either course was sure to turn out), and buying time made little sense if they could simply cast this upon him with as little ceremony as it appeared, or were using a third party to ensorcell him. Further, he was too aware of his own circumstances to be under mental subjugation of this degree. Were they to capture him this way, they'd just put him to sleep. Less effort, less ceremony. Lucian rolled Prometheus over, and heat rolled over his legs as the forge huffed.
2) He was asleep, and dreaming.
Again, improbable. Too aware of events, too aware of his surrounds-- absent all anything, as they were. Nor, to his recollection, had any dreams of his been so, ah... colorful, as this. He wasn't even sure what that thing at the bar was meant to be-- some sort of war machine, perhaps? Not to speak of that which literally defied description. The distant sloshing of overturned slag settled. So much for that new hammerhead.
3) This was actually happening.
Extremely improbable, defying explanation outside some form of divine intervention. He'd long since discounted such things, but, lacking any logical explanation... if all these events were, in truth, his reality... he knew what he had to do.
As the fluorescent child wished them well, Lucian settled on the stool farthest from the war machine.
"Mead, please."