Let's go vampire hunting

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Let's go vampire hunting
Let's go vampire hunting
[Image: 1-23.png]

You're this vampire hunter and you want to kill vampires because they're bad. What do you do?
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
Re: Let's go vampire hunting
Consider if vampires are actually all that bad, or preconceptions from society and media has simply skewed your view of vampires to be automatically negative. Maybe you should be helping the vampires integrate into society and be accepted by the masses!

...or you can just go find one and stake the motherfucker.
Re: Let's go vampire hunting
>eat some garlic, for a surprise breath attack later.
Re: Let's go vampire hunting
>Become a vampire; kill self
Re: Let's go vampire hunting
Search for hot vampire babes.
Re: Let's go vampire hunting
SleepingOrange Wrote:>Become a vampire; kill self

[Image: 2-19.png]

How does one become a vampire? isn't that like impossible? You decide to not think about it anymore because becoming a vampire would be pretty stupid anyway.

Norivia Wrote:>eat some garlic, for a surprise breath attack later.

[Image: 3-19.png]


XX Wrote:Search for hot vampire babes.

[Image: 5-18.png]

You don't search for hot vampire babes because you already found one, you've heard rumors that the lady living in this ominous castle is a vampire. So you came here to investigate (and also cause some ruckus but that's took for granted) What do you do?
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
Re: Let's go vampire hunting
Barge right in, waving a steak around; vampires have no rights!
Re: Let's go vampire hunting
Disguise yourself as a vampire! See how she reacts.
Re: Let's go vampire hunting
Dive through the window and safety roll like a boss.
Re: Let's go vampire hunting
Schazer Wrote:Disguise yourself as a vampire! See how she reacts.

[Image: 6-17.png]

You utilize one of your many vampire hunting techniques: VAMPIRIC HAIRDO.

[Image: 7-19.png]

You also wear your backpack (which is full of important shit) as an stylish vampire cape.

[Image: 8-19.png]

Ok, cool.

[Image: 9-17.png]

Now how do you get in?
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
Re: Let's go vampire hunting
The only way a true vampire would enter is via a window. You're going to have to climb up there unless you want to blow your cover.
Re: Let's go vampire hunting
Look through your important shit for a grappling hook or somesuch.
Re: Let's go vampire hunting
Re: Let's go vampire hunting
>Wait! If you're pretending to be a vampire, you can't enter uninvited or she'll realize it's a trick! Knock on the door and ask to come inside.
Re: Let's go vampire hunting
But what does a vampire do when showing up unexpectedly to another vampire's doorstep. Hmmm. Introduce yourself as her new neighbor.
Is observing my own pattern of behavior of observing my own patterns of behavior a mental fractal or just navel gazing? Please advise.
Re: Let's go vampire hunting
> Disguise yourself as a bat!
Re: Let's go vampire hunting
Why are you bothering with this tomfoolery?

Rig the place with explosives and bring it all crashing down.
Re: Let's go vampire hunting
Dragon Fogel Wrote:>Wait! If you're pretending to be a vampire, you can't enter uninvited or she'll realize it's a trick! Knock on the door and ask to come inside.

[Image: 11-18.png]

It would only be foolish to disguise oneself as a vampire and not act like one. You politely knock on the door.

[Image: 10-16.png]

Somebody's knocking on your door. Oh my, you wonder who could it be. You totally didn't notice that "vampire hunter" (if you can actually refer to him like that) fashioning a crude disguise just outside your door. Oh well, you can't refuse a good drink if it's practically asking to be drinked.

[Image: 12-13.png]

"Hello there good sir, what can a young lady do for you this late at night?"

Oh my god she's pretty intimidating what do you what do you do
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
Re: Let's go vampire hunting
> Stare at her boobs.

> Speak with a really dodgy transylvanian accent.
Re: Let's go vampire hunting
>"Hyello, I am vonderink if I can be enterink your lovely home"

"Blaaah and so forth"
Re: Let's go vampire hunting
>Be sure to point out how intimidated you aren't.
Re: Let's go vampire hunting
Dragon Fogel + Ixcaliber Wrote:> Be sure to point out how intimidated you aren't by her boobs, in a really dodgy Transylvanian accent.
Re: Let's go vampire hunting
> "Bluh!"
Re: Let's go vampire hunting
Punch her in the face.
Re: Let's go vampire hunting
> Hunt
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