Dismal Sands (it's back)

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Dismal Sands (it's back)
Dismal Sands (it's back)
[[ CURRENT MENU ]] (may contain spoilers)


[Image: S3JPw3H.png]
[Image: Y7TPOOr.png]

This is Someone. Someone calls himself Someone because he does not actually know who he really is.
Someone is currently in DISMAL DESERT for unknown reasons that he cannot tell anyone because of his lack of a mouth.
Either way, Someone does in fact have some items in his inventory, but he would rather not look at them, it certainly makes him feel uneasy for strange reasons.

What will Someone do?
carrots are good for your body
RE: Dismal Sands
Someone will watch the sky.
RE: Dismal Sands
>Someone will watch the sky.

[Image: gkMqPOO.png]

Someone hears a strange voice in his head telling him to watch the sky.
He sits down and watches the sky without hesitation. It is said that bad things happen if you stare at the sky in Dismal Desert for too long. Someone isn't exactly sure whether to believe this or not, though.

[Image: Y7TPOOr.png]

He decides not to take any risks though.
carrots are good for your body
RE: Dismal Sands
Perhaps, then, Someone will gaze upon the horizon? The Sands do not seem a place to live, and watching them will get Nobody anywhere.
RE: Dismal Sands
>get walkin
RE: Dismal Sands
>Get walkin

[Image: Z6wVTVd.png]

Someone doesn't know which way to go, dummy!
carrots are good for your body
RE: Dismal Sands
> Exactly 18° 31´ 48¨ west of due south
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Dismal Sands
(11-26-2016, 11:09 PM)Kíeros Wrote: »> Exactly 18° 31´ 48¨ west of due south
RE: Dismal Sands
> Exactly 18° 31´ 48¨ west of due south

[Image: Y7TPOOr.png]

Someone is confused, but.. he just decides to go south.

[Image: BLBubHJ.png]

And.. Oh no, this seems like one of those "monster things" that Someone was warned about.
Well, he's not exactly sure if he was warned about them, he might have not been. He just thinks he was warned about these things because someone probably did that.
But.. It doesn't look that bad.

What should Someone do in this situation???????
carrots are good for your body
RE: Dismal Sands
(11-26-2016, 11:53 PM)bo Wrote: »> Exactly 18° 31´ 48¨ west of due south

[Image: Y7TPOOr.png]

Someone is confused, but.. he just decides to go south.

[Image: BLBubHJ.png]

And.. Oh no, this seems like one of those "monster things" that Someone was warned about.
Well, he's not exactly sure if he was warned about them, he might have not been. He just thinks he was warned about these things because someone probably did that.
But.. It doesn't look that bad.

What should Someone do in this situation???????

>Pet the monster then maybe kill it, unless you get attached to it after petting it.
RE: Dismal Sands
>Pet the monster then maybe kill it, unless you get attached to it after petting it.

[Image: wZNmYUS.gif]

[Image: Fxf5KaE.png]

Looks like it has been tamed.
Someone may now invite this monster to his party!
Tamed monsters and friendly people can be invited to your party, and may help you in combat and other things.

Should Somone invite this monster to his party?
carrots are good for your body
RE: Dismal Sands
(11-27-2016, 12:10 AM)bo Wrote: »>Pet the monster then maybe kill it, unless you get attached to it after petting it.

[Image: wZNmYUS.gif]

[Image: Fxf5KaE.png]

Looks like it has been tamed.
Someone may now invite this monster to his party!
Tamed monsters and friendly people can be invited to your party, and may help you in combat and other things.

Should Someone invite this monster to his party?

>Invite the monster.
RE: Dismal Sands
RE: Dismal Sands
(wyatt, could you please stop quoting entire updates? It's implied you're responding to them already and quoting them just needlessly makes the page longer.)

RE: Dismal Sands
> Yes. Invite to party.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Dismal Sands

Donny has joined the party!

[Image: DakxDKZ.png]

30/30 HP

12 AT
1 IN
4 DE
3 AG

[Image: zMXdfJE.png]

What now?
carrots are good for your body
RE: Dismal Sands
ride him west
RE: Dismal Sands
> Hug
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Dismal Sands
>Ride him west

[Image: GA2vj5e.png]

[Image: tLgQ8xG.gif]

[Image: L4mdI7T.png]

Someone doesn't think this is going to work.

[Image: yjjCrhK.png]

But Someone still thinks Donny is a pretty nice guy, so he gives him a big ol' hug.

[Image: OkVUJPb.gif]


[Image: fBhpXMG.gif]

[Image: DakxDKZ.png]

3 AG => 82 AG

[Image: RYbo5Zv.png]

[Image: DakxDKZ.png]

82 AG => 3 AG

[Image: I3LMgJG.png]

Donny is now asleep and will be unusable for the time being.

What now?
carrots are good for your body
RE: Dismal Sands
>Get up, observe the little statue.
RE: Dismal Sands
(11-29-2016, 10:03 PM)wyatt Wrote: »>Get up, observe the little statue.
RE: Dismal Sands
you can't fit in that door
RE: Dismal Sands
>Get up, observe the little statue.

[Image: kox3pGS.png]

[Image: 9cUAWnX.png]

This is a scarecrow made of hay, a blanket, a tophat and a long stick.
Someone thinks that taking some items off of it and storing them could be helpful, but he also thinks it would be kind of rude.
carrots are good for your body
RE: Dismal Sands
>Take the least useful part from it, the blanket
RE: Dismal Sands
>Release the hat from the scarecrows head, but to be nice replace it with sand