The Grand Apple - Round 2!

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The Grand Apple - Round 2!
The Grand Apple - Round 2!
Basically, this is gonna be Apples to Apples, played on a forum, with things which are from Grand Battles (characters, Grandmasters, McGuffins, NPCs, signature weapons, whatever.)

To play, post an In! and send me your credit card details along with up to five adjectives, and ten "things".

Dragon Fogel
Ixcalibur Presiding Judge for Round 2
Sanzh - 1 point
Pick Yer Poison

Round 1: "Underdog", won by Sanzh with Eximo Pulvis
Re: The Grand Apple
Re: The Grand Apple
Re: The Grand Apple
Re: The Grand Apple

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Re: The Grand Apple
I've not apples to apples'd before but I think I've got the concept. I'm in.
Re: The Grand Apple
Oh right. I sent some things, but I didn't mention I'm joining.

I'm in!
Re: The Grand Apple
Dragon Fogel <-This dude is presiding judge for Round 1.

The first round will be: Underdog. I'm sending your cards out shortly; PM me your choice for this round!
Re: The Grand Apple

Can I be in next round?
Re: The Grand Apple
Re: The Grand Apple
Whoa ROUND 1 Whoa

The entries (for Underdog):

Coy Spender
Annaliese Nibbs
Eximo Pulvis
Re: The Grand Apple
So do I just make a decision, or do we have some discussion first? Or are we basically just winging it?
Re: The Grand Apple
Your call, and the players' also. You could open the floor to ask why such-and-such might've been posited.
Re: The Grand Apple
Due to clerical error, the revised Round One cards are as follows:

The Sunset
Coy Spender
Annaliese Nibbs
Eximo Pulvis
Re: The Grand Apple
All right, people. Present arguments or something.

Or if nobody does, I'll just make a choice in three days or so, I guess?
Re: The Grand Apple
I dunno, underdog usually implies something like an unintentional oversight of a really hella awesome character, so I'd say that Eximo, because that was his schtick and because he won the first battle, has gotten the attention a vacuum can handle, and Annaliese isn't really an underdog and more just not very good at what she does.

If I were judging I'd pick either Sunset or Spender, probably Spender because I was in EC and hnnng Sayu was so good.
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Re: The Grand Apple
Either Eximo or Ekelhaft. Ekelhaft for the reasons woff said. Ekelhaft because, well, the poor guy has no friends. You're the biggest underdog when you don't have any help!
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: The Grand Apple
Pick Yer Poison Wrote:Ekelhaft for the reasons woff said. Ekelhaft because, well, the poor guy has no friends.

so just ekelhaft? Melonspa
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Re: The Grand Apple
Woffles Wrote:
Pick Yer Poison Wrote:Ekelhaft for the reasons woff said. Ekelhaft because, well, the poor guy has no friends.

so just ekelhaft? Melonspa

Waugh D:

Totally meant Eximo for that first one Doip
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: The Grand Apple
You can't really claim in a single statement that Annaliese isn't very good at what she does and that she isn't an underdog. Yes these battles are about writing more than overall strength or ability, but an underdog is judged pretty much solely on strength or ability. Hence Eximo and Annaliese both excellently written are still underdogs. I would pretty much say that was the only way to judge this but if you wanted to talk metawise then Spender is the biggest underdog, I mean there's next to no chance he's gonna win EC now.

Re: The Grand Apple
Well being an underdog isn't no chance as much as it is some chance, however unlikely. So Spender wouldn't be an underdog because he's dead I think?
But yeah I'd put it as a toss-up between Annaliese and Eximo. Ekelhaft doesn't have any friends but he also killed a ton of life or whatever.
Re: The Grand Apple
I'm fine with whatever.
Re: The Grand Apple
Ohhh are we going with in-battle underdog then?
I was thinking like "these characters sort of get forgotten in the crowd and they totally need more love" kind of underdog.

Out-battle, Sunset
In-battle, Eximo I guess.
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Re: The Grand Apple
Okay, it's been a few days, people have had a chance to weigh in, so I guess it's judging time.

I'm going to declare Eximo Pulvis as the winning card for this round!

This is a 100 percent unbiased assessment.
Re: The Grand Apple
Ok, the players of the cards were:

Ixcalibur: Coy Spender
Sanzh: Eximo Pulvis
Godbot: Ekelhaft
Wojjan: Sunset
Drakenforge: Annaliese Nibbs

I'm now sending out cards (including cards for the new players). Round 2's adjective (judged by Ixcalibur) will be "Douchetacular."