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11-06-2011, 08:56 AM
Do you know how tempting it is to call a group of girls you barely know "bitches"?
Not like in a mean way but just like, "SUP BITCHES" or like
and then we all went to sonic and had dranks.
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Re: btp makes a thread because why the hell not
11-06-2011, 04:01 PM
What's a girl
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Re: btp makes a thread because why the hell not
11-06-2011, 04:35 PM
i had this problem a couple times except not only with girls, just general groups of people
i'm not sure if the fact that these groups of people are not even english speakers makes it worst or not
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Re: btp makes a thread because why the hell not
11-06-2011, 06:35 PM
I think that it's going to be really great when Bob sees this and doesn't remember that he wrote it.
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Re: btp makes a thread because why the hell not
11-06-2011, 07:44 PM
Oh man I remember doing this. Empy knows what I'm talking about! *shoutout*
Not high just SUPER TIRED. Which I suppose can give the same results?
but yeah these are all true stories.
Do you ever go to creep on a girl but you later find out she is man?
Or at least has very masculine features
But then you're all like "okay this is fine I am fine with that dress how you like we're all having fun here."
but secretly you are SUPER DISTURBED not because of any broken principle but just the subversion of expectations?
O toreador, l'amour, l'amour t'attend!
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Re: btp makes a thread because why the hell not
11-06-2011, 09:29 PM
If you're going to post a pic of Alice then I will smack you on her behalf.
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
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Re: btp makes a thread because why the hell not
11-06-2011, 10:25 PM
I always creep on girls! *highfive*
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Re: btp makes a thread because why the hell not
11-07-2011, 05:53 AM
These are hardly shitposts! These are poorly censored non-agressive non-insulting personally honest letting loose posts that I'm confining to a single chat thread. There will bee many facts and turths (not quite a truth) about myself and life and such that will probably be boring but who cares? Also I called that number it is not real (I didn't call it it might be real)
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Spoiler![[Image: P1030434.jpg]](
See those glasses have holes in them. Er no glass that is. and I need glass to see. Actually a specific type of glass to see and well those just aren't it. It was nothing. I saw a blur in a dress and I got close and creepy. And well later I saw that same blur but the glasses were there and that is the story.
Also "to creep" verb: To dress in a costume similar to the dancers in the lonely island video "the Creep" staring John Waters and to approach someone in a similar manner.
Thus creeping on girls
Specifically homestuckers
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Also I made a pun
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and then got a hug
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and that was my trip to onicon in galveston texas.
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Re: btp makes a thread because why the hell not
11-07-2011, 07:28 AM
(n) Bobthepen: Strangest-looking person in a room full of people dressed as comic and video game characters.
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Re: btp and the rainbow surprise
11-07-2011, 07:56 AM
I bet that's gonna be the next image macro
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Re: btp and the rainbow surprise
11-07-2011, 09:40 AM
That is actually a pretty wonderful costume
Although I'm not sure being great at impersonating a fictional creepy guy is really a good thing???
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Re: btp and the rainbow surprise
11-07-2011, 11:43 AM
Ed Wrote:I bet that's gonna be the next image macro I'm on it the very next time that I open up photoshop which might be a while.
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Re: btp and the rainbow surprise
11-07-2011, 07:40 PM
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SpoilerSuperfrequency Wrote:I think this thread is bitch'n with the addition of your hilarious John Waters costume Superfreq you are a beam of sunshine! who's UV rays can burn my pasty white skin.
It's a crazy world we live in Jacq. By dressing as a fictional creepy guy you become an actual creepy guy, but because you're dressing as one maybe its okay because you may not actually be a creepy guy. My creepiness is largely determined by when you observe me. I am the box and the cat all in one. Although in this analogy the cat can come back to life at any time and stand behind you breathing a heavily exhaled "HIIIiiiiiii..."
Also it is surprisingly easy to dress as a creep! You should try it at your next party! I encourage everyone to do this.
I also encourage everyone to make a thread all about themselves. I would visit it.
Also "rainbow surprise" refers to the rainbow-dash and horseman cosplay I didn't notice in the ManRose picture until I posted it.
Also to the several bags of skittles I stole from my parents house, and consumed before I even got back to my car.
Skittles have a very short half-life.
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Re: btp and the rainbow surprise
11-08-2011, 04:28 AM
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Re: btp and the rainbow surprise
11-08-2011, 06:00 AM
oh man you just made everything ever worth it.
Beauty and the beast is my favorite.
no wait maybe bed intruder
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SpoilerI love you.
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SpoilerBeast is just like: "HEY! GREAT TO SEE YOU!"
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Re: btp and the rainbow surprise
11-08-2011, 06:04 AM
Guys what words do you have trouble with?
Like I always have trouble with "sense" vs "since" or how to spell nesscesary or nescessary (right click spell check: necessary)
It's one of those things where it shouldn't take that much effort to learn the right way but for some reason it just keeps popping.
How many exams have I changed my wording to "is needed" or "inexorable"? I DO NOT KNOW.
Come on we can all be honest here.
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Re: btp and the rainbow surprise
11-08-2011, 08:47 AM
Anything with repeated letters in, like aggressive, I tend to either repeat the wrong letter or only repeat one of the pair of repeated letters
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Re: btp and the rainbow surprise
11-08-2011, 05:53 PM
So guys, I found a secret boss in The Binding of Isaac today.
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Re: btp and the rainbow surprise
11-08-2011, 07:01 PM
There's a word I usually have trouble with but I can't actually remember what it is at the moment.
If I did remember it, I'd probably remember the correct spelling because I tend to make a particular point to learn how to spell common problem words. I guess I just don't use this word I've forgotten often enough to keep it in mind.
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Re: btp and the rainbow surprise
11-09-2011, 09:25 AM
sometimes when i'm put on the spot I will misspell DAYS OF THE WEEK.
This usually involves me casually thumb-erasing the erroneous letters off the whiteboard and hoping the ailing person behind me doesn't notice my mistake.
Mainly the position of the 'u' and 'e' in Tuesday (Teusday?) and the number of 's' in Wednesday (Wed Ness Day?)
Mondays and Sundays are my favorite. NO PRESSURE.
I tell myself that I'm not an idiot, I just have a lot of things on my mind. though that may only be half true!
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Re: btp and the rainbow surprise
11-09-2011, 02:17 PM
Bizzare is bizzarre is bizarre, goddammit. Never can get that right.
I dunno, spelling's not too much an issue for me, though when typing I ted tend to skip or add or flip letters since I never learned to type prob properly and my brain goes faster than my fingers. I think that B that snuck in there was from Brain, f'rinstance.
Fortunately I autoedit myself pretty well most of the time.
Wh- no, Firefox Spellcheck, snuck is a real word I swear!
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Re: btp and the rainbow surprise
11-09-2011, 05:31 PM
"Occasional(ly)." Despite usually knowing how to spell "occasion", I always want to add an extra S.
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Re: btp and the rainbow surprise
11-10-2011, 06:05 AM
I find myself constantly struggling with the entire language.
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Re: btp and the rainbow surprise
11-10-2011, 06:22 AM
Ah the little mistakes that make life exceedingly frustrating.
so I have learned a great deal from my job. It's helped me get more comfortable around people, more friendly, and most importantly it has taught me that I do not want to keep my job.
Damnit I just did this thing I do sometimes with the drawers on my desk where I pull one out but then it doesn't go back in right and now I have to fiddle with it for like five minutes hold on
They are back in.
Anyway I work in a hospital. See I had the bright idea late in my varied college career that I should put all my career fish into the exceedingly competitive medical field bucket. (specifically Physician Assistants which are a lot like doctors only they aren't. they assist them.) Now medicine isn't really my passion but whatever, I like the people interaction (I find it terrifying though and sometimes incredibly emotionally draining but again whatever.)
So turns out PA's have to get this thing called "WORK EXPERIENCE" in order to really have a competitive application. Fine by me, I'll just spend some time after graduation working in a hospital. Hospitals love college educated individuals with generic degrees and piss-poor gpa's right? (have I mentioned that I don't have many fish to put into my bucket to begin with? I have few fish. There is a fishtank in my room that is empty but that isn't really related (although once it is not empty it will be awesome and Ill share pictures but that my be a really long while).
TURNS OUT THAT THEY DO NOT. (hospitals liking college grads I mean)
Apparently the medical field is really big on this whole "certifications" thing. They'll hire a person with a GED and a certification way faster than a college grad with a smile and a diploma. So excessively long story cut down to size. I got an EMT certification and then a job in a hospital. As a Nurse Assistant.
They have other names for it, orderly, CNA, PCA (I go by PCA). It's one of those jobs where they sit you down when you are interviewing and confirm that you are aware that you will indeed have to wipe ass. That in fact ass wiping will be just one of the plethora of disgusting bodily tasks you will have to help invalid patients perform.
Now of course, there are lots of other things here and in the long run, when I look back on it, there is a feeling of satisfaction in helping these people who need help. It is the reason I've worked there for months , plural, and also the reason that, were I not a college educated individual, I would probably not mind continuing to work there as I got my education.
But that's hindsight (hind sight? rear view? looking back?), when I wake up in the morning and I look ahead I think: Today I will have to wipe someone's butt. There is a possibility that I will be shat on. I need a moment to be okay with this.
I am saying this because I have recently been feeling a good deal of work-related angst lately, and I have deemed this the proper time and place to bitch about it.
Though I am pretty sure you guys have jobs too. Or have had jobs? You should complain about them if you want. Share stories. I will be sharing mine.
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Re: Lets bitch about our jobs. (you know I will)
11-10-2011, 06:29 AM
BITCH #1: MY JOB IS AN EVENING JOB. Oh sure I can sleep late and stay up but it somehow makes it IMPOSSIBLE TO DO SHIT. I mean I /could/ get up and do it before work but then I'd have to do with the fact that I HAVE TO GO TO WORK constantly looming over my head. And it's not that I have that much time before work anyway because you get home at freaking midnight and you can't just go to sleep you have to screw around doing nothing because you're also too tired to be productive. DID I MENTION TIME MANAGEMENT. It is not a strong point, but evening job doesn't make it any easier. IT ALSO MEANS THAT I CAN'T JUST GO TO THE GROCERY STORE WHEN I GET OFF WORK AND BUY THINGS BECAUSE H-E-B IS CLOSED. (okay maybe I could do that but i would need a postit or something in my car to remind me. I CANT BUY POST-ITS BECAUSE THE HEB IS CLOSED)
Edit: wow I was really upset when typing this. apparently clean clothes are very important to me?