One Night Werewolf - DAY ‽

One Night Werewolf - DAY ‽
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
I was told to pick between cards 1, 2, and 3, and chose 3.

Assuming that the order of the cards isn't changed between roles (could we get this confirmed?), Gnauga was told that card 2 was a werewolf and card 3 was the hunter. So I should be the hunter.

(Logically speaking though if I was a werewolf and trying to hide it I would have claimed Mason, since then town wouldn't have the safe option of lynching me first just in case.)
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Fogel, you're right, we can't vote Slorange.
I still like Schazer as the vote. I'm not convinced she's tanner again.
As for Chwoka, I think he's just a very confused, troubled person. Or has reason to believe donut's lying.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
unvote: end day

It's clear we have more to talk about.
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RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Quiet you two you're both scum.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Wait why can't we vote Slorange?
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
yeah i'm a little confused too, it seems like a slam-dunk for town unless chwoka was minion (in which case wolves win).
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
(05-23-2014, 05:18 PM)Garuru Wrote: »There's one question that hasn't been answered. Chwoka, did you have a partner? If so, who?

gnauga. faking seer is one popular strategy! pala might not be hunter, but all the antitown roles are taken anyway. keeping my vote on slorange because there's still a chance of some role monkeying going on with gnauga i don't yet know about.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Holy crap did we actually roll a game with four seerclaims and none of them real?
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
schazer could be schazseer?
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Wasn't Gnauga supporting a slorange vote?
Not explicitly, but by basically agreeing with the logic that suggested it was the right course of action?
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Actually it looks like he straight up ignored the slorange/chwoka stuff and instead aimed to lynch you.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Oh, right.
Maybe Chwoka's telling the truth about him, then.
Except, Chwoka. Really? Schazer as real seer? If that were true, it would imply donut was wolf, which would imply that Chwoka wasn't swapped, which means that Chwoka's still scum. So basically, I don't know why you'd even say that, Chwoka, unless you're lying about stuff or just haven't thought things through very well.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
i guess i didn't think it through very well? i was just saying i can confirm, just by knowledge of my own role, seawyrm, by extension garuru, and gnauga are lying, but i can't confirm schazer one way or the other right now
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Whatever, it's not relevant. Let's just vote: slorange.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Okay, now I'm lost, unless Chwoka's just messing with us.

The only scenario where Chwoka has reason to lie after being switched is "Chwoka was minion and Slorange was a wolf so Chwoka knew that".

But the mason claim would be one of the easiest to counter because you'd have two people saying they're the only mason? Or possibly three masons!

Wait, hold on. If there's one wolf, they get to look at one of the unused cards. If Slorange saw an unused Mason, he'd know there was at most one mason... except there should still be one mason in the game to account for Gnauga's Seer check, and they'd have no reason to hide it...

Okay, I was confused at first, but the more I look at it, the more it looks like the scenario is this:
-Chwoka was a werewolf, Gnauga was the other one.
-SeaWyrm is minion.
-Donut switched Slorange with Chwoka.
-Garuru copied someone antitown.
-Gnauga just fakeclaimed Seer for kicks.
-Schazer's either the real Seer and her donut vote wasn't based on Seer-ing or she's the Tanner again and the Seer isn't in the game.

The only alternative scenario I can see is one where Chwoka really was a minion and Slorange was a wolf, but then we'd have two Masons unaccounted for and then what's Gnauga's deal...

Hmm. Okay, I guess it could work like this. Slorange and Gnauga wolves, Chwoka minion, Garuru's still probably lying about who he checked, SeaWyrm's legit, unused roles are both Masons and either Tanner or Seer, with Schazer being the other one. Or Schazer is a wolf, Garuru's actually telling the truth, and Gnauga's Tanner? But I think wolves don't get to see the unused roles unless there's only one, which makes the opening Mason claim riskier.

I keep trying to logic this out but I've pretty much exhausted the scenarios. It looks like Slorange is a wolf now but there's a chance he's a minion, it also looks like Gnauga is a wolf but there's a chance he's a tanner.

Vote: Slorange, I wasn't sure about this before because I wanted to look at everything claimed but doing so just confused me more. Let's go with this.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Unvote temporarily while I try my hand at a possible SchazerSeer, DonutScum scenario.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Someone tell me if this list can't work:

Donut (Wolf)
Chwoka (Wolf)
Schazer (Seer)
Seawyrm (Minion)
Gnauga (Tanner)
Garuru (Dopple!Minion)
Slorange (Mason)
Everyone Else (What they say they are)

Stupid Question: Does scum get any chat abilities?
Unvote: Dayend until Schazer chimes in. I'm pretty sure lynching Slorange is the best way to go, but something's still niggling at me and I can't say what.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Nah screw it. WolfChow tagging Tanauga is just as bad as MinionRu tagging Schanner.

Vote: Slorange, Dayend
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
I love how all of the top theories rely on my being minion.
Whatever, I don't really care as long as we win. I'm willing to vote donut on the grounds that

Donut (Wolf)
Chwoka (Minion)
Schazer (Wolf)
Seawyrm (Seer)
Gnauga (Tanner)
Garuru (Dopple!Minion)
Slorange (Mason)

makes a reasonable amount of sense to me. Not that I have any idea what Schazer thought she was doing in that scenario. Maybe she wasn't originally going to claim seer.
I don't know, does that make more sense than voting for Slorange? Maybe not.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Whups, that should of course be

Donut (Wolf)
Chwoka (Minion)
Schazer (Wolf)
Seawyrm (Seer)
Gnauga (Tanner)
Garuru (DoppleSeer)
Slorange (Mason)

or else Garuru makes no sense.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Unvote: Slorange, Dayend
My only problem is that it's seems damn funky that we have four seer claims but no seer, whereas only one troublemaker claim, which is like the best thing to claim as scum...

Chwonut world:
Donut claims TM to clear Chwoka.
Minion Seawyrm claims Chwoka's a Minion to extra clear him.
Chwoka catches Donut's claim cuz he knows Donut's on his team, but misses Seawyrm's cuz he doesn't know the Minion and is still kinda new to mafia games.
Schazer's either real Seer or Tanner
Gnauga's either real Seer or Tanner
Garuru is an evil Dopple

Lynch: Chwoka.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Chwoka/donut scumteam just seems really weird? I don't know it feels like you're trying to tie a pretty ribbon on a confusing situation - I would say there's almost no chance of Schazer being the seer, and if we're talking a world in which Chwoka's scum the one where he was minion/Slorange was werewolf and they switched story is the most likely. Note how when Chwoka first revealed himself he said he was the werewolf - as in, the only werewolf. Only when Gnauga popped up did he suddenly say that they were scumbuddies.

Also I hate to game the system/make assumptions, but Gnauga talked about how he chose roles 2 and 3 - which is wording that I'm not so sure a non-drunk/seer/single werewolf would specify. So he's probably the legit Seer.

Though I guess that still ends with a Chwoka lynch as the thing to do (if we're not killing Slorange) so I don't know why I wasted all this time.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Sounds good to me!

Vote: Chwoka

Vote: Day End

Day ending is at L-1.
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RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
never mind, apparently granola unvoted day end again.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Two - Day i
Vote: Slorange, Day End