One Night Werewolf - DAY ‽

One Night Werewolf - DAY ‽
RE: One Night Werewolf - Day Only - START
Oh yeah? Then can you tell me who the other mason really is?
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: One Night Werewolf - Day Only - START
No, because the robber doesn't work that way. I just find out what role I stole, not any additional information.

I think if I steal a role later in the rotation than Robber, I get to use it? Not sure, though. I don't think that's come up.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Day Only - START
Must be why Gnauga knows who the other mason is and not Fogel.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: One Night Werewolf - Day Only - START
Well, I'm still the insomniac.
So there's that.
This seems like a probabilities game. 9/12 roles, right? And two potential swappers, and three potential swaps.
So what are the odds that a given person's role was changed?
RE: One Night Werewolf - Day Only - START
Roles that trade around and the like only apply to changing win conditions, or in the case of the Hunter, what happens when lynched. If the Robber takes, say, the Drunk, they wouldn't trade in their card for one in the middle.
It has to do with the original version of the game, which would be played in real life and as such when it would tell the drunk to open their eyes to trade cards, oh man the original drunk would open his eyes and see another guy opening his eyes what is going on i thought i was the drunk?????

there is actually a role called the Doppelganger that I didn't know about until I had printed out my custom made cards already but it actually gets to use the power of the role it copies. I may throw the extra roles in if we do another round, depends. (extra roles are a few vanilla townies and said doppelganger. or maybe i just start inventing things WHY NOT BE CRAZY????)
RE: One Night Werewolf - Day Only - START
So is the Doppelganger in the game, cyber? Whether it's actually being used by someone or not.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: One Night Werewolf - Day Only - START
No, Doppelganger is not in this game. All the included roles are in the first post. If I add different roles in future games, it will be mentioned.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Day Only - START
(05-17-2014, 03:33 AM)SeaWyrm Wrote: »Well, I'm still the insomniac.

Alright, well. I'm the Insomniac. Perks of the role is that I know for damn sure that I am the Insomniac, as I would be informed if my role ever changed. It didn't. So, what's up here, SeaWyrm?
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: One Night Werewolf - Day Only - START
Nice try.
Vote: Garuru.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Day Only - START
Oh shit it's on. This is the part where we try to convince everybody else the other person is scum, right?

Well I'm not falling for it. You're the tanner. Moving on.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: One Night Werewolf - Day Only - START
If you want.
Not changing my vote, though.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Day Only - START
Sorry guys, you can't be tanners because I already checked Schazer as the tanner.

One of you could always be scum though.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Day Only - START
Haha yup you caught me
RE: One Night Werewolf - Day Only - START
so from this point I can guess we can say there's at least one werewolf here and it's wyrm or ruru
RE: One Night Werewolf - Day Only - START
Unless Schazer and CB are both wolves passing as seer/tanner
! ! !
I dunno if our meta's gotten that clever yet.
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: One Night Werewolf - Day Only - START
So fun fact, Coldblooded and Fogel are filthy liars.

Because I switched their roles. So If you think Coldblooded's a liar go after Fogel instead (I'll admit it looks a little possible).
RE: One Night Werewolf - Day Only - START
Palamedes, your switch would have occured after they did their actions, according to the role order. So let's not jump the gun and accuse others of being filthy liars. Except for SeaWyrm. He's totally a filthy liar. ;)
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: One Night Werewolf - Day Only - START
So how does that make me a liar exactly? Even if I'm not the seer anymore, I still managed to get my result on Schazer before getting switched.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Day Only - START
EBWOP: well that ended up sounding completely stupid. Perks of trying to quickly phone post I guess.

Anyways, I'm troublemaker, swapped Fogel and CB just for shits. My current pet theory is that Fogel and Schazer are both scum, Seawyrm is insomniac, and Garuru is the tanner.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Day Only - START
EBWOP x2: I know they still used their roles. I used italics to indicate that I wasn't being serious per se the first time I used it. I know, I know, it was a shifty post and I'm sorry.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Day Only - START
Okay, so it looks like everybody has claimed already except for Sai and Donut. Since nobody's tried to counterclaim me so far, I'm guessing that werewolves are probably the ones hiding back, waiting to see which roles are safe for them to claim.

So, probably Pala, Sai, and Donut, minus whoever Gnuaga's mason buddy is.

Not really sure that a werewolf would want to draw attention to themselves by getting into an insomniac counterclaim fight early on, so I'll say that Garuru and Seawyrm are probably Insomniac/Minion.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Day Only - START
I'm not sure what role I have, so yeah.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Day Only - START
Well, none of us do for sure. What role did you start with last night then?
RE: One Night Werewolf - Day Only - START
I'll be honest I completely forgot about the Minion, but yeah they would play a lot like the tanner wouldn't they?

Still think that Sea is the real insomniac, and Garuru is trying to pull something (whatever he is). Gnauga and his fellow mason (probably donut) are confirmed, unless someone wants to counterclaim me or Fogel. I'm tempted to believe Fogel, which means Coldblooded is town.

Coldblooded suggesting that the people who haven't claimed pretty much have to be the scum is pretty suspicious. I mean technically what you're saying makes sense, but there's also a pretty solid chance that some people (like me) just didn't have the time or ability to post immediately. Besides that though, thinking about it his attitude is weird for scum, so Fogel is probably town? In that case Schazer is the tanner trying to make it look like she's scum pretending to be the tanner (or some other confusing thing).

That leaves Garuru, and one of Sai/donut as people I haven't much of a clear idea on? Garuru's play seems off if he's a werewolf, meaning that he's possibly the minion.

Blah this game hurts.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Day Only - START
Pala, Minion wins if wolves win, it's just that the other wolves know who they are.

Anyways, thanks to Pala's claim I guess I might as well come clean.

I didn't steal from Gnauga. I stole from SeaWyrm, who was the Minion. I lied about it, obviously, because I had every reason to believe I was scum. This leaves two likely possibilities:

-Pala is lying and is a wolf, in which case Coldblooded is probably still Seer. In this case, I win if Coldblooded gets lynched.
-Pala is telling the truth, in which case Coldblooded is Minion and I'm Seer and therefore town. So I still win if Coldblooded gets lynched.

I don't see a particular reason to disbelieve Pala, I'm just amused by the fact that I win either way with this lynch. Vote: Coldblooded.