Murder By The Book - Ender's Game

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Murder By The Book - Ender's Game
RE: Murder By The Book - Day 4: Life of Pie
Sure, and we'll even give you an extra $5 discount for every scummate that you can convince to sign up too!
RE: Murder By The Book - Day 4: Life of Pie
if eberron is town then coldblooded is probably scumbuds with truegreen?


hey coldblooded are you not caught up or what?
RE: Murder By The Book - Day 4: Life of Pie
what if i don't have scummates and i just have townmates that are being lynched??
RE: Murder By The Book - Day 4: Life of Pie
Yeah considering how sure donut is without giving any reason ever besides 'because' I'm actually going to be more suspicious of him if eberron turns out to be town than if he's scum?

Coldblooded if you could drop some thoughts on Garuru that'd be solid (though I mostly agree with your reads thus far so that's pretty cool).
RE: Murder By The Book - Day 4: Life of Pie
(04-26-2014, 03:02 AM)Sotek Wrote: »hey coldblooded are you not caught up or what?

(04-26-2014, 02:40 AM)Coldblooded Wrote: »I managed to get some rereading done yesterday, but pages 14-24 have still gone mostly unread at this point.
RE: Murder By The Book - Day 4: Life of Pie
Seems like I wont make it out of this day alive. But as I've said before, I am town, what I said about the pies is true and my lynching will be a miss.

I hate the fact that I'm tempted to vote myself to just get the pain over with but nature of the game after all. Either way, still happy to be able to play.
RE: Murder By The Book - Day 4: Life of Pie
And no word on my pie?
RE: Murder By The Book - Day 4: Life of Pie
Fogel never responded to the action of tasting the pie yet.
RE: Murder By The Book - Day 4: Life of Pie
(04-26-2014, 03:11 AM)Palamedes Wrote: »Coldblooded if you could drop some thoughts on Garuru that'd be solid (though I mostly agree with your reads thus far so that's pretty cool).

He seems... alright? Nothing I can see from looking back over his posts really sets me on edge or anything, and he's been at least decently active for most of the game so far. I guess he seems kinda indecisive early on, but not really in a particularly scummy way?

If there's a scum anywhere on the Solaris wagon, I'd guess that it'd probably be him or Schazer, (leaning towards Schazer here), but even the two of them come out of that day looking a lot better than the vast bulk of the playerlist that was absolutely nowhere at all.

I guess for now I'd peg him as neutral, maybe slightly leaning town? I'll try to get back to you on the subject once I've actually finished getting caught up.
RE: Murder By The Book - Day 4: Life of Pie
truegreen I feel suspicious of schazer but I don't like the way you're essentially bridging off of your previous dogmatic suspicion of slorange onto her. it feels less like a good lynch and more like sloppy reasoning because you're unwilling to fully give up your previous doubts.
that said:
a) it's rather a STRETCH to say that there would be an undercover conspiracy to "frame" you. you've acted very scummily and most of the points brought against you are legitimate. the only iffy thing would be people going entirely off of this recent pie stuff to accuse you. you hardly need a CONSPIRACY to lynch someone who tried to get a townie for 2 straight days.
b) IF there was a conspiracy, NOT ALL OF UNDERCOVER WOULD BE PUSHING IT. a fundamental thing of scumplay is that you don't all tie yourselves to one horse. it's pretty unlikely that schaz and whim are both scum. btw referring to schazer with he/him pronouns makes your posts really confusing to read

idk there's legit reasons to lynch schazer I just don't think you've arrived at lynching her through those legit reasons. I'd really appreciate seeing less tunnelvision from you, especially after you supposedly learned your lesson from slorange's flip.

....huh. mm. well alright I guess pala and fogel have cleared some things up...
pala seems better to me too because I think "I have this pie what I don't know things do" makes sotek a pretty solid choice. I'm tentatively trusting of this whole daycoppy biz. :s

also hey garuru I actually voted truegreen a few realtime days ago but it isn't showing up in the votals?
pala I think your logic about truegreen is a bit iffy? I could see scum having at least one vanilla. otoh they probably have some real-ass power roles to counter 3p team and town inventor. I'm worried just thinking about it
but I don't think garuru's infoblast counted enough moving parts to account for all the scum? assuming we can trust him, which the fact that he hasn't commented on your theory despite the fact that he should know best how likely it is is a little off.
I'm going to vote:eberron now though.
god, I feel so iffy about the start of both those wagons. Schazer hasn't come back and said anything but NEITHER HAS AKUMU. I know I railed about this for a while but they've pretty much only shown up either when I questioned them or when it was Time to Lynch Eberron.
btw garuru you defended eberron d1 because he was new, what changed. is a few days of play enough in your books?
RE: Murder By The Book - Day 4: Life of Pie
Hmm nope.

vote: icanhazdonut..
RE: Murder By The Book - Day 4: Life of Pie
(04-26-2014, 04:58 AM)Sotek Wrote: »Hmm nope.

vote: icanhazdonut..

RE: Murder By The Book - Day 4: Life of Pie
yeah you are partially right about my suspicions of Schazer. Some of it is based on my previous understanding of the Slorange and Schazer relationship along with the arguments I had with Schazer early on. You could indeed say I'm guilty of some dogmatic reasoning.

The biggest problem is perhaps that I'm a bit too lazy right now to go through the trouble of reading the backlog of her posts. I reviewed some of the ones I remembered, particularly the arguments about mechanics and the specific post I mentioned in my claim against her. This is where most of my actual evidence SHOULD BE and I'm confident there is stuff there, just not motivated to look very closely right now.(sorry about the pronouns thing. I usually try to avoid pronoun shenanigans by using neutral pronouns but It's been a long day and my writing has been a bit patchy).

But I was willing to let both of these things slide for a time. That was until that weird vote at the beginning of the day. It could be the accumulated poor reputation I have managed to grow, but I feel it might be something else.

Maybe using the word 'conspiracy' was confusing or maybe I just didn't explain my thoughts well enough, the 'conspiracy' wording was really mostly a joke on my character's flavor as a rather paranoid conspiracy nut. In truth my thoughts ran more like this.

1. Undercover kills Slorange
2. One (or very few) members target me early on hoping to incite a strong response based on my turbulent relations with Slorange.
3. someone (hopefully town) presents an actual claim to support Lynch.
4. Support Grows
5. I die

Basically, I'm viewed as an easy target, especially after Slorange dies.

In my mind Whimbrel sits as 'maybe scum' mostly because that's my baseline as far as reads go. The unsupported early vote thing is kind of weird, but understandable as a new player and he really hasn't done enough to get any read off of him. For Schazer however such a move is very curious indeed, thus leading me to bring my suspicions to light.
RE: Murder By The Book - Day 4: Life of Pie
I... actually would kinda prefer a Donut lynch over Eberron right now. But I also would prefer an Eberron lynch over splitting the votes down the middle and just defaulting to a Truegreen lynch.

Eh, whatever. We've got time.

Lynch Donut.
RE: Murder By The Book - Day 4: Life of Pie
@Eberron, I believe Sotek was voting for you, his donut vote I think was him attempting to keep the day going instead of you getting Lynched.
RE: Murder By The Book - Day 4: Life of Pie
Possibly Accurate Votals, I'm Bad At Double-Checking

Truegreen - 5 (Schazer, Whimbrel, Nova, eberron, icanhasdonuts)
eberron - 5 (Akumu, Garuru, Palamedes, Truegreen, Seedy)
icanhasdonuts - 2 (Sotek, Coldblooded)

With 15 alive and active, it takes 8 to lynch and 5 to soft lynch. Deadline is Saturday, April 26 at 11:59 PM Mountain Time, about 24.5 hours from now.

Please note: Since I apparently missed some people's votes, I should note that I'm less likely to miss a vote if it's on its own line. If it's in the middle of a block of text and I'm skimming through what happened since my last votals, I might overlook it.

This isn't a hard and fast rule or anything, it's just helpful on my end and makes it easier to keep up an accurate vote count.
RE: Murder By The Book - Day 4: Life of Pie


Vote: donut

I can feel that.
RE: Murder By The Book - Day 4: Life of Pie
vote: donut why didn't I think of this before
silly dichotomy-thinking
this wagon feels so much more legit
RE: Murder By The Book - Day 4: Life of Pie
Hmm ok i guess i'll have to claim today.
Go reread post 664. first letter of each sentence.

Eberron is definitely town, Akumu maybe barring busdriving shenanigans.
RE: Murder By The Book - Day 4: Life of Pie
Scumteam for me are cb, green, nov, and one of the inactives
RE: Murder By The Book - Day 4: Life of Pie
Hey Donut, maybe next time try coming up with actual arguments for your reads instead of just repeating "reasons" over and over again until everybody gets annoyed enough to vote you.

Well on the bright side, we don't have to waste any time arguing about your claim since Garuru's still alive.

Donut, who did you visit on N2?
RE: Murder By The Book - Day 4: Life of Pie
Dead piemaker.
Was trying to get to tomorow keeping my confirmed townie alive and there's not really a lot eberron has done. if i hadn't checked him i would've lynched the heck out of him
RE: Murder By The Book - Day 4: Life of Pie
Akumu N1-town(busdriven??)
Slorange N2-town
Eberron N3-town(no alive busdriver)
RE: Murder By The Book - Day 4: Life of Pie
Ehhh not 100% sure how I feel about this claim? Slorange feels a bit like an odd choice next to Akumu and Eberron. As for arguing it, he could easily be trying to play on Garuru's ability by trying to pretend he's the town investigative role.

All that said I'm still grossed out by the Truegreen wagon and could go for a Vote: Schazer and just let donut check him in the night.
RE: Murder By The Book - Day 4: Life of Pie
Akumu n1 was because i didn't like their actions d1
slorange n2 was because i wasn't sure about their claim amd the janitor possibility was real
eb n3 was from dini's reads.