[split] The Return of Jester Mafia - GAME END!

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[split] The Return of Jester Mafia - GAME END!
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Day 7: First Annual Jester Awards
Yes, the wrestlers are still participants in the day, and may speak, vote, and be voted for.
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Day 7: First Annual Jester Awards
vote bigro
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Day 7: First Annual Jester Awards
So Hey Guys, The Deadline's Tomorrow Again

Bigro - 2 (Mirdini, yd12k)


Most Lynched - Bigro (Paranoia, seconded by Mirdini)
Most Ugly - Paranoia (Bigro)
Most Demonic Leader - Paranoia (SupahKiven)

Deadline is tomorrow at 8 PM Mountain Time.
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Day 7: First Annual Jester Awards
Lynch: Bigro
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Day 7: First Annual Jester Awards
Yeaaaaaaaah Vote:Bigro yeeeeeeeeah
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Day 7: First Annual Jester Awards
My Foot Hurts Votals

Bigro - 4 (Mirdini, yd12k, Paranoia, SupahKiven)


Most Lynched - Bigro (Paranoia, seconded by Mirdini)
Most Ugly - Paranoia (Bigro)
Most Demonic Leader - Paranoia (SupahKiven)

I'm granting a 24 hour extension because my foot's been hurting and I didn't get enough sleep, and generally am not in much of a mood to deal with day-ending and other mod stuff. If you end the day today with votes, there's a good chance I won't get to wrapping it up until tomorrow anyways.

Deadline is now Tuesday at 8 PM Mountain Time.
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Day 7: First Annual Jester Awards
yeah okay vote: bigro
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Day 7: First Annual Jester Awards
Wait, Day Hasn't Ended Yet? Votals

bigro - 5 (Mirdini, yd12k, Paranoia, SupahKiven, cyber95)


Most Lynched - Bigro (Paranoia, seconded by Mirdini)
Most Ugly - Paranoia (Bigro)
Most Demonic Leader - Paranoia (SupahKiven)

I'm granting a 24 hour extension because my foot's been hurting and I didn't get enough sleep, and generally am not in much of a mood to deal with day-ending and other mod stuff. If you end the day today with votes, there's a good chance I won't get to wrapping it up until tomorrow anyways.

Deadline is Tuesday at 8 PM Mountain Time.
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Day 7: First Annual Jester Awards

I hadn't been going to bother but now I'm curious. Vote: bigro.
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Day 7: First Annual Jester Awards
I want a calculated mathematician. For... math things
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Day 7: First Annual Jester Awards
Okay, day's ended now. Expect the official write-up when I'm less distracted by foot pain.
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Day 7: First Annual Jester Awards
[Image: operationwrithingragingeldritchsatanicte...uccess.gif]
The Return of Jester Mafia - Night 7: Two-Thirds Down
Official Final Votals

bigro - 6 (Mirdini, yd12k, Paranoia, SupahKiven, cyber95, Not The Author)

Final Nominations

Most Lynched - Bigro (Paranoia, seconded by Mirdini)
Most Ugly - Paranoia (Bigro)
Most Demonic Leader - Paranoia (SupahKiven)

Well, with that taken care of, it's time for the awards ceremony! Oh, and the lynch, too.

First off, the award for Most Dead!

Now, yes, we realize that a number of dead people missed the nomination window, but that's their problem and not ours. So our final nominees are Palamedes and TehPilot!

Our expert panel of judges has decided that there is only one reasonable way to settle this, and that is to fling both bodies away in a giant slingshot. Clearly the one that falls farther puts up less resistance, and is therefore Most Dead.

Ready... Aim... Fire!

Final results: Palamedes' body traveled 123 meters!
TehPilot's body traveled 123.1 meters!

Well, that settles it, everyone.

Everyone congratulate TehPilot, winner of the coveted Most Dead Award!

Now we move on to some other awards. It turns out that there was only one nominee for these categories, which makes me wonder just how our judges managed to spend two-thirds of our budget on deliberations.

Speaking of our budget, we spent the other third on the giant slingshot, so there isn't going to be a lot of ceremony here.

Paranoia has been unanimously declared Most Ugly and Most Demonic Leader. Congratulations!

And now, our final award for the evening, the long awaited Most Lynched. I don't think there can be any doubt that this should go to bigro, who's managed to get himself lynched with 6 votes out of 5 needed! Truly an astonishing feat, ladies and jestermen.

And now, we're going to present bigro with two things: this trophy, and this noose!

Oh, hang on a second, he's still in an intense wrestling match with Sruixan. They're closely intertwined, I don't know how we're going to separate them...


Sruixan piledrives bigro right through the noose!

I can't believe it! What an amazing move!

But the noose has been caught around Sruix's neck as well! And there goes the lever...

Sruixan has gone out wrestlin'. Aw yeah!

Truly a brave jester. Now, who were these poor saps... I mean, beloved friends who gave their lives for the cause of jesterdom?

Bigro was the Arsonjester! He just loved setting houses on fire, but he was a gentle soul and didn't want to see anyone get hurt.

Each night, he could choose one player and would set their house on fire. However, to ensure their safety, he'd knock them out first, roleblocking him for that night. He would win if he got three such fires.


If someone died the night that Bigro set their house on fire, he would instead assume their role! He would get a half-win if he met that player's original win condition, and the dead player would get a full win.

Oh, and in case anyone's wondering, yes, Bigro would have killed Garuru if he visited him.

Did any of this happen? WHO KNOWS.

Sruixan was the Wrestler Jestler! He loved wrestling so much that he wanted to die in the middle of a match, so that was his win condition! And look at that, he won!

He had a choice of actions! He could wrestle someone at night, in which case, he'd roleblock them, and all actions targeting either player would affect both! Including kills! However, a proper match needs a referee, and so he needed someone to visit besides the killer in order for the match to count. If a killer visited him but no one else did, he would only get a half-win.

But that wasn't his only option! Sruixan could also choose to hold off on his night action and instead wrestle someone during the day! However, this would be affected by any roleblocks or redirects from the previous night! If he was roleblocked, his wrestling would fail, and if he was redirected, he'd wrestle whoever his action would have gone to!

He did not have any quirks as part of his role.

Well, look at that, everyone! We've got ourselves another winner! The Jester Awards Committee is officially awarding Sruixan the Best Wrestlin' Move for piledriving bigro (and himself) through that noose!

This concludes the First Annual Jester Awards, and also the day. Those of you who are still alive, please get your actions in quickly.
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Day 7: First Annual Jester Awards
[Image: c48AoKl.png?1]
I make game: site | itch
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Night 7: Two-Thirds Down
Oh, right, just realized I forgot to note something about Sruixan. I'll put it in here.

If Sruixan successfully day-wrestled someone, then all votes on either player would count for both! However, it would take two-thirds of the total votes (rounded up) in order to lynch them.

That's all, I think, so get on with those night actions!
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Day 8: The Performance of a Lifetime
The curtain rises on the stage. Nobody remembers there being a curtain yesterday, or a stage for that matter, but yesterday feels like so long ago that nobody cares.

SupahKiven lies in the center of the stage. Gasping for breath, he says:

"The killer is... is..."

He then dies, leaving the question unanswered. But it is only now, in death, that the question of his own identity can be revealed!

SupahKiven was the Busjester! He loved driving the bus, you guys. He really loved it. Every night he could drive two people on a bus and drop them off at each other's houses, switching all actions targeting them!

He'd heard something about "busing the scumteam", and decided that was what he wanted to do. Of course, busing the scumteam could only mean giving them a ride on his bus, right? He would win if he put every member of the scum on his bus over the course of the game. He would get a half-win if there was some point where he was alive and had given bus rides to all living members of the scumteam, but not all the scum.

In addition, he had once worked as a busboy, and was disappointed to learn it didn't have anything to do with buses. But the job taught him a lot about cleaning up, and so if anyone died while on his bus, he would clean up the body, leaving no trace of it for anyone else to find!

Upon learning of this shocking habit, Solaris walks onstage and rushes over to SupahKiven's house. He opens a shed, and two bodies pour out!

Epamynondas was the Wannabe Murderer! He was well-known as a helpful and kind person, and resented this fact deeply. He wanted to be known as a bloodthirsty murderer! If only he had some way to kill. Or at least to take credit for a murder to ruin his reputation.

Every night, he could visit someone and accompany them, impressing them with how helpful he was. But he'd also learn if they killed someone that night! And if they did, and were lynched the next day, he'd get a kill on the following night!

He could win by either getting a one-shot kill and then getting himself lynched the next day, or by visiting someone who died the same night and getting himself lynched the next day.

Of course, getting the votes for a lynch could be tricky, but he had an advantage to help him out: his helpful reputation that he couldn't stand! Once per game, he could take control of the votes of every player he visited over the course of the game.

Anyways, as you can guess, he died without sullying his reputation. How sad.

The other body belongs to Granolaman. He was supposed to be janitored but a certain incompetent mod forgot that detail, whoops.

And now, only five actors remain for what may be the final act of this play. For today, should no criminal be lynched, the game will likely end in the night and evil will prevail.

Make your decision wisely, fools. And dramatically!

(Today's theme is THEATER! We encourage making your posts highly dramatic today.)

Dramatis Personae:
-Not The Author

With 5 players alive, it takes 3 to lynch.
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Day 8: The Performance of a Lifetime
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Day 8: The Performance of a Lifetime
I can barely express how much it has meant to me to work together with all of you fine jesters throughout this astounding week-long display of jester virtues. From Sruixan's wrassling tutelage, to granolaman's party invitations, to Jacquerel clumsy blood-rife shenanigans, you've all been an inspiration.

Thanks to all of you and your Jesterly ways, I've finally learned what it means to truly be a jester. And that gift is something I will treasure until my dying day.

Which is today, because part of what it truly means to be a jester is to be lynched when the time is right. And there's no time better than this!

[Image: ib0A0bmNmZtNR.gif]

Vote: Mirdini
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Day 8: The Performance of a Lifetime
SHOCKING REVELATIONS that were supposed to go in the morning flavor, whoops.

First of all:

There is a trail of blood between the middle of the street and yd12k's house. How mysterious!

And second:

cyber95 has "NOT THE AUTHOR" tattooed on his shoulder.

What could be the meaning behind these strange occurrences?

Only the moderator knows, and he's twice-dead.
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Day 8: The Performance of a Lifetime
You poor fools, you dance to entertain me, to earn my favor.

That I may grace you with my favor to take the prized noose.

Dance ever harder today - for it may be your last chance.

Bow before me, exalt me, court my favor and I may just yet make you a god amongst Jesters!
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Day 8: The Performance of a Lifetime
You may torture me, you can hang me, you may even share donuts with me. But never shall I divulge my darkest secret, nor shall I ever get rid of the blood.

The blood on my hands marks me, binds me and forever makes me wrong. How, with such sullied hands, can I ever practice my greatest art? Never may I practice again, and with that, I may never enter the true heaven.

RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Day 8: The Performance of a Lifetime
the blood binds me to hell itself and my wings of freedom have been shackled.

(I pressed post wrong sue me)
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Day 8: The Performance of a Lifetime
Considering I'm the one that bled all over your doorstep and I know for a fact you had nothing to do with it, perhaps you'd like to lynch me (which would prove as much!) to assuage your guilty conscience?
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Day 8: The Performance of a Lifetime
Perhaps what you say is true. Perhaps not. However, the blood on my hands...

is metaphorical.

Also gross.
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia - Day 8: The Performance of a Lifetime
alright this is vitally important

has anybody that is actually still alive ever visited me