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[Image: 295dM.png]
RE: Console

RE: Console
>Stand up

>Admire comma head on nearest reflective surface.
Beep Beep
RE: Console
RE: Console
> Console that console.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Console
Look into the blackness.
RE: Console
> Look over the edge
RE: Console
(02-20-2012, 11:28 PM)Mr. Arsenic Nog Wrote: »>Stand up
[Image: 002.png]

You're up, but a bit confused.

(02-20-2012, 11:36 PM)AgentBlue Wrote: »Look into the blackness.
(02-20-2012, 11:39 PM)Godbot Wrote: »> Look over the edge
[Image: 003.png]

Nothing. Other than this platform, there doesn't appear to be anything anywhere within view. Not even a source of light, strangely enough, leading you to question how you and the platform are illuminated in the first place.

[Image: 004.png]

You are terribly confused, and a lot of confusing thoughts go through your head. Where are you? What's up with your hair? What's that switch over there do? Most worringly, however, is the fact that you have very little idea as to who you are.

Perhaps, if anything, you can try to remember your name.
RE: Console
Seymour Butts
RE: Console
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Console
> Apostrophe Jones
RE: Console
>Conrad Sowle
RE: Console
>Mark Nesia
RE: Console
> I bet whatever it says on the console is your name.
RE: Console
(02-21-2012, 12:20 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »>Conrad Sowle
(02-21-2012, 12:30 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »>Mark Nesia
[Image: 006.png]

Mark Sowle. That... sounds right. You're a bit happier, knowing that at least something is coming to you.

(02-20-2012, 11:35 PM)Pick Yer Poison Wrote: »>[...] that console.
[Image: 005.png]

Right, let's take a look at this. You open up the panel to take a look.

[Image: 007-1.png]

To the left you have the lever, which you noticed immediately, and to the right is a small case with a keyhole. Those seem somewhat straightforward, if mysterious.
More confusing are the five spaces that were revealed by opening the panel in the first place. Some disconnected wires, a few slots and indentations, and a keypad. You aren't really sure what any of this does or how any of it works.
RE: Console
> Turn around and walk the other way.
RE: Console
> Press all the buttons at once.
RE: Console
type in 80085 on the keypad
trust me on this one
RE: Console
>Type in your lucky number on the keypad!
RE: Console
Reconnect the wires?
RE: Console

Got anything on ya?
RE: Console
Pull the lever and see what happens when you don't do anything to it.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Console
(02-21-2012, 01:27 AM)Godbot Wrote: »> Turn around and walk the other way.
[Image: 008.png]

For some reason, you aren't too keen on that.

(02-21-2012, 01:27 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »> Press all the buttons at once.
(02-21-2012, 01:27 AM)Jacquerel Wrote: »type in 80085 on the keypad
trust me on this one
(02-21-2012, 01:27 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »>Type in your lucky number on the keypad!
[Image: 009.gif]
[Image: 010-1.gif]

There's no indication that your button presses are doing anything.

(02-21-2012, 01:37 AM)Schazer Wrote: »Reconnect the wires?
[Image: 011.png]

Gyah! You try connecting them but you quickly get shocked! If you're going to connect them, you might need something to hold it, and maybe some rubber gloves.

(02-21-2012, 01:52 AM)Pick Yer Poison Wrote: »Pull the lever and see what happens when you don't do anything to it.
[Image: 012.png]

You decide to give the lever a try.

[Image: 013.png]

Something appears behind you.
RE: Console
>Take a closer look at the something.
RE: Console
> Hide