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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
02-27-2010, 03:08 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Alice.
SO RESERVED (okay, so I got REALLY tired while writing this so late, and probably can't post till tomorrow. But I would REAALLLYYYY appreciate if Wojjan didn't post until after I did, and that no one interacts with us. I PROMISE I will post in a little bit, just, yeah, don't interact with Michelle or Asteria)
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
02-27-2010, 03:55 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Baphomet.
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SpoilerMyifanW Wrote:uh... You can't free the wax people. They're trapped. Also mostly dead. Well, I don't want to say can't, though it's not what we had in mind here. I had pictured them with their flesh and bones and other living stuff being replaced entirely by wax, not coated in it, with the clothes and weapons and such still real. Like in a wax museum, where the bodies are wax but they're wearing real clothes. However, it was never stated explicitly, so the coating-in-wax interpretation is still a valid one. I want to encourage creative interpretations of things that still fit with the information given here. We aren't in control.
The problem with having living people under the wax is that it would sort of nullify the intended effect of putting them in the game - namely, that it's lethal. The idea is that the contestants have to accept the fact that someone is going to die within the hour regardless of what they do, so they might as well make sure it's not them. That's not the main problem, though. It could be explained away - the chosen living contestants are returned to life for the duration of the game, and returned to death at its conclusion. The main problem I have with that particular post was that Wojjan seemed to be referring not to one of the statues, but to the rules-spouting automaton. The one that formed from wax dripping from a stalactite, and the one that Bryce blew up before she could finish. Both of those traits would contradict the notion of a living body underneath the wax.
It's also a huge coincidence that, out of the infinite universes of the multiverse and the near-infinite planets in those universes, that Bryce and Miles happened to pick one not only containing a creature that Asteira has heard of, but an arena that creature had a hand in creating. Highly improbable, though not really impossible, so it's not a game-breaking problem.
That, and the fact that Michelle is standing atop the clock (presumably the one mounted on top of the giant dome that encompasses the whole arena, and thus not something one can stand atop without leaving) make me want to say that Wojjan's last post shouldn't be considered canon. Either Wojjan needs to edit it or someone needs to make a post that somehow accounts for the discrepancies.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
02-27-2010, 10:19 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Wojjan.
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SpoilerBaphomet Wrote:Well, I don't want to say can't, though it's not what we had in mind here. I had pictured them with their flesh and bones and other living stuff being replaced entirely by wax, not coated in it, with the clothes and weapons and such still real. Like in a wax museum, where the bodies are wax but they're wearing real clothes. However, it was never stated explicitly, so the coating-in-wax interpretation is still a valid one. I want to encourage creative interpretations of things that still fit with the information given here. We aren't in control. oops. I think I had a wrong idea in mind here. Still happy it's not that game-breaking.
Quote:The problem with having living people under the wax is that it would sort of nullify the intended effect of putting them in the game - namely, that it's lethal. The idea is that the contestants have to accept the fact that someone is going to die within the hour regardless of what they do, so they might as well make sure it's not them. That's not the main problem, though. It could be explained away - the chosen living contestants are returned to life for the duration of the game, and returned to death at its conclusion. The main problem I have with that particular post was that Wojjan seemed to be referring not to one of the statues, but to the rules-spouting automaton. The one that formed from wax dripping from a stalactite, and the one that Bryce blew up before she could finish. Both of those traits would contradict the notion of a living body underneath the wax.
I apparently completely missed the point Bryce blew it up. Adjusting likewise.
Quote:It's also a huge coincidence that, out of the infinite universes of the multiverse and the near-infinite planets in those universes, that Bryce and Miles happened to pick one not only containing a creature that Asteira has heard of, but an arena that creature had a hand in creating. Highly improbable, though not really impossible, so it's not a game-breaking problem.
Asteira knows her mythology. Other than that, a wizard did it.
Quote:That, and the fact that Michelle is standing atop the clock (presumably the one mounted on top of the giant dome that encompasses the whole arena, and thus not something one can stand atop without leaving) make me want to say that Wojjan's last post shouldn't be considered canon. Either Wojjan needs to edit it or someone needs to make a post that somehow accounts for the discrepancies.
Not a main problem, change clock to wall and you're settled.
Is it fixed now?
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
02-27-2010, 04:54 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Alice.
reserved fo reals now :3 (uhh, gimme just a few more minutes)
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
02-27-2010, 05:39 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Wojjan.
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SpoilerI really want to give you some stretch, Alice, I really do, but it's 4 hours after your reserve. You came by and didn't update your post, so I'm afraid that, if the other agree of course, you lose your turn.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
02-27-2010, 08:13 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Alice.
Fair enough, I just need you, you being Wojjan, to not post until after I doooo. I have something planned, and I don't have time to do it right nowwww. Okay? I'd really really appreciate that!!
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-01-2010, 12:21 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by suomynonAyletamitlU.
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SpoilerA~lice.... [img]images/smilies/squiddle.gif[/img]
I'm not particularly eager to update at the moment (I guess nobody else is) but I'm interested in seeing what you planned before I make a move, too.
And it's not very nice for this to sit around untouched for a couple days in general. Is nobody else interested in updating? I'll leave an open invitation if anyone wants to drag Spender into something, he should just be flying around and sulking at the moment.
O toreador, l'amour, l'amour t'attend!
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-01-2010, 12:23 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Wojjan.
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SpoilerGo drag Glere into all this. He's being all distant and we're all for teamfriendliness~~~
Seriously though, you and Glere might make for interesting times.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-01-2010, 01:29 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Alice.
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SpoilerI'm really sorry! A bunch of school stuff all came down at once. I should post between 4 pm today and 8 tomorrow morning =_=
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-01-2010, 06:28 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by McBatman.
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SpoilerI would interact if it weren't for the fact everyone seems to be up to something. [img]images/smilies/weasel.gif[/img]
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-01-2010, 07:17 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by suomynonAyletamitlU.
The air swirled only lightly around Spender as he toured the arena, silently seeking... well, anything. He didn't like the mist; after the rising feel of Nightmare before, it brought back memories of a speckled black sea that swallowed more than ships. Flying, rather than standing, helped a great deal, but his hands itched every time he considered casting a sensor. Somehow, he didn't want to look at the statues, or the screens, until he calmed down a little.
Even so long afterwards, some scars don't heal.
He hadn't seen Michelle, though he meant to find her, as she and Mr. Nothing were the last big question marks on his dossier. Instead, he passed from one terrain zone to the next, and below him, the mist thinned a little bit, and a slight ting-ching, ting-ching drew his attention to a wobbly little bicycle. He descended almost silently, just close enough to spot the embodied glass bowl that rode it, and let out a little groan.
It was enough, and Glere's eyes swivelled on the bowl to look up at him, a pained grimace of abject joy scrawled below--no, to one side of them.
Glere moved from sitting to standing on the bicycle in an instant, and bowed over-elaborately, somehow keeping balance as the cycle rolled forwards. "A sky, a guy, a man of the moon! How do you see me, ye flying buffoon? Heehe--"
Spender flinched as Glere's bike smashed headfirst into a tree. Glere, with all the grace of a lawn ornament in a hurricane, managed to hit the trunk with his torso, letting his bowlhead tumble off into the grass further along, although Spender was fairly certain he heard glass breaking.
Spender brought himself in to hover not too far the man and his mangled vehicle, crossing his arms and looking down on the man as plainly as possible. Glere, cursing the bike, its manufacturer, and the arena's arborist to their own colorful hells, produced another head without a thought.
Spender, still appraising him, let his persona take over. He dropped down almost to ground level in the process of a low bow, then sprung back up in a faux backflip, almost vanishing into the mists before re-emerging. "Doctor Glereingston, I presume," he said with a mocking smile. "The man in the moon I may be, but I do believe it is the lunatic who loses his head for no reason." He swung close, still giving himself another head of height over the man, his eyes dark and measured in spite of his mannerisms. "And what manner of man is this otherwise transparent fellow, hm?"
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SpoilerI didn't explicitly say the new head was also a fishbowl, but I assume it is.
EDIT: Crap, his post said "out of the forest"...
...well, I guess there are trees outside of the forest too [img]images/smilies/mspa_face.gif[/img]
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-01-2010, 08:53 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by McBatman.
Glere brusehd himself off, twisting a colorful plastic pineapple into place, another sickening SNAP echoing through the air as he secured it to his neck. A few moments later his eyes reappeared on the plastic fruit, looking upward to the fellow who had distracted him.
"What are you anyways?" Spender asked, folding his arms.
Glere picked up the bike and threw it over the edge of a nearby walkway. A loud CRASH traveling upwards as he turned his gaze to the man floating before him.
"An interesting question, long debated by people with far too much time on their hands, working on calculations and addendums to several volumes of perceived thought, all coming to the same conclusion of 'I have no idea.' Somethings just are. You are, I am, that is." Glere pointed to a wax statue frozen in a defensive stance, holding up a shield with a sword raised over its head.
"Anyways, don't be so koi." Glere said reaching into his cloak, producing a giant, wriggling goldfisih. Spender groaned, holding the bridge of his nose.
"You ARE aware this is a contest to the death, right?" he said, lowering slightly as Glere continued to fool around with the fish, before tossing it back in his cape. Spender blinked as he heard a loud splash, as though it had just dropped into a tank of water.
"I've played many games of Russian Roulette, often with unsuspecting individuals who thought they would assuredly be the victor, and even in my loss, I have proved victorious." Glere said unscrewing his head again, and tossing it back into his cloak. He fished around inside before producing ANOTHER fishbowl, this time with the koi from before swimming around inside. He picked it out and tossed back into the cloak, again accompanied with a loud splash.
"At any rate, I intend to be the victor here, or my name simply is not Glere!... Yay, more rhyming!" he said, laughing giddily.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-01-2010, 10:49 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by suomynonAyletamitlU.
Spender pointedly avoided looking at the statue. It was kind of a tell, he knew from long experience, but it was better than the slightly freaked look he'd have if the Nightmare started to come over him again.
He tried to play it off by rising (or falling, depending on your perspective) to Glere's level. Hardly moving a muscle, he willed himself back into the air slightly, then came back down in Glere's face(?), only this time upside-down. His poker face was perfectly set into a mask of slight amusement and some disdain.
I'm sincere.
T'was one year
I knew true fear,
And could make no jeer;
I lost all that was dear.
The greatest and worst would all disappear,
While the sad and despondent must yet persevere.
I can not expect you to shed a tear,
But... by means of my victory, I shall peace engineer."
A coin fell out of his coat, and he caught it in his teeth. Glere caught sight of it briefly, close as it was; the pattern emblazoned in gold was clearly an explosion, made of triangles. He slid it into his cheek deftly and floated back a foot or two, speaking with only the slightest hinderance.
"Budt you, Gwere. Whut do yuu intemd to du if you vwere to winn?"
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SpoilerI'm trying to envision Spender hanging in midiair in front of Glere and I find it intensely amusing.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-02-2010, 12:01 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Alice.
The low wall Michelle was crouched behind had a small chink in it, a chink from which she watched the ghastly creature. It could talk; that monster could talk. The thing stared at one of the wax statues, carefully examining it. The Runner held her breath, waiting patiently for the creature to make its move. The creature's words were directed at a wax statue—Michelle wagered it was one of the “living†ones—as she began to chip away at it. What the hell is it doing?! The Runner thought. If she breaks it, we have one less contestant!
The wax woman began to move less like the other wax woman, who by itself still made Michelle uncomfortable, and some of the was fell off of its arm. It just wasn't natural. She looked lifelike, eyes blinking, hair moving with the wind. Asteria, or whatever her name is, bowed at the waist at the wax figure. She looked solemn and respectful; curiosity got the best of the white-haired sprinter. The Runner moved closer to hear what she was saying, knocking into some pebbles. Without blinking, she threw one over at a pole behind the zombie girl, dispersing the sound. The specter spun on point around and shouted at the clock on the pole “What are you doing there, girl?!â€
Michelle knew she had cut it close this time, the Walker caught her image briefly. But she had seen what she had needed to see. Asteria's marker lay in the hands of the statue—the name changed to Euryale.
All it took was a flip of a well-toned arm and *thud*. Michelle was gone in a flash, only tarrying long enough to see on the floor, next to the creature, her marker's name roll over: Asteria.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-04-2010, 01:56 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by McBatman.
Glere thought for a moment, pacing back and forth as Spender corrected himself and was floating upright once again. With a cheerful grin and bright eyes, Glere cheerfully announced:
"I have NO idea!" Glere said as he rummaged around in his cloak again. Spender's demeanor waned slightly, despite his best efforts.
"So, you're in a contest of fighting to the death, AGAINST your will, and you don't even know what you're fighting for?" he said, raising a brow. Partially out of surprise, partly disgust.
Glere just waved his hand dismissively at the question, as he shuffled through his cloak continually, before pulling out a coffee mug. He removed the pineapple head, replacing it once again with his trademark fishbowl. He ate the pineapple, skin and all, while occasionally sipping from the cup.
"Id's reawy nod aboud da compedision." He said while eating the pineapple, "ids-" he swallowed hard, then continued, "it's about the love of the game! Really, everything is a game in some context or another, just most of the time, such as now, we're playing by someone else's rules. But really though, those make for the most interesting times, as you have to adapt your style and choices to their logic and thinking." He finished the pineapple and whatever he had been drinking, throwing the cup back into the darkness of his cloak. He thought for a moment before reaching into his cloak and pulling out a real apple.
Spender blinked a few times in disbelief.
"...did you just eat a plastic pineapple?"
Glere thought for a moment.
"Yes. Yes I did. But let me ask you something. We're two out of seven contestants, vying in a wax works of HORROR. Perhaps we might be able to play more effectively if it becomes a two player event?" Glere said tossing the apple to Spender.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-04-2010, 12:15 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by suomynonAyletamitlU.
Spender relaxed just a fraction. He's definitely not an Anti, but he's a Nightmare, no question. Seems like a Shattered-level.*
Spender hurled the apple as high as he could and activated the coin in his mouth. He managed, somehow, to mime it as though he spat the coin at the apple, although nothing came out. Then, a moment later, something above, presumably the apple, exploded, and the mists swirled violently.
"I can respect the thrill of the game," he admitted, though his eyes were guarded. "It's something that the invaders play at all the time. EDF agents are trained to kill those Nightmares--and I specialize in the Shattered, powerful entities whose only weakness is their desire to be played with. We must deal with the absurd in a manner more befitting a life-or-death struggle; it is truly a horrible ordeal. However, there is a... sick sort of appeal. A twisted duality of no-consequence... and horrible-consequence."
Two coins appeared in his hand. "Tell me, Glere. Have you ever wanted... to fly?"
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SpoilerOfficial EDF Nightmare/Dreamer/Knight Classifications:
Anti: The highest class of Nightmares, these have embraced hatred; they will destroy anything and everything, without needing to justify it first.
Shattered: Second-highest, these have embraced madness; they are willing to destroy anything, but are typically more infatuated with something else.
Minus: These have embraced wrath; they will destroy anything, but only in pursuit of a goal.
Zero: These have embraced terror; they don't typically destroy, but they cause horrible things to happen.
Digit: The lowest Plus level, they are innocent but inexperienced, and can easily be turned into a Zero or below.
Double Digit: Not much higher than Digit, they cannot defeat nightmares, but they have some resistance, and may protect others.
Weaver: The lowest Knight level; they wander looking for things within their capability, and deal with them.
Breakwater: These Knights stop the spread of nightmares by standing in their way and trying to prevent their own destruction until help arrives.
Hailstorm: These Knights may attack any foe, but they are lacking in experience and stamina, and don't usually defeat enemies.
Knight Superior: These are almost always EDF agents; they are trained, experienced, and disciplined.
Depending on who you ask, Spender is a higher class than Knight Superior, but it's rather unofficial.
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SpoilerI totally intend to use Avatar coins to have Spender and Glere flying around in the arena and dogfighting in the fog, if McB accepts. :3 I know the room is limited, but he can set the planes to be smaller without affecting anything else.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-04-2010, 04:16 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by McBatman.
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SpoilerSounds great! [img]images/smilies/apple.gif[/img] [img]images/smilies/icon_up.gif[/img] Also, what color codes do you use for Spender? I keep getting it close, but off ever so slightly.
Glere tilted his head at the strange title of 'Nightmare'. He thought for a moment, he certainly wasn't a pleasant dream, but he was FAIRLY certain he was real. He poked himself repeatedly, and then pinched his arm. Spender's look of amusement slowly turned to one of annoyance.
"...what are you doing?" Spender asked, lowering the two coins for a moment.
"You said I was a Nightmare, so now I'm trying to wake up so I can get back to reality if that is the case!" Glere said indignantly. Spender took a deep breath.
"That's not what that means." Spender sighed heavily. Glere stopped poking himself.
"...ooooh. Well, I've flown a few times. Once in a hot air balloon, another time duct taped to the bottom of a jet... once out of a cannon, but sure, another go would be wonderful!" he said, delighted.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-04-2010, 06:24 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by suomynonAyletamitlU.
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SpoilerYou know they have this wonderful button labelled "quote" [img]images/smilies/slimer.gif[/img]
Background 404040, Foreground FFE000 "Gold on silver."
I actually just keep everyone's colors in a digital sticky note on my desktop, mine included, in proper BBCode format, and just copy it when I want to write.
Spender let his grin widen a little bit. "Fantastic. As a player of games, I've sure you've at least seen the little coin-op machines? Well, just pretend you're using one of those, and when the menu comes up, ask for the "Superbowl Special." He paused a moment before offering Glere the coin. "This is important," he said. "The game won't start if you don't do it right, and I'd hate for you to miss such a fun event over a little 'mistake'.
Glere cocked his head to the side, looking interested but still barely registering the rule.
"Tell you what, I'll go first, and if it looks fun enough that you want to follow me, you have to do exactly as I said, okay?" Spender tossed Glere the spare coin and held his own in front of him with a flourish.
"Player one," he said, is voice echoing slightly, "Insert coin!"
The coin dropped into nothing, and with a slight electric buzz, Spender was swallowed up into nothingness. Half a heartbeat later, a foot long fighter jet appeared out of nothing, its engines screaming, a barely visible (copy of) Spender in the cockpit. It soared for a moment into the fog, then roared back and took several close passes on Glere's head.
"You can pick your own plane--including engine and weapons! You can't pick the scale, though; that's already set." Spender's voice seemed to echo from his location, if dimly. "No matter what you pick, you'll have to learn to fly it--and if you crash or get shot down, it's Game Over! Remember, ask for the 'Superbowl Special!'"
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SpoilerGod, he sounds like he's doing an ad for a restaurant.
The "Superbowl Special" is apparently something he actually did either during the superbowl or not long before/after it.
Yes, his Macross VF-1 will be able to transform [img]images/smilies/icon_up.gif[/img]
McB: The "insert coin" dialogue is optional. It will seem like he is actually in the cockpit, although in a detached way, sort of like a flight sim. Oh, and the interface is mental (with redundancy to prevent accidents), so anything he can imagine, he can pick, even if it don't exist. You could make a jet-engine biplane that shoots corn and is painted mauve, for all I care.
Everyone (potentially): Weapon effects will be scaled along with the size. They're still possibly dangerous but they're not fully powered guns/lasers/bombs/etc.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-04-2010, 11:48 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Odinod.
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SpoilerTwo things!
2. My character is boring and useless and I wrote myself into a corner with the personality that I gave him. So, um, anyone that wants to, please whip his ass, so I can have some chance of saving myself from this grave that I've dug by having him go into Reaper form.
Also, Pinary, I'm still going to talk to Thomas, Just been busy. Midterms. You know. As soon as possible, I will continue our conversation. Just...midterms. [img]images/smilies/mspa_reader.gif[/img]
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-05-2010, 01:44 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
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SpoilerYou could always have a wax statue force the issue.
In general, if your character's gimmick is either a "hidden" power, or one they're very reluctant to use, you should probably make something crazy happen early on that forces them to use it. This lets the other characters react to it, giving you stuff to build on.
Also - remember, the character's personality may change! If you think your character has a bland personality, start developing him or her so you have more fun writing! If necessary, throw some craziness in there for your character to react to.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-05-2010, 02:13 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Babel.
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SpoilerDitto with what Odinod said on the whole midterm thing! I'll try and post more often as soon as possible.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-05-2010, 03:31 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Alice.
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SpoilerI've been supah busy with school, too. Sorry about the long wait earlier =_=
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-05-2010, 04:46 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by suomynonAyletamitlU.
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I mean uh. It's cool guys.
NEEEEOOOWWW! VFWOOSH! *makes jet noises in addition to actual jet noises as he flies around the arena*
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-05-2010, 06:31 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by McBatman.
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SpoilerI'll post a response later tonight, just have work here shortly.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-05-2010, 10:30 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.
I suppose I'll forgive you people for having lives. I suppose.