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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-24-2009, 08:51 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Draykon.
Amethyst stared puzzled at the data on her armband. Either she had gotten really bad a math in the past few minutes, or the data was completely conflicting. Approximately 8 entities were present, three of them could easily be Lutherion's constructs. However the energy signals were completely messed up.
As she sat pondering, 'Aeon' came to a landing on her cube, and in a fairly unconvincing impression,
"Hey there Amy, crazy place this is ain't it?"
The mimic briefly contemplated how he had shortened Amethyst's name to create a fairly normal sounding 'nickname.' For some reason, it felt rather proud of this piece of wit.
"'Crazy' may very well be the most accurate term I can consider."
She looked up. The mimic had a face similar to a salesman trying to make a good impression.
"If possible, I would like to request the assistance of your analytical abilities in the current situation. 'Sharing data' may be the most effective way for either of us to 'succeed' in the current situation."
"Really now?" The mimic said. It's plan was working even better, here Amethyst was probably about to spill all sorts of fun exploitable gimmicks of this arena.
"For one, various sensors have detected oddities in the signals of the 'contestants.' The data is completely inconsistent, and I cannot isolate any one individual based on my previous observations.
I have reasoned that three of Lutherion's 'constructs' are likely present. However, no unit on this map has matched the degree of mana Lutherion would be likely to utilize for such a feat. Likewise, the signal I have reasoned to be Lutherion himself is significantly weaker than anticipated...
What are your thoughts?"
The mimic nodded, paused for a second, and proclaimed almost proudly,
"I have no idea what you just said!"
"I see... is it my choice of wording again...?"
Amethyst took a couple steps towards 'Aeon,' seemingly staring off into the distance.
"It's just that I... I..."
It was hard to tell exactly what tone she was speaking in. Her voice was mechanical as always, but strangely solemn. She leaned in close...
And the smell of decaying flesh confirmed her suspicions. She couldn't use magic, but she still had one trick left in reserve. In a flash, Amethyst's leg was raised, and her foot collided directly with the mimic's crotch.
The beast lost it's shapeshift, and howled in pain. But before it could recover, Amethyst slammed it's face with her elbow, knocking it to the side. With nowhere left to run, she leaped from the floating cube, and began falling.
It was a couple minutes before she hit something. It was of course, another cube. Her right leg had taken most of the landing, and Amethyst clutched it in pain.
Again, she considered what her old self would have said in this situation.
"This is really the worst time for a broken leg."
No, that's not right.
Her old self would've added the word 'fuck' somewhere.
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SpoilerLast time Lutherion tried to imitate someone he didn't do so well, but it's pretty boring if someone "Just doesn't fall for it." So instead he got kicked in the nards.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
09-24-2009, 11:30 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
Eximo's scans had grown quite confusing. Four additional lifeforms had suddenly shown up around the moderately weak signal, then two of them had vanished.
Nonetheless, the strongest signals had remained consistent, so Eximo continued following the one it had chosen. It came across Amethyst, sitting on the ground and holding her leg in pain. Good, it had chosen correctly.
"Greetings, lifeform Amethyst." This was actually rather polite by Eximo's standards, though Amethyst couldn't have known that. "This unit is currently experiencing technical difficulties. Biological components are not functioning properly. Requesting assistance until functionality can be restored."
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
09-25-2009, 04:54 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
Aeon has been observing Nathan for several minutes now. He was no longer the timid boy he once was, but now traversed the cubefield with confidence--Aeon has not seen the need for any intervention yet. At this point, Nathan seemed perfectly safe and completely capable of defending himself.
Nevertheless, Aeon still followed, ensuring that Nathan did not leave his sight. But as he hopped over a cube to where Nathan was a few seconds ago, there was no sign of the boy. Aeon paused and looked around, before realizing that Nathan was standing right behind him.
"Why are you following me?"
Aeon thought for a moment. "So that I can make sure what happened to Emily doesn't happen to you."
"I don't need your protection. I have my own strengths now. Leave me alone and you will avoid her fate yourself."
With that Nathan jumped across several cubes in a row, seemingly defying gravity. Obviously, the knife's power was both strenghtening and controlling him. Aeon made no move to follow. Well then, suit yourself.
Aeon did a quick scan of his surroundings. Although, as before, there was little indication of any direction, he saw a movement in the distance. He could barely make out the outline of a female figure, accompanied by an irregular object. But it was not the figure itself that troubled Aeon, it was their position--they were standing on the side of a cube.
Aeon made his way towards the figures.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
09-26-2009, 04:22 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.
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SpoilerMay I suggest somebody finding the page flip switch?
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
09-26-2009, 04:36 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
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SpoilerWell, I was thinking it's a bit early to do the pageflip now. This will probably be a long, long battle, with all the environments and such.
I have found a possible loophole to escape the game, though.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
09-26-2009, 04:48 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
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SpoilerYeah, I think we want to do some general characterization, then pull the page trigger when it will be particularly jarring. The first shift will almost definitely be a complete accident.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
09-26-2009, 04:50 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.
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SpoilerAnd this is why I don't play the game, I just run it.
I've got a different suggestion. Actually play the game? Where is everybody?
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
09-26-2009, 05:42 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
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Spoiler'Twas I was thinking as well. [img]images/smilies/mspa_face.gif[/img]
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
09-26-2009, 07:09 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
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SpoilerIn particular, Amethyst needs to respond to Eximo's offer.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
09-27-2009, 05:01 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by OddGuy.
Nathan made great leaps over the cubes, bounding, one object in mind, if not killing, then seriously injuring Lutherion. As he bounded, trying to disregard the horrible hallucinations in the corner of his eye, he continued to stare intently at the lounging figure that he assumed was Lutherion. However, as he made a jump, he noticed just too late that there was nothing there for him to land on.
"Wha-," Nathan started, thoughts racing through his head, life flashing before his eyes. As he fell, he saw a great beast, or rather, it's gaping maw, come up to him. The giant mouth consumed him, and Nathan felt small, more insignificant than before he had made the pact with the knife, even. However, when he got up from the fetal position on what seemed to be the creature's pulsating tongue, he realized that it had all been another hallucination.
Nathan laughed. He laughed, standing on the cube, not quite sure what was so funny, yet whatever it was, it was just so hilarious that he couldn't stop. After a while of laughing, he realized just what he was doing, and stopped immediately. Nathan then remembered his goal, killing Lutherion. He went back to leaping, a twisted grimace on his face. He spun his knife in between his fingers, and began to whistle.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-29-2009, 07:20 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Draykon.
Amethyst delayed for a bit, she wasn't quite sure how to turn the machine down.
"Apologies, but my own powers are not at full capacity at the moment. I would not be of any use providing assistance."
She looked around. She could detect subtle movement in the distance, where the others were probably moving around, but other than that nothing but a massive blank white space.
She turned back to Eximo.
"I am currently attempting to asses the nature of our current area. Understanding this may, if nothing else, aid you in diagnosing the problems with your biological components. If you would be willing to assist this, any data you could provide on this location would be appreciated."
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
10-01-2009, 12:53 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
"Understood. Providing available data. Weak life signal detected which appears to be following this unit. Associated lifeform does not appear on any other sensors. This unit would appreciate your analysis on this matter."
Amethyst checked her armband. Sure enough, there was a weak life-signal coming from the vacuum's location. She had previously thought that signal to be a weakened Lutherion, but it seemed as if...
"Eximo, have you detected life signs from Lutherion's constructs before?"
"Analyzing previous data... Negative. No additional life-signals detected from undead creatures summoned by Lutherion. Exception: Very weak signal emitted by Dorukomets."
Amethyst nodded. "That is as I expected." She studied her armband some more, a thoughtful expression on her face.
Eximo paused. "Query. It appears you also possess the ability to scan for lifeforms. This unit has not observed you using it before. Furthermore, you seemed surprised at the revelation of another lifeform in the previous location. Why did you not detect the lifeform yourself?"
"To be honest, I've rarely used this function before," Amethyst replied. "Your discovery of the werewolf reminded me of it, and made me realize I cannot afford to ignore it." She put her armband down and faced Eximo directly. "And based on my observations, I believe I can explain the source of the unexplained life-signal you have been detecting."
"Indeed? This unit awaits your explanation."
Amethyst stood up. The pain in her leg was fading much faster than would be expected; that added support to her theory. Still, she wasn't sure how the vacuum would react to it.
"Eximo, the signal is coming from you."
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
10-01-2009, 11:57 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
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SpoilerHoly shit, you've been foreshadowing that for the entire round.
And I don't mean the actual weak signal itself. I think I see something a bit more subtle...
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
10-01-2009, 12:17 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.
Lutherion sat around for ten minutes or so. Then he got a surprised look on his face and said loudly: "Hey! I have already read This! Bah!" He tossed it over his shoulder and leaned back, enjoying life.
Nathan had finally landed on the cube Lutherion was resting on. He looked around, trying his best to ignore the illusions. It seemed like he had left himself entirely open to attack. "No." He thought. "This madman always have a defense. If its not just created in a spur of random, he had set it up so that its nearly always unpredictable."
Suddenly he got very heavy and looked up. He saw the demon had once again shown itself, and stood on his shoulders, smiling with a psychotic stare. It looked like he was a relative of this wretched necromancer. "Why dont you do it toy?" The demon said wickedly, wringing his one foot into his shoulder. This made Nathan cringe, but he didnt say anything. "Come on! Get over there!" He whipped his leg back and violently kicked his head in the direction of Luther!
Lutherion had the sudden feeling that something was amiss, but he could not put his cold dead hands on what it was.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
10-02-2009, 07:20 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Draykon.
Amethyst continued her explanation, not giving Eximo much time to process that information. "I have been led to believe that your biological components operate based on a principle similar to necromancy. Is this the case?"
"I admit I have little background knowledge in the nature of necromancy, however Emily's previous actions have led me to determine that 'white magic-' whatever it may be defined as- interferes with necromancy, as it attempts to 'heal' the deceased components."
She held her armband up to Eximo, pointing at one of the random numbers printed onscreen. She didn't actually expect the machine to understand it, but she had made a habit of it some time ago.
"A form of 'white magic' similar to what was used by Emily seems to be present in this space. However it is faint, the point of origin possibly not even being within this three-dimensional plane."
She paused for a couple minutes. Eximo wasn't exactly designed for processing this kind of information, so it took awhile.
The cube suddenly shook. Aeon, who had been listening from afar, decided to make his presence known by landing on their platform. Strangely however, it seemed to be the side of the cube that he stood upon.
"You're pretty good at that. But how exactly do you explain this?"
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
10-02-2009, 07:41 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
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SpoilerUh, for clarification, who said the last line?
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
10-02-2009, 07:43 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Draykon.
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SpoilerAeon. Sorry I didn't specify, it just seems like he's the only one out of the three who would talk like that.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
10-02-2009, 07:46 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
Aeon stood at the edge of the cube he was "standing" on. It was a strange thing to see Amethyst and Eximo on the side of the cube, seemingly defying gravity, but he was sure there was a reasonable explanation.
Aeon stepped off the side of the cube. At first he fell normally, but as soon as his foot touched the side, his gravity shifted and he stood at the same orientation with Amethyst, nearly losing his balance.
Amethyst paused for a moment, looked at her armband, and back at Aeon. "It seems that as soon as you come into contact with a surface, your gravitational perspective shifts to whatever orientation that surface is." She looked upwards, where she fell from a few moments ago. "However, the surrounding space of the cubes do not have a specific gravitational direction of their own. Whatever direction you fall in seems to correlate to the orientation of the surface you last touched. Our captors seem to have quite an understanding of spacial geometry."
Aeon looked around, noticing the emptiness of the field. "That means that there are no hiding places. No position is any safer than the others. It also makes everywhere a perfect spot for an ambush." he said. "What else have you found about this place?"
"There is a source of white energy--healing power--somewhere in here. However, neither my nor Eximo's sensors are able to determine where it is from. I have concluded that the source is outside of this three-dimensional plane."
I knew this place had more to it. "Then there is more to this place than we can see. Think about it. Whatever people are behind all this know that we will be able to sense something like this. Obviously they want us to know it, or else nothing would show up. My guess is that at a certain position in this field--maybe a certain cube--will act as some sort of portal that opens to another area, where that energy source likely is. If we can-"
Aeon and Amethyst turned in unison to see Lutherion, hovering sideways a few cubes away from them.
"Well so much for an ambush," Aeon muttered.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
10-04-2009, 12:49 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
Eximo's scan quickly revealed the truth. "Life signal much weaker than Lutherion's. Available data suggests this to be a construct mimicking the original."
"Confirmed," said Amethyst, after a quick look at her armband. "This is fortunate; the construct will be much weaker. Aeon, perhaps you would like to deal with this one? I took care of the last one, so you may as well have a turn."
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
10-04-2009, 03:59 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by snoomanwaff.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
10-06-2009, 11:40 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
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SpoilerOkay, somebody needs to either post, or tell us what sort of cue they're waiting for before they post. I'll even go twice in a row if that will get us moving again.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
10-07-2009, 01:39 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by OddGuy.
The fiend was fleeing. Why, this would not do. Would not do at all. Unacceptable. Not allowed. Unfair. Nathan had to kill him, don't you see, killing him would make everything right, and he could go back home. That creepy necromancer has been such a nuisance, really. Nathan smiled darkly as he followed Lutherion.
Aeon, on the other hand, was busy readying himself with the imminent battle with Lutherion. However, as he awaited the necromancer's advance, he saw a blue in the distance. It was small at first, but gradually grew and gained shape, until it was obvious that it was either Nathan or one of Lutherion's clone things. However, the thought that it was a clone wa shattered when Nathan slammed into Lutherion, sandwiching him between himself and the indestructible cube. Even so, something still seemed off about him.
"GYAHAHAH! So, boy, finally decided to try for once in your life?" Lutherion asked, face grinding against the cube. Nathan made no response, only continued to smile. Lutherion took this opportunity to punch Nathan in the pit of his stomach. Nathan flew rather far. After all, he has already been shown to be rather aerodynamic. After a few moments of hurtling through the air, he smashed into a cube, coughed up a quite a bit of blood, and managed to scramble up the cube before falling into the endless void below. Nathan then charged at Lutherion once more, this time letting out an inhuman bellow.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
10-07-2009, 03:06 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
"Lifeform Nathan appears unpredictable and dangerous," Eximo noted. "Recommendation: Allow him to destroy the construct while we maintain a safe distance."
"I doubt he realizes it to be a construct. Which means he'll be all the more unpredictable and dangerous when he realizes it isn't the real Lutherion." Amethyst checked her armband. "Unfortunately, he doesn't appear to be on this cube, which is making it harder to determine precisely where he is."
"That makes a difference?" Aeon asked, without taking his eyes away from the battle. The Lutherion clone seemed to have decided that Nathan was a bigger threat than they were, and was focused on him in the distance. Aeon wasn't eager to get in their way - he appeared to agree with Eximo's analysis.
"This appears likely. Both this unit and Amethyst were checking readings when you came upon us. Neither of us realized you were so close." Or else this unit would not have spoken so freely about its weakness, Eximo thought to itself.
That in itself was strange. The vacuum was used to vocalizing its thoughts; it had never before deemed it necessary to hide them. It was also starting to notice that its speech was growing less formal than usual. Perhaps the healing energy is affecting m- this unit's thought processes? Evidence is inconclusive, but this is the clearest explanation at the moment.
Eximo's introspection was cut short when it noticed that Nathan had made his way back, and was confronting the clone.
"So, you haven't had enough, have you, boy?" cackled the clone. "Well, neither have I!"
Nathan said nothing. It seemed he was too angry for words.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
10-07-2009, 05:03 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
Aeon stood motionless, perfectly intent on watching and analyzing the entirety of the fight. Throughout, Nathan exhibited more power than he ever had shown in the three previous rounds and seemed like a completely different person. He attacked with an anger that rivaled--and perhaps even surpassed--even Lutherion's, an observation that contradicts everything that had been established before.
Interestingly, Nathan seemed to be hurt more by himself than the mimic. After nearly ever attack, the recoil flung him towards another cube, and he made little effort to lessen the impact. Regardless, the damage seemed to be minimal, as Nathan was easily absorbing every injury inflicted on him. However, so did Lutherion's clone. No matter how hard Nathan flung the clone, it merely continued cackling, making little effort to neither attack nor defend. This obviously continued to fuel Nathan's rage, as he continued to attack without tire.
Attack after attack, throughout every bone-crunching impact and seemingly fatal injury, Aeon had a single thought in the back of his mind that persisted in lieu of his efforts to concentrate on the fight. For the first time in his life, he feared. For the first time in his life, a life-changing event has occurred outside of his knowledge, predictions or experience. No, this battle was not a demonstration of sudden power, but the unstoppable hammers that drove the nails into his own coffin. Dorukomets, Alcarith, Emily... they all have been subjected to judgment by their peers, with death as the conviction.
I'm next.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
10-07-2009, 07:27 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Draykon.
"I cannot help but ponder if Nathan was ever intended as a combatant."
Amethyst kept her eyes on the battle, but she seemed to be speaking to Aeon and Eximo.
"It was said that he was brought here in place of his deceased father. Hence there is little he himself has done to be considered 'qualified.'"
Nathan leaped at the mimic once more, both hands on his weapon. Though it was still a mere kitchen knife, it emitted a bright aura, constantly releasing a strange gray energy. It looked almost like some sort of broadsword, or perhaps a whip.
As he slashed, the aura flickered. It wasn't noticeable at first, but it was timed directly with the points of impact. The mimic laughed again, as the force of the energy pushed him backwards again.
Another trail, though unseen to most, emitted from the weapon towards a nearby cube. There the projection of the soul within the knife stood, cackling as he turned briefly off the aura just before impacts, and watched as Nathan uselessly swung at the mimic. He really didn't care much for who would win, he was just enjoying the show.
"It is almost as though there is a ninth combatant among us. The spirit of the demon lord who has 'killed' the old Nathan, and taken his body. However, Nathan's own death did not count as a victory for any party."
Nathan kicked from the side of the cube he hit, and swung past the mimic once more. He made a single swing. Just before it collided, the demon lord snapped his fingers, and the aura vanished. As the blade cleared the mimic, he snapped again, and it reappeared. It was a very subtle, and quickly executed trick, and he found it hilarious to watch.
"It almost seems as though Nathan is merely here as a vessel for the demon who is now our opponent..."