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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-18-2009, 10:45 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
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SpoilerEximo will probably be adversely affected by the crystal too, but less so due to being part machine.
I think the main effect is that it won't be able to use the skeletal arms. Those are the centerpiece of its defensive abilities, so if it gets caught in a battle on that page, it's in trouble.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-18-2009, 11:23 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.
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SpoilerI think the battle started if you guys want to start posting.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-19-2009, 12:17 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
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SpoilerI thought the same thing right after my last post. But I don't have any immediate ideas.
...also, the wasteland page (which is what I suggested) is right next to the healing crystal page. That's kind of weird.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-19-2009, 01:05 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
Aeon found himself standing on top of a strange, floating white cube. As far as the eye could see, white cubes undulated in every direction. The environment seemed strangely serene, in contrast with the "game".
Aeon sat down on the cube, taking a moment to think. At this point the only 'contestant' who would have the incentive to attack would be Lutherion, and Aeon was fairly confident that he would not be able to sneak by undetected.
His adaptive tool, now holding every ounce of energy that Emily had before her death, seemed to have a certain aura of power to it. Knowing the laws and rules that govern energy, Aeon knew that the tool is near the limit of its energy storage capabilities. Although he will likely not be able to use the drain-trick, Aeon will have a significant advantage here.
But there was a catch. Emily's wish was for Aeon to use that energy to protect Nathan, as he was the only one who even has a slightest hint of innocence. Although Aeon presumed that Nathan is likely now powerful enough to take care of himself, he had enough decency to follow Emily's last wishes. This round, he will avoid using the adaptive tool as much as possible, and rely on what he does best: adaption.
Latching the tool securely to his waist, Aeon stood up and began assessing his surroundings. The floating cubes were perfectly smooth but not frictionless, and his presence on top seemed to alter the path of the cube. Noticing the lack of collisions, Aeon assumed that the cubes have a natural repulsion towards each other, but likely disregard anything on top. Shifting his weight, Aeon could "bounce" the current cube towards a certain direction. Walking in a pattern causes the cube to tilt and turn, showing the importance of balance.
The quiet in the cube field seemed unnatural. There was no sight of any of the other four contestants, and Aeon presumed that they were far from his position.
Aeon walked back and forth across the face of the cube, tilting it to and fro. He jumped with perfect timing, landing on another cube above. Aeon then used that momentum to alter that cube's movement, and then used that to launch himself towards another cube. Soon, Aeon was jumping back and forth through many cubes, covering plenty of distance.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-19-2009, 01:27 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
"Scanning immediate area for filth... Scan complete. No filth present. It seems this region has already been cleansed."
Eximo was puzzled. It had never been anywhere so thoroughly clean before. More than that, though, it found itself strangely concerned about the absence of the lifeforms. It could not explain why - after all, the lack of potentially interfering lifeforms would make the cleansing easier. Of course, there was no cleansing to be done at the moment, but the lifeforms would most likely change that fact as well.
Eximo pondered this, and concluded that it was probably malfunctioning. It ran a diagnostic program.
"Diagnostic process underway. No damage to mechanical parts. Biological parts are impacted by some form of strange energy, reacting negatively. Unable to locate source of energy."
This was strange. Eximo hadn't noticed this problem before running the diagnostic; it attempted to extend a skeletal arm, and found this task significantly more difficult than usual. This would be a problem if it were to be threatened.
"Analysis of situation: There is no cleansing to be done. However, this unit's defense systems are not functioning at full potential. Ideal option: Locate cooperative lifeform, and request protection."
Eximo began scanning. It reasoned that the weakest signal would be Lutherion, who would not be cooperative, while the stronger signals would belong to the other lifeforms. Amethyst would be ideal, as she had aided it before; however, during previous scans, her signal had provided no particular identifying features.
The results were surprising. One of the signals was definitely weaker than the others, but not nearly as weak as the signal previously identified by Eximo. Another signal was giving strange readings; based on previous scans, it was most likely Nathan.
But the strangest result was there was a weak signal being transmitted from Eximo's own position. It checked the area with a variety of sensors, thinking that Lutherion might be near - but the vacuum detected nothing else. This was quite strange. Unable to do anything with this information, Eximo decided to move towards one of the two strongest signals. As it did, it noticed the weakest signal moved with it... was Lutherion following it somehow? This was puzzling.
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SpoilerBased on cyber95's description, I got the impression that the starting area is one page away from the healing crystal. So these are the "one away" effects on Eximo.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-19-2009, 01:32 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
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SpoilerMeanwhile, I have devised a complicated series of ideas/theories regarding energy, life force, and Lutherion's necromancy.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-19-2009, 02:07 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
Aryogaton Wrote:
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SpoilerMeanwhile, I have devised a complicated series of ideas/theories regarding energy, life force, and Lutherion's necromancy.
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SpoilerThat's probably going to be relevant to me, since "life force" is, in all likelihood, exactly what Eximo's scans detect.
Since it may be relevant to your theories, here's the rules I've decided on: Eximo doesn't show up on its own scans, and neither do Lutherion's minions. Lutherion only shows up because of the "heart" in his arm - and this isn't "alive" in quite the same way as everyone else, so it shows up as a weaker signal.
All this, of course, only applies under normal circumstances. The current situation is special, thanks to the healing crystal.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-19-2009, 02:15 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
Dragon Fogel Wrote:Aryogaton Wrote:
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SpoilerMeanwhile, I have devised a complicated series of ideas/theories regarding energy, life force, and Lutherion's necromancy.
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SpoilerThat's probably going to be relevant to me, since "life force" is, in all likelihood, exactly what Eximo's scans detect.
Since it may be relevant to your theories, here's the rules I've decided on: Eximo doesn't show up on its own scans, and neither do Lutherion's minions. Lutherion only shows up because of the "heart" in his arm - and this isn't "alive" in quite the same way as everyone else, so it shows up as a weaker signal.
All this, of course, only applies under normal circumstances. The current situation is special, thanks to the healing crystal.
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SpoilerThat actually correlates almost exactly to what I have in mind right now.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-19-2009, 07:52 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.
"I GOT YOU SICKOS NO- huh?" Lutherion stood in the white cube field, the festering behemoth is desummoned, and he is all alone. "What the? Huh?!!" He looked around with a very puzzling grimase on face. Everything around was just white.
Lutherion looked over himself: The wightmaw arm have deactivated again, but all the damage from before is still there. "I, where, what?!" Lutherion stopped freaking out after a little while and began to think: "Ok, im all alone in a big cubey area... or am i? i have the most perfect idea!"
Lutherion lashed around with his wightmaw, dropping splinters around him, he then just said: "shadow mimics, rise for your god lutherion!" Around him, 4 clones of himself pop up. "Go out, and find someone! Anyone!" The mimics nodded, spread the skeletal flesh wings that Lutherion still have, and flew out in four different directions.
"Hmmm... What to do to kill time... I know!" The three splinters still laying on the floor, turned to his boney chair, a news-paper, and the fridge from the second area! Or, atleast domething that looks like that fridge. He sits down, grabs a soda, and opens the news paper.
"THIS is the life! Aaahhh!"
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-19-2009, 12:22 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Draykon.
Amethyst rolled over, her eyes weakly opened. A strange warmth covered her, but it was distant.
Slowly she stood up. Even though her body seemed refreshed, she felt weak. A quick glance at her arm band showed why, the mana storage unit was almost completely empty.
Somehow this meant she had been woken up without the aid of solar energy. A healing spell perhaps? But Emily had...
She looked around. It seemed she'd been mostly separated from the others. Up until now, their starting locations had been seemingly random. If this were the case, their separation was likely caused by the sheer massiveness of this space.
A scan would prove invaluable, but her ordinary strategy of sending the automated crystals would consume too much mana. She would have to launch the scans herself, and interpret the data manually.
She raised her arm, and whispered various commands. As she did, several shockwaves of various energies fired out. After a couple moments of waiting, the energy began to return- having bounced off different aspects of the world. The principle was the same as sonar, but the sheer variety of magical energies returned a much greater variety of information.
She looked at the raw data, now displayed on her armband. The first thing she noticed was the being heading directly for her location, the second that she had almost completely depleted her mana reserves.
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SpoilerHopefully none of our explanations are conflicting then.
Amethyst needs sunlight because it's a source of 'life force,' as well as mana. Hence without a sun, she can still be 'healed' out of fatigue, but without recovering mana. For now she's essentially just a human with a fancy PDA.
Also, did Lutherion just summon a newspaper? Like, with actual news? o.o
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-19-2009, 01:01 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.
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Spoiler@ draykon: you dont want to know how old that thing is.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-19-2009, 03:44 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Doomwaffle.
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SpoilerI've been lurking on this thread for a while now and am beating myself up for not joining it.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-19-2009, 04:42 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by bobthepen.
Doomwaffle Wrote:
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SpoilerI've been lurking on this thread for a while now and am beating myself up for not joining it.
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SpoilerYou can always help rate each participant when the round starts to end
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
09-20-2009, 02:41 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
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SpoilerSo, OddGuy, care to continue the pattern?
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
09-20-2009, 02:55 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
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SpoilerOddguy has been more and more inactive...
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
09-20-2009, 03:35 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by OddGuy.
Nathan found himself sitting on one of the many cubes floating around. He looked around, and saw a few others jumping around, as well as a Lutherion look alike flying about haphazardly, searching for something to beat to death.
Nathan arose, and felt pressure on his head. He looked up, and saw the demon, standing there, perfectly balanced. " Well, would you look at that. It looks like you survived. Some nice last words there, by the way," the demon commented, keeping place without even moving so much as a centimeter. Nathan did not respond, but bit his lip and continued to watch the Lutherion copy fly around.
As he watched, he thought about the last match. Emily had died, and it was more likely than not partially his fault. However, he was not the only one to blame. Lutherion was the one that killed her. In fact, Emily even tried to give Lutherion another second chance. Nathan couldn't quite grasp that.
As Nathan thought about Lutherion and let his hatred for the moving corpse grow, his hand tightened around the handle of the knife. He was sure that he had to murder Lutherion. It was either that or he would die trying to kill Lutherion. Nathan knew that underneath the guise of the necromancer was Lutherion's true self, trapped and tormented, but he did not care.
Almost as if it could sense the hatred emanating from him, a Mimic saw Nathan and began to fly towards him, letting out that inhuman cackle, although it sounded much more fake than it's master's. Nathan waited, gripping the knife, readying himself to be able to kill the mimic when close enough, despite the demon constantly grinding it's shoe into his head and causing a considerable amount of pain and a great distraction.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
09-20-2009, 01:06 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
As Aeon hopped across the cubefield, he saw Nathan to hislower-left, and landed on top of a relatively stationary cube. Nearby was Lutherion, and Nathan was eying him keenly. Aeon placed his hand on the adaptive tool, ready to intervene.
However, it was not needed after all. Lutherion dived towards Nathan, and as soon as he got close enough, Nathan attacked. Although he only moved the knife a little, the backlash of whatever it was that Nathan had power over completely obliterated Lutherion, and he disappeared in a cloud of white smoke and pus. Aeon relaxed, realizing that it was a clone.
I was right, then. Nathan can take care of himself.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
09-20-2009, 01:42 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.
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Spoilerwait, how does nathan see that its a copy of Lutherion?
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
09-20-2009, 01:47 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
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SpoilerUh, no clue.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
09-20-2009, 03:44 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by OddGuy.
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SpoilerHe can see that a bunch of them are flying around. He figured it was either a hallucination or a clone.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
09-20-2009, 04:17 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
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SpoilerI thought they were well-dispersed throughout the cubefield?
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
09-20-2009, 04:19 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.
Aryogaton Wrote:
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SpoilerI thought they were well-dispersed throughout the cubefield?
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SpoilerYeah, the first thing I wondered about OddGuy's post was that none of the other combatants could see each other, whereas Nathan was able to see the others clearly?
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
09-20-2009, 04:24 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by bobthepen.
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SpoilerI just assumed that he had either decided for Nathan to be randomly placed near Lutherion, or near one of his mimics and was hallucinating the others. I guess the tricky thing about Nathan is that he can't trust what he sees. Pretty convenient for making your mistakes cannon, actually.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
09-22-2009, 07:06 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
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SpoilerEh, we had to have character interaction some time.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 4! Pop-up Land!!]
09-22-2009, 08:12 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.
Lutherion sat around, reading in his news-paper (which was from about 200 years ago!) But suddenly got a cold chill down his dead rotten back! He looked over his shoulder, and saw that one of the giant white cubes where in direct collision course with the one he was resting on! SO he quickly got up and looked at it.
"Heh, so we meet again strawberry girl!" He whipped his wightmaw arm around and then lashed into the cube, making a balck rift in it. The force of the slash brought the Cube to a slow pace, and after Luther had moved his stuff a few meters, it bumped against his cube and floated on.
Lutherion looked around with a rather confused look. "Eh, where is she? She usually pierces me with a crystal thingy or such around now!" What have not cleared up for Lutherion was that this was just regular movement for this realm. He just stood there with a dumb look.
Meanwhile, one of the clones have actually found Amethyst and was slowly flying nearer. It then had a fabulous idea! I got it! I become shifty fella and then surprise her! He flew out under a cube and transformed into Aeon! He stood and looked at his disguise, and made sure that it was perfect. Then he began to bounce along the cubes over to Amethyst.