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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-13-2009, 02:17 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.
Emily swore under her breath and headed outside. She turned back to Amethyst. "Guard the boy with your life. I'll try and get Aeon and me to the house, but if I can't then keep the barriers up."
Amethyst nodded and Emily ran out the door. Amethyst knew that she couldn't leave Nathan alone with just Eximo to guard him, so she couldn't follow. However she was not content to just stand by, so she sent a few more crystals to follow Emily just in case they had need of some real offensive magic.
Emily managed to get within visual range of Aeon just in time to get a barrier behind him. The wolf that had been chasing him collided with it at full speed and bounced back. It then began futiley clawing at the barrier. She sighed. It seemed this monster was not very intelligent. She could handle him easily.
She turned to Aeon and shouted, "Aeon come b-" however she was caught by surprise when she saw Lutherion, and stopped in mid speech.
Both Luther and Aeon noticed her hesitance. Luther shot his wightmaw arm forward. "BACON LADY," he cackled as if overjoyed to see her," WHY ARE YOU SO SURPRISED? HOW LONG DID YOU REALLY THINK I'D STAY DOWN?"
Aeon began a mad dash to her. Luckily Luther's arm travled in a confusing pattern thus increasing the time it took to get to Emily. Aeon managed to get to her before the arm did and push her to the ground. They both sustained only a few minor scrapes. Unfortuantely as Emily hit the ground, the barrrier the wolf had clawed at shattered. After a moment of confusion the wolf began charging again along with the arm that had changed course.
Emily and Aeon got to their feet as fast as the could and began charging toward the house as a wall of flame erupted behind them. Neither questioned the fire. It was clear to both of them who was responsible. They were simply focused on getting to the house.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-13-2009, 03:33 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
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SpoilerI'm glad to see my little revelation has led to utter chaos. It's just as I had hoped.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-13-2009, 03:40 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.
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SpoilerHey neat, this means the wolf turret is a factor now.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-13-2009, 12:55 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
"You left Nathan alone? How unlike you." Aeon said as he ran towards the house.
"I think situation counts as desperate enough to warrant that." Emily replied.
At this point Aeon remembered that he had a silver dagger in his hand. "Wait, I have an idea," he said as he turned back and ran back towards the fire. Emily stopped, not knowing whether she should go back to the house or follow Aeon.
As soon as Aeon approached the wall of flame, the werewolf leaped out from the middle, completely unscathed. Thinking quickly, Aeon jumped to the side, trailing the dagger and leaving a long gash in the werewolf's side. As Aeon watched, the gash quickly cauterized and the blood on the dagger fizzled and disappeared. The creature howled in pain for only a moment before attacking again.
Meanwhile, Emily was watching the battle, silhouetted against the wall of flame. At first it seemed that Aeon had little chance against the werewolf, but now it seemed like he might win. She was quickly distracted, however, by Lutherion flying above the flames, gazing rather eagerly at Aeon. He noticed Emily standing in the open, and dived down towards her.
"ROT VULTURES, RISE FOR YOUR GOD LUTHERION!!!" he yelled as he threw dozens of bone splinters in midair and they became half-skeletal vultures. Soon the area was in complete chaos, with bones and claws razing Emily, the sky filled with undead, and Aeon fighting against a werewolf in midst of a wall of fire.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-13-2009, 04:04 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.
Emily quickly put a barrier up in an attempt to keep the birds off. Luther approached the barrier and eyed her with a look of mock anger. “What is it Ms. Bacon? Don't you like my pretty little birds?†A grin spread across his face as the birds began circling around her barrier. “They sure seem to like you.â€
“Shut up you cursed zombie!â€
The birds were impairing Emily's vision, but she could still manage to make out Lutherion laughing. It was almost as if he was intentionally making the birds fly so she'd see him.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-13-2009, 05:27 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.
Lutherion flew slowly after Emily, lacking behind his vultures.
"Hmm... Now lets see, what do i need to target or do to really botch this up?... Oh! I got it! Hehahae!" Lutherion stopped in the air, and looked at Emily.
Emily noticed the vultures exploded in clouds of white smoke. "Bacon lady! Youre a demon hunter arent you? I can almost smell the blood of the purified on you! Well, how about you face a REAL demon? HEHAHEHAEEHE!!!" Lutherion flew upwards, going higher and higher, untill he could finally see the whole town.
Lutherions wightmaw started to boil with puss! It began to grow, rapidly! Soon it had created what looked like a giant wolfs body! The forelegs grew out into what looked like giant versions of Lutherions unlocked wightmaw arm, while the hindlegs seemed to grow into two small spines tipped with poison. The tail was pure bone, with sharp ribs all the way up of it! And the head, was a giant half rotten wolfs head, filled with puss and boils! Lutherion himself seemed to grow an entire armor of bone, a shield and a long lance, all made out of bone splinters! Lutherions legs was not even there anymore. His body just stuck out of the back of the behemoth.
The beast quickly fell to the ground, landing infront of the courthouse with a giant crackling of bones. Lutherion sat upon the horrendous monstrosity, grinning with a psychotic smile, not even thought to be possible.
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SpoilerLutherion have gone "all out" and is now trying to wreak as much havoc as possible! This transformation is caused by the giant amounts of rage he had to live through this past hour or so inside the town! if its to overpowered, ill manage to make it disappear! also, no other of Lutherions creatures can be in existence while the behemoth is alive! it takes all of his focus to hold it!
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-13-2009, 05:32 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by OddGuy.
Nathan sat, powerless, in despair, on the floor as the demonic vacuum whirred and claimed that cleansing of the immediate area was required and that Nathan was being a hindrance to the cleaning. Amethyst sat, exhausted, but wary of Nathan. She knew of his pact with the demon, and was keeping him under close watch.
Nathan opened his eyes, and saw the nameless demon, a frown so wide and stretched it would of been comical if it hadn't been so horrifying. "Toy... what a horrible performance. An F- grade. Negative... one hundred. You failed. Honestly... I would of thought you would have done more than break down and cry... you insect," the demons said with a sigh, pausing occasionally to kick Nathan in the stomach.
After coughing up a bit of blood, Nathan regained his composure, and began talking, hoping that Amethyst would pass it off as delirious babbling. "But. I can't do anything, I-" Nathan was stopped here by a strong kick to his chin, knocking out a tooth or two.
" Quit whining. Get out there. Be interesting. I'll even lessen the distractions if it will cease your constant droning buzz," the demon said, and with that Nathan was grabbed by the hair and pulled upright.
Nathan began to walk, staggering almost, before regaining his balance and wiping the blood from his mouth. Amethyst began to get up to stop him, but realized it would be futile and continued to sit. Nathan left the courtyard, and drew the demonic knife, spun it a bit, and looked at the bony monstrosity in front of him.
Emily saw Nathan from the corner of her eye, barely catching him, and said, " Nathan! What are you doing! Return to the courthouse at once and-," but was stopped suddenly.
"Quiet. If you get in my way Emily, if you take away what has finally made me strong after all this time... I'll kill even you," Nathan said. Nathan then began to sprint up the tail of the bony behemoth.
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SpoilerErrors what are you talking about hahaha
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-13-2009, 05:33 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
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Spoiler'Bout time someone posted other than me and PawntoD4.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-13-2009, 05:33 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.
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Spoilersooo, is it overpowered?
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-13-2009, 05:35 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
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SpoilerIt doesn't matter whether it's overpowered or not. The more powerful it is, the more awesome plot twists there are.
This seems climax-worthy for this round. Methinks the end is near.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-13-2009, 08:02 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Draykon.
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SpoilerFor some reason I was anticipating Lutherion would turn into a giant monster at some point.
Amethyst slowly walked outside, standing a decent distance from the battle. Almost by chance she came to stand beside the demon lord. She couldn't see it of course, but it was a chilling coincidence. She began to speak to no one in particular.
"A pity... I was hoping he..."
She didn't finish, instead she turned to face thin air, and stared straight forward.
"The round will be over soon, Lutherion's 'boss mode' will either cause the others to focus and finish him, or allow him to kill at least one other."
She paused. 'boss mode?' That sounded like something she would have said originally, but it didn't make much sense. Why would she make an allusion to games in a serious battle?
But Nathan had told her to try and speak more 'normally,' so she was trying her best to remember what 'normal' meant.
She walked in a C shape, as though stepping around something, and looked back at the battle. The werewolf from before was biting at Lutherion. It seemed to have recognized the beast as another like it, but it wasn't sure whether to ally with it or challenge it for dominance.
"It is peculiar, that this 'director' has allowed for these newcomers to the tournament."
She closed her eyes, but her pupils focused directly on the Demon Lord.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-13-2009, 08:05 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
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SpoilerI smell continuity error.
The vultures were destroyed by Lutherion because he has to focus to keep the giant bone monster active.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-13-2009, 08:19 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
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SpoilerSpeaking of continuity errors that don't exist, Emily would tell him to get back to the house, not the courthouse. The house has all the wards, the courthouse is where the previous battle took place.
I'll probably reserve after Draykon's turn. No guarantees until after it's actually posted, though.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-13-2009, 08:20 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
"This room has been cleansed." Eximo looked around with satisfaction. It had not fully cleansed a room in quite some time, due to the constant distractions.
"Locating next target for cleansing", it said to itself, proceeding to scan. Then it looked outside, and saw the werewolf, Lutherion's behemoth, a wall of flames, and the others all attempting to fight back.
"It is highly probable that a new mess is about to created." The vacuum emitted a mechanical sigh. "Preventive measures are recommended for more efficient cleansing later."
Eximo headed through the open door. "Largest lifeform has highest capacity to cause damage and make future cleansing difficult. Furthermore, largest lifeform appears to match life-signals with Lutherion. Neutralizing largest lifeform is top priority." It turned to the nearest lifeform, which happened to be Emily. "This unit is willing to assist with any proposed method of neutralizing largest lifeform. Your input is welcome."
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SpoilerAlthough Eximo addressed Emily, anybody else (besides Lutherion, of course) can feel free to cut in and give it an order. I can't guarantee how well it will follow the order, of course...
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-14-2009, 12:42 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.
Emily looked to the giant monster in front of her, than back to Nathan. Tears began to form in her eyes. Nathan was reckless. If he moved on he would no doubt end up dead.
She remembered that every round things were pretty much set back to standard before the new course appeared. She knew what she'd have to do to save the young fools life.
She turned to the vacuum. It was demonic no doubt, but it probably wouldn't do any real harm. “Take care of the boy. Make sure he doesn't do anything to get himself killed.â€
“Strange,†Emily thought as she continued to look at the machine, “It almost looked sad, albeit not in the typical way. It was as if it knew what she was going to do.â€
“Order accepted.†And with that the vacuum headed of to Nathan. It grabbed him with one of its claws and threw the boy against the wall before he could do anything. Emily chuckled as Nathan struggled against Eximo's hold. It would keep him busy at least.
Lutherion looked disappointedly at his monster's now vacant tail. “Come on people. I was just about to have some fun! Why did you have to pull the boy off?â€
Emily lowered the barrier and Luther turned to face her. “Aww the huntress has dropped her shield. Now we can have some fu-“
Luther was cut off as a blast of light hit him. It didn't hurt was the strange thing.
Suddenly all eyes were on Emily as the light flew out of her and into Lutherion. Not as it had happened with Nathan. This was a steady stream of powerful light, and it was clear how badly it was affecting her…and Luther.
As Emily rapidly withered to the point of near death, Luther began becoming human. His missing parts began to grow back, and the eerie glow around him began to fade.
“I am giving you one last chance Luther,†Emily said as loudly as she could with her weakened voice,†Do not waist it.â€
Luther simply looked up at the moon and smiled. Then he looked back down at the now totally shriveled old woman beneath him and his behemoth. “Thank you,†he said as a few tears trickled down his cheek,†And I'm sorry.â€
Suddenly the light flew back out of him and back into Emily. The force of the rapid life gain knocked her off her feat. As Luther's humanity began to fade so did his tears. With one last real breath he said,†Who'd have thought?†Then almost immediately the mad cackle he was known for had returned. “WHAT WAS THAT BACON LADY? YOUR LAST BLOW WAS HEALING? TELL YOU WHAT HOW BOUT I RETURN THE FAVOR IN DEATH?!â€
The tears rolled rapidly down her face as the monster's tail was raised. It was a shame really. He had been so close.
The tail struck her clean through the chest and Luther lifted her up to him. He lit a small fire under her. “Mmmmm..I'm in the mood for some meat.â€
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-15-2009, 12:21 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
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SpoilerStruck through the chest? That doesn't sound good.
Just so we're clear: Did that kill her, or does it just hurt like hell? I want to know if the round's still going on.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-15-2009, 12:24 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.
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SpoilerWell, uh, I sort of told Pawn that he could either write his death completely in secret, or just straight up tell you that Emily was gonna die. I also said not to make the death happen too quickly.
Y'know, because others probably would want to post things before the round ends.
I also said to make the reserve clear it would be round ending, and that reserve simply said 'reserve' so, uh, I assume Emily is just in incredible pain right now? I have honestly no clue.
Oh yeah, spoiler alert: Emily dies.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-15-2009, 12:25 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
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SpoilerJust wanted to be clear on that.
"Analysis: This appears unlikely to be part of the plan." Eximo was concerned; if the plan failed, the cleansing would likely be interrupted again. Strangely, it also found itself concerned by the weaker signal the lifeform was emitting now; it could not explain this, as this fact had nothing to do with the cleansing.
But it had no time to contemplate this matter. The plan needed to succeed, and if possible, it would be best to prevent the lifeform's death. Eximo could not fully understand precisely why this would be preferable, but it would act in accordance with this concept regardless.
"Situation analyzed. Recommended procedure: Divert larger lifeform's attention. Persuade another lifeform to attempt retrieval at that time."
The vacuum cleaner noted that the lifeform it was attempting to subdue was no longer struggling. It placed its "captive" on the ground and turned to him.
"Requesting your cooperation with this procedure. Do you accept?"
Nathan growled at thin air.
"I won't stand idle and let her die, demon! Maybe it's too late, but at the very least, I won't let her die in the clutches of that monster! And I won't let you get in my way!"
Eximo was confused. The lifeform did not seem to be talking to anyone it could detect. However, the meaning behind the words seemed to sink in.
"That appears to be an affirmative. This unit will be the diversion. The remainder of the procedure depends on you."
Nathan nodded his head, his face filled with rage. It looked like he was struggling to make even a single step, but despite that, he moved steadily and rapidly forward. It seemed that he would be cooperative, even though he never addressed Eximo - or any of the lifeforms - directly.
Eximo pulled out a knife, located Lutherion's perch, and threw it. With a painful yell, the beast turned to face him.
"It's that stupid vacuum again!" shouted Lutherion. "Can't you see I'm busy making bacon? Now I'll make you pay!"
The behemoth lunged forward, and punched downwards with its mighty arms, aiming for Eximo. Almost as an afterthought, it flicked the werewolf away with its foot, knocking it into the courthouse. Eximo barely dodged the punch, but the force from the shockwave still knocked it back.
"Lifeform's attention focused on this unit. Objective achieved. Updating near-term objective: Survival of this unit." Lutherion came closer, but soon yelled out in pain. Something else had hit him.
"DAMN YOU, DEMON!" Nathan shouted, as he leapt in the air, and sliced off Lutherion's tail with his knife. He caught Emily on the way down. Upon landing, Nathan ran to Aeon.
"Take care of her. I don't trust myself right now." Before Aeon could respond, Nathan ran back to Lutherion, and began attacking wildly.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-15-2009, 12:49 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.
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SpoilerSorry I guess I misunderstood. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to make it totally clear that the round was over with my reserve or not.
As for writing it out too fast, yeah sorry, but I get really excited about stuff like this.
Anyway yeah Emily's dead. I suppose we can say she's still dying, but she's not going to be doing anything anymore.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-15-2009, 12:51 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by bobthepen.
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SpoilerPawn, that was by far your best post of the entire game. I am suddenly sad to see Emily go.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-15-2009, 12:53 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.
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SpoilerKay, in light of this, everybody gets 24 hours after this point to get an extra post in before I officially end the round.
I'm probably going to need most of this to come up with a new round. Whoops.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-15-2009, 12:57 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.
bobthepen Wrote:
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SpoilerPawn, that was by far your best post of the entire game. I am suddenly sad to see Emily go.
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SpoilerThank you Mr. Pen. I glad you enjoyed it.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-15-2009, 01:08 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.
cyber95 Wrote:
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SpoilerKay, in light of this, everybody gets 24 hours after this point to get an extra post in before I officially end the round.
I'm probably going to need most of this to come up with a new round. Whoops.
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SpoilerI will note that this next round is the midpoint. If we're going to break out of the Director's game and challenge him and the others directly, this is probably the best round to do it in.
I don't know if that will help you come up with a round, but it should probably be taken into consideration.
And Pawn: I agree with bobthepen. Excellent job with that scene.
It looks like Emily will hang on a bit longer, so you should have a chance to give her some memorable last words. I hope you'll use it.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-15-2009, 04:42 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
Aeon looked at Emily, barely conscious. She was trying to heal herself, but Aeon could see that it was futile. Not knowing exactly what to do in such a situation, Aeon looked back at the progressing battle. Everyone was attacking the behemoth, and both sides seemed to do considerable damage. Aeon concluded that the current best course of action was to attack as well.
Meanwhile, Lutherion flung the werewolf that was latched onto the behemoth's arm towards Aeon and Emily. Thinking quickly, Aeon's dagger became a spear, and he used the force of the wolf's momentum to skewer it. The beast let out a howl and leaped off the spear, retreating back behind the wall of flame into the unknown. Thinking to contribute to the attack on Lutherion, Aeon changed the silver spear into a large, broad blade, and Aeon began spinning it around. After a few revolutions the blade snapped off and flew like a giant throwing knife directly at the behemoth, hitting it squarely in the neck. Under normal circumstances the beast would have been decapitated, but this was obviously not a normal circumstance. The behemoth staggered a bit--after all it had a giant blade lodged in its neck. It turned to Aeon and Emily.
Aeon watched as the best opened its mouth, and at the edge of its throat he could see the blade he had thrown earlier. Thinking quickly, Aeon took Emily's shield; luckily she had still kept a tight grip on it. Aeon poised himself in front of Emily, just in time to block the behemoth's attack: it had launched the blade Aeon had thrown earlier directly at Emily. In the process, the blade was shattered into pieces, but Emily's shield stayed perfectly intact. Impressive material, Aeon thought.
Aeon turned to Emily. She had significant blood loss and no amount of healing power could reverse the damage. The combination of the wound and her clothes, partially singed from Lutherion's "barbecue", made it a gruesome sight.
Looking back at the behemoth, Amethyst seemed to have it distracted. Nathan took this opportunity to strike, using a strange attack powered by the demonic knife. Even the vacuum cleaner was using a multitude of tools to attack as well.
Suddenly, everyone seems to have lost their innocence, Aeon thought.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Round 3! Killville!]
09-15-2009, 05:33 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Draykon.
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SpoilerDefinitely a good death scene. It really is ashame, but that's the whole idea of this game I guess.
Come to think of it, the previous two deaths were just due to inactivity, this is the first 'real' death we've had.
"It really is a pity..."
Amethyst said aloud again, speaking to no one in particular. She herself was simply standing a distance from the battlefield. Though her black crystals circled Lutherion, she herself barely looked in that direction. The crystals had a number of self-preservation functions built into them, so they easily evaded Lutherion's attacks, and from time to time launched a lightning bolt of their own.
"It seems more and more the truth that no escape exists beyond the death of all but one of the 'contestants...'"
She paused for awhile, before deciding to walk towards Emily. The fierce battle overhead made a peculiar contrast to the emotionless veil Amethyst wore. She sat down.
"I feel I should inform you of my previous deceit..."
She began. Emily didn't seem to respond, perhaps concentrating on her own healing, or perhaps simply not wanting to interrupt. Amethyst continued.
"You queried earlier... if I was a demon...
It's an old habit I have. If I am unsure of a response, I answer simply, rather than to bother explaining my uncertainty..."
She sighed
"Am I demon? I sold my humanity for power... but they..."
She paused again.
"I am sorry. I should be protecting Nathan like you asked."
She stood up, facing the Festering Behemoth again, and began reciting an incantation, fast and under her breath. As she did an ornate ring formed around the ground before her, and raised up- pulling rings of earth with them.
Five rings arranged into a cylindrical formation, one small on each end, and one of the same size in the middle. Two larger rings between the others. Stands of light connected the rings, and formed a barrel.
"Preparations complete. Barrel locked. Hyper Bolt, FIRE!"
A rainbow colored aura filled the barrel, surging with electricity. The aura became a great lightning bolt, and flattened out into a solid beam, striking straight towards the Behemoth.
Lutherion reacted quickly, thrusting its right arm towards the blast. The bones all throughout it shifted, lending their density towards the single hand. Steadily, the Behemoth blocked the blast-
A great white locus tore through the sky, and the demon lord's knife sliced cleanly down the beast's right shoulder. With nothing left to anchor it, the arm was forced backwards straight into Lutherion, blasting a hole through the monster's stomach. The Festering Behemoth kneeled, it wasn't finished yet, but it was about to fall...
On the ground, the stone rings fell harmlessly to the ground, as-did Amethyst herself. Her eyes grew heavy, that's right, it wasn't unknown for a Heavy Destruction spell to cause the caster to faint. It'd never happened to her before, but--
She didn't finish that thought, as she fell to the ground, sleeping strangely peacefully.
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SpoilerI'm working on this huge document about my mythology, and it includes a section on Magician Youkai biology, but it's so reliant on all this other really complicated stuff that posting it all would be impractical, so I'll just put it this way: Amethyst photosynthesizes. The color of the relevant star makes a difference, but I doubt the place we end up in next will have a purple sun, so yeah.